Ultimate Suggestion for Guild Halls!!

Ultimate Suggestion for Guild Halls!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deified.7520



I was once a hardcore Gw1 Player and one of the main things I really enjoyed about Guilds was the sense of uniqueness. The Customization options of capes and Guild halls was unparalleled. I would love to see that brought back. This thread contains some suggestions on how to obtain Guild Halls, themes, and features with them.

1. How to obtain.

In order to obtain a Guild Hall you must be a certain level in Architecture (rank 5 seems reasonable). Once there you can Purchase a guild hall with 80,000 Influence and 15 Merrits or 60g and 10 merrits. Once this is unlocked you can select your theme.

2. Themes
a. Human/lionguard architecture. Locations – Docks/waterside.
Album of In game examples- http://imgur.com/a/YvuJS#0
NPCs-Humans primary.

Swamp. Human/slyvari/lionguard architecture. Important to keep that spookiness factor that goes well with swamps.
Album of IN Game Examples: http://imgur.com/a/BSB3j#0
NPCs-Humans, Slyvari- Primary.

c. Seraph/Harathi with Human/lionguard architecture. Battleworn rocky/mountain terrain.
Album of In game Examples: http://imgur.com/a/Yyaew#0
NPCs-Humans primary

d. Grassy Plains/Flat land with Human/seraph/lionguard architecture.
Album of In Game Examples: http://imgur.com/a/CgdDi#0
NPCs- Humans Primary

e. Maguuma Jungle with Lionguard/Slyvari/asura Architecture.
Album of In Game Examples- http://imgur.com/a/oT7wT#0
NPCS-Slyvari/Asura Primary

Ultimate Suggestion for Guild Halls!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


I like your suggestion, and for once it is not you should add guild halls. Although may I make an observation

Why is there so many Human sets, I mean are the Norn and charr and asura and sylvari incapable of development of a guild hall?

I am only speculating here but my guess is your favorite race is Human.

Ultimate Suggestion for Guild Halls!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deified.7520


f. Snowy Wasteland/Flatland. Lionguard/norn architecture. Mostly flat surrounding land. That snow that appears like fog above the land looks awesome with it.
Album of In game examples: http://imgur.com/a/SX8N8#0
NPCs- Norn primary

g. Forest Norn area. Tall trees, rocky grassland. Norn architecture.
Album of In Game Examples: http://imgur.com/a/AtIBO#VwU1DUZ
NPCs-Norn primary

h. Rocky/snowy area. Lionguard, norn, pact architecture.
Album of In game Examples (album not named correctly, I know): http://imgur.com/a/19KfO#0
NPCs-Norn primary

Kodan area- Rocky snowland/mountains. Sanctuary also. Kodan Architecture
Album of In Game Examples: http://imgur.com/a/bRP1s#0
NPCs-Kodan/Norn Primary

j. Ashford/charr mountains terrain. Charr/Ebonhawke architecture.
Album of In Game Examples: http://imgur.com/a/Ax9hN#0
NPCs- Primary Charr/human

k. Disseau Plateau/ashford flatlands/forest. Charr/ebonhawke Architecture.
Album of In Game Examples: http://imgur.com/a/BWhYE#0
NPCs-Primary Charr/human

Ultimate Suggestion for Guild Halls!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deified.7520


l. Location variable. Flame Legion Architecture (some evil looking areas for guilds who like to RP or want to consider themselves evil).
Album of IN game Examples: http://imgur.com/a/t7M5b#0
NPCs- Primary Charr

m. Location Variable. Sons of Svanir/icebrood architecture.
album of in game examples: http://imgur.com/a/lE6He
NPCs- Primary Norn

n. Underground. Dredge architecture
Album of in game examples: http://imgur.com/a/Dg8WJ#0

o. By water/warm areas. Hylek architecture.
Album of in game examples: http://imgur.com/a/gy507

Location variable. Asuran/lab architecture.
album of in game examples: http://imgur.com/a/CaCO0#0
NPCs- Asuran

q. Location variable. Ruins/dwarven ruins.
Album of in game examples: http://imgur.com/a/aJfNY#0
NPCs- Variable.

r. Islander location/architecture.
Album of In Game Examples:http://imgur.com/a/ZHn9w#0
NPCs- Variable

s. Branded Fortress. Charr architecture
Album of In Game Examples: http://imgur.com/a/lQTVr

(edited by Deified.7520)

Ultimate Suggestion for Guild Halls!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deified.7520


3. Upgrades. With each guild hall it has upgrades that can cost pure gold (for the smaller guilds) and merrits, or influence and merrits. These upgrades include…
a. crafting stations
b. Banker
c. Black Lion Trader
d. Merchant
e. Mystic Forge Conduit.
f. Asuran Portals to each Major City.
g. Siege Master
h. WvW token Vendors
i. PvE Dungeon Vendors

4. Specials. There are two things I thought up that would add a lot to the guild’s sense of uniqueness. Each guild can buy the following. Their own ship and their own Zepplin. Another thing is that once a guild hall is fully upgraded with the vendors mentioned in 3, NPCs will appear to give the guild hall life. The NPCs races will depend on which guild hall it is, hence why I said NPCs with each above example.

a.Ship. Album of Ship: http://imgur.com/a/7kAaE#0
Players of a certain rank will be able to customize their ship upon buying it for influence/merrits or gold/merrits. This ship can mostly just have its colors changed. Each Guild Hall will have access to a water way. Whether it be the ocean or a river, this will also include a small dock on such a place. The size/looks of the dock will depend on which type of guild hall you choose. This is where the ship will set. Players of a certain rank will be able to go on board of the ship without having to enter another instance if the ship is docked at the guild hall. Ships will be able to dock at various towns that are on waterways or the ocean (though not all of them). Players of a certain rank can choose to set sail with a ship and anyone on board to different towns in tyrial. To set sail and move the ship, instead of it costing money like a waypoint it cost influence (another source of an influence drain). When it goes to a town, it is like its own instance. When the player leaves the ship it will be put into the open world. When it wants to go back on teh ship they have to talk to a certain NPC to enter the instance where it is docked.

Zepplin. Album of Zepplin: http://imgur.com/a/YfuPk#0
Same as the Ship, except it can go to some areas that aren’t on water ways. Cost twice as much influence to move a ship does. Each guild hall has access to the sky somehow where a zeppling tower for it to be docked at can be constructed.

Ultimate Suggestion for Guild Halls!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Deified.7520


5. Guild halls and GvG. GvG was a major part of Gw1. GvG would work like this. Once a guild purchases a guild hall, that guild is eligible for GvG battles. GvG battles would be three rounds. One on one guild’s guild hall, one on the other, and then the last round would be on a randomly select guild hall. So all the guild halls would mostly be designed with this in mind, such as the last ones were. To go to the guild hall you can access it via a button in the Guild Tab, just like the first Guild Wars

6. Pros and Cons. This suggestions provides a large amount of vertical progression ( a staple of the Guild Wars series) and also utilizes in game ways of currency in order to achieve them. Most of the things in this suggestion can be experienced by anyone of any level. The introduction of merrits with guild missions and the requirement of guild merrits to get guild halls makes achieving them a guild experience and not just some person paying money. The main con is of course, smaller guilds will suffer. Thats why I tried to include money in order to purchase them, but also remember you can purchase influence with money.

Bonus: Some of the guild halls in Gw1 for nostalgia. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=rXF3N02JUh4#t=807s

Ultimate Suggestion for Guild Halls!!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gandarel.5091


Just bring back capes for first. Easy, useful and iconic for Guild wars.

Captain Deutschland, Ozzy The Insane, Hanz Limbchewer – r40+ mes/nec/engi Desolation
Fear The Crazy [Huns]