12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Kyto.4269


Shout-outs to the CD EBG zergers last night – in spite of FA and IOJ’s stubborn refusal to even contemplate not double-teaming us, kitten got held-down tight.

And now we’re winning!

CD: 158k

IOJ: 155k

FA: who cares, they lost. Good =D

yo CD person please have some respect as FA has been defending itself all the time.We have been zerged by both servers at the same time. And we were able to hold up quit ewell, so i’d appreciate a little respect in the forums. we might not have the numbers but we still fight hard , fair and good!

Always respected CD for having an amazing community, don’t deface the server.

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: ryan.3915


Really enjoyed playing against ioj the past match. Its really hard to take territories from you!

Blaine Warbler, Thief
EDMW, Jade Quarry.
I still love Crystal Dessert tho.

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Roborovskii.7635


3-some going on in some BL


12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: kylia.4813


Some awesome battles against FA tonight


12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: wombat.6123


Great fun in FA BL tonight, so many IoJ from Never Die and Avatar. Lots of good fights outside Greenbriar, Godsword and Hills.

Wombling Wombat
FA – Protectorate of Aspenwood [PRO]

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Deathdom.8250


We need to ban this hacking archer. Please report him, IOJ.


12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Kinglette.4906


kitten I meant to stealth him not the wall
We were having fun in FAbl looking forward to a new week

80 Guardian, 80 Warrior, 80 Thief

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


To Niim…. by the big picture, I didn’t mean so much the week long battle, as an over all impression that your server is serious about / good at WvW. Losing for a week or 2 isn’t that big a deal, but if I were on a server that lost week after week, and basically continued to press a strategy that didn’t ever give a real chance to win, as much I’m all for server loyalty, I’d likely look somewhere else.

I guess I view it differently. The scoreboard and tier system are largely broken and thus focusing on it seems like you will always be disappointed. What works and is fun, is fighting and I would rather focus my efforts on have a good time fighting people, rather then worry about winning a match when ultimately strategy has less impact then your 24/7 population.

~ AoN ~

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: selan.8354


Some awesome battles against FA tonight


yeah had fun fighting vs avatar.confusion vs confusion!:-)))

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: kylia.4813


Some awesome battles against FA tonight


yeah had fun fighting vs avatar.confusion vs confusion!:-)))

There seems to be alot more warriors and guardians in your force than ususal!

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Kman.7358


I am kind of confused about how we’ve managed to take the lead in points with the kind of defense CD regularly displays. I guess we’re better at defending wood keeps than fully upgraded ones?

Kinda ironic how true that is. CD has no defenders. All the commanders follow the strategy of letting the towers fall then re-take it afterwards. Maybe we can call ourselves the viking server or something.

Very true. We have a few defensive commanders (I try, I know a few others) but the rest of our players don’t share the same mindset. Stay passive in one area too long, people get antsy and upset. Sometimes they pick fights because they want to be out on the offensive, when you want to be on the defensive. So what normally happens is what you said. Commanders move around and take other stuff while they wait for a tower to fall, and then they come back and reclaim it.

Appeased -Team Riot [RIOT] – Blackgate

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Heinel.6548


I am kind of confused about how we’ve managed to take the lead in points with the kind of defense CD regularly displays. I guess we’re better at defending wood keeps than fully upgraded ones?

Kinda ironic how true that is. CD has no defenders. All the commanders follow the strategy of letting the towers fall then re-take it afterwards. Maybe we can call ourselves the viking server or something.

Very true. We have a few defensive commanders (I try, I know a few others) but the rest of our players don’t share the same mindset. Stay passive in one area too long, people get antsy and upset. Sometimes they pick fights because they want to be out on the offensive, when you want to be on the defensive. So what normally happens is what you said. Commanders move around and take other stuff while they wait for a tower to fall, and then they come back and reclaim it.

I guess it’s circular. If all the commanders are on the map are all gungho about taking enemy keeps and towers, it obviously sound more fun than staying behind waiting for enemies to come.

Our loudest most renowned commanders are all-offensive-only unless we have stonemist, and when they attempt to defend stone mist they also get players sticking around defending it. If they had done the same to towers then we’ll have defenders too.

“… but I hate the idea ‘It may not make sense at first’.
I want it to make sense right away, then another sense later. Murkiness =/= quality "
- CCP Abraxis

(edited by Heinel.6548)

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Kman.7358


I am kind of confused about how we’ve managed to take the lead in points with the kind of defense CD regularly displays. I guess we’re better at defending wood keeps than fully upgraded ones?

Kinda ironic how true that is. CD has no defenders. All the commanders follow the strategy of letting the towers fall then re-take it afterwards. Maybe we can call ourselves the viking server or something.

Very true. We have a few defensive commanders (I try, I know a few others) but the rest of our players don’t share the same mindset. Stay passive in one area too long, people get antsy and upset. Sometimes they pick fights because they want to be out on the offensive, when you want to be on the defensive. So what normally happens is what you said. Commanders move around and take other stuff while they wait for a tower to fall, and then they come back and reclaim it.

I guess it’s circular. If all the commanders are on the map are all gungho about taking enemy keeps and towers, it obviously sound more fun than staying behind waiting for enemies to come.

Our loudest most renowned commanders are all-offensive-only unless we have stonemist, and when they attempt to defend stone mist they also get players sticking around defending it. If they had done the same to towers then we’ll have defenders too.

Oh, don’t get me wrong. If I sit somewhere to defend, I’ll get the entirety of the zerg on me. However, from experience, at least in how some people act, they get antsy. I’m sure there are the people that will willingly stay with me and defend, or do menial things like run supply or repair, but, yeah, the majority want to be out taking things.

Even so, when I go WvW offensively and take stuff, if you hit that one point that you just can’t get, sometimes people think you can’t do anything in that map and leave, which then just puts our servers presence in that map in a bad spot.

Appeased -Team Riot [RIOT] – Blackgate

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Heinel.6548


Even so, when I go WvW offensively and take stuff, if you hit that one point that you just can’t get, sometimes people think you can’t do anything in that map and leave, which then just puts our servers presence in that map in a bad spot.

That’s… only sensible. If you hit a brick wall, you cut your loses and stop banging your head against it. If you change the objective before people leave the map then they will not leave the map.

“… but I hate the idea ‘It may not make sense at first’.
I want it to make sense right away, then another sense later. Murkiness =/= quality "
- CCP Abraxis

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Kman.7358


Even so, when I go WvW offensively and take stuff, if you hit that one point that you just can’t get, sometimes people think you can’t do anything in that map and leave, which then just puts our servers presence in that map in a bad spot.

That’s… only sensible. If you hit a brick wall, you cut your loses and stop banging your head against it. If you change the objective before people leave the map then they will not leave the map.

Oh, yeah, I understand that. But a large amount of the time, if you hit a wall, people will just leave. In large numbers. So then the people who stay are thrown on defense instantly, and often times, it isn’t enough to hold what was taken in the rush beforehand.

Appeased -Team Riot [RIOT] – Blackgate

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Zoel.9154


I guess my perspective could be wrong but it seems people complain that green and X are teaming up against the odd color out in EBG in every single Tier

Lets ask you this question:

Which of these towers would you prefer to attack?

1. Wildcreek
2. Anzelia’s
3. Durios

Ok, which of these camps would you prefer to attack?

1. Goltana
2. Speldan
3. Umberglade


Zoel – GM of [coVn]

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Docherty.8372


You can’t. Need you to target them when visible
A lot of people will target you as you run in or get pulled to the edge and then you will get ctrl-t so that the entire group can target you.
Some pulls like tc of the Mesmer don’t require line of sight.

Fair enough, then how do you shake that? Getting whipped around when you can’t even see your enemy is not fun.

You don’t really – you can use stability/blocking/invulnerability (there is enough time to react if you see the focus Mez placing their line), that will work.

The range can also be surprising – y’know that high ledge by the lord in Wildcreek? They can pull people off that while standing on the ground. It’s a very useful tool during a siege, and is the best counter to out-of-reach arrow carts etc.

CD’s success in gaining first this week I think rests at least in part on finally (somewhat!) containing ND guild in CDBL during oceanic hours, once or twice we’ve managed to force them to come to EBG to save Lowlands at the 11th hour – respect where it’s due, IOJ’s night-watch are tough and dangerous opponents, but so are CD’s and we haven’t been out-muscled in days.

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: MrKnieves.4162


Ugh, we are up with these two servers again, time for a break from WvW. :/

Zheenn [Warrior] [Commander]| Alondra Del Mar [Thief] | Lorean Alisk [Elemental]
Rough Trade [RTGC]
Crystal Desert

12/28 IoJ / CD / FA (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Mian.1945


I guess my perspective could be wrong but it seems people complain that green and X are teaming up against the odd color out in EBG in every single Tier

Lets ask you this question:

Which of these towers would you prefer to attack?

1. Wildcreek
2. Anzelia’s
3. Durios

Ok, which of these camps would you prefer to attack?

1. Goltana
2. Speldan
3. Umberglade


In some cycles and some tiers yes there’s double-teaming, this isn’t one of them. Those 3 supply camps are flipped continuously and equally by all. Those three towers are also attacked with the same regularity, although Wildcreek got taken a bit less than the others because we made sure it was always fully upgraded, defended and covered in enough siege weaponry to put a Soviet Army red square parade to shame. Many a shattered siege force has been sent home broken after attempting a run on Wildcreek.