Projectile/hit effects based on weapon appearance

Projectile/hit effects based on weapon appearance

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hermes.7014


Clearing it from the start: I’m talking about the visual effect and associated sound. Not status infliction and such.

This has puzzled me ever since I got my hands on my first Glyphic style gun.
I was like “Oh, this looks like a nice arcane laser pistol. It’s surely going to make some flashy effect while shooting, ala Phantasy Star” but… the disappointment!
The directed-energy looking gun shoots the very same bullets of a flintlock…!

I know legendary weapons already feature something like this but, why not giving something of the sort, to a lesser extent, also to the other more particular weapon models?

I’ll throw in a few simple examples:

Glyphic rifle / pistol = Luminous blue projectiles leaving a faint ethereal trail / Small flash on hit (red for Dark Asuran).
Glyphic melee weapons = Luminous blue slashes on hit (red for Dark Asuran).
Glyphic bows = Arrows are made of blue light / Same effect as guns on hit (red for Dark Asuran).

Verdant rifle / pistol = Seed-looking bullets leaving behind a trail of dust / Small green leaves spread around the hit zone on hit.
Verdant melee weapons = Green slashes leave a trail of green leaves.
Verdant bows = Arrows look like small leafed wood branches / Same effect as guns on hit.

Molten and Destroyer rifle / pistol = Small fireballs leaving behind a faint fiery trail / Small flame burst on hit
Molten and Destroyer melee weapons = Orange slashes leave a trail of fire.
Molten and Destroyer bows = Flaming ethereal arrows / Same as guns on hit.

And so on… (I could go on for each weapon appearance in game, but I’ll stop here unless I’m asked for my ideas about the others.)

I know this would require more work from ArenaNet developers and all I can do now is just thank them in advance if they’re willing to take up such feature.
I’m positive this would quite improve the so called “eye-candy” for the players, and have them enjoy more the visual side of the game.

Whether something is either wrong or right, someone will always complain about it.

(edited by Hermes.7014)

Projectile/hit effects based on weapon appearance

in Suggestions

Posted by: Runiir.6425


This would certainly create a more visual difference for weapons, though splash effects on hit may be going too far.

Projectile/hit effects based on weapon appearance

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hermes.7014


I guess the splash effect on hits can be optional, but the trail and projectiles are certainly possible. It was already done with legendaries after all.

Whether something is either wrong or right, someone will always complain about it.

Projectile/hit effects based on weapon appearance

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hermes.7014


As I mentioned in another topic, the effects given to the Toy Repair Gun prove that this could be actually possible. It’s only a matter whether developers feel like working on it or not.

Whether something is either wrong or right, someone will always complain about it.