I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.
(edited by Jack of Tears.9458)
This is something I’ve been wanting for a long time, but keep forgetting to bring up; you used ta see it in solo rpgs a lot, but don’t so much these days.
Let us write permanent notes to ourselves on our maps. Leave notes about what’s in an area, notes about rumors we hear from npcs, about things we’ve seen but decided to go back for later … whatever. We have that super short lived draw option right now, but I’m talking notes we can type in and will stay until we take ’em down. Pins we can put in the map to note our own POIs, that sorta thing.
In a game what encourages exploration so much, this kind of tool would be amazing to have. (and, yeah, there are websites I can go to, to see spoilers of every map, but I don’ want to go spoil my experience, I want to be an explorer on my own and feel like I’m out there doin’ it meself. Besides, their details ain’ gonna be the same as the notes I wanna leave myself.)
(edited by Jack of Tears.9458)
well til then you could take a screen shot of the map and make notations on them with MS Paint or G imp(had to put a space in to keep out the kitten). Pain in the back side but you get what you want till they are convinced other wise.
I have to agree this would make for ease of use for gather farmers… imagine you make a line on your mini map that never leaves that you could give it another color and give it some transparency so its visible, just not overbearing and you could dot each node that you wanted to farm and connect the dots with this line ….in effect you can make a route.
This, this, 1 million times this.
Please Anet, please, please, please, pretty please with sugar on top!
As I said in the other thread I think it would work best if we could add a pin to the map and then click it to view/edit the attached note, so that the notes don’t end up covering the map.
This would be an awesome feature ! possibly with say drawings too, would love to be able to draw a mining route or where an event takes place.
something this would also be useful for. Certain DE’s when you finish them trigger futher events. Some of those also have chains, so you can end up following for a series of 3-5 events. Not all do this, but quite a few do. You could write yourself a pin on the map near a heart quest to remind you THAT’S where you went to pick up that chain, so your alts can do it too.. or so you can take your guild or friends to do it if they haven’t.
There are so many endless uses to being able to note it. In a way, that’d be kind of sort of like the way people can add notations etc in google earth. when you’re in google earth looking at a map; you don’t need to leave and go visit some other website with the spoilers of what’s noted on that map. you just click on it to see what’s the deal is.
maybe htey could implement a small legend of characters or allow custom characters to add to the map to indicate crafting node; point of special personal interest, starting jumping puzzle locations, etc etc
probably hate this idea…but what of the ability to take notes from other users ….kinda like a “note set” that you can load up on demand ….you know you save your notes like we did in gw1 with skill builds….
I could see a whole new web site dedicated to having those note sets builds…Gathering Notes, Karma Notes with starting points for chain events, Npc Notes, and all kinds of compilations.
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