Please let us buy more guild slots

Please let us buy more guild slots

in Suggestions

Posted by: kurtosis.9526


Dear ANet, please add guild slots to the gem store. People are using guilds for lots of different things these days and a mere 5 spaces isn’t enough anymore.

Use case example:

My current 5 are:

1. My main guild that I rep 90%
2. My secondary late night WvW rearguard/sentrying guild I rep in WvW when my main guild has mostly gone to bed
3. bank alt guild (guild stash)
4. second bank alt guild (because I figured at the time I had these extra guild slots so why not use them up, can’t delete now after the gold and influence put into them)
5. Gw2esports guild to help find people to play/practice with

Guilds I want to join but can’t:

6. A more casual sPvP team finder guild (used to be in it, had to drop to make room for another)
7. A guild to help newbies to a class get better at it
8. A friend’s small guild
9. Team DOLY

etc, etc, a couple more I can’t recall.

I won’t even bother asking for this for free since 1) I want to support the game but not interested in plushie backpacks and 2) this fits right in with character slots, bank tabs, and bag slots in the gem store.

I’m sure it would make ANet some decent extra revenue as I suspect many of the player base are getting to the same point I am – making many connections throughout the game and involved with different communities and guilds within those communities.

Please consider it.

(edited by kurtosis.9526)