19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


That is strange since Blacktide have total domination 12-14 hours a day. We are talking 3-5 times the player numbers of Seafarer’s. Sometimes we are even outnumbered 10-15 vs 1. I guess that Blacktides “EU” timezone go all around the world then

Seafarer’s – Nierae.

Blacktide has a fairly hardcore WvW population, and we do have a considerable gap of a few hours between our last large group and the Russians playing in the morning.
It’s not our fault if your server doesn’t have the same drive, or early morning players.

We were up against Desolation last week, they won, not because of their American presence in our gap, but because they managed to get together as a server and organise a very strong daytime presence to counter ours, 10k before we caught up with them.
They started out ahead because of that nighttime presence, but it wasn’t what made them win.

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Scribbles.7493


This thread seems to be bugged and I can’t view the first page.

Edit: And it just fixed itself.

Blacktide – [CIR]
Crimson Imperium Reborn

19/10 Blacktide vs Seafarer's vs Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: CC Charles.3675

CC Charles.3675

Community Coordinator


Due to the inflammatory tone of this thread, we will now close it.

Thank you for your understanding.