WvWvW Waypoint contested by control area.

WvWvW Waypoint contested by control area.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Woodsman Silencio.9361

Woodsman Silencio.9361

Current situation in WvWvW is that when a Keep has a waypoint then people stil can get in during a second interval between 2 Defending dynamic event restarts.

This is being seen as a bug by the devolepers. Suggestion as solution would be to let the contested period be just a bit longer then the timer of the event. So this can be solved.
That however would create a new problem, namely people can perma contest the said waypoint by just making a hit to a guard or wall rendering this high tier upgrade useless.

My idea: Make the front of a gate a contestable area. If the owner of the keep controls this area, then the waypoint is open. If an attacker controls this area the waypoint becomes contested.
Once an attacker controls the area in front of the gate you might even have some NPC spawn there. Strength of the helping NPC’s for the attacker should be less then the strength of the patrol upgrade from the defender. This wil make the patrol a more valuable option to have.

Have Fun discussing this, and for the developers have fun implementing this or any other good solution.

Co-founder and Co-leader of: Global Guild of Dark.