UI customization

UI customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: sapientCrow.8796


Please add UI customization.
A robust UI should at the very least include toggles for the different elements. (toggle Mini Map, Toggle Objectives, Toggle Option Icons, toggle toggle toggle..)
In addition the main elements on screen should be at the very least movable and if possible sizable as well.

The only way currently to experience this game without annoying and unnecessary clutter is at max resolution on a large monitor. A UI that has no customization forces people to be limited in their experience of the game world itself by pop ups overlays and larger than needed buttons.

I do not understand why the main avenue for experiencing the game which is the UI can only be altered in a few minimal ways.

Please add UI customization. An option friendly UI is a must for both a games longevity and the user bases comfortability and navigational ease of use with it.

UI customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lunchbox.9543


I just want to be able to toggle off those stupid Commander symbols other people wear. Yeah, great, in WvW it helps, in a five-man dungeon you’re just being a dick.

“I’m doing good in the game, so I’m doing good in life!”

UI customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brokunn.2801


This had never been a big priority for me until the 4/30 update that totally butchered my experience. I’m an Eyefinity user, and now have the pleasure of having all the UI elements shoved together right in the middle screen… right in my face.

GW2 is a beautiful game, and I’d really like to be able to see more of the environment when I play. Less blocky, ugly, UI…

UI customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: GShock.9862


Custom placing of UI modules, The Original Guild Wars does it, Guild Wars 2 is supposed to be the new and IMPROVED version, and now falls miserably short with the garbage Apr 30 update that renders having 3 screens completely useless! Congrats devs, you have managed to ruin the players running multiple screens experience and enjoyment in one quick patch.

UI customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Segundus.2984


I have actually heard other MMORPG players say they would not play this game because they heard it doesn’t allow you to move the UI elements… like every single other recent game in the world. So ANet is actually losing potential players because of this 1992 Fixed UI layout crap.

Please either revert it back the way it was, give us an option or command line switch we can add to our GW2 shortcut… OR do it the right way (the way everyone wants it and how it should be) and allow us to move all the UI elements around. Because now that we mention it, I hate where the target UI is. When all the craziness happens in WvW, I find it difficult to tell who I am targeting because all the spell effects light up that area of the screen.

Please don’t ignore us! We might be the minority, but there is more of us then you think!

UI customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: marnick.4305


Custom placing of UI modules, The Original Guild Wars does it, Guild Wars 2 is supposed to be the new and IMPROVED version, and now falls miserably short with the garbage Apr 30 update that renders having 3 screens completely useless! Congrats devs, you have managed to ruin the players running multiple screens experience and enjoyment in one quick patch.

I’ve got 3 screens, and no problems. Then again, I forced myself to buy an nvidia because propaganda eventually makes everyone believe it’s the way it’s meant to be played …
Sincerely, I’d like to continue using ATi cards, but when every game eventually has problems with nvidia optimization, it’s just not worth it anymore. Windows 8 not liking my ATi card was the final straw.

If I can’t play Guild Wars 2 at work, I won’t work in Guild Wars 2 either.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto

UI customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: MaXi.3642


Custom placing of UI modules, The Original Guild Wars does it, Guild Wars 2 is supposed to be the new and IMPROVED version

no it isnt, even developers said it, its completely different new game with just the same lore

and i think that some dev replied in another topic to something similiar, he said that they wont fully customize the UI, because it would need much more ressources etc… so they choose wisely what should be customizable and they are trying to make it simpler and good enough for everyone without need of customization…

UI customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brokunn.2801


…and i think that some dev replied in another topic to something similiar, he said that they wont fully customize the UI, because it would need much more ressources etc… so they choose wisely what should be customizable and they are trying to make it simpler and good enough for everyone without need of customization…

Please don’t speak for the devs unless you can provide a link back to their original post.

That would be like me saying, “i think some dev totally said that all of teh guardians with armor dyed blueberry and strawberry are going to get teh huge buffs that will instantly give them all teh goldz/gemz/booty instantly”. And then someone else on some other thread would be like “ohhaiz!! devs are saying free gold and booties for all strawberry and blueberry guardians!!!”, and then all the guardians would be running around with fruit-flavored vomit costumes and just imagine all the tears and bloodshed that would cause?

In all seriousness, I really would like to see any dev comments on the topic of the UI. If anyone else has come across posts that would help explain why they like it… uh, the way it is… please link to them here.

I poked around the forums for quite awhile trying to locate something myself (which is actually pretty difficult since it won’t allow you to search on users/dev’s posts). I like to do my due diligence, but trying to find anything in these forums is about as easy as scanning through microfilm of old newspapers at the public library…