Why not make legendaries accountbound?
Yeah… I really don’t see the point of them being soulbound to a char…
and it really turns me down to make one, just cause of that reason.
hope in the future we will have account bound ones
I’m not going to put in the effort to get a legendary as it is. If legendaries were account bound I would since my two main characters share weapon sets, but otherwise it’s just not worth it.
Two simple possibilities
1. Play-time. They want you to keep doing stuff. So if your goal is to get legendaries for all your chars, you don’t reach that end-goal faster. And they want you to work on your other chars beyond 80 and not just get hand-me-downs.
2. Value. They want to keep each character unique and they earn what they do especially if it’s a legendary weapon.
Suggestion: Have a combat preview option. As much as I’d love to see youtube vids, I think it would help a good bunch to preview the items before soul-binding them because I just want to see what they look like in combat before making my decision.
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division
didn’t they already say they plan to change them to account bound?(yes they did).
Honestly, I don’t see why anything should be soulbound. It seems like items being bound to account would be sufficient in every situation.
[CO] Cryptic Omen
Honestly, I don’t see why anything should be soulbound. It seems like items being bound to account would be sufficient in every situation.
I’m glad you mentioned this.
Standard exotic/whatever-rarity items and armor should absolutely be soulbound. The aspect of both removing them fully from the player-trade economy and ensuring that players can’t simply consecutively give their old items to alts as hand-me-downs is crucial to maintaining a relatively consistent sense of value. Account bound items would make the value of ALL items decrease over time because the value of any indivdual purchased item would skyrocket.
That said, legendaries should reaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllly be account bound. They can’t be sold or traded at all to begin with, and by the time you obtain one you’ve contributed enormously to the in-game economy in a huge number of ways just by playing. Plus, since the effects are literally simply cosmetic, it makes sense that you should be rewarded for your effort by being able to see those effects on all the characters you have that can wield it.
It’s not like making them account bound allows you to copy them, only one character could have it at a time, but you could always toss it in the bank to show off on another character and check out all the shinies.
Two simple possibilities
1. Play-time. They want you to keep doing stuff. So if your goal is to get legendaries for all your chars, you don’t reach that end-goal faster. And they want you to work on your other chars beyond 80 and not just get hand-me-downs.
2. Value. They want to keep each character unique and they earn what they do especially if it’s a legendary weapon.
Neither of these are compelling enough reasons not to do it.
1. If your suggestion is that ArenaNet’s intention is that you go after the same Legendary on every character you have that can wield that weapon class, I don’t even know where to start. That’s just cruel! Considering the enormous time and effort involved in getting one, I’m sure most people going after more than one are either going after a different one, or going after the same one for the same character (to dual-wield Incinerators or whatever).
2. This seems like a good point but if you look at the entire scenario from a wide lens, it falls apart. You can earn and deposit gold, jugs of karma, and crafting materials from any character, all of which can be put toward a legendary that can only be used by one character. Also, dungeon tokens were made account bound, so it’s not like they’d be subverting a hard-and-fast policy.
(edited by Hawkian.6580)
they should just completely do away with soul bound honestly…..
Ya sure, dungeon tokens account bound, check.
Karma account bound, check.
Legendaries account bound, waiting.
Next level of stupidity and content killer :
Level 80 account bound!
Map exploration account bound!
Best regards!
(edited by Paresseux.3579)
Ya sure, dungeon tokens account bound, check.
Karma account bound, check.
Legendaries account bound, waiting.Next level of stupidity and content killer :
Level 80 account bound!
Map exploration account bound!Best regards!
I fully support Legendariey being abbunt bound, but not what you mentioned, because I also think that would be stupid.
Legendaries should have been account-bound skins you can pick with a panel with any character like you can pick pets with a ranger, by clicking a small button that appears next to character slots for which you have an unlocked legendary skin, when you put an exotic/ascended item on it.
Yep I’ve been saying this for a while. It’s one of the main reason’s I haven’t pushed to grind out a legendary since I have 4 characters at level 80 with a 5th on the way and I hate being forced to play one just to show off my skin.
This would be optimal. If they are viewing it as a gold sink issue then look at it this way. I think if they were made account bound more people would be persuaded into making a legendary. I also think that number would be higher then the number of people who would have made two of the same legendary for different character if they were kept as soulbound. So in the end more legendaries would be made.
I know I for one would be more into make the legendary weapons. Making one is so time and money consuming, it is hard to get motivated knowing that its only for one character. If I could make them and any character could use them on my account, I would be more likely to try and more more than one.
Ya sure, dungeon tokens account bound, check.
Karma account bound, check.
Legendaries account bound, waiting.Next level of stupidity and content killer :
Level 80 account bound!
Map exploration account bound!Best regards!
So you are making what is known as a “Slippery Slope” argument here, that if we allow this then we will allow all sorts of other things that may be harmful to the game. These arguments are always invalid, because allowing this doesn’t imply we need to make level 80 account bound or the other things you mentioned. These “slippery slopes” are the type of argument used in politics to make all sorts of bad things happen, but they never are valid.
Colin Johanson on how arenanet measures success.
(Please no gear treadmills, Colin!)
Totally agree. Legendaries dissuade people from playing alts. If I have a Twilight on my Guardian, I’m probably going to play that character all the time. If they are account bound, then I’ll want to level the other classes that use Gsword so I can see how it looks with all of their abilities.
Even if I level alts anyway, what if I end up liking another class more than the one I made the legendary on? Now I would either be wasting the legendary, or feel compelled to play a class I don’t enjoy as much just because it has the legendary.
Obtaining a legendary is an achievement of the player as a whole, and not of just one character. All the ingredients are account bound already. The Legendaries should be account bound.
didn’t they already say they plan to change them to account bound?(yes they did).
Source? I’m not sure how I feel either way on the subject but I’d love to see that source. Because at that point it won’t really matter since they’re doing it anyway.
There are some points made when you say it dissuades people from playing alts… for now!!
You’re going to only play your guardian if you have Twilight, you’ll do that at first but you will be bored at some point. As much as I love my main character, he could have all the legendaries I will irremediably play an alt and make other legendaries for it.
And it will be good because it will make me play the game longer!!
I totally understand why people want legendaries account bounds, but I don’t think that’s a good idea for the game. There were designed for a long goal content, and 3 months after the release there is already people with 2 or 3 legendaries, making them account bound will accelerate this and kill the content.
As far as I know Gift of Exploration is account bound, and one is needed for each legendary. So, how many legendaries you can make is directly linked to how many characters you get 100% map completion on. If the gift is account bound why isn’t the weapon?
Also as it says on the wiki, Legendary weapons are soulbound on use, so there is the possibility to sell legendary weapons if someone wanted too. If I’m wrong please correct me.
^no they can’t be sold or mailed