11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Icehockeyplyr.4723


Was a great fight tonight between us Yaks and FA at AH. Hats off to FA for putting up a good fight.

Off topic, Is it considered night capping if we are defending?

Yaks Bend member of TOG
Tiamarra – 80 Mes – Riggins 80 Ele

(edited by Icehockeyplyr.4723)

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: LieutenantGoogle.7326


What in the world happened to ET, I can’t help but feel that the FA vs Yaks would be more even if they were more active but they barely have any presence.

lv80 with skills fully unlocked, warrior, elementalist and engineer
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: fivekiller.1432


What in the world happened to ET, I can’t help but feel that the FA vs Yaks would be more even if they were more active but they barely have any presence.

big alliances with great PR teams will do that to ya.

-Desirz Matheon

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Ireniicus.2167


FA did pretty good for a few hours today but at no point were Yaks scoring less then 310 points a tick.

Yaks WvW presence has grown organically and the players/Commanders have got better each week and learnt how to tough it out when playing against larger enemy forces. We still could improve a great deal which is encouraging but I think numbers wise we hit above our weight already.

Lets see what happens during the week. AS a Yaks man I am kinda hoping for ET to make a comeback and think its time for them to phone home .

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Ireniicus.2167


Ps…Any WvW focussed Asian/European guilds looking to make a difference. Yaks Bend needs you in order for us to compete in the highest tiers…Pls consider joining one of the friendliest, hardest working WvW communities.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Kronyx.2570


The FA team that was attacking YB Borderland (Askallion Hills) . Bravo guys. I have never been in a longer and persistent siege than this one. I was the only commander on the map and we were down to 0 for a while, and those trebs in the back really saved our keep. You guys lost a LOT of prints. But, in the end thanks for making my day interesting. And please come again!

Rheayas – 80 Guardian
Guild Leader Of [LOOT]
Yaks Bend Allaince Commander [YBA]

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Yougottawanna.7420


ARG I was part of that assault on Hills. We worked like dogs for what like two hours? to zero out your supply while your defense trebs downed everything we put up. Then when we finally zero you out and had the inner gate below 50% at one point there’s no one left to take the kitten keep. All our guys just left or something, maybe it got too late on the east coast I guess.

Story of FA’s life I swear. When we have people we do well, it’s why we always do well on server switch night. But our dudes just stop showing up.

Just frustrating I guess.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: ImmortalZodd.6871


Amazing fights this past few nights guys! really this is turning out better than CD during prime time you guys are bringing it to us!

i know weekend times are different for a lot of people. i personally can stay up till 6am still smashing on doors and upgrading. We have a very dedicated group of commanders that have amazing response times that keep the fight very close till around 2:40am(est) when we started pulling into the lead slowly, you FA guys held SM till 5:30am when we had all the other BL maps we came to finish up in EB.

Really great fights we will be seeing FA again i know it, and honestly i would rather play you guys than CD, who imo didn’t have as strong of prime NA(est) time groups as both of our servers.

Next friday is going to suck for us CD again and TC who beats up on CD, you will see us again in two weeks.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Arcadio.6875


It’s too bad I missed tonight’s match. I went out. Looks like there was a lot of fun.

Next friday is going to suck for us CD again and TC who beats up on CD, you will see us again in two weeks.

It’s possible we may never see each other again, lol. If Yaks gets knocked down to T4, someone is going to have to take your place in T3 as TC’s punching bag. I doubt that it will be DH, Mag, DB, EB, etc. Without server transfers, we will switch places between T3/T4 forever!

Lord Arcadio
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Lubrication.8734


/yawn.. /stretch
where are all the FA folks?
oh well plenty to take LOL

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Fallout.1798


Ok Yak’s Bend….this is just sad. AGAIN you rush our (Eredon T) garrison with 10 or so golems and take it with no effort. This is sad that you have to resort to such underhanded trickery to win what you want in your domination against us. You did this EXACT same thing last night. 10 golems? really? What a waste of gold. And now alot of us are gonna end up not showing up, and thus you will all be whining about being board. Gee…i wonder why?…..

Stormbluff Isle
[AoD]- Commander Vars Wolf

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: fivekiller.1432



it was actually 28 golems


-Desirz Matheon

(edited by fivekiller.1432)

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: freess.6820


anyway we built some golems to take ET BL.


11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: ravendd.4209


Golems are only “underhanded” when you’re not the one using them I suppose.

Yaks do it in herds.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Fallout.1798


And they are all Alpha seige golems. Total BS. Their is no way those are normaly obtained golems. Alot of those have to be hacks or an exploit. Not a single one of them are normal golems. With the cost of Alpha siege golems, so many of them would be too expensive. This is not sportsmanship, it just crulty and not leting us hold a single keep out of the 10 or more you already have.

Stormbluff Isle
[AoD]- Commander Vars Wolf

(edited by Fallout.1798)

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: freess.6820


And they are all Alpha seige golems. Total BS. Their is no way those are normaly obtained golems. Alot of those have to be hacks or an exploit. Not a single one of them are normal golems. With the cost of Alpha siege golems, so many of them would be too expensive and alot of skills points for people to make. This is not sportsmanship, it just crulty and not leting us hold a single keep out of the 10 or more you already have.

wat are you talkin about?

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Kronyx.2570


Alpha seige golems are the regular ones. Omega golems are the upgraded ones

Rheayas – 80 Guardian
Guild Leader Of [LOOT]
Yaks Bend Allaince Commander [YBA]

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Braxxus.2904



@ Braxxus: Moral of the story: fix the kitten rendering/culling issues already

I know and I agree, I was just being facetious.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Fallout.1798


I corrected myself on that. But still. They cost too much for the large amounts you had (and from yesterday). And then to add insult to injury you “let” us destroy them at godsword after a while along with some trebs. If those were obtained without exploits then I wouldn’t have just been throwing them away like candy.

Stormbluff Isle
[AoD]- Commander Vars Wolf

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Drede.4701


Umm the Yak’ s night crew is a little sore after last week’s thrashing by CD so its kinda nice to be on top? And maybe they don’t have a better use for their gold since both the other servers are non-existant this time of night.

The many different ways I can spell Regnilond xD
Guardians of the Creed [HATE]
Yak’s Bend

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: romulanale.1486


I don’t expect you to enjoy losing, but the suggestion that using golems is a dirty trick or that we should just let you take territory is whiny nonsense.

I mean YOU have Pooka. It is amazing we can take anything with him on your side. The man is a modern day Hannibal.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Ciannon.6547


I corrected myself on that. But still. They cost too much for the large amounts you had (and from yesterday). And then to add insult to injury you “let” us destroy them at godsword after a while along with some trebs. If those were obtained without exploits then I wouldn’t have just been throwing them away like candy.

So… because you can’t afford any, we can’t throw ours away?

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: ravendd.4209


We told people to go have fun with them since there wasn’t anything else to take – and they were obtained by first collecting, distilling, fermenting, and then selling the accumulated tears of forum kittens to Chinese gold farmers (for US dollars of course) – and behold – Andrew Jackson wins again.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: chahlz.5178


I for one fully support donating abandoned Siege Golems to realms that are straggling behind.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: shunobee.6907


Only small problem I had was parking them outside the cit door to taunt and farm and building a treb on top of that lol. But whatever, to each his own I guess.


[mend] – Eredon Terrace

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Rob.9361



Pastor Chaos [FG]
Guild Master, Forgiven Gaming
Blackgate, US

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Dethroat.3514


Not to mention the 6 we had on Fort Aspenwood to take one tower.

For the lulz.


Dethroat – Human – Necromancer – War is Hell [WAR] Leader
Tarnished Coast

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Cygni.2790


This was on the FA map at the same time. Kind of bored so just having some fun.


11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Fallout.1798


If you guys have sooooooo much gold, then i can think of better uses of it, like making Legendary weapons. And that many golems…we have no chance to defend against that. I spent alot of my money to upgrade the garrison (and the garrison from last night), and in the end it did NOTHING. Reinforced gates? So many golems rip through them like paper. Any other attack and that upgrades money would have been actually useful. All my money (at least 4 gold worth) down the drain in a matter of seconds.

Stormbluff Isle
[AoD]- Commander Vars Wolf

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Spanx.2470


4 Gold = 4 Golems.. Just a thought… I’m having fun where I am standing!!!


11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Sophora.1436


If you guys have sooooooo much gold, then i can think of better uses of it, like making Legendary weapons.

But Golems are stronger than Legendary weapons.

Perceptor – Engineer
Yak’s Bend

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Edan.1285


Just wanted to hop in and say that the battle that we were having against FA at Jennifer’s was fun. That was a hell of a skirmish there!

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: patricide.1062


If you guys have sooooooo much gold, then i can think of better uses of it, like making Legendary weapons. And that many golems…we have no chance to defend against that. I spent alot of my money to upgrade the garrison (and the garrison from last night), and in the end it did NOTHING. Reinforced gates? So many golems rip through them like paper. Any other attack and that upgrades money would have been actually useful. All my money (at least 4 gold worth) down the drain in a matter of seconds.

First, let me explain that Yak’s Bend has a very strong interguild alliance with a unified VOIP. We are very communicative and very supportive. We pool our resources and have vastly decreased our response times. Our alliance has really grown, in terms of numbers, morale, coordination, etc. The alliance is what is making Yak’s Bend strong.

Secondly, 28 golems is just how FOO does business. I’m actually surprised they didn’t have more. They are a massive, massive guild that pools resources and they have very strong leadership.

Lastly… Yeah, a total of 34 golems across two maps capping all at once is very overwhelming. Maybe you missed the point where this is a war and overwhelming the enemy is a pretty sound strategy. Especially when said enemy owns half the map.

28g isn’t as much as you think. Hell, my guild is pretty small and we have 30-40g in our bank at any given time.

Support Guardian – D/D Ele
[Rawr] – HoD

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Erinshaw.8035


I believe you will find the golums were obtained from the jumping puzzles and very few bought with gold. The fact that your gold was spent upgrading was wasted is indeed unfortunate. You obviously try hard for your server and I commend you for that. We experienced that overnight all last week. The reason that we maybe letting off steam is because of the posts in the middle of last week that crowed that yaks would get it in the face this week. Since last Thursday we have been getting ready for this. Yaks is a very determined server with aa strong leadership that fights on against all odds and we have been face smashed a few times move on and grow better together. Please keep up your good fight regardless of the score. In the end if you do reach the top your real problems begin. Take heart in your courage and fight each target as though the result depended on it. Good luck. To all and enjoy what you can

The Older Gamers (TOG) wvw guild leader

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: patricide.1062


Notice that there are two guilds on these golems, though it was mostly WAR piloting them. By the end of this rush, four guilds were working together. Whether piloting the golems, protecting them, portaling them, whatever. Again, this is what is making Yak’s Bend strong.


Support Guardian – D/D Ele
[Rawr] – HoD

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


OMG the golem army is just hilarious. If you have to lose a keep you want it to cost 30 gold. I woulda laughed myself silly.

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: atarigenocide.4987


I have eight alts and whenever there’s a mesmer in the jumping puzzle, I run all my guys through it. This has happened often enough. Plus, I run some of them through the borderlands puzzles. I, as a single player, have more blueprints than I know what to do with. I think I have 10 golems across my characters and I never paid for one. So it’s hardly surprising that our WvW focused guilds would have a lot, both because of jumping puzzle gains and gold.

You are really coming across as a spoiled whiner and don’t seem at all representative of your server (at least, I hope not). We all want competition but if you just let people have something or you don’t make any effort to take something, then it’s no longer competition. It’s hardly a flaw of any person, guild, or alliance to do their best all the time and then let the chips fall where they may. This week, it’s on our side, next week we might get demolished but I doubt we’ll be hearing whimpering about people using golems or superior blueprints on us.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

It’s been pretty fun holding this keep for the past few hours, about to head off to bed.

Hopefully this weekend will give our server a wake up call. We’re easily a tier 3 server during the day, probably even tier 2. But at night or really anything that isn’t NA primetime, we’re like tier 5.

When Gods and Pro aren’t around there really isn’t much to fall back on.

Hopefully this will inspire us to work on recruiting some guilds that will be able to cover our non-peak hours.

Also our communication seems to be lacking a bit. Communication within guilds is great, at least from what I’ve seen. (I’m in gods myself), but communication between different guilds is mediocre at best. So things like a 20 golem train aren’t really an option.

And the week isn’t over yet. I don’t know about taking the lead, but don’t be surprised to see us closing the gap a little bit.

Hopefully we’ll learn from this and improve for next weeks match.

Anet make Rev great again.

(edited by Wasabi Kitty.8247)

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: insaneshadow.1654


When a guild member told us they were staring at 20 some odd golems I thought he was exaggerating.

Gust Root | Letum Folium | Lo Bridge | Snow Spot | Roland East | Nascharr | Bjorn Microbrew
Yak’s Bend
Lincoln Force [BOMB]

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: ravendd.4209


The best part is… we only built that many because he cried about it the night before.
True story.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Feared.2180


WTF this is not fair, those guys had atleast 30 golems. Play fair Yaks Bend. In my opinion you guys should never use more than 29 golems or 28 golems and 1 catapult.
:) .. On a serious note, Thanks for the fun weekend of WvW everyone. This has been a blast.


Georgia Dawg<foo>
80 Guardian
Foo Guild

(edited by Feared.2180)

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

Oh and don’t think you’re getting this keep anytime soon.

Anet make Rev great again.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Feared.2180


If you guys have sooooooo much gold, then i can think of better uses of it, like making Legendary weapons. And that many golems…we have no chance to defend against that. I spent alot of my money to upgrade the garrison (and the garrison from last night), and in the end it did NOTHING. Reinforced gates? So many golems rip through them like paper. Any other attack and that upgrades money would have been actually useful. All my money (at least 4 gold worth) down the drain in a matter of seconds.

First, let me explain that Yak’s Bend has a very strong interguild alliance with a unified VOIP. We are very communicative and very supportive. We pool our resources and have vastly decreased our response times. Our alliance has really grown, in terms of numbers, morale, coordination, etc. The alliance is what is making Yak’s Bend strong.

Secondly, 28 golems is just how FOO does business. I’m actually surprised they didn’t have more. They are a massive, massive guild that pools resources and they have very strong leadership.

Lastly… Yeah, a total of 34 golems across two maps capping all at once is very overwhelming. Maybe you missed the point where this is a war and overwhelming the enemy is a pretty sound strategy. Especially when said enemy owns half the map.

28g isn’t as much as you think. Hell, my guild is pretty small and we have 30-40g in our bank at any given time.


Georgia Dawg<foo>
80 Guardian
Foo Guild

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

My only real complaint about this matchup is that it’s a 2 server match. I saw a handful of ET on Friday night and nothing since then.

Anet make Rev great again.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Drede.4701


The best part is… we only built that many because he cried about it the night before.
True story.

Moral of the Story: don’t whine about how you lost your garrison last night, or it will be even worse tonight.

The many different ways I can spell Regnilond xD
Guardians of the Creed [HATE]
Yak’s Bend

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Enenion.8127


Fantastic fight today for the EB Lowlands keep. Even though we lost in the end, it was a lot of fun.

Fort Aspenwood

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Bit.2519


Think I banked around like 40 badges of honor from the insanely long fight at EB Lowlands.

Commander Lady Sayrah-Fort Aspenwood [PRO]
http://www.twitch.tv/bitcloud1 http://www.youtube.com/JetstormTV

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Cygni.2790


Was good fun, getting the keep. Next time your defending like that though perhaps try and create more of a choke point at the door, a cata simply to knock people onto the ground as they came in and keep them in the AoE(Arrow cart AoE with cripples and bleeds) longer goes a long way. But expect them to get inside also so have spots in the back such as holding the upper walls would be a good place. But you need to make sure you can reinforce safely. As those walls are so long and narrow a ballista works great for holding them, they allows you to create another choke point on the stairs.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Reonhato.5914



it was actually 28 golems

Look I get that you guys have nothing better to do but this is the kind of kitten that results in no one bothering to fight the next day.

FA won the first primetime fight, not by much but we won. The second night we did not really get close and things like being able to build 30 golems while everyone is asleep is the reason why. On the first night everything starts even and balanced. The next night though people are logging in to fight on maps against an opposition who has 3 fully upgraded and supplied keeps and almost unlimited siege on every borderlands. The fact that we can even get it back to the point that its almost even points is a miracle but less people will show up tomorrow and even less the next day because no one likes to fight an uphill battle that is completely pointless.

If their was an actual chance of coming back and making a difference maybe more people would show up but that is not the case. I think a lot of servers overestimate just how much population FA has due to our very strong prime time. The amount of offpeak presence is definitely overestimated as shown by yaks surprise at how easily they beat us off peak.

Out of all the NA servers FA arguably suffers the most against offpeak capping. It is very rare to get a fight as good as we did against yaks on the first night, not even the tier 3 servers gave us as good a fight on the first night. The reason being as im sure yaks is now aware, FA has a primetime team that although lacking in numbers is very strong, even though apparently we do not have as much communication as other servers but with a very poor offpeak presence often our primetime team is left fighting against opposition that simply cannot put up much competition. It basically means we get 1 good night of WvW a week if we are lucky.

11/2 Fort Aspenwood vs Yak's Bend vs Eredon Terrace

in WvW

Posted by: Dethroat.3514


Notice that there are two guilds on these golems, though it was mostly WAR piloting them. By the end of this rush, four guilds were working together. Whether piloting the golems, protecting them, portaling them, whatever. Again, this is what is making Yak’s Bend strong.

A strong Alliance indeed my friend. Thanks for the help :P. Yak’s for life!

Dethroat – Human – Necromancer – War is Hell [WAR] Leader
Tarnished Coast