3/15 Kain - FA - TC
Yeah you kinda get 2 options … take it light or block. I know some of our commanders humor it, which actually keeps the whole of the server light. But in the thick of battles, it’s ignored. He doesn’t just chat though, he does go out and fight now and then.
Just get use to him callin ya mouthbreather
Is this the guy with the posts on gw2guru where he calls himself the mighteous one or whatever?
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”
yes, mighteous the great, guild [USA], mighteous rex, ajax blue, and a couple other names, but hey I got 3 of his characters so he is the greatest player to ever play. I only know my GL’s main and 1 alt name
Does a good dye job
lols, I remember him because I was reading guru a month or so back and came across a funny moderator response as the thread was locked (mighteous was OP):
“This is perhaps the dumbest thing I’ve ever read.
You’re a hair’s breadth from a ban OP. "
Ah well, I’m happy to have some color in chat as long as he’s not just….chatting…
Last words – “I’m going to jump off this cliff
and pull all those guys down cuz they’ll die.”
That is him in all his glory. ^^
Congratulations to FA on securing 2nd place this week. It’s an important milestone for your server, and well deserved.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
Congratulations to FA on securing 2nd place this week. It’s an important milestone for your server, and well deserved.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
I was anxiously waiting for someone to whip that out, I’m glad it was you and in such light.
Congratulations for defeating Tarnished Coast after so many battles with us. Take heed, we’re coined the Zombie Coast for a reason… and the battles aren’t cooling down any. We’re going to keep the fights pouring, just you watch.
[FUNK] Squad
FA = poacher server. Of our Greatest Player.
a guardian from k[Ai]neng
Looks like congratulations are in order to FA for getting the best of us this week, and to Kaineng for extending their streak. Tier 2 is a great place to be right now.
Tarnished Coast
A show of class from us @ TC.
FA you fought hard all week long and the battles have been fun you deserved to win this week.
Kudos ~
Commander @ Tarnished Coast
Gratz FA way to put the extra effort in this week. Hope to do it again next week maybe even challenge kain, though if these rewards are good enough it may bring out TC pve players and make it hard match.
Lieutenant Stabs – Thief
Night Vision (NV) – Blackgate
Please remember that the grog on the Dolyaks is to refuel the Boiling Oil and not for personal consumption.
Whoops. <_<
Yeah you kinda get 2 options … take it light or block. I know some of our commanders humor it, which actually keeps the whole of the server light. But in the thick of battles, it’s ignored. He doesn’t just chat though, he does go out and fight now and then.
Just get use to him callin ya mouthbreather
Yeah this guy got blocked pretty quickly.
http://www.twitch.tv/bitcloud1 http://www.youtube.com/JetstormTV
I am curious about EB now, we do have Mez you up as well. All it takes is for one supply camp to be flipped and it’s all doom and gloom from there.
Good fights this week, hope next week is as action packed.
Naked Zerg in FABL currently happening. Come see us Naked TCers.
Come join us, we’re roaming Naked.
[FUNK] Squad
(edited by Ketharius.9018)
Final score for this match as [PiNK] gathers for reset! Last night we made a final push and FA put up a great defense all around. Still, there were amazing fights all over the map from a failed attempt at Hills, to our own successfull defense of Bay. Cheers to FA’s highest finish yet and I promise that we will push even harder this week. See you very soon!
Here is an album of our naked zerg + golems + 18 commanders taking over FABL in the last two hours.
Was lots of fun.
Rain, sleet or shine, TC always comes out to play.
with the zombies defeated, the world has open a new road toward golempocalypse .
to be continue….
Guild Pro Baddies [Pro] @ Tarnished Coast
Here is an album of our naked zerg + golems + 18 commanders taking over FABL in the last two hours.
Was lots of fun.
Rain, sleet or shine, TC always comes out to play.
This was fantastic!
[FUNK] Squad
The naked zerg was so much fun! That needs to happen again….
Everlasting Sacred Path [ESP] Co-Leader/WvW Commander
Just wanted to give a shout out to [JEST] who ran an in-character yak escort event last night in TCBL. Awesome!
Thanks to everyone who was defending the yaks, and the FA soloers and duo teams trying to stab them in the face. RP, good company and good enemies make yak deliveries fun.
Woot! Just had this reply pointed out to me by a friend. I was playing the rich and infinitely bored Ranan Vorineux at the time. Yak runs make for some fun RP since you can just set auto-walk and go with it.
The sheer number of us grouped around those Yaks probably kept any would-be thieves from messing with it! :-P