New weapon Spears (for land)

New weapon Spears (for land)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Argol Vazin.3061

Argol Vazin.3061

When I first heard spears where a weapon I was excited to make a warrior or Guardian for some fun Spear and shield action. but of course I was greatly disappointed.

I will base this on Warrior just because I can’t be bothered with others

When equiped normally, it would be a two handed weapon, when equiped with a shield, instead of the normal shield skills, you get special combination skills.
Spear and Shield .
1: Stab > jab > sweep. Sweep can hit multiple targets,
2: assault (just like Zealot’s fury)
3: Charge, holds the spear out and runs forward doing constant damage, does knockback
4: Spear defense. Assumes a defensive stance, reducing damage but reducing movement. (skill bar is replaced with 1 stab, 2 shield bash 3 fall back. 4 advance.)
5: Counter strike > Counter throw (Same as ranger)

may not be the best example of skills but still, give us some spear and shield love. In a world where war is a major issue, it makes no sense that everyone would be waving around swords especially against centaur. Centaur would lose their natural advantage when it comes to them charging at a phalanx.

New weapon Spears (for land)

in Suggestions

Posted by: mbh.8301


This looks like a 100b bar, except with a spear.

[quote=1567239;Lexie.5894:] My PVP experience is very consistent. I run around,
I fight people, sometimes they kill me, sometimes I kill them. Fun is had by all. [/quote]

New weapon Spears (for land)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Argol Vazin.3061

Argol Vazin.3061

well I have never played a warrior and had to Google what 100b was. but yeah the very reason I never touched Warrior was because of the lack of spear and shield combat. I am a very big fan of pole arms. It’s why I play a Lancer in TERA.

New weapon Spears (for land)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dusty Jabawaki.7306

Dusty Jabawaki.7306

Ohhhhhhh…Ok well i like this but may i suggest the spear just be a two handed…
1: Stab>Jab>Sweep(quick KD on crippled targets) or Chop(causing vul.) [im thinking something polearm-ish]
3:Javelin Throw (throw spear and Bleed and Immobile){like pin down (LongBow)}
4:Charge (Rush at target and Stab them giving Vigor or Switfness)
5:Counter(block next attack duration Xseconds, if hit counter with KB)> Spear Throw (while during blocking duration, decide instead to throw spear bleeding or crippling target)

The ____ or ____ is for balancing issues not, if it hits it can do this or that…Also i wouldnt name it spear because of confusions with the underwater wep. it can be javelin or polearm or idk just not spear.

Skills were also for warrior, i think this weapon would work well with other proff such as guardian, and ranger. Though i would have to think more about a skill set.

A ranger skill could be Serpents Spear(really cliche maybe serpent’s flight or w/e) where he/she would throw the spear an it would have one of those spirit snakes around it when thrown obviously poisoning if it hits.
Another would be like a trap on the 5 skill (slower recharge) which would put up a field (the fancy rectangle ones) that would (similar to wall of warding) cripple enemies that went through it…maybe not a trap but a visual wall of spears that the ranger would throw down….weirder things have happened [insert things you watch on the internet here]…maybe that would work…maybe…

btw 100b bar? looked it up on google didn’t find much but batteries o_O

New weapon Spears (for land)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Argol Vazin.3061

Argol Vazin.3061

Well as I mentioned. Spear and shield is one of my favouite weapon styles. it could be called Lance but to be fair. Spear should not be an underwater thing, that should be called a harpoon.

and I did mention that it would be for other classes, I was just too lazy think up class specific stuff.

New weapon Spears (for land)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dusty Jabawaki.7306

Dusty Jabawaki.7306

Well as I mentioned. Spear and shield is one of my favouite weapon styles. it could be called Lance but to be fair. Spear should not be an underwater thing, that should be called a harpoon.

and I did mention that it would be for other classes, I was just too lazy think up class specific stuff.

Okay Lance and i know i was just trying to help formulate ideas for the skills.
Spear and shield sounds cool but how long would that stance on your 4 skill last or would it be indefinite and it would change skill 5 to the break stance? its a cool idea but i more afraid of it getting used against me and people forming the turtle and moving through maps (WvW) in a barely damageable by melee zerg that is slow but effective…

New weapon Spears (for land)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dusty Jabawaki.7306

Dusty Jabawaki.7306

Oh and on that 4 skill the fall back and advance would that just move the player back and forth or would they move them also applying buffs like shouts would…like swiftness or vigor?

New weapon Spears (for land)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Irena.1062


And a new profession Valkyrie to go with it!

New weapon Spears (for land)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Argol Vazin.3061

Argol Vazin.3061

Well the main idea of the Stance would be for tanking and yes, in WvW be a good tactical thing, building a Phalanx unit. Movement would be heavily reduced so you can’t zerg and you would get punished by AoEs. and you also have a very limited attack action, it wouldn’t be a constant spam, it would be a slow but steady stab. Advance and fall back would be a method of dodging without breaking stance. berhaps Advance gives some might, Fall back gives some regen to simulate pressing an attack or regrouping.

I just have this awesome image of Players forming a spear wall, moving towards the enemy with Rangers behind them ready to unleash volly. Can anyone tell I am a total war and Mount and Blade fan XD

New weapon Spears (for land)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sir Burpalot.2514

Sir Burpalot.2514

I think pole-arms would be a great weapon addition if Anet chooses to do a Cantha expansion. We could have both European and Asian based pole-arms.
I’d go with pole-arms as opposed to just spears since they offer slashing options in addition to thrusts.
Not to mention I can imagine some very stunning pole-arms with guild banners attached to them.

New weapon Spears (for land)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jiiub.7135


I would like this, Spear and Shield, and 2h spear, but i do want the shield possibility

[IRON] Gaming

New weapon Spears (for land)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kisaki.7308



Anti-zerg formation for those who wishes to know.

I was about to make a thread about this. I would really like to see my Charr warrior using both Shield and Spear, like some kind of Mongolian Hoplite.

I also think that Warrior should be able to have throwing spears and be able to use the shield for that as well!

I really hope the Devs make something out of this!

New weapon Spears (for land)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brennus.1435


I don’t know why so many games, both MMO and single player RPG don’t include both two handed and one handed spears. It blows my mind because it’s been the classic weapon for warfare since prehistoric times and never lost it’s use until gun powder became widespread and common. Games like Skyrim mysteriously lacking spears, games like this, etc. is just weird to me. The only MMO I’ve ever played who had an interesting spear usage was LotRO. The warden class was awesome. Got to use a spear and a shield and you had a throwing javelin hanging on your back. Looked awesome and was a blast to play.

“Everyone is born a 5 signet Warrior,
what we become later only depends
on how hard we try and how good we want to become.” -HannaDeFreitas

New weapon Spears (for land)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kisaki.7308


Brennus is right, Spear is almost a must since it’s been existed for so long time in the modern history.

All those who have seen the 300 wishes to react that in the Battlegrounds!

New weapon Spears (for land)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Galphar.3901


Spear and Shield reminds me of the Paragon from GW. You could make the “Javelin” usable by Warriors, Rangers, and Guardians since they all already have shouts. Then you could add in some special Skills for the shield and warhorn when wielding a spear in MH. Echos and Anthems would be a great addition to these classes.

New weapon Spears (for land)

in Suggestions

Posted by: ZoSo.4867


I hope they add spears, I mean they already have skins for them (some look very nice but I hardly get to see mine). Thing is though, is how traits will affect it, they would need to add new traits or replace current ones to make players want to use it. That could take some time, plus having to balance it out with other weapons/ classes.

I hope they consider adding them though, the more weapons the merrier!

New weapon Spears (for land)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sierra.6352


Spears for land usage, yes please! It’s the most used weapon ever in our world anyway, wo why not also in Tyria? :P

And not just 1-handed javelins, but actual, 2-handed spears please.

It takes body and soul, to reach your goal!

New weapon Spears (for land)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Argol Vazin.3061

Argol Vazin.3061

It’s like I said. it doesn’t really make sense in lore that they don’t use spears when they have a constant threat of Centaurs. I would like to see them charging into a wall of spears and locked shields. doubt they would act so tough after that.

New weapon Spears (for land)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kisaki.7308


Charrs are like Romans aren’t they?

What about oval shields, with two javelins? That’s the standard in every Legion!

Can’t wait until Shield and one hand spear/pike. That would be really something in WvW