2/15 AM vs FS vs GH
Last night was crazy!! I’ve to say that was the best night fights for me, it was very fun… yeah, we were attacked from both enemies at the same time in different places and sometimes the same place seconds later it was defended from one… it was crazy and a little frustrating sometimes, because our numbers didn’t match both yours togheter and it was very hard to defend… but we were great, we did our best and we succeded somehow… for example we defended Ogre with our best, many of FS, three cata (one superior cata) on the hill with the ogres, wall down… but we succeded and keep it our! We fought for Golanta in the middle, there was FS on one side and behind AM, and we didn’t lose and pushed both… so very very funny fights!!
Later you began to attack our BL, so many of ours changed map and I went to bed… too late!!! xD
Ok, maybe with both against us at the same moment it’s too hard and we can’t defend all, but we can do great fights and often win… so have fun guys!
Thanks both FS and AM, though it’s hard, it’s also amusing!
Gunnar’s Hold
The culling can indeed be very annoying even if it’s not the enemies that have it.
When we sieged your hills last evening, we were storming into the lord room.
At one moment all i saw was, lots of red tags, and on our side only the dead guys :p
I was thinking, what the hell, how could we loose this?
Little did i know all the red tags were your dead guys and we had 20 invisible people dancing in the lordroom
Luna Solares – Mesmer
Are you talking about Maloki’s awesome portal of death? ^.^
(edited by Acotje.5689)
No it was with ciuffo and cryara.
I finally found out things were ok when i saw a commander tag on the map still move in the lord room
Luna Solares – Mesmer
I don’t think there is any alliance going on. We spent the whole evening with AoA on AM BL. Blos was also there. We kept the whole one side of their map blue for our entire event. Why would we do that if there was an alliance? Sunday night we were there too and we even took their Garrison.
I think it is a others have said before, servers fighting tactically for position and taking advantage of other servers attacks. Like when we go in somewhere and then another server comes in behind us, wipes us and takes it instead of us or sometimes two servers fight for a big keep like Hills, while one defends.
Played for a little while mid/late evening yesterday. Someone had kindly trebbed down the wall at Bay and we went in expecting to get swarmed so we just intended to kill any siege equipment we found. Switched on my commander tag. A couple of minutes later we were still alive so we decided to have a go at inner, which fell quite quickly. Switched off tag and faded into the background to be a grunt again
Good fun, a few nice skirmishes, lots of nice lootbags. Upside of enemy servers having lots of enemy players swarming us is it is a nice target-rich environment.
Looney vids at http://www.youtube.com/feed/UCRhCtfrF9GhxU1CoeZSN0kQ/u
Midnight Mayhem
Aww, WvW is down:(.
Anyway nice fights on FS BL although we failed 2 attacks on Garrison:,(
Oh look at us getting double teamed by the AM-GH Alliance :p
Far Shiverpeaks – representing [eXo] [tbp] [NW]
Pfft, you can’t even compare the screenshots! GH has a whole 1 camp more in your BL than you have in their BL, and less in EB
FTR – I don’t think there is an alliance going on, I spend most my time in EB and I just rarely see anything change hands (or even flag) in the lower half of the map. Mostly I think it’s because both sides know we have less numbers in that zone. But gotta admit it was awfully “WTF” the other day when AM defended Durios for you
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal
The Alliance doesnt extend to EB like lasts night one did though so count yourself lucky
Victrixx [xVx]
Yea, rly enjoyed the fights. Chasing GH out of Bay to hear others yell that AM entered Lordsroom xD…nice 3way fights
Also…my cata was hungry in garrison, this is the result (counted 18bags when I picked em up) <3
Our Alliance with GH failed when they betrayed aus and attacked our BL while we tried to siege Garrison the second time! THIS MEANS WAR!:O evil Gunnars aren’t trustworthy!
Stop going for my tower you kitten FSP… every time I turn around theres 30 of you in Pangloss and I have to get to Ogre just incase! >.<
Currently @ Piken Square
Small scale unimpressive videos of unimpressiveness: http://www.youtube.com/neandramathal
(edited by Neandramathal.9536)
That fight in Bay on FSP border before the build update was great fun tbf. We mounted a defense at inner once we knew the walls were going down. We slowly pushed GH out and forced them back across the water. Most of our defenders then went to move across to kill the trebs, and just after they did AM hit inner and we had a mad scramble to defend again. Eventually all 3 servers were in the Lord’s Room together in some shape with us just managing to hold on. There was no respite though as AM hit our garrison quickly after with a few golems. Thankfully we managed to wipe the golems before they could hit our inner garrison and we eventually pushed AM out. Enjoyed the fights can’t wait for more.
Far Shiverpeaks – representing [eXo] [tbp] [NW]
I smell aliance
A Skritt is dumb. A group of Skritt are smart.
A Human is smart. A group of Humans are idiots.
I smell aliance
I smell paranoia…
Awesome fights atm. 30 FSP keep attacking our wooden towers at EB.
Awesome balanced fights. Keep it up
Yea Xoac has thought us well
although i doubt we can pull it off as much as them ^^
30 FSP keep attacking our wooden towers at EB.
FS are scared of us, mate. Look how they concentrate on us. They haven’t touched AM all week. It’s a huge compliment.
Yea AM is just our vassal state now.
In return for no more attacks against their cities we annex half their borderland every day
Luna Solares – Mesmer
And then you woke up
Which is more than AM did.
30 FSP keep attacking our wooden towers at EB.
FS are scared of us, mate. Look how they concentrate on us. They haven’t touched AM all week.
It’s a huge compliment.
We are scared of you so we concentrate you? Ok………that makes a lot of sense.
AM has had a huge focus on our border the past few days, and your own server if they have the numbers hit our border before they even think of hitting AM border. That’s 2 compliments right there.
The funny thing is AM are the only server benefitting from all this. You think the onus is on us to push AM border when you don’t touch it yourselves. Our border has been the main attacking focus of both AM and GH all matchup, and you have both left each other relatively untouched. We simply focus where we can get easier points to stay in the game when that happens, and unfortunately for you the truth is simply GH border is easier. We would love to attack AM border but you don’t give us the chance. Whatever happens in EB is different. We have fixed commanders there that simply play EB alone. GH as the red coloured team means you guys have overlook where you can treb SM from. It’s no surprise that you get more focus from us if we have SM since its more dangerous to leave you untouched.
Maybe you need to change your own tactic to change how the other servers play
Far Shiverpeaks – representing [eXo] [tbp] [NW]
Your tactic is to build 20 ballistas outside our spawn point at EB? While Am still getting untouched?
Your tactic is to build 20 ballistas outside our spawn point at EB? While Am still getting untouched?
I’m not ingame atm so can’t comment on this, but 20 ballistas really?…..maybe you miscounted and there was really only 19.
I generally don’t play EB, only if we are under pressure there. Last week was the first week in a long time in EB we generally didn’t get it our way. If it makes you feel any better we suffered a similar fate at times last week as AG focussed us in EB as they had SM and we had overlook ofc. They swarmed our keep and spawn many times that matchup, and I seem to recall you guys having no problems taking advantage of it by taking some of our towers. Don’t recall us whinging about it, infact I enjoyed the defence of Overlook.
Far Shiverpeaks – representing [eXo] [tbp] [NW]
Your tactic is to build 20 ballistas outside our spawn point at EB? While Am still getting untouched?
They have 1 tower and their keep, yea that’s totaly untouched.
To bad the ballistas ruined my jump party with the Xaoc Charr warrior tho, tought we were becoming friends and then he shot me with a ballista T.T
Current state of affairs. It shows us dominating both servers in EB, not just yours. All 3 borders on the other hand are relatively intact and don’t show much activity. If this can’t persuade you that we don’t go out of our way to focus GH then I give up. Quit the whinging and get back to fighting
Far Shiverpeaks – representing [eXo] [tbp] [NW]
FSP has been going after us since day 1 of our matchup. its clear to anyone who had the map open. i just wonder one thing: what makes you so excited about gunnars? many weeks before we had our matchup i read from FSP players often how they are looking forwards to fight us and blabla Gunnar Gunnar.. why the obsession? why taking off days from work to beat us? did you do that in other matchups too? going out of your way to focus on GH is EXACTLY what has been going on. ive never said alliance and blabla in all the other matchups, read all my posts and im not saying alliance here.. but with FSP it was very clear from the start that gunnars is special for you and you would go out of your way to ensure our defeat, even if it costs you. i just wonder why. did you get a bad beating by Xaoc earlier in your history or whats the deal with wanting to defeat gunnars so badly? not saying anything about AM or Millers, they were doing quite normal.. but FSP.. get honest.
They are focusing on us because we are second. Oh wait.
They are focusing on us because we are red.
These comments have taken a nose dive. It’s a war game, it’s not fair, let’s take a few deep breaths and calm down a little. Who are we to dictate how FSP should be playing their game? They will play in a way that maximises their fun and their points – there’s nothing we can do about it, so what’s the point in kittening?
[Re] Rerolled
I think it should be pretty clear that we go after GH in FS prime time as that is your weakest time, so easy points.
Far Shiverpeaks – Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]
This is getting ridiculous. I see you chose not to comment on the screenshot I posted Genotix. Is it because it proves your accusation that we were leaving AM untouched as a lie?
In response to Steelo, i’ll be perfectly honest with you in that I have the exact same impression of your server and would have plenty of examples to back it up. I could post how I never see red in AM border. I could post how 2 days ago you poured huge numbers into FSP border, taking Bay and Hills, while AM also had their zerg there. Have a look at the first screenshot on this matchup and all of the red on our border, while AM border is mainly intact. You see where this is going? Any poster from any of the servers could point out and give examples of how they feel they are being focussed by the other two. Every server has their moments on top, and there are still good fights to be had so why not focus on enjoying them?
Far Shiverpeaks – representing [eXo] [tbp] [NW]
EB is now our new FS borderland, also totally double teaming on you GH! We aren’t capping AM stuff, just photoshopping it all onto your maps.
Edit: Forgot the photoshop a few flags and a camp, all fixed now
Far Shiverpeaks – Bubblegum Dragons [GUM]
(edited by Melvin.3295)
Ok but you still took GH part of EB first before getting bored and getting AM’s so Steelios comment is correct.
Victrixx [xVx]
this is my impression from millers / fsp / gh match… i dont play this game anymore. also about your screenie lol.. its shows you fighting gunnars hard at spawn with commander and what not.. while there isnt even a fight in red parts. so you let them have it untill you cleared out gh and then went to take it because its hardly effort, probably in 30 minutes – after youve spent hours to beat down gh probably? anyways i dont want to dicuss this, its obvious to me and nothing you say is going to change my impression. also someone confirmed you got a beatdown by xaoc in your history and so i have the reason now aswell.. couldnt care much, this game is a failure, wvw is about numbers and competitive players have no place in there.. just got fed up with the lies in this thread.
(edited by Steelo.4597)
Look, whatever. It’s the fact that attackers can field 2x the numbers defenders can. Moreover it makes sense for attackers to hit defenders and leave each other alone, resulting in a local 2v1 situation. We all do that, it’s nothing. GH’s problem is we can fill one borderland + a dozen or so on others. FS can probably fill our BL, their own and EB simultaneously on prime time. Same for AM. So we are fighting 2v1 on the only BL we can have presence in, and have outmanned buff everywhere else, ofc it feels like double teaming when it’s really not.
“rly nice double team by AG and GH in FSP borderland. you guys r rly pro”
Tap Skis you posted this at the previous match up thread.
Maybe you should dedicate this to yourself?:)
Way too much whining in this thread for my liking – we have a very close match up with balanced scores (as balanced as I have seen in a while, anyway) and what ought to be some good fights going on – I’d appeal to all to stop with accusations of double teaming and so on as it really serves no purpose!
I thank you.
Way too much whining in this thread for my liking – we have a very close match up with balanced scores (as balanced as I have seen in a while, anyway) and what ought to be some good fights going on – I’d appeal to all to stop with accusations of double teaming and so on as it really serves no purpose!
I thank you.
+1 to this guy
What are we supposed to do? farm in orr untill you can log in people?
This isn’t a walkover match where we are supposed to give quarter to the opposition just so we wouldn’t feel guilty. The points are still close and we are far from dominant over the whole day, so we do what we can during the moments where we are dominant, you do thesame.
During the afternoon hours when all this whining started we also didn’t have huge numbers, just more than you, but not enough to fight both GH and AM equally at thesame time.
While your side was being captured we had a few people fighting skirmishes with the germans west of SM while our trebs were having their way on klovan and WC.
Do you honestly believe we would first go take a tower from AM, then go to your side and cap one of yours, then back to AM to take another tower, and then back to your side for tower nr4, etc.. just so that we wouldn’t hurt anyone’s feeling?
2 weeks ago we had to endure the massive GH nightcapping, it is just part of the game as its 24/7 , well this was also just part of the 24/7.
Luna Solares – Mesmer
We know we would get smashed in T4.
AG alone already was too much to handle for us, we aren’t delusional
But you are right, there will always be complaining, hell i’m guilty of it myself sometimes.
Some complaints however are utterly ridiculous.
Luna Solares – Mesmer
Overlook on EB is perfect place to get your dodges atm.
Abaddons Mouth-Server sollte im Kampf mehr statt zu beteiligen, nur zu verteidigen. Sie machen das Spiel sehr langweilig für andere Server. Erinnern, wenn es keine Teilnehmer sind, gibt es keinen Spaß.
Abaddons Mouth-Server sollte im Kampf mehr statt zu beteiligen, nur zu verteidigen. Sie machen das Spiel sehr langweilig für andere Server. Erinnern, wenn es keine Teilnehmer sind, gibt es keinen Spaß.
English forums are English.
You could go annoy them with german on their own forums
Luna Solares – Mesmer
Best match-up so far for me.
Interesting fights and from time to time some new crazy tactics to learn… or better not to.
And at least not only 60+ zergs roaming our BL 24/7 like the past weeks.
Just out of curiousity, how many Players did you had on the massive attack this noon on EB for our Keep there?
Btw. big thanks to the enemy Commander wo did run into our “Turtle-with-ballista” on AM yesterday for almost an hour with his Zerg. So much loot^^
And to see the Spawn-Event fail halfway between your spawn and our tower, priceless!
And thanks for the big morale boost on our Troops!
Did by any chance, someone make a record of it? Would love to see this again
(edited by Thareen.5471)
Best match-up so far for me.
Interesting fights and from time to time some new crazy tactics to learn… or better not to.
And at least not only 60+ zergs roaming our BL 24/7 like the past weeks.Just out of curiousity, how many Players did you had on the massive attack this noon on EB for our Keep there?
Btw. big thanks to the enemy Commander wo did run into our “Turtle-with-ballista” on AM yesterday for almost an hour with his Zerg. So much loot^^
And to see the Spawn-Event fail halfway between your spawn and our tower, priceless!
And thanks for the big morale boost on our Troops!
Did by any chance, someone make a record of it? Would love to see this again
I could be wrong, but after reading your post one might guess that a certain part of your body is rather hurt
Also – 60+ zergs ? They`re like bigfoot, everyone claims they`ve seen one, but all we get is a blurry screenshot. I haven`t seen one of those (zergs, not bigfoot) since the old days when we were fighting Vizunah and even back then those were a rare sight.
Not sure what server you`re talking about but i doubt GH or FSP can field zergs with those numbers…
It says in your tag that you`re a commander, please fix your eyesight, it will certainly help in the future when evaluating the battlefield
3 wvw kills
Think he means the gandara and riverside zergs.
Kinda like the AG zergs we had last week.
Luna Solares – Mesmer