More casual PVP modes

More casual PVP modes

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Not necessarily for Tpvp but if some people want to play pvp for more fun based games than strategy why not. Some game ideas such as:

Defend the Doylak======
Location: Normal lighted area at each team’s starting spot, but the field is a dark forest with brush, tall grass, and a few holes to make travel very bitter to the clumsy eye.
Game Rules: One team must escort a Doylak through a dark forest. The forest, will be similar to the Snowblind Fractal where it is really kitten dark. Throughout the forest, there will be brush where similar to the event during Halloween, you would temporarily become invisible running through it (attacking while in brush will reveal you). The goal is to lead the Doylak to a marker safely and to make things even, it cannot be affected by any movement speed bonuses or debuffs (cannot be stealthed either and it has stability). Every round the sides switch. Defenders must plan on the safest route and also “scout ahead” while the attackers must spread out to find where the Doylak pack is so they can ambush it.

Dredge Bomb:
Location: a Dredge factory with various machines doing work that can make movement quite interesting (arms and buckets moving about) or harm if you decide to swim in molten metal. Mostly metal bridges and platforms with a rock bottom with various lava pits around. Generaly symetrical map due to the game mode.
Game Rules: Each team must find materials to make a bomb and plant it at the other teams base to break their device (teleporter for example). Each team must find various components to make a bomb by retreiving materials and bringing them back to base. The materials are scattered around and must be brought back to each base (not the spawn pool, but right outside the spawn pool) and added to the golem. Once made, that team must have a player carry the bomb to the enemy base with some restrictions as being hte bomb carrier:
-no access to any utility, healing, or weapon skills.
-Once you start carrying a bomb, every so often red circles will echo over your location on everyone’s mini map.
-While carrying the bomb, no movement speed bonuses can affect you nor can you use any teleports. This is to prevent mobile professions from excelling. You may still dodge but endurance regeneration is normal with the bomb and not affected by boons/traits.
-If you are downed while carrying the bomb, the bomb is broken and another one must be made.
-You may drop the bomb down safely without it breaking before you get downed, however, the other team can target that bomb which has a set health bar (the bomb is only targetable while it is placed down). If they break the bomb, they break it and your team must make another one.
To sum it all up, you want to be extra careful and not give the bomb to any glass cannons. Your defences may be better but your mobility with the bomb is the same no matter which profession or build you are. Once you make it, using your action button you can plant the bomb fairly quickly and the enemy team will have 30 seconds to defuse the bomb. Being damaged will not interupt planting/defusing the bomb but you will be given 25 stacks of vulnerability for the duration so be cautious. Bomb takes 10 seconds to plant and defuse. Ofcourse first to blow the enemy base up wins.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

(edited by NinjaEd.3946)

More casual PVP modes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Damarus.5938


Really like the defend the dolyak idea! Sounds like a very classic push the part mode with a GW2 twist…

I think you first sentence is key – new modes (whatever they may be) not necessarily following the sPvP structure they setup, much like the Halloween and Wintersday modes we had (expect a more permanent version of some of these!).

The things I liked about those modes is that it brought non-sPvPers out for some PvP fun, as they were a tad more casual and available right in LA which made it appear more friendly (e.g., going to a new map that changed your armor/skills is already intimidating to people who are not as interested in sPvP).

Your proposed modes could fit right into that idea.

Member of Knights Templar [KT] –

More casual PVP modes

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Thank you, i’m glad you like it ^^ The problem I have with pvp is, I don’t always want to play so aggressivily. I dont mind pvp, but when I played that Halloween pvp mode with the powerful rifle and bringing back items to your tombs to spawn more skeles, I just didn’t have a single momenet where i wanted to leave(except being sleep deprived). Ofcourse the theme of it was spooky and it was from a halloween event so I didn’t expect it to stay afterwards but I would love more casual fun style pvp modes just for people to kitten around and not worry about getting harrassed to play better for a game mode that is just too plain.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

(edited by NinjaEd.3946)