Weekly Achievements

Weekly Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Todd.8162


I generally like the new Daily Achievements. Giving people something new to accomplish each day is a good idea and can be used to manipulate players to labouring on things that the game economy needs. (Too many resources sitting idle in bank accounts? Make crafting a daily requirement more often.)

However, the Daily Achievements still take too long to complete. I don’t have time or interest to work at my job all day then try to grind through a to-do list in a video game in a few hours before the daily roll-over time passes. I have a life and Guild Wars is only occasionally a part of it.

Daily Achievements should be small tasks that can be done in an hour of play time with small rewards for accomplishing them. Just enough to be worthwhile to play the game for some fun but not so burdensome to be less like fun and more like work.

A new category of Weekly Achievements needs to be created, roughly the size of the current Daily Achievements, which can be completed over several days of casual gaming play. This would fit in with the play style of most people.

Weekly Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: kokiman.2364


However, the Daily Achievements still take too long to complete. I don’t have time or interest to work at my job all day then try to grind through a to-do list in a video game in a few hours before the daily roll-over time passes.

Then MMORPGS are not the right genre for you.

GuildWars 2

Currently playing Heart of Thorns.

Weekly Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chamone.6890


If you don’t have the time or interest to do your dailies, don’t do them? Pretty simple IMO.

Weekly Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Koga.7215


However, the Daily Achievements still take too long to complete. I don’t have time or interest to work at my job all day then try to grind through a to-do list in a video game in a few hours before the daily roll-over time passes.

Then MMORPGS are not the right genre for you.

the daily do not take more than 15min to do… if it takes you that long you should rethink how or what games you play

Weekly Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: kokiman.2364


However, the Daily Achievements still take too long to complete. I don’t have time or interest to work at my job all day then try to grind through a to-do list in a video game in a few hours before the daily roll-over time passes.

Then MMORPGS are not the right genre for you.

the daily do not take more than 15min to do… if it takes you that long you should rethink how or what games you play

If people don’t like doing the same stuff over and over again then MMORPGS are just not the right genre for them, simple as that. I never said or implied that daily achievements take long to complete.

GuildWars 2

Currently playing Heart of Thorns.

Weekly Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Todd.8162


Guild Wars doesn’t have to be a game only for unemployed people who spend all day playing in their parent’s basement. Guild Wars can be a better game than that.

Honestly, what kind of person justifies playing a video game for more than a few hours a day and defends that as being a good thing? That’s not fun. That’s an addiction.

I still stand on my point that the Daily Achievements take too long to complete. If Arena Net wants players to bother with them (and that’s why they’re there, because Arena Net wants people to be interested in playing the game every day) then they need to be changed. I want to play for one or two hours a night and have some fun. Once a week, my friends and I connect on Team Speak and play together for several hours doing team-oriented things. This is how most people play the game.

And I can only laugh at Koga’s lack-of-reality that the current Daily Achievements “do not take more than 15 min to do.” It is impossible to (for example) kill 15 enemies, revive 10 allies, craft 10 items, gather 20 resources and complete 5 events in 15 minutes. People like Koga may THINK that only 15 minutes passes in the hours they tan in front of their computer screen, but the reality is much uglier.