1-80 only WvW still a viable option?

1-80 only WvW still a viable option?

in WvW

Posted by: Chiolas.1326


I leveled my main character almost exclusively in WvW because there was always a karma-train going when the game launched. Plus, back in those days everyone was upleveled, therefore it didn’t make a difference if you were one too. Nowadays, if you are upleveled in WvW you are likely to die, even in a zerg (where you rallybot enemies)

So I wouldn’t advise leveling in WvW unless you don’t mind riding the karma-train around and around and feeling “glass-cannon w/o the cannon” for quite some time. Oh and your gear matters much, so buy karma gear if you really need to

Yes the drop rate was nerfed to oblivion, our dear Anet hasn’t told us anything as usual, not if it was intended nor the reasons behind it

Quit WvW and Gw2 in August 2013

1-80 only WvW still a viable option?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


If you’re on a server thats able to flip things a lot you can do 1-80 fairly fast imo. But down in the lower tiers where match up are more evenly matched and close things dont flip a TON, But they do flip so it may take a while longer :P

Isle Of Janthir

1-80 only WvW still a viable option?

in WvW

Posted by: Hebril Amolebin.9817

Hebril Amolebin.9817

no it is not game is 1 year old you will just die everytime you face enemy,and do nothing for your server or group after lvl 70 is ok to lvl in wvw before that is crap best way is personal story + crafting and gg lvl 70 in 2 days.
16 badges you make those in 5-10 mins normaly

1-80 only WvW still a viable option?

in WvW

Posted by: Fuzzion.2504


Lvl 50 would be the very min. And thats a fully geared lvl 50.

Most of the time, lowbies are going to get bursted for 14k damage and then qq post on the forums about balance.

Fuzzionx [SF]
Guest member of [LOVE]
JQ official Prime Minister

1-80 only WvW still a viable option?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Lvl 50 would be the very min. And thats a fully geared lvl 50.

Most of the time, lowbies are going to get bursted for 14k damage and then qq post on the forums about balance.

Lower tiers, Uplevel party zergs. WE WRECK YOUR LEVEL 80 ZERGS SONNNN! jkjk, but tbh i have to agree. Upper tiers stick to 60+ i’d say for leveling wvw. T5.. i’d even be brave enough to say T4 feel free to play an uplevel to fast level up. Down in T6/7 half the zergs uplevels

Isle Of Janthir

1-80 only WvW still a viable option?

in WvW

Posted by: Hule.8794


Go Crown Pavilion, join champ train there. And You will get 3 lvls in 1 hours. That is something you wont get in WvW so fast.

1-80 only WvW still a viable option?

in WvW

Posted by: sostronk.8167


Running a sub level 80 in WvW is highly frowned upon by anyone who takes the game seriously. I personally frown upon anyone who isn’t 80 and isn’t fully exotic/ascended gear and geared CORRECTLY. Why? One person being a rallybot can lose a large fight that would have otherwise been a walkover.

Crown Pavillion is a great choice. I levelled a new Norn Guardian last week because I was Asuran and felt I was not being targeted enough. I started levelling on Friday night and Sunday morning I was level 80 with full clerics exotics and ascended jewels. You also pick up those Skill Point scrolls that allow you to unlock most of your abilities by time your 80.

1-80 only WvW still a viable option?

in WvW

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


Quick answer, since Badges have become a greater currency, they’ve reduced the drop rate.

Well, you really can’t level 1-80. You need the starter zone to, well, start You’d be surprised at level 12-15 what you can already do. It all depends on knowing your class and gearing it to scale correctly. Most up-levels die or get frowned upon because their gear is 10+ levels behind their actual level. Which really hurts the scaling formula. Also, that they haven’t kept up on traits and skills.

Anet never made WvW to be endgame only content. It scales well if you are mindful of it. An extra man on a map without a queue is always beneficial.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

1-80 only WvW still a viable option?

in WvW

Posted by: Respawn.6802


I lvl in WvW only, taken several classes to 80 and plan to do all classes that way. If you haven’t done much WvW then you will get wrecked often but once you understand the ebb and flow of small and large scale fights it’s just a matter of knowing your limits.

Buy new gear every 5 levels, abuse level scaling (28k hp theif, lol) and make the most of your cc’s and group buffs.

I’ve been on the T6 to T1 and back again journey with my server(s) and you can play in all tiers.

For faster leveling join a WvW guild that does occasional PVE runs for the extra xp.

1-80 only WvW still a viable option?

in WvW

Posted by: Sitkaz.5463


Leveling in wvw is totally viable. I have with most of my alts. People claim you’re a rallybot, but level scaling gives you abnormally high stats most of the time, as Respawn noted, and someone running a zerker build (and people still bring that into wvw) will rally people even easier. Just make sure your gear stays up to date and you’ll be fine.

Depending on how your server is doing, you can level as quickly or more so in wvw than in the Crown Pavilion. It just depends, as wvw isn’t as regulated and predictable as pve.

I’m not sure what honor badges has to do with leveling, though.

1-80 only WvW still a viable option?

in WvW

Posted by: sostronk.8167


Depending on how your server is doing, you can level as quickly or more so in wvw than in the Crown Pavilion

Explain to me how you can get a level 1 character to level 80 in WvW in under 20 hours please.

1-80 only WvW still a viable option?

in WvW

Posted by: Sitkaz.5463


Depending on how your server is doing, you can level as quickly or more so in wvw than in the Crown Pavilion

Explain to me how you can get a level 1 character to level 80 in WvW in under 20 hours please.

I have no idea, I’ve never leveled that quickly anywhere. Lately I go back and forth between wvw and CP with alts, depending on the wvw scene, like I said.

1-80 only WvW still a viable option?

in WvW

Posted by: Hule.8794


Well so You are just not right.
In CP, if You have some cone autoattack, like guard staff #1, You can level in incredible rate.
In WvW You will have more XP for caping tower/SM/keep but You wont do that so often like with Pyroxis and spawning mobs on him.

1-80 only WvW still a viable option?

in WvW

Posted by: NornBearPig.9814


You will be ineffective until you are around level 65 (fully geared).

But you don’t need to be effective to follow a karma train or zerg. So yea you can definitely level in WvW.

Unless you absolutely detest PvE, I would do that until level 30 and grab an elite, then hang out with the zerg until 80, making sure to avoid roaming and small groups.