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in Suggestions

Posted by: Kethryes.5712



I think it could be interesting to add a text box to allow the player reporting another player to explain the reason. You can limit its size as I guess you might not want to read a wall of text, but I think it could be helpful for the support recieving the reports.

Because the choices are rather limited, so sometimes you want to add some explanations, such as “I believe this player is a bot beacause ….” or “This player is exploiting a bug ….” etc…

I have only reported gold sellers so far, I put them in the “Spammer” catergory, but I am not even sure it is the good one.

Edit: with today update I see there is now an option for gold selling and botting. I still think a comment section would be nice though for uncommon cases.


(edited by Kethryes.5712)

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Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


And how about an ‘Other’ drop-down option?

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Posted by: Mimir.4690


I agree with this one. While it hasn’t happened yet, I’m sure that there will be at least one, for example, racist extremist talking in the chat and freaking out… And those are things that comments can help make more important for the staff to address.

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Posted by: MajorRocker.8143


Agreed. I am forever reporting botters and since they are usually in groups, it’d be much easier to attach a screen shot to a support ticket than have to report each one individually. Since most bots use names like kklrdn or ypljjjs, they’d easily be able to be spotted in the screen shot.