Tarnished Coast
First off, congrats to SoR and good luck in the future matchups! I’m sure we’ll meet again.
I think it’s great that RUN has to basically apologize for their previous leader’s absolute demolishing of their ‘reputation’ in every post. With the immense amount of negative public image you guys got due to that one guy’s behavior, I was curious why you all even bothered to keep the same name ( if you’re really all that much better and different ). Seems like it would be quicker to change names. :P
First off, congrats to SoR and good luck in the future matchups! I’m sure we’ll meet again.
I think it’s great that RUN has to basically apologize for their previous leader’s absolute demolishing of their ‘reputation’ in every post. With the immense amount of negative public image you guys got due to that one guy’s behavior, I was curious why you all even bothered to keep the same name ( if you’re really all that much better and different ). Seems like it would be quicker to change names. :P
Nah. I like the name. Changing it wouldn’t really make much of a different since those who feel slighted have gone to the effort of memorizing out character names anyway. Plus, we are still kittens, just not in a poor sportsmanlike way. Play to crush is a very apt description of our goals.
Shadowbane certainly was th’ pinnacle. Me olden guild th’ Dreadlords spawn camped th’ entrance to a new expansion land fer th’ first a pair weeks after it was released, effectively preventin’ th’ majority ‘o th’ entire server from experiencin’ new content.
Spawn campin’ here be wee more than an annoyance, ‘n somethin’ to chuckle at when ye spy people wastin’ gold on siege equipment.
Th’a Shipwrecked Pirates had some jolly good fights ‘tis week, ’n put more than our fair share at th’ bottom ‘o th’ ocean. Smooth sailin’ to ye.
I would have to agree that spawn camping is not really spawn camping in this game. True spawn camping only happens when you absolutely can not get out of your spawn. With 3 exits out of each spawn, I seriously doubt every exit is covered. Find another way out, gather some people together and hit the enemy from behind.
Camping one spawn exit of three is not- not spawn camping, it’s just spawn camping one of three spawn areas. Anet has already said they are addressing this issue, I linked the post earlier in this thread. Can we move on from the dead horse please?
(edited by Scorpio Shirica.1286)
I spent some money last night adding siege pieces to SH in the TC borderlands (above the steps and behind with the portal doorway), hopefully in tactical places. I had to go to sleep at some point, but I hope those siege came in handy and there were actually people there to man them after I left. These were put there to prevent the enemy from holding those positions for any length of time. I’m with Floxxx, I don’t want to talk about spawn camping anymore. I’m trying to come up with tactics to prevent whatever it is though.
(edited by sceptus.9415)
Ugh, I haven’t been around since Monday night because of Hurricane Sandy and computer issues. Hopefully I’d actually be able to log in today for some WvW. Looking forward to destroy a few gold worth of siege if they are still near spawn tonight~
Arrr, I shall greatly miss ye, Sanctum’o Rall. Ye put up some grand’ole fights dis week, forcin’ us to stand by our loyalties and mindsets.
Let us share a few more days’o grand fights.
Until we meet again.
For da Coast. \o/
They aren’t SoR hackers SoPP, they might be on SoR this week but they aren’t welcome here.
RE: Removal of Orbs to combat hackers and demoralization (that someone posted but has since been deleted)
Two birds with one stone? Not a bad move on their behalf. Controlling 3 orbs can be really demoralizing for the underdogs, but I’ll miss having such clear objectives in the borderlands. However, anything to reduce the impact of hackers is a welcome change, in my book.
The one-transfer-per-week is also a welcome change, but I really wish the WvW lockouts they advertised were in place.
(edited by Kaleden.9386)
kudos to the guys n gals at sanctum of rall. seriously. sorry we at the coast didn’t put up a better fight for ya, so many getting sucked in by the event lol. BUT, y’all deserved this win. you put up more siege and upgrade more kitten faster than any server i have seen. siege for defense, siege for offense, siege for show, hell…. siege just for the sake of building a siege weapon…. random flame rams in the middle of nowhere, completed and left at the mercy of fate xD. organized, efficient, and something to chuckle about to boot. good job and good games…
Cafe, TC Engineer
o/ Had fun this week in SoR Borderlands! Thanks to all of you SoR folks that kept us busy at the area between our spawn and the nearest tower! ^.~ I had fun picking you off solo and with friends. (I remember seeing quite a few regulars in there and had some awesome 1v1s) – And for those that were there, that epic tree charge was the best thing I’ve ever seen from TC. Not even lying.
Cheers, Jaze, TC Thief.
I encourage TC’ers to sign up to TCgw2.com for important Dub Vee Dub information.
I must say, WvW is a lot more interesting when you aren’t trying to play it at 2 AM. XD
I keep finding sieges in entertaining locations. Where do you guys find these spots?
Arrrr… the mighty SOR looks to have loss a few teeth without da orbs blowin’ a tail wind in yer sails.
Ok TC it might be time to give the stacking a rest because it sure as heck aint working lol
you guys are getting rofflestomped whenever you do that stupid stuff
Hey Smokey!! Nice chat tonight bud.
Even though it was one sided, I think a lot of ppl still managed to have fun on all sides.
Even on ET, when our larger guilds showed up with good commanders, we were able to get organized and put up a fight.
GJ to SoR for winning the match and GL next week against your opponents. Also had fun playing with TC, the few times I saw them, always envious of the few more towers and camps you held. Sometimes TC and ET wouldn’t attack each other despite proximity. I even raided camps along side a group of TC a couple times haha.
Hey Smokey!! Nice chat tonight bud.
haha whats up man!!!
Loving my Necro tonight.
Glad to see the server of SoR has continued to fight honorably. A mob, an AC, and treb fire at spawn…lovely
That dead guy with the “United Sanctum Alliance” Clan tag is me.
As someone who despises bad sportsmanship, I still see nothing wrong with spawn camping in this game. People are inaccurately saying that there are three exits from the spawn. That’s true of the south spawns, but on your home borderland, it’s a giant, wide-open expanse. Also, when you’ve taken everything, it’s how you keep the enemy at bay. If we do not spawn camp, we will get tons of enemies pouring across our camps and trying to ninja towers. Our numbers and power may be 3x higher, but we’ll still lose everything and not be able to fortify our north stuff very well. It’s a strategic decision, and anytime I’m in charge, I ask people to watch that camp and keep as many people in it as possible.
More importantly, this has been a much better week than it should have been. Thank you TC, and especially Pink, for keeping things interesting. You refused to give up, and kept the pressure on all the time. Your server owes you. Today showed the impact of the orbs, we saw red and blue both make pushed in EB, and blue took back a lot of their stuff in their border. Awesome last day to the match, I hope we can meet you again.
Oh, and EB was hilarious, I don’t know if anyone on either side was taking it all that seriously. Trebbing us as fought the Grub. UNDERHANDED TACTICS!
Today showed the impact of the orbs, we saw red and blue both make pushed in EB, and blue took back a lot of their stuff in their border. Awesome last day to the match, I hope we can meet you again.
Oh, and EB was hilarious, I don’t know if anyone on either side was taking it all that seriously. Trebbing us as fought the Grub. UNDERHANDED TACTICS!
Good sir that wasnt the “orb removal” that was the Halloween event being over and nobody had anything left to do besides go to wvw.
Today showed the impact of the orbs, we saw red and blue both make pushed in EB, and blue took back a lot of their stuff in their border. Awesome last day to the match, I hope we can meet you again.
Oh, and EB was hilarious, I don’t know if anyone on either side was taking it all that seriously. Trebbing us as fought the Grub. UNDERHANDED TACTICS!
Good sir that wasnt the “orb removal” that was the Halloween event being over and nobody had anything left to do besides go to wvw.
From my point of view on TC, it was a combination of no orbs and the end of the Halloween event.
After the new build, it appeared to me some individuals on SoR had to adjust to the lack of +15% HP and +150 stats. This wasn’t everyone, but there were a fair number of over-extenders who went down in risky situations. This is something I hadn’t seen before orb removal.
With the return of our Halloween people we were closer to SoR in terms of raw numbers. (And it is also possible people on SoR are resting up for tomorrow). Add this to the lack of orbs, and you had a more equal playing field.
(edited by Thrumdi.9216)
Today showed the impact of the orbs, we saw red and blue both make pushed in EB, and blue took back a lot of their stuff in their border. Awesome last day to the match, I hope we can meet you again.
Oh, and EB was hilarious, I don’t know if anyone on either side was taking it all that seriously. Trebbing us as fought the Grub. UNDERHANDED TACTICS!
Good sir that wasnt the “orb removal” that was the Halloween event being over and nobody had anything left to do besides go to wvw.
From my point of view on TC, it was a combination of no orbs and the end of the Halloween event.
After the new build, it appeared to me some individuals on SoR had to adjust to the lack of +15% HP and +150 stats. This wasn’t everyone, but there were a fair number of over-extenders who went down in risky situations. This is something I hadn’t seen before orb removal.
With the return of our Halloween people we were closer to SoR in terms of raw numbers. (And it is also possible people on SoR are resting up for tomorrow). Add this to the lack of orbs, and you had a more equal playing field.
I’ll go as far to say they relied on them, I was doing it for a long time last night, before and after the build, could see how over powered the orbs where. Before everything was tanky, then after, very little people where.
And I’ve seen a lot of risky plays that ultimately would not plan out.
Good fights this am in EB. Tarnished Coast making the bitter last stand. Still a bunch of backstabbing sons of dogs from a backwater server but /SALUTE.
The Orb buffs where insane. I’m very pleased Anet finally decided to can them and put teams on even footing.
Thanks SoR – Congrats and see you guys likely in a few weeks
Today showed the impact of the orbs, we saw red and blue both make pushed in EB, and blue took back a lot of their stuff in their border. Awesome last day to the match, I hope we can meet you again.
Oh, and EB was hilarious, I don’t know if anyone on either side was taking it all that seriously. Trebbing us as fought the Grub. UNDERHANDED TACTICS!
Good sir that wasnt the “orb removal” that was the Halloween event being over and nobody had anything left to do besides go to wvw.
From my point of view on TC, it was a combination of no orbs and the end of the Halloween event.
After the new build, it appeared to me some individuals on SoR had to adjust to the lack of +15% HP and +150 stats. This wasn’t everyone, but there were a fair number of over-extenders who went down in risky situations. This is something I hadn’t seen before orb removal.
With the return of our Halloween people we were closer to SoR in terms of raw numbers. (And it is also possible people on SoR are resting up for tomorrow). Add this to the lack of orbs, and you had a more equal playing field.
I’ll go as far to say they relied on them, I was doing it for a long time last night, before and after the build, could see how over powered the orbs where. Before everything was tanky, then after, very little people where.
And I’ve seen a lot of risky plays that ultimately would not plan out.
SoR player here. 3 orbs transforms a crappy glass cannon build into something decent in wvw. Now glass cannons are in trouble everywhere. I know guilds on SoR that haven’t wvw since sunday. Since statistically gaining an insurmountable point lead in wvw this week our ques have been non existent. Just throwing that out there normally we have hour long ques at times or longer. So yes it is true that all a sudden it appeared TC server was doing better today after orb removal which is great I wish it was like that all week. But there were no ques at all on SoR with most people not even WvWing due to already winning.
The orb bonuses were really unfair for underdogs, not only are they losing but the deck was stacked against them a lot of players are going to need to rethink their builds and strats to not rely on having orbs. Im glad they are gone, no more complaining that one server won becasue they have orbs, or that someone is only a good player because of a bonus. Now we see who is really good or not.
(edited by Warlord.9074)
SoR; you guys should tell the people in your borderlands to stop killing people hitting the pack of bots in the lake. I want badges. And to help maintain the fairness of the trading post. But mostly badges.
To Both Tarnished Coast, and Eredons Terrance…. Probably spelled those wrong lol, but anywho. In SoR borderlands at the north weather node is a massive clump of bots, we’ve convinced most people to try to let you clear out the node but can’t put a guarantee on pugs
Definitely noticed a difference without the orbs last night.
All week, there wasn’t enough siege we could lay down to keep SoR from overpowering or portalbombing us (that is, despite ballista bolts, aoe’s, direct damage etc. hitting the mesmer), so points were recaptured in a matter of minutes.
Last night, definite progress. My next beef is with trebs on the upper deck of SM—or at least moving QL out of treb range so that SM isn’t more of a threat to the blue side than the others. (To be fair, I hate it when we do it too. )
But, I enjoyed the fight with SoR. I’m looking forward to facing you against a third live server.
To ET, we ran across a couple of you last week. We almost wiped when we stopped to take pictures. You’ll be happy to know that we pulled some strings and put Eredonus Terrasicus Wuvius on the international endangered species list, so anyone that kills you in the wild is likely to get picketed by PETA.
This is SOR Update ....more than Half epic didnt play last 4 days :) Server guild & pugs doing good
Woah, I wake up and there is no one sitting outside TC spawn. Not so tough without your orb buffs. lolz.
you seriously? they can give you guys all 3 orbs – and we can still spawn kill you. It does gets boring after a while….
The Question Really Is
Whats a TC?
Now is our down time on TC so we have the outmanned buffs back up.
So even after the nightly mauling, TC’s ranking is only -11 over the week? In fact our overall ranking went from 8 to 7? Interesting.
Yes, I have no clue how these ranking works.
Good fights again last night in EB.
TC, you guys are really annoying and I say this as a compliment. The Rogue’s Quarry, Sentry Point, Sentry Point, Golanta path you guys kept taking starved SM of supply quite effectively. Additionally, the 6-catapult assaults on Klovan were quite effective too. If Klovan did not have so much supply stockpiled, it would have easily fallen. We had 6 people running supplies from the depot to the repair the wall. After the second catapult-assault on Klovan, there was no supply left and the walls were still damaged. Another attack and it might have been yours.
Ok TC it might be time to give the stacking a rest because it sure as heck aint working lol
you guys are getting rofflestomped whenever you do that stupid stuff
Oh look it’s another uninformed poster.
We managed to break the outer gate and nearly dropped the inner while our 2nd team broke through the water gate. It’s called a distraction.
(edited by Cottonmouth.9846)
On the bright side, TC gets a freebie next week.
TC vs. HoD vs. CD.
I’m not worried about facing SoS, but I’m not sure what to expect from the ‘Reddit’ server.
Crystal Desert was kitten tough last time we played them. We won’t underestimate those folks for sure.
Crystal Desert was kitten tough last time we played them. We won’t underestimate those folks for sure.
But it’ll be a 1v1, and you guys have improved far more and CD has.
Format is more than flawed. Servers with more active WvW players will always dominate the one with less active players. It’s just a fact, so these kind of scores will keep happening all the time. Maybe they should improve the matchmaking system.
@Dwok – thanks for the positive words. We will do our best. Good luck to you folks next week too. Your team really has great tactics. It isn’t just the numbers you have, as I’ve fought small battles all week as well. Your commanders and players deserve credit where it is due.
We’ve been doing good all week on SoR, but seems people stopped logging on after Wednesday. All today and yesterday when real action happens there’s nobody around.
It was nearly impossible to defend the keeps / towers near TC main base because they have a 20 second walk from their base while our castle was contested and we had to run 5 minutes back just to reinforce it. It’s battle of attrition and one sided at best.
I got plowed by bots, bots, and more bots on a WvW, not sure how that script targeting works, but it sucked. ET is too dead to even take that as a legit victory. I played WH for a few years, but I won’t be WvW much on GW2. When you have 100-1 odds, it is not fun at all. Sorry for the negativity. Just calling it as I see it.
I am really glad we went from the rough start this thread had to this. SoR, you’re are certainly the toughest server we’ve fought.
Good luck to everyone in the future!
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