3/15 DB/YB/SOS

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Dimeschemo.5493


It’s looking like we might hang around as a thorn in the side of T3 another week yet. Early, but so far gained more points than Mag has in T4. It’s got to be SoS’s remaining high rank though, when that settles to a proper place it will be harder to gain.

lol DUDE sos could kill white moas all week and still score higher then MAG.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Crimedawg.8954


Us older gamers must sleep now. Thanks for the fights tonight YB and DB.

[Tsym] – Necromancer
Sanctum of Rall
Running 15 in a BL near you

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Ordibble.3092


It’s looking like we might hang around as a thorn in the side of T3 another week yet. Early, but so far gained more points than Mag has in T4. It’s got to be SoS’s remaining high rank though, when that settles to a proper place it will be harder to gain.

lol DUDE sos could kill white moas all week and still score higher then MAG.

I don’t quite understand your comment in the context of the quote, but I’m pretty sure Pendragon meant SoS’s high rating (rather than high rank). SoS has been losing rating for weeks and because the system compares server rating to do its calculations, the closer SoS’s rating is to YB’s the more likely YB is to go down a tier given a similar score to last week.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: wolf.1895


Time for YB to sleep, go and night cap everything guys, it’s all yours for your PvDoor needs.

Not everyone is asleep liar

Minus Respect & DKP

Synco // Retired Guild leader of TERROR [TG] #1 GvG Guild NA Post-HoT
Maguuma Server Dictator

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: bjchase.3074


Here’s TERROR’s reset recap video on Yak’s Bend
Had an epic fight at hills!

Wow. I didn’t realize the fight for Hills went on for that long at that intensity. Wish I joined that fight earlier. Instead I was off taking back supply camps to limit your supply to rebuild. Fun, but not quite as intense. lol Not sure how much longer it went on after the vid ended before we finally took it. But setting a portal up behind the defenders line and saying “surprise” was kind of fun. =)

Stormbluff Isle
Straight Outta Kryta [KRTA]
I fart in your general direction

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Basche.2305


great stalemate at the Orgath Uplands fighting against Dragonbrand, as well as at Umberglade beforehand. Keep up the fun battles guys!! =D

Member of Naturally Delicious [Yum]
Zephiere — Guardian
Yak’s Bend

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


Here’s TERROR’s reset recap video on Yak’s Bend
Had an epic fight at hills!

Is it okay if I copy the link to this video and post it in my server’s forums? If yes, send me a pm. If not, then it’s okay.

Nice fight.

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Serebus.7314


Here’s TERROR’s reset recap video on Yak’s Bend
Had an epic fight at hills!

Is it okay if I copy the link to this video and post it in my server’s forums? If yes, send me a pm. If not, then it’s okay.

Nice fight.

go for it

Bronade – Guild leader of TERROR[TG]
Homeworld = Home Borderland!

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


Here’s TERROR’s reset recap video on Yak’s Bend
Had an epic fight at hills!

Is it okay if I copy the link to this video and post it in my server’s forums? If yes, send me a pm. If not, then it’s okay.

Nice fight.

go for it


[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: AngTSAO.1852


Time for YB to sleep, go and night cap everything guys, it’s all yours for your PvDoor needs.

So…this title should be “3/15 Dragon/Doors/So_”??

Vocal Ang[TFV] – Dragonbrand

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Elano.2014


Time for YB to sleep, go and night cap everything guys, it’s all yours for your PvDoor needs.

It’s not our fault if YB gets owned. Blame your nightcrew.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


Time for YB to sleep, go and night cap everything guys, it’s all yours for your PvDoor needs.

It’s not our fault if YB gets owned. Blame your nightcrew.

No. I suggest YB and DB guilds/players that are looking for a server with excellent PvE base and great oceanic coverage to come to SoS. NA SoS has no queues even on reset night on ANY map. Guilds are helpful and work together even for guild missions.

If you don’t care about points enjoy the game and matchup

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US
Follow @twitch.tv/Luvpie

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Churchill.8714


When SoS can beat Grenth with randoms then it can claim excellent PVE base.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: wolf.1895


Time for YB to sleep, go and night cap everything guys, it’s all yours for your PvDoor needs.

It’s not our fault if YB gets owned. Blame your nightcrew.

No. I suggest YB and DB guilds/players that are looking for a server with excellent PvE base and great oceanic coverage to come to SoS. NA SoS has no queues even on reset night on ANY map. Guilds are helpful and work together even for guild missions.

If you don’t care about points enjoy the game and matchup

Let’s flip that around and make DB the next big thing

Synco // Retired Guild leader of TERROR [TG] #1 GvG Guild NA Post-HoT
Maguuma Server Dictator

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Le Rooster.8715

Le Rooster.8715

Time for YB to sleep, go and night cap everything guys, it’s all yours for your PvDoor needs.

It’s not our fault if YB gets owned. Blame your nightcrew.

No. I suggest YB and DB guilds/players that are looking for a server with excellent PvE base and great oceanic coverage to come to SoS. NA SoS has no queues even on reset night on ANY map. Guilds are helpful and work together even for guild missions.

If you don’t care about points enjoy the game and matchup

Let’s flip that around and make DB the next big thing

Hahha i’m pree content with tier 3 though

Roosters Inc-Team Shatter [TS] Commander
Sea of Sorrows http://www.gw2sos.com/index.php

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Serebus.7314


Time for YB to sleep, go and night cap everything guys, it’s all yours for your PvDoor needs.

It’s not our fault if YB gets owned. Blame your nightcrew.

No. I suggest YB and DB guilds/players that are looking for a server with excellent PvE base and great oceanic coverage to come to SoS. NA SoS has no queues even on reset night on ANY map. Guilds are helpful and work together even for guild missions.

If you don’t care about points enjoy the game and matchup

Let’s flip that around and make DB the next big thing

Hahha i’m pree content with tier 3 though

how about no one get any tansfers so that we all stay in t3, no one wants to move up and get kitten and no one wants to move down and roll face.

Bronade – Guild leader of TERROR[TG]
Homeworld = Home Borderland!

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Dogskins.1259


I’m at work now so I have no idea what the scores are looking like, but YB will hold their own this round.

EDIT- Spelling.

Possum Jankins – Suicide Bomber Engineer [VLK] HoD /// [RoT] Yak’s Bend

Just look for the black bearded human.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


When SoS can beat Grenth with randoms then it can claim excellent PVE base.

Is that all it takes?


3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: santi.7516


Mad props to the 7 Yak’s Bend defenders that held Yak’s Bend Borderland against 1 DB PvDoormaster zerg of 15+ and 2 SoS PvDoormaster zergs of 20+ each for almost all the night, your sacrifice will never be forgotten…


(edited by santi.7516)

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Tobias Steele.2071

Tobias Steele.2071

It’s a conspiracy. We secretly threw the last match on purpose just so we could stay with you guys in t3. :-p all jokes aside, this is my favourite tier so far. Speaking personally I’m perfectly happy staying indefinitely.

Entropy, Class lead Necromancer.
Tarnished Coast.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Nozzie.2067


Time for YB to sleep, go and night cap everything guys, it’s all yours for your PvDoor needs.

It’s not our fault if YB gets owned. Blame your nightcrew.

YB’s non-NA punch well above their weight. They have been fighting seriously outmanned for months & still keep coming back for more.

No. I suggest YB and DB guilds/players that are looking for a server with excellent PvE base and great oceanic coverage to come to SoS. NA SoS has no queues even on reset night on ANY map. Guilds are helpful and work together even for guild missions.

If you don’t care about points enjoy the game and matchup

Let’s flip that around and make DB the next big thing

Hahha i’m pree content with tier 3 though

how about no one get any transfers so that we all stay in t3, no one wants to move up and get kitten and no one wants to move down and roll face.

Or we could have some of each servers respective primetime players distribute themselves amongst the other two servers & make this a proper 24/7 even contest. It wont happen but I can dream of a truly balanced tier.

By the way, t4 is not a faceroll for YB. The only server in t4 that can actually score 500+ PPT with relative ease is CD when their east Asia crew turns up.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


Time for YB to sleep, go and night cap everything guys, it’s all yours for your PvDoor needs.

It’s not our fault if YB gets owned. Blame your nightcrew.

YB’s non-NA punch well above their weight. They have been fighting seriously outmanned for months & still keep coming back for more.

No. I suggest YB and DB guilds/players that are looking for a server with excellent PvE base and great oceanic coverage to come to SoS. NA SoS has no queues even on reset night on ANY map. Guilds are helpful and work together even for guild missions.

If you don’t care about points enjoy the game and matchup

Let’s flip that around and make DB the next big thing

Hahha i’m pree content with tier 3 though

how about no one get any transfers so that we all stay in t3, no one wants to move up and get kitten and no one wants to move down and roll face.

Or we could have some of each servers respective primetime players distribute themselves amongst the other two servers & make this a proper 24/7 even contest. It wont happen but I can dream of a truly balanced tier.

By the way, t4 is not a faceroll for YB. The only server in t4 that can actually score 500+ PPT with relative ease is CD when their east Asia crew turns up.

It’d be nice,
But the obvious flaw is that one of the servers from tier 2 or 4 would eventually move down/up and kitten up the whole plan


3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: elkirin.8534


Many players enjoy both PvE and WvWvW and some prefer not having to guest to play alongside players in their own prime times.

Good luck enjoy the game during your time online.

Dubain – Sea of Whoever we are Linked to now

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: RockonHarder.7235


i think Dragonbrand finally getting more organized i.e. getting there own forum set up… this might actually be drawing in more people into our WvW because we are really starting to controlling more of the PPT then ever before. Specially during times in which we would normally be getting a lot less.

Our best time used to be from 6am till 10am PST tops now were really stretching that out a alot more.

Deathmonger esq lvl 80 necro
DB forever!!

(edited by RockonHarder.7235)

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Suralin.3947


i think Dragonbrand finally getting more organized i.e. getting there own forum set up… this might actually be drawing in more people into our WvW because we are really starting to controlling more of the PPT then ever before. Specially during times in which we would normally be getting a lot less.

Our best time used to be from 6am till 10am PST tops now were really stretching that out a alot more.

I’m pretty sure it’s a combination of the weekend and our fairweathers jumping back in. DB won its first WvW match in months. And maybe I’m missing something, but it seems that the main guilds on DB are getting larger through active recruitment. I know that we in [TG] came to DB being able to field 10-15 players on Reset Night. Now we’re capable of fielding 25-30 on that night. And I seem to run more and more into [TFV], [NNK], and [krew] (I apologize to the other guilds I didn’t mention because I can’t remember them).

DragonBrand – Terror Gaming [TG]
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: luniprincess.3162




I was born to try
The Friends of Voltaire[TFV]
We will make you proud,Dragonbrand

(edited by luniprincess.3162)

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: bjchase.3074


Fun times in Eternal tonight. But alas I must go to bed. Work in the morning and all. For a second night in a row we rallied to 2nd.

-Tiffany Windrunner [KSC]


Stormbluff Isle
Straight Outta Kryta [KRTA]
I fart in your general direction

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Noobles.4325


GG to the DB guy who started guards on SM with 2 doors down and a wall, byebye 1k supply

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: santi.7516


Good battles today, and like always well played Tsym you guys are the only good thing left on SoS.

Also second night in a row we rallied to 2nd place, and here is when we all realized that SoS and CD are equals, the only thing holding them on this tier is their PvDoor crew, who feeds on the bones of others when they sleep.

Good night people, keep the good encounters coming!.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: santi.7516


GG to the DB guy who started guards on SM with 2 doors down and a wall, byebye 1k supply

Wait what?!, today on YB a guy also started guards to drain our supply at our garrison on YBBL and SoS almost caped it thanks to that. Coincidence?, i don’t think so…

Well, good night.

(edited by santi.7516)

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


The one thing that can definitely be said about maguuma, is that not in any of the weeks that we fought them did 1 person ever complain about nightcapping. Yak’s folks just don’t seem to understand how wvw works unfortunately.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Art.9820


The one thing that can definitely be said about maguuma, is that not in any of the weeks that we fought them did 1 person ever complain about nightcapping. Yak’s folks just don’t seem to understand how wvw works unfortunately.

Generalization.. the common mistake of a rookie :P

All classes

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Haru Kane.4623

Haru Kane.4623

Hey guys, me and my guild want to try and set up some GvG’s in wvw, if anyone from yaks/SoS is interested in fighting us throw me a message in game and maybe we can set something up!

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Crimedawg.8954


Good battles today, and like always well played Tsym you guys are the only good thing left on SoS.

We might be the most visible but we have some awesome guilds that help us along the way. AFS, Fang, SoV, SoX, Envy,etc. I’m sure I’m forgetting a few others. What we need is more of these smaller guilds to color our maps green while TSym occupies the zerg. Right now we just don’t have enough to cover multiple maps but we’re trying to get people out there. Love to see DB and YB defend territory and its fun for us to slam into a sea of red names. We had some epic fights over the weekend. I know we had a great Garrison battle last night where we had to whittle it down (slowly) before finally capturing it.

Tip my helm to both servers for being very good at sieging up and defending keeps, towers, etc.

[Tsym] – Necromancer
Sanctum of Rall
Running 15 in a BL near you

(edited by Crimedawg.8954)

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


The one thing that can definitely be said about maguuma, is that not in any of the weeks that we fought them did 1 person ever complain about nightcapping. Yak’s folks just don’t seem to understand how wvw works unfortunately.

Instead they just left the tier and I don’t think a lot want to come back tbh.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Vol.5241


The one thing that can definitely be said about maguuma, is that not in any of the weeks that we fought them did 1 person ever complain about nightcapping. Yak’s folks just don’t seem to understand how wvw works unfortunately.

You’re gonna need more experience in WvW if you want to throw out statements like that and expect to have any credibility.

[Permabanned on Forums]
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works. http://sinasdf.imgur.com/

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: shampoo.6381


Nachos. Seriously.

Borlis Pass
Smunchay[Krew] Smunchey[Krew] Smuncheezy[Krew]

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: shampoo.6381


The one thing that can definitely be said about maguuma, is that not in any of the weeks that we fought them did 1 person ever complain about nightcapping. Yak’s folks just don’t seem to understand how wvw works unfortunately.

Generalization.. the common mistake of a rookie :P

Ah… I read the common mistake of a cookie.

Borlis Pass
Smunchay[Krew] Smunchey[Krew] Smuncheezy[Krew]

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: JaironKalach.4938


The one thing that can definitely be said about maguuma, is that not in any of the weeks that we fought them did 1 person ever complain about nightcapping. Yak’s folks just don’t seem to understand how wvw works unfortunately.

I’ll try to remember to fix that when we next get to play in T3 again… Judging By SoS’s performance so far, that looks like it might take a bit.

I play on Maguuma
Uru Kalach (80-War)/Kalthin Leafletter (80-Rgr)/Kalfun Gai (72-Guardian)
Leader – An Unexpected Kinship (AUK)

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


The one thing that can definitely be said about maguuma, is that not in any of the weeks that we fought them did 1 person ever complain about nightcapping. Yak’s folks just don’t seem to understand how wvw works unfortunately.

There’s no point in arguing about nightcapping, It sucks and all. But what’s a brother going to do?


3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


The one thing that can definitely be said about maguuma, is that not in any of the weeks that we fought them did 1 person ever complain about nightcapping. Yak’s folks just don’t seem to understand how wvw works unfortunately.

You’re gonna need more experience in WvW if you want to throw out statements like that and expect to have any credibility.

If you care to examine my experience in wvw, I have several quite popular videos of wvw gameplay using my build that I designed specifically to be effective in wvw. Go ahead and look at the link in my signature.

Regardless of my experience, anyone that complains about nightcapping doesn’t understand how wvw works. This is a 24 hour game. Anet is not going to make special server tiers just so you guys get to fight just whenever you want to. Wvw never ends, and spotty coverage is part of the game. When we were fighting TC and FA, they had overwhelming map control/presence during the vast majority of the day. We didn’t complain, we just did the best we could and kept on trying. 24 hour dynamics is one of the most appealing characteristics of wvw, and I can guarantee you that anet will never change it.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: santi.7516


Completely outplayed SoS at their borderland on Bay, 10 vs 999999?, no problem bro. [CL] and [Me] got it under control.

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


Completely outplayed SoS at their borderland on Bay, 10 vs 999999?, no problem bro. [CL] and [Me] got it under control.

SoS is pro at bypassing the queue system, I guess O;


3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: elkirin.8534


Some good fights this week, good to see a few new people in WvW and a few old hands returning.

Hope to see many more after the update.

Dubain – Sea of Whoever we are Linked to now

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: coronbale.3894


Great fights today in SoS, [CL] and [Me] put up one hell of a fight out there!

Keep up the great work all sides, and dont forget to have fun out there. YB put up a defensive matrix in SoS hills to rival anything we ever fought in T1, as long as the teams keep coming up with stuff like that well be here forever!

GG GF and /salute!

Leader of [TSym]
Sea of Sorrows
IGN – Coron

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Calvin.5380


Agree, great fights all around. SoS and YB – thanks to you guys, I’m enjoying WvW again. Keep up the good work!


3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


Good fights tonight.

I had the perfect screenshot tonight, but I miss pressed my key screenshot key just as the fight was getting started and missed it It was when SoS was hiding in and around the corner from Quentin in Danelon supply camp, stacked up like they do. We are at the Quentin side exit watching, waiting for them to make their move. In comes DB with 10ish folks trotting right past the SoS zerg and into the camp. I had it framed perfectly with them on one side with their backs to SoS on the other side of the screen, I wanted to give it the caption: “and this is why you pan your camera”.

~ AoN ~

(edited by Niim.9260)

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: RockonHarder.7235


Score update please!

Deathmonger esq lvl 80 necro
DB forever!!

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: coronbale.3894


Score is JQ in first, everyone else isnt!

Leader of [TSym]
Sea of Sorrows
IGN – Coron

3/15 DB/YB/SOS

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.4527


Great fights today in SoS, [CL] and [Me] put up one hell of a fight out there!

Keep up the great work all sides, and dont forget to have fun out there. YB put up a defensive matrix in SoS hills to rival anything we ever fought in T1, as long as the teams keep coming up with stuff like that well be here forever!

GG GF and /salute!

[Me] leader here, mad props to you TSYM guys, we’ve ran head first at hills over and over again. We been bunkering down in there, haha.

Main reason we come to SoS ma kitten ince TSYM gives us one hell of a fight. Crazy numbers too!
