The Seinfeld of MMOs (constructive)

The Seinfeld of MMOs (constructive)

in Suggestions

Posted by: danlarusso.2790


GW2 is a game about nothing.

Or: A Problem concerning Risk vs. Reward

The highend of the PvE game is RNG. There are no real feats to accomplish. Or has anyone ever asked you about your fractal level?
Suggestion: challenge PvE guilds properly. Fractals were a good start. Content with increasing difficulty works. The rewards shouldn’t be 5 silver and a yellow item, however. Reward players properly, who dedicate time and skill.

There are many ways to play WvW. Follow a random Com with the Zerg, play competetive in a coordinated guild or roam smallscale or solo. However, nothing you do matters in the outcome of things. Point margin happens during off times. Lose a tower? get it back a few Minutes later.
Suggestion: reward skillful gameplay by dividing rewards with participating players. Get rid of the brainless blobs, nobody wants them. If 10 guys take a tower, they should be rewarded more then the 80 player zerg that rushes over everything. Also towers and keeps require a timed lockdown mode, that can be aquired once a structure is fully upgraded, even if its only 2 hours and only available once.

There is only a very small elusive crowd doing the competetive part of PvP in this game. Most GW2 players don’t even know about Tournaments, because nobody reports about them. This game has the potential for real exciting and sporty gameplay. There could be hosted shows on streaming websites like Why is nothing happening here? One year after gamestart and we get a spectator mode, that’s it?
Suggestion: Add more gamemodes, but standing on points. Ok that one was easy.


/Chillz [PIMP “Pimp My Dolyak”] Kodash WvW Necro

The Seinfeld of MMOs (constructive)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Seinfeld never was a show about nothing. Every episode had clear themes.

But as for the game. GW2 lacks endgame at the moment. We need a new Underworld or Fissure of Woe. We need a hard large scale dungeon with high end rewards, and something fancy to work towards, like Obsidian Armor.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

The Seinfeld of MMOs (constructive)

in Suggestions

Posted by: tigirius.9014


PVE doesn’t need more challenge they need to open up how people get the currencies for pve so that advancement can occur more fluidly. Right now they have a system where the GMs have to put together everything, they don’t have a map label for PVE guild leaders so their party can follow them around for activities, they don’t have a calendar to schedule events, they don’t have a LFG with guild currency to help advance the guild or provide necessary/fun items for guild members from guild vendors, the system is a shell of what it should be.

Until they correct the UI for guilds adding more challenge won’t provide what’s missing for smaller less active or spread out amongst multiple time zone guilds.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!