New Report Player Category - Hacking

New Report Player Category - Hacking

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


Currently, there is a large group of players that seem to be falling through the cracks in the detection/report system in this game… and that would be the hackers.

While similar to botting in the sense that they are using a third party program to assist them in performing tasks in-game, I feel that botting and hacking belong in two separate categories.

Botting is where you run a script with minimal user input to play the game for you…
Hacking is something entirely different than that.

The most common type of “hacker” I’ve encountered is a person who is manipulating the game in such a way that he/she is able to essentially teleport around (large or small distances) jump over obstacles, or move at ridiculously high speeds.

I have seen players hacking, but when I go to report them… hacking doesn’t seem to fit into the “botting” category… so I hesitate.

Botters also combine teleport hacks into what I consider the worst thing this game currently has plaguing it .
(Bots that farm gathering nodes by harvesting and then teleporting to the next node, essentially making certain materials completely worthless due to high abundance)

Worst of all, I have a friend or two (players in my old guild) who have gotten accustomed to using hacks, and whenever I play with them…

A) I don’t know if they are hacking or not
B) They hack to do something stupid that doesn’t really benefit anyone
C) I am in fear of getting banned just for being on the same team (if they are hacking to benefit the team)

I can tell them to stop, and I ask them not to use hacks if I am in the party, but it doesn’t seem to effect them or their outlook.

Please do something to punish these players.
I don’t want to be around players who hack, and I don’t want them in this game at all.

(edited by TheBlackLeech.9360)