Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
Please also note that the Suggestions sub-forum will not be open permanently. This is a temporary solution until we roll out a better, more organized way to provide suggestions to the development team than using the forums. – ReginaBuenaobra
Why The Suggestions Forum Needs To Be Organized
At the moment, the suggestion forum needs to be organised for the devs to have a systematic way of looking through the suggestions. As it is, players can be an untapped source of Suggestions that could make the game even greater.
My Suggestions
Tags – When creating a suggestion, you’d have a drop-down box in which you’d have to select a category at where the suggestion is aimed at. For example, Leveling, UI, Dungeons, Content, Skills, ect. This would automatically add a [Category] tag that can then be used for ease of searching and filtering (where the filter would be added for people to be able to look through).
So, for example, suggestions for improving the UI would have [UI] before the suggestion title.
Once the thread has been created…
Community Vote – If someone likes a suggestion, they press a button saying “I Approve Of This” (or something like that). At the end of a given time period, the top [insert x number of posts here] OR if the post reaches a certain amount of likes, the suggestion are put into a Featured subsection for the Devs to look at. Likewise, posts that get a lot of discussion also have a look in.
Finally, once ANet have considered the thread….
Feedback – ANet give the thumbs up / thumbs down whether they like the suggestion / concept behind the suggestion or not. If they do but they’d like to make some changes, explanations of the changes would be given.
If not, as a matter of courtesy, I’d expect them to give a reason why.
I support this idea, but I seriously doubt the forum people care.
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I support this idea, but I seriously doubt the forum people care.
You’re probably right. It was just an address to the issue they stated themselves that Devs can’t personally reply to every thread because of the amount they get, as well as how disorganized the Suggestions forum is.
Personally, I feel they need to do something, since the Suggestions forum sort of doubles as a feedback forum as well. Also, a lot of people have good ideas. The player base is an untapped resource.
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Wait, what?
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The problem with your suggestion is like all suggestions, they have to be put into the suggestion forum, which the dev’s do not read anyway.
So your suggestion of how to make suggesting easier to suggest is suggestible but probably not suggested.
But for all the good it does, I hope it gets in.
The problem with your suggestion is like all suggestions, they have to be put into the suggestion forum, which the dev’s do not read anyway.
So your suggestion of how to make suggesting easier to suggest is suggestible but probably not suggested.
But for all the good it does, I hope it gets in.
It’s currently 3:23AM where I am.
You’re not doing much for my headache -.-
That being said, you raise a valid point.
Since this system hasn’t been implemented, no-one can up vote, and this thread, like its ancestors before it, is doomed to be lost amongst the chaos that is the Suggestion forum.
Good example of a suggestion/idea section. But I think the OP meant something like that anyway.
I would even extend it that good ideas get tiny rewards like 100 gems.
With the recent bout of Mounts posts I just wanted to bump this.
The suggestions Forums is in desperate need of some kind of organisation. At the bear minimum there should be sub-forums for UI, Cosmetic, DE & Hearts, Class, Weapons, Dungeons, sPvP, WvW, Crafting etc. Tagging would be next on me list, so you could say search for/group all suggestion of a topic. Better search and the better sorting and options for example sort by upvotes, number of posts, number of views, a view to post ratio maybe.
Or use something like this:
idea informer
idea scale
and a nice added benefit of organising the forum is threads won’t disapear so quickly
(edited by thealienamongus.1968)
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