3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


(Mostly to KA) Out of curiosity, how does FA compare to TC?

Its hard to compare FA to TC, it seems like TC’s American prime is stronger but FA has better coverage than TC does.

SoS however seems to be the weak link and I think its safe to say that SoS will be dropping to T3 when you guys move back up. Unfortunately that means a week or two wait as we absorb SoS’s score.

That’s my early call which is a bit premature till we see how the servers stack up in the M-F before reset where the meat of the points are earned.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Magdelene.5946


Unfortunatly the way TC is dominating tier 3 makes it very unlikely that FA will stay in tier 2. The rating system is very flawed in the fact that if we manage to beat SOS and take second place we still wont have the points to remain in tier 2. My guess is 2 weeks in tier 3 is in our near future. I think im going to just enjoy the great fighting we’ve been having so far and try to forget our grim future. Cheers to all, keep bringing it!!

Magdelene – Elementalist
Member of Black Talons [BT]
Fort Aspenwood

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Jacbo.7598


/salute in advance to Valor on Kaineng, already know there will be some good fights when I see the RUN tag. Although I doubt any of them will notice this since they steer clear of the forums.

And good fights there were. We had crazy fun and a very productive night on Kaineng Borderlands with TL. Our forces were split to deal with both servers on all but a couple occasions, but I think we managed to do pretty well holding the north and Hills for most of the night.

While we were mainly focused on the SoS side of the map, we had a fair few good fights against FA as well. Couple good fights in Vale against GODS with about 80,000 ballistas, those were some of our only wipes during the first few hours; they really wanted that camp. I also distinctly recall a prolonged and epic fight at south camp within the first hour against 20+ Drgn (w/ a couple uA/AVTR tagging along) and about 15 from SoS. We ended up prevailing, but it was pretty close right up to the end. It was interesting to see the progression of Drgn as a guild, they’ve definitely started to incorporate the high tier tactics. Also fought a large sF group; someone should tell them that “bag stacking” is so 3 months ago, but we appreciated the contributions. :P

On the SoS side of things, we had a good time sparring with Fang and friends for the majority of the night, both in and around Hills. You guys made sure that we were never comfortably in control of the keep. We noticed that you were cycling outmanned later in the night, so I guess that’s SoS struggles showing, though to be fair we only ever had half the map on that side. Was also pleased to see Tsym come visit later on, though we were rather miffed you decided to ignore the tea and crumpets we laid out for you and just go punch our gates down instead. A couple decent fights against you guys kept us honest, even if we weren’t fielding competitive numbers by then, and we appreciate the reminder to stay on our toes. We also found it kind of funny to test your reflex time when we recognized that you were cycling between SoS and KN BL.

Later in the night I led some Meow groups for a little while before tagging along with Fidd. Thought it was pretty funny that 4-5 former IoJ people sent me tells about seeing me in the fights; I guess my character is pretty distinctive! Good fights all around, hopefully more to come. Nobody give up before Tuesday mmkay? Gonna be busy until then.

Leader of Valor [RUN]
Apply Now: http://www.valorguild.org

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Ashuri.1387


Interesting fight’s so far. I’ve ran into FA more then SoS. Seems like a majority of FA are not lvl 80’s though? Just lvln alts or? Anyway regardless Glad to have gotten rid of blackgate it was a headache trying to go up against you guys. Truthfully Kaineng got lazy from steam rolling up in tiers. We were NOT ready for T2 when we got here. I think though we have all learned a lot and grew so hopefully we can give this another go and show our true potential? So far this matchup seems evenish. We are in the lead right now but I don’t pay much attn to weekend reset scores ^^. Things can change very much depending on everyone’s weekday coverage. ^^ Anyway good luck to FA and SOS. Also to the comment about ppl normally hating FA hopefully you guys wont feel necessary to be not so nice since we all are normally respectful ^^ Regardless Kaineng has heard it all though the tiers so its nothing we are not use too. Even back in T8 before transfers came in DR were not so kind haha.

Kaineng [CNB] Commander/Guild Leader <3
Nyx Petalouda – Mesmer
Let’s play nice kittens<3

(edited by Ashuri.1387)

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Jimmybass.2159


Interesting fight’s so far. I’ve ran into FA more then SoS. Seems like a majority of FA are not lvl 80’s though? Just lvln alts or? Anyway regardless Glad to have gotten rid of blackgate it was a headache trying to go up against you guys. Truthfully Kaineng got lazy from steam rolling up in tiers. We were NOT ready for T2 when we got here. I think though we have all learned a lot and grew so hopefully we can give this another go and show our true potential? So far this matchup seems evenish. We are in the lead right now but I don’t pay much attn to weekend reset scores ^^. Things can change very much depending on everyone’s weekday coverage. ^^ Anyway good luck to FA and SOS. Also to the comment about ppl normally hating FA hopefully you guys wont feel necessary to be not so nice since we all are normally respectful ^^ Regardless Kaineng has heard it all though the tiers so its nothing we are not use too. Even back in T8 before transfers came in DR were not so kind haha.

We’re learning very quickly as well. As stated before, this might be a short visit to T2 for FA regardless how it pans out just based on the borked system Anet has decided to use. So far, we’re having a blast and learning a lot.

The few individuals who talk smack on these forums on behalf of FA aren’t representative of our true WvW culture; they’re just the bad apples in the bunch. Feel free to ignore them.

Also… /wave Jacbo

King Kong Bundy
Blood Work [RED]
Fort Aspenwood

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Sunspots.9861


There will probably always be bad blood between us and FA, and maybe some of that competitive spirit isn’t all bad. But truly, if there was any server that was near the same situation TC is in, its FA. One night in Tier 3 was enough to show me that you guys don’t really belong in T3 anymore than we do, and I think I’d much rather be beat in Tier 2 than relax in Tier 3. As much as I’d hate to see another server die, It would be really great to have a FA/TC/Kain matchup. Cya guys soon.

Auburn Skies – Retired- Ranger of [PiNK]
When wvw was still fun feat. [PiNK]

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: skiazo.4759


SoS is down but we’re not out yet, we will keep fighting until the end everyone can count on that. See you all on the battlefield tonight.

Armoury Guild leader Zero Negative [ZN]

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Magiofdeath.2745


Interesting fight’s so far. I’ve ran into FA more then SoS. Seems like a majority of FA are not lvl 80’s though? Just lvln alts or? Anyway regardless Glad to have gotten rid of blackgate it was a headache trying to go up against you guys. Truthfully Kaineng got lazy from steam rolling up in tiers. We were NOT ready for T2 when we got here. I think though we have all learned a lot and grew so hopefully we can give this another go and show our true potential? So far this matchup seems evenish. We are in the lead right now but I don’t pay much attn to weekend reset scores ^^. Things can change very much depending on everyone’s weekday coverage. ^^ Anyway good luck to FA and SOS. Also to the comment about ppl normally hating FA hopefully you guys wont feel necessary to be not so nice since we all are normally respectful ^^ Regardless Kaineng has heard it all though the tiers so its nothing we are not use too. Even back in T8 before transfers came in DR were not so kind haha.

Eh, can’t speak for everyone on FA, but while we seem very competitive, we only speak bad about people if they decide to speak bad about us.

Dang, wish I weren’t feeling like crap so I could actually play. All I want to do is sleep – ugh, I hate colds. I’m on now, but don’t have the urge to do anything.

Fort Aspenwood | Kurzick ftw!

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: zen.6091


There will probably always be bad blood between us and FA, and maybe some of that competitive spirit isn’t all bad. But truly, if there was any server that was near the same situation TC is in, its FA. One night in Tier 3 was enough to show me that you guys don’t really belong in T3 anymore than we do, and I think I’d much rather be beat in Tier 2 than relax in Tier 3. As much as I’d hate to see another server die, It would be really great to have a FA/TC/Kain matchup. Cya guys soon.

Ha, I remember the FA / TC thing from back in my days on YB when we were always the weak server in that T3 matchup. Unfortunately now it looks like SoS is clearly too weak for T2, but it will take 2 weeks to shed enough rating to fall to T3. There I think we could could find more even competition and rebuild some…but two weeks is an eternity for people that are still on the fence about transferring.

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Lyndis.2584


IMO, TC and SoS need to switch.

.:: FaTe ~ [SoS] ::.

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Expunge.4926


There will probably always be bad blood between us and FA, and maybe some of that competitive spirit isn’t all bad. But truly, if there was any server that was near the same situation TC is in, its FA. One night in Tier 3 was enough to show me that you guys don’t really belong in T3 anymore than we do, and I think I’d much rather be beat in Tier 2 than relax in Tier 3. As much as I’d hate to see another server die, It would be really great to have a FA/TC/Kain matchup. Cya guys soon.

Many of us on FA will never forget the months of TC talking down to us, telling us the reason why TC had improved so much was hard work and improved tactics and not the transfers TC had received, that FA was full of terrible players. TC probably won’t forget the great dolyak slaughter that it culminated into, followed by the threats of forcing us down to tier 4.

Even our last matchup was full of it:

And what did we learn today? FA are still kitten-bags. (And they still aren’t very good at the game)

In a way TC helped shape FA by filtering out those who didn’t have the fighting spirit to not give up despite fighting overwhelming numbers and establishing a community that attracted similar minds from IOJ. I’m glad for that, but I hate TC for it. I can’t wait to fight you guys again because I know there will be hundreds of RPers lining up to pay tribute to my daggers in the form of loot bags.

So for now I say Good Luck In Tier Three [TC]. You failed to send us to tier 4 but we did get to return the favor and send you to tier 3.

So yes, see you soon.


(edited by Expunge.4926)

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: rhyein.6172


FA spent the entirety of their match-up with TC spewing insults about how TC was bad and only had numbers etc etc, and then got kitten when TC players defended themselves. Then they trolled the cross-server event, bragged about it endlessly, made fun of people trying to get some cross-server respect going on, and complained when they got reduced to 0 PPT during NA prime-time the next day. Even now, the FA community forums are all about how having a civil match-up thread (like the BG/TC/Kaineng thread from the last three weeks) was “disgusting” and how it “needed more hostility”.

The old match-up threads are still there, anyone can go read them. Don’t rewrite history, and don’t blame your issues on someone else.

(edited by rhyein.6172)

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Sunspots.9861


There will probably always be bad blood between us and FA, and maybe some of that competitive spirit isn’t all bad. But truly, if there was any server that was near the same situation TC is in, its FA. One night in Tier 3 was enough to show me that you guys don’t really belong in T3 anymore than we do, and I think I’d much rather be beat in Tier 2 than relax in Tier 3. As much as I’d hate to see another server die, It would be really great to have a FA/TC/Kain matchup. Cya guys soon.

Many of us on FA will never forget the months of TC talking down to us, telling us the reason why TC had improved so much was hard work and improved tactics and not the transfers TC had received, that FA was full of terrible players. TC probably won’t forget the great dolyak slaughter that it culminated into, followed by the threats of forcing us down to tier 4.

Even our last matchup was full of it:

And what did we learn today? FA are still kitten-bags. (And they still aren’t very good at the game)

In a way TC helped shape FA by filtering out those who didn’t have the fighting spirit to not give up despite fighting overwhelming numbers and establishing a community that attracted similar minds from IOJ. I’m glad for that, but I hate TC for it. I can’t wait to fight you guys again because I know there will be hundreds of RPers lining up to pay tribute to my daggers in the form of loot bags.

So for now I say Good Luck In Tier Three [TC]. You failed to send us to tier 4 but we did get to return the favor and send you to tier 3.

So yes, see you soon.

Fair enough. I’m sure you don’t speak for FA anymore than I do TC. I don’t think you guys have had the pleasure of actually sending us anywhere though. That honor goes to BG. Just make sure and keep fighting so you will still be there when we come back.

Auburn Skies – Retired- Ranger of [PiNK]
When wvw was still fun feat. [PiNK]

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Expunge.4926


FA spent the entirety of their match-up with TC spewing insults about how TC was bad and only had numbers etc etc, and then got kitten when TC players defended themselves. Then they trolled the cross-server event, bragged about it endlessly, made fun of people trying to get some cross-server respect going on, and complained when they got reduced to 0 PPT during NA prime-time the next day. Even now, the FA community forums are all about how having a civil match-up thread (like the BG/TC/Kaineng thread from the last three weeks) was “disgusting” and how it “needed more hostility”.

The old match-up threads are still there, anyone can go read them. Don’t rewrite history, and don’t blame your issues on someone else.

I know the threads are still there, that’s why i quoted one of them.
If you don’t think rivalries are fun, there are plenty of noncompetitive options for you.

and I’m specifically referring to the fact that in the earlier TC FA matchups TC was not much stronger than FA at all, we had very close matchups until TC received transfers. For some reason some of you spent lots of time denying an influx of players and basically told us to keep practicing because eventually we’ll improve.

I have no shame for receiving the oceanic transfers that helped us improve to a point where we can compete again.

(edited by Expunge.4926)

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: rhyein.6172


I know the threads are still there, that’s why i quoted one of them.
If you don’t think rivalries are fun, there are plenty of noncompetitive options for you.

and I’m specifically referring to the fact that in the earlier TC FA matchups TC was not much stronger than FA at all, we had very close matchups until TC received transfers. For some reason some of you spent lots of time denying an influx of players and basically told us to keep practicing because eventually we’ll improve.

I have no shame for receiving the oceanic transfers that helped us improve to a point where we can compete again.

You’re delusional. The score gap increased because FA’s fairweathers gave up. That’s what the commanders on your own server told me when we chatted during the match-up in whispers. It’s the exact same reason FA dominated DB so hard in the past few weeks when the match-up was much closer when DB first entered the tier. Go ahead and name any WvW guilds that TC got during the TC/FA match-ups. These things are fairly well documented, so you can do that easily right? This is pretty much exactly what I meant when I said that you shouldn’t blame your issues on someone else.

Regardless, TC and FA will be sitting in T2 together within a month. We can see how it goes then.

(edited by rhyein.6172)

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Sam.8193


FA spent the entirety of their match-up with TC spewing insults about how TC was bad and only had numbers etc etc, and then got kitten when TC players defended themselves. Then they trolled the cross-server event, bragged about it endlessly, made fun of people trying to get some cross-server respect going on, and complained when they got reduced to 0 PPT during NA prime-time the next day. Even now, the FA community forums are all about how having a civil match-up thread (like the BG/TC/Kaineng thread from the last three weeks) was “disgusting” and how it “needed more hostility”.

The old match-up threads are still there, anyone can go read them. Don’t rewrite history, and don’t blame your issues on someone else.

I know the threads are still there, that’s why i quoted one of them.
If you don’t think rivalries are fun, there are plenty of noncompetitive options for you.

and I’m specifically referring to the fact that in the earlier TC FA matchups TC was not much stronger than FA at all, we had very close matchups until TC received transfers. For some reason some of you spent lots of time denying an influx of players and basically told us to keep practicing because eventually we’ll improve.

I have no shame for receiving the oceanic transfers that helped us improve to a point where we can compete again.

Zoop [BT] – Thief
Fort Aspenwood

You lost your tags, but I can fix it!

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


TC. I love you.but lets not pollute this match thread we aren’t in …. I’m sure we will have plenty of time to exchange pleasantries in the near future.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


ah… right… err.. ok guys.. let’s get back on the thread title pls….

TC and FA , you both are very good opponents…

SoS.. you still have strong guilds with you, fight on !

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: BLKNovember.5620


I don’t know how this thread turned into FA vs. TC, but…whatever. lol Thanks for the great fights Kain and SoS. Keep em coming. ;D

[PRX] Deadly Proximity
Radik of Aeon – Guardian

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Magiofdeath.2745


TC, can you just leave our thread please? In return, I will leave your thread. I’ve already done enough damage in your thread apparently, so please just leave us be. In time, I’m sure each of our servers will be able to prove who is actually better, but now is not the time. Good luck in tier 3, not that you need it.

Fort Aspenwood | Kurzick ftw!

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: neomccoy.2657


Hey everyone, great fights on reset. Props to FA and SoS for bringing it last night at EB.
Here is the video when we took SM:

Looking forward for the rest of the week.


Everything Purple [EP] – Tarnished Coast
Stone Walled – Guardian; Plaguefest – Necro

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Saweth You Him.9047

Saweth You Him.9047

We should be discussing Kain’s coverage and not TC. An entire page of TC is more than a stop by and say hello. I remember once in a BG/TC/FA thread TC accused me of hijacking the thread and yet here they are trespassing in another thread.

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

Get in line TC.

so sayeth the great innuendo

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Magiofdeath.2745


Ok, now for the post reset night server reviews.

Kain – Yeah, you guys are crazy – makes my small group mentality qq, lol. I like running with smaller groups taking smaller objectives, but with all the 20+ zergs you got running around, makes that somewhat difficult. Its been fun though.

SoS – It sucks seeing you guys fall from your former glory, but I still hate you. :P I think you shaved off quite a bit of the forum warrior fat, but you being an old opponent from my days in tier 1 before JQ became a super server made me hate you. Its been fun killing you guys. That being said, as a server, you’re still pretty strong and despite your heavy losses, you are doing a rather impressive job.

Fun fights all around. Now to get rid of this cold, so I’m less moody and can actually play the game.

Saweth – what server you on? Kaineng?

Fort Aspenwood | Kurzick ftw!

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Drigan.7382


Its hard to compare FA to TC, it seems like TC’s American prime is stronger

Score update!


Spirit Of Faith [HOPE]
Fort Aspenwood – www.gw2hope.com

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: RockonHarder.7235


(Mostly to KA) Out of curiosity, how does FA compare to TC?

Its hard to compare FA to TC, it seems like TC’s American prime is stronger but FA has better coverage than TC does.

SoS however seems to be the weak link and I think its safe to say that SoS will be dropping to T3 when you guys move back up. Unfortunately that means a week or two wait as we absorb SoS’s score.

That’s my early call which is a bit premature till we see how the servers stack up in the M-F before reset where the meat of the points are earned.

Being a long time Dragonbrand member. i love reading this.

Deathmonger esq lvl 80 necro
DB forever!!

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Lanimal.6541


TC, can you just leave our thread please? In return, I will leave your thread. I’ve already done enough damage in your thread apparently, so please just leave us be. In time, I’m sure each of our servers will be able to prove who is actually better, but now is not the time. Good luck in tier 3, not that you need it.

But we did beat you guys the last time you were in Tier 2. So as of now TC is better but yes it should be fun when we face again as that match was really close.

[VoTF] www.votf.net

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: RockonHarder.7235


So were did all the SoS guilds end up going anyways?

Deathmonger esq lvl 80 necro
DB forever!!

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Magiofdeath.2745


TC, can you just leave our thread please? In return, I will leave your thread. I’ve already done enough damage in your thread apparently, so please just leave us be. In time, I’m sure each of our servers will be able to prove who is actually better, but now is not the time. Good luck in tier 3, not that you need it.

But we did beat you guys the last time you were in Tier 2. So as of now TC is better but yes it should be fun when we face again as that match was really close.

Because people don’t change or get better right? Why post about the past, that was what, 3 weeks ago? I don’t remember, all I know is we got beaten – sorry I can’t remember the score of a matchup that was 3 weeks ago. What is TC’s infatuation with invading this thread? And yes, it should be fun when we face off again.

@Rockon – I think at least 4 guilds went to BG. I believe some of them are the same guilds that transferred to SoS when they were doing awesomely in tier 1, not entirely sure though.

Fort Aspenwood | Kurzick ftw!

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


So were did all the SoS guilds end up going anyways?

A large number of the “hardcore pvp guilds” couldn’t take losing 2 or 3 weeks so they transferred to Blackgate.

I think it was:


Might be more.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Magiofdeath.2745


So were did all the SoS guilds end up going anyways?

A large number of the “hardcore pvp guilds” couldn’t take losing 2 or 3 weeks so they transferred to Blackgate.

This pretty much hits the nail on the head, which sucks. Bandwagoners are rather lame.

Fort Aspenwood | Kurzick ftw!

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021


Anyways, I have been having a blast this weekend. Lots of fun fights and it’s interesting to see what other servers are doing and how they do things.

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: SquirtyMagoo.8321


Glad to see FA are bringing it. This matchup more than any seems to be all about clawing tooth and nail for the points. Although the competition doesn’t seem as strong as last week in terms of quality of opponents, the strategic rushes and crazy meat grinder setups are making this a really difficult matchup.

Wouldnt be surprised to see Kain knocked to second by FA if this keeps up.

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


This is a really gritty matchup. I’m loving it. FA has made big strides in the point gap towards first place today but it’s been a murderfest for even simple camps by all 3 opponents.

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Ketharius.9018


We come to this Thread, because of Kaineng. BG, TC, and KA keep tabs on each other, because we had a really great match together and bonded well. Whatever derailing happens is everyone’s fault.

Tarnished Coast
[FUNK] Squad

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Aytrix.4059


We come to this Thread, because of Kaineng. BG, TC, and KA keep tabs on each other, because we had a really great match together and bonded well. Whatever derailing happens is everyone’s fault.


3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


Great fights so far in this Tier 2. So far proud of the way SoS is showing up. Hoping to do the same for the rest of the week. Honestly if they add a way to progress to ascended gear & increase money drop from kill/cap camps through WvW I would never leave. See you all on KN tomorrow.

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US
Follow @twitch.tv/Luvpie

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: azizul.8469


uh.. i’m stuck with work right now…. would love to join in the battles….. last night 3-way fight just outside SMC facing KN keep just before Meow signed-off to do Guild Bounty was fun… didn’t mind dying and respawning…

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Ketharius.9018


We come to this Thread, because of Kaineng. BG, TC, and KA keep tabs on each other, because we had a really great match together and bonded well. Whatever derailing happens is everyone’s fault.

You know it!

Tarnished Coast
[FUNK] Squad

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: MatthewCam.4391


I’m glad TC are showing up, you know, if they’re not having a back and forth between FA because it makes me feel a little left out… I’ve considered (sometimes) transferring to TC if only because you guys seem to have a great community, also why I’ve been interested in Maguuma but I’d feel like I’m cheating on SoS <3

To be on topic though, I luckily avoided nearly all q’s (save for SoSBL) and was hopping back and forth to try and find out what our new opponents are like. FA, you guys are stubborn as hell, no matter how far I ran or nearly escaped you would not stop chasing me.

And Kaineng, I look forward to seeing more of you, unfortunately I wasn’t on for long. Though I have to say the switch from red to green is disconcerting, running joyously towards SM believing it a much needed escape only to confusedly head-butt the wall made me laugh pretty hard.

Sea of Sorrows | Lt Mc Muffin
Don’t worry the games still in Beta.

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Diashame.6328


TC, can you just leave our thread please? In return, I will leave your thread. I’ve already done enough damage in your thread apparently, so please just leave us be. In time, I’m sure each of our servers will be able to prove who is actually better, but now is not the time. Good luck in tier 3, not that you need it.

But we did beat you guys the last time you were in Tier 2. So as of now TC is better but yes it should be fun when we face again as that match was really close.

I am seriously dreaming of a rematch with TC, there were factors contributing to our failures but in the end they were failures and no one cares. My guild came up against butter when fighting TC, I didn’t get wiped once when with the main commander even though we were usually outnumbered.

O and your new love affair with BG and Kaineng isn’t going to filter to me and I’m sure most of the FA community. We are rivals and whilst respect is given when warranted I don’t want to hear anything about being bestys.

Edit: SoS much respect to those that are deciding to stay.

Dia – [RET]
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server

(edited by Diashame.6328)

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


We are rivals and whilst respect is given when warranted I don’t want to hear anything about being bestys.

Aw drat. Now what am I going to do with these matching sweaters I bought us Diashame?

You need a hug? Someone needs a hug!

Hey …. Wait ….. Why are you running away?!!


L’enfer, c’est les autres

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Magiofdeath.2745


We come to this Thread, because of Kaineng. BG, TC, and KA keep tabs on each other, because we had a really great match together and bonded well. Whatever derailing happens is everyone’s fault.

Lol, good use of overly attached gf (or w/e its actually called) – if the glove fits….

Fort Aspenwood | Kurzick ftw!

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Diashame.6328


We are rivals and whilst respect is given when warranted I don’t want to hear anything about being bestys.

Aw drat. Now what am I going to do with these matching sweaters I bought us Diashame?

You need a hug? Someone needs a hug!

Hey …. Wait ….. Why are you running away?!!


I’m running away because I have killed you so many times my diminishing returns means i don’t get bags from you anymore.

I’m just a little cranky today since I moved house and I won’t have Internet for 3-4 weeks. No daily GW2 w3 fix.

Dia – [RET]
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Jayne.9251


We are rivals and whilst respect is given when warranted I don’t want to hear anything about being bestys.

Aw drat. Now what am I going to do with these matching sweaters I bought us Diashame?

You need a hug? Someone needs a hug!

Hey …. Wait ….. Why are you running away?!!


I’m running away because I have killed you so many times my diminishing returns means i don’t get bags from you anymore.

I’m just a little cranky today since I moved house and I won’t have Internet for 3-4 weeks. No daily GW2 w3 fix.

Aw well I hope you get on soon then … I’ll put these sweaters away for later. *wink

L’enfer, c’est les autres

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: skiazo.4759


Good fights tonight on FA and KN borderlands enjoying the T2 matchup so far.

Armoury Guild leader Zero Negative [ZN]

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: zen.6091


So were did all the SoS guilds end up going anyways?

A large number of the “hardcore pvp guilds” couldn’t take losing 2 or 3 weeks so they transferred to Blackgate.

I think it was:


Might be more.

Ons and VotF too, although VotF had only been here like a month.

And please tell me you are the naked Asura ele always running around…lol.

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Lanimal.6541


TC, can you just leave our thread please? In return, I will leave your thread. I’ve already done enough damage in your thread apparently, so please just leave us be. In time, I’m sure each of our servers will be able to prove who is actually better, but now is not the time. Good luck in tier 3, not that you need it.

But we did beat you guys the last time you were in Tier 2. So as of now TC is better but yes it should be fun when we face again as that match was really close.

I am seriously dreaming of a rematch with TC, there were factors contributing to our failures but in the end they were failures and no one cares. My guild came up against butter when fighting TC, I didn’t get wiped once when with the main commander even though we were usually outnumbered.

O and your new love affair with BG and Kaineng isn’t going to filter to me and I’m sure most of the FA community. We are rivals and whilst respect is given when warranted I don’t want to hear anything about being bestys.

Edit: SoS much respect to those that are deciding to stay.

Last off-topic post. I swear!

I know exactly what you guys did wrong that match-up and if you guys had a different strategy on reset you would have possibly beaten us that week. There was a sense of delusional arrogance with FA moving up to T2. After the IoJ transfers some of you thought you could compete with BG in skill and coverage.

Your reset plan where you sent some of your ‘better’ guilds to BGBL (they did fairly well) and not to TCBL. The guilds that were assigned defence of FABL were trying to slow BG down at Bay instead of TC at hills or at the least playing it safe and just turtling garrison. It was just not a smart strategy, your reset plan was flawed as you could have maximized your points by spreading the guilds out more evenly or focusing on TC more.

I know FA has always tried to represent themselves as a server who does not care about being opportunistic with PPT and objectives and just wants to ‘kill’ but practicality and playing for objectives can go hand in hand with striving to be first / looking for good fights. In T2 and T1 you should have opponents to fight most of the time.

I think it was probably because it was your first time in T2 and I am sure you guys learnt a lot from that week as you guys are probably doing now.

[VoTF] www.votf.net

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: XIII.6351


awesome fights on SoS bl. Props to FA’s RET and friends for giving us good fights

Arcanum [Sanctum Of Roger “Oldroar” Rall]
`Warrior/ `Necromancer/ `Guardian
That’s how it goes wrong, people think they’re fcking heroes.- Sacrx[Red Guard]

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Redscope.6215


Its hard to compare FA to TC, it seems like TC’s American prime is stronger

Score update!

So wait, BG moved to T1 where they belong and SoS is on the slow track downward so the only real T2 server this week is Kain?

Kinda feel sorry for FA when TC gets bumped back up and they have to face two T2 servers instead of one :/

Paid server transfers need to cost real money, not gems that can be bought with fake money. This stuff just needs to stop happening…

3/1 SoS/Kain/FA

in WvW

Posted by: Diashame.6328


Its hard to compare FA to TC, it seems like TC’s American prime is stronger

Score update!

So wait, BG moved to T1 where they belong and SoS is on the slow track downward so the only real T2 server this week is Kain?

Kinda feel sorry for FA when TC gets bumped back up and they have to face two T2 servers instead of one :/

Paid server transfers need to cost real money, not gems that can be bought with fake money. This stuff just needs to stop happening…

You have no idea about the culture of the FA W3 community. Feel sorry or us? We wiped more times in 6 hours against WM than I ever have with RET in the rest of my 6 weeks with them put together.
The result: general consensus of the best night of w3 any of us have ever had. We love fighting actual pvp and our past mistakes of too much neglect of the ppt has been corrected.

While your feeling sorry for us we will be having the best time of ou w3 lives.

SoS in current form is a t2.5 (coverage) server. Thy will destroy Mags / DB / YB even if the 2 other servers both only attack SoS like they did FA.
If TC is a T2 server FA is T2 server we barely were beaten last T2 with a total different mind set on ppt than now. Also with only a 4 hour SEA coverage gap now that is steadily improving including a Singaporean guild joining recently well be good for competitive ppt as well in T2.

Dia – [RET]
Fort Aspenwood – the PvP server

(edited by Diashame.6328)