Necromancer bug and enhancement

Necromancer bug and enhancement

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tareck.4853


I just want you to know that the necromancer class have a lot of problems(bug).
I really like Guild Wars and I really like the Necromancer class but some problems are disturbing my gameplay experience.

First : Flesh Golem. This is a super Elite skill , liked it in the previous Guild Wars, but there a problem with it.
Sometime, the Golem stay stuck and don’t attaks anyone. There’s a thread here for more details.

Do you have any solution on its way to fix this ?

Another bug :
There’s a traits for the necromancer that allow the marks to get bigger.
That’s awesome.
Problem : There’s only one of the marks that get a bigger selection icon when you trigger it. (The one thats frost and poison ennemies)

Also, the marks with the necromancer are cool, but have a little to high cooldown in my opinion (compare the cooldown of the Necromancer’s mark with the AOE of the Elementalist with its staff).

Also, I think this class needs a little love…because there’s only one viable build : Condition master.

Minion master is great at early leveling but is not viable for later build (lvl 30>) or PvP or WvW (they die too quickly but don’t respawn enough faster and their not enough). There’s was a good build in Guild Wars 1 : Minion bomber, you were creating an army of minions that were supposed to die quickly (with an explosion throwing poison damage)but respawn quickly.

Also, to boost the minion utilities, I think thats there’s should be a spell to heal them like in Guild Wars Prophecie.
Like : sacrificing your health to heal all the minion you have. In first GW you were able to 10 summons > minions. They were squishy but they were easy to recreate. I think we should be abble to summon more then 2 bones minnions.

Also, I have never seen any necromancer with any spectral skills.They seems all useless compare to the corruption spells

There’s also wells, the wells are ok but there’s only like one doing real damage and have a 40 seconds cooldown (20% reduction with traits)…

There’s many thread about all of this on the web…

I think that the spectral skills should be replace with some invisbility skills.

You gave the necromancer posiblity to wears dagger and attack like a thief but the necromancer is REALLY SQUISHY compare to a thief and don’t have any espace mecasinim except fear. You want him to attack like a Warrior but he doesn’t have the toughness of the warrior and not the burst of the thief.

I think that this could be a great addons to the class : Minion Master (buffed, more like GW1), Condition Master, Burst DPS with dagger and invisibility.

I mean, if the necro can be a specter, why can’t he be invisible ?

Do you know if there will be more skills/more weapons or reworks on existing spells for the necromancer ? Because, if you compare the number of possibilities for the Necro compares to the number of possibility for the Elementalist or the Engineer…
it’s like…there’s a big difference.

I’ve also noticed that the deadshroud is cool but don’t change spells according to the weapons your wearing, this could be a great addons to add more possibilities with the necromancer ?

I means, these are all suggestion from a not hardcore gamer…
But I surelly think that there’s not only bad ideas in this thread !

If anyone have something to add, go for it ! Because i feals like this class was the last one to be done and the game needed to be published and they did not have the time to finished it correctly !

Necromancer bug and enhancement

in Suggestions

Posted by: emon.1863


Ok dude, i have to disagree with most of it.
MM:If you remember MM in GW1 ,then you should remember that minions where dying over time (health degeneration), thats why you had possobility to heal them.
Can’t say anything about WvW and Pve as i dont like it, but in PvP MM is good way to play on hotjoin servers and in some Tpvp aswell. As you can siphon life with them + you get controll abilitys.
Only issue in minions is AI. It is stupid.

To Devs: I was wondering, is minions AI FSM or behavior tree?

About build possobilitys : Mate, Necro is one of the best designt classes in game! You can play with necro almost anyrole.

Weapons: Did you even try’d Necro with Dagger ? It’s fun and easy to play (as you have teleport with DS) and it give good dps in right build + you have possobility to immobolize your enemy.

Spectral skills: You said that Dagger is bad option for necro becaus of non-escape skill.
Well you can easily escape with Spectral (but you have point, they have to balanc it alot). It is mostly not used in Condition builds, but in Hybrite and Power.

DS: devs plz don’t cange DS skills… PLZ!!!!!! They are absolutly fine.

Necro need a good rebalancing . bit of tuning of cooldown and dps from skills.

sry for my bad english

Necromancer bug and enhancement

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tareck.4853


>>Only issue in minions is AI. It is stupid.
Yeah that’s kind a BIG issue and discourage any player to use them

>>DS: devs plz don’t cange DS skills… PLZ!!!!!! They are absolutly fine.
Hum..I think they should changed them ! Why are you disagree with that ? I means, why the dev would not simply add more escape ability when your weargin dagguer and more AOE when your wearing staff or more condition stuff when youre wearing a scetper. I means this could just be an awesome add on to the class.
Have you ever player with an Ele or Engineer ? Do you know how much possibility then have for their skills ? Ele have like 20 spells per weapons and engineers have like 5 weapons set (+ 3 weapons combinations) and a toolbelt that changes depending of utility skill ? Why DS should not do the same and adjust according to weapons ?

>>and it give good dps in right build + you have possobility to immobolize your enemy.
OK Nice. While you’re bashing on your ennemi do to some damage, what about the other enemies ?
That’s right, you can immobilize ONE ennemy
Lets check the other class :

Thief : invisibility and always jumping in the air
Warrior : Tankish
Guardian : Tankish and many protection spell
Ranger : Dodging remove conditions, Lighing reflexed and high heal regen
Element : Air spell and fire spell to back off really far
Engineer (even if they dont attak with melee weapons) : jump with rifle guns and throw back ennemies with rifle and flamethrower + blinding.
Necro : AOE fear…(small fear, not long) but can’t realy back off realy far by this time, immobilize or fear one ennemy…

What’s your point of view on that because I would be glad to hear your way to play with a dagguer without being instantly kill in a group of ennemies ?

Necromancer bug and enhancement

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tareck.4853


Ok, lets re-think it this way :
• Change minion AI
• Fix Flesh Golem AI too
• Make Flesh Golem usable under water
• Deathshroud skills should depend on weapons to add more Necro build possibilities
• Change Spectrals skill to be more usefull because they are not used by the Necromancers in general

Is it better ? Any +1 ? I think we need to make developpers see this.