Hello everyone. In this thread I’d like to raise awareness of an issue that has plagued temporary content thus far, as well as discuss possible suggestions that could solve this issue. (If this is in the wrong sub-forum please transfer).
First of all, I’m going to list some of the crucial issues that many see when facing temporary content. Note ~ When I say “loot” I’m referring to exclusive items that can only be earned by participating in temporary content.
- New players to GW2 find themselves at a disadvantage. Having missed previous historical temporary content they will never have the opportunity to earn past achievements and loot.
- On the other end of the spectrum, veteran GW2 players who had the chance to play historical content and enjoyed it, will most likely want to play it again.
- The casual player often feels penalized for not completing temporary content before it’s time passes. They want to play at their own pace.
- Players generally feel pressured to drop what their doing to partake in temporary content, due to it’s temporary nature. I think I speak for all my friends when I say we dislike the constant “Play it while you can because it won’t be here for long” mentality.
- Players want to be able to experience all the content, earn all the achievements and find the rare loot, even if they can’t abide by ArenaNet’s temporary content release schedule.
Possible Solutions/Suggestions
- A “Storybook” feature(perhaps purchasable from a scribe/historian) . This would allow players to visit past content. (Apparently something like this exists in the original GW).
- Re-introduce the content on an anniversary date(annually?). This way the content is still “temporary”, but players can rest assured that even if they miss something, it will eventually return at a later date.
- Expansions. Allow players to purchase earlier content that they’ve missed.
Positives of Revisiting
Aside from the obvious- allowing players to do/earn things they’ve missed, I’d like to note a couple of additional positives to the suggestions listed above.
- By making temporary content repeatable players will not feel the need to speedrun the lovely content in order to earn all the achievements before the content is removed. Ideally players should be able to play at their own pace and not feel penalized for it later.
- Repeating temporary content could fill gaps while brand new content is being created.
I have read Colin’s latest articles where (to my understanding) he speaks about introducing more permanent content in addition to temporary content, possibly repeating some content(festivals), and seeing more permanent impacts occur as a result of the content.
I do agree that repeating festivity content and more permanent content would be beneficial. However what I would like to see is all past and future temporary/historical content either repeat or allow players to revisit them in some way. This way players may eventually return to experience the content and earn the achievements/loot they have missed, as well as possibly encounter new additions. I would love to see stories/events many of us have missed return.
What would you suggest to be done/implemented to mend these issues?
Is there anything I overlooked?
Is their anything you would like to add? Thanks for reading
(edited by Kal.9760)