Take more times and love for your updates!

Take more times and love for your updates!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Grileenor.1497


Dear ArenaNet,

there is a load of criticism for each Living Story Update. The story is uninspiring, not connected to the real world – ‘you will see soon’ responses to this come every time – and the content feels the same. This is no surprise, when limited teams work under the pressure of a fixed schedule. We now have one year of post release development and without certain aspects like fractals and little system improvements, there is really nothing left to praise.

Considered how many people have worked for one year on stuff like the living story, this is nothing to praise as well.

This forum part is Suggestions. I suggest, that you either go finally for a real good sound expansion like most of the genre did for years, because it is the right thing to do. Guilds come back together, people get back to the game for more than 2 days a month and the overall mood of the community will rise as well. If you are still opposed to an expansion full of more Tyria, or you have to make Colin happy with telling him, “Living Story is a great idea, Colin!” than please convince him, to take more time for it. Build greater chunks of content. No more daily grind and two weekly skin lottery. Give your writers time to get meaningful stories written. The release shows they can, if you let them.

Stop the “hey we can do it every 14 days” content, which feels the same over and over again for the bigger part of the last year now. Please!