Tarnished Coast Server (formerly of Kaineng)
TC weren’t the only ones having fun in FA BL last night. I spent quite some time keeping tabs on PiNK and RET. I was the eng who suicided at garrison (I know PiNK will remember that). However, I also took a page from TC’s playbook…
TC weren’t the only ones having fun in FA BL last night. I spent quite some time keeping tabs on PiNK and RET. I was the eng who suicided at garrison (I know PiNK will remember that). However, I also took a page from TC’s playbook…
Pfft, have to go all out for it to count.
Freakin bloodbath in KNBL last night. You guys need to pan your cameras more often. Not fun when our strategy goes to waste because ppl aren’t even paying attention. You can tell which guilds hid behind the veil of culling very easily. Adjust and bring your A-game next time
All trolling aside, because it seems that’s what BT truly enjoys doing on the forums, you claiming that your strategy is the only reason for your success isn’t true. I will not take away from the fact that I was impressed at times last night with some of your tactics, but you had a clear 20-30 person numbers advantage in almost every fight.
It makes things easier when your can field 60-80 from one guild.
All hatred aside, good fights. The map was even for the majority of night and we controlled a large portion of the PPT for a large portion of the night.
Good luck this week, and continue bringing the fights, but remember needlessly fighting over Garrison after we lured you there, while the remainder of the map is completely blue for 2-3 ticks… Isn’t good strategy.
BT had 35 online at reset
didn’t realize DIS and TSL combine to make 10-12 total WvWers
genuinely thought those were some of TC’s pvp guilds all this time
TC weren’t the only ones having fun in FA BL last night. I spent quite some time keeping tabs on PiNK and RET. I was the eng who suicided at garrison (I know PiNK will remember that). However, I also took a page from TC’s playbook…
Pfft, have to go all out for it to count.
Everyone is going to get 2v1ed at some point, that’s the nature of a 3 way contest.
Considering fa and tc history it’s no surprise both servers are going to be on the receiving end of a diuble team, kain isnt stupid and they play for the ppt.
Havent we grown out of whining about it by now?
We have not grown out of bringing to light the truth. The truth being it requires two servers to hold us in check because of what we are capable of when our reserves can go on the attack. The necessity of double teaming FA is an unfortunate one for us. Being double teamed by the megazerg server and the off hours server is tough to counter. We persevere but we obviously can’t win against impossible. If you look at the numbers it is very clear that it is impossible to win against this nonsense. Dismissing the manifestation of unsavory war ethics and a lack of confidence on the part of the other two servers to fight 1v1v1 as whining is an evasive retreat to craven ppt play. That is the majesty of FA. We can make two stacked servers desperately thrash away at us to keep their confidence up.
Everyone is going to get 2v1ed at some point, that’s the nature of a 3 way contest.
Considering fa and tc history it’s no surprise both servers are going to be on the receiving end of a diuble team, kain isnt stupid and they play for the ppt.
Havent we grown out of whining about it by now?
We have not grown out of bringing to light the truth. The truth being it requires two servers to hold us in check because of what we are capable of when our reserves can go on the attack. The necessity of double teaming FA is an unfortunate one for us. Being double teamed by the megazerg server and the off hours server is tough to counter. We persevere but we obviously can’t win against impossible. If you look at the numbers it is very clear that it is impossible to win against this nonsense. Dismissing the manifestation of unsavory war ethics and a lack of confidence on the part of the other two servers to fight 1v1v1 as whining is an evasive retreat to craven ppt play. That is the majesty of FA. We can make two stacked servers desperately thrash away at us to keep their confidence up.
When Anet makes it possible for players from opposing servers to party together, that leads me to the conclusion that alliances are an accepted part of WvWvW. Just the way it is.
Now, having said that, is it to everyones taste? No. I, personally, would much prefer to have all worlds just duke it out, for themselves. But, I can’t deny that alliances have/do take place. When they do, just gotta roll with it. Crying about it, isn’t going to change it.
Is there a KN/TC alliance? I honestly don’t know. I honestly don’t care. I play WvWvW for the Toast, and anyone not of the Toast, is fair game. Get some!
Everyone is going to get 2v1ed at some point, that’s the nature of a 3 way contest.
Considering fa and tc history it’s no surprise both servers are going to be on the receiving end of a diuble team, kain isnt stupid and they play for the ppt.
Havent we grown out of whining about it by now?
We have not grown out of bringing to light the truth. The truth being it requires two servers to hold us in check because of what we are capable of when our reserves can go on the attack. The necessity of double teaming FA is an unfortunate one for us. Being double teamed by the megazerg server and the off hours server is tough to counter. We persevere but we obviously can’t win against impossible. If you look at the numbers it is very clear that it is impossible to win against this nonsense. Dismissing the manifestation of unsavory war ethics and a lack of confidence on the part of the other two servers to fight 1v1v1 as whining is an evasive retreat to craven ppt play. That is the majesty of FA. We can make two stacked servers desperately thrash away at us to keep their confidence up.
When Anet makes it possible for players from opposing servers to party together, that leads me to the conclusion that alliances are an accepted part of WvWvW. Just the way it is.
Now, having said that, is it to everyones taste? No. I, personally, would much prefer to have all worlds just duke it out, for themselves. But, I can’t deny that alliances have/do take place. When they do, just gotta roll with it. Crying about it, isn’t going to change it.
Is there a KN/TC alliance? I honestly don’t know. I honestly don’t care. I play WvWvW for the Toast, and anyone not of the Toast, is fair game. Get some!
“Dismissing the manifestation of unsavory war ethics and a lack of confidence on the part of the other two servers to fight 1v1v1 as whining is an evasive retreat to craven ppt play.”
Manifestation and change are two different words. I don’t expect it to change for the reasons already stated.
All trolling aside, because it seems that’s what BT truly enjoys doing on the forums, you claiming that your strategy is the only reason for your success isn’t true. I will not take away from the fact that I was impressed at times last night with some of your tactics, but you had a clear 20-30 person numbers advantage in almost every fight.
It makes things easier when your can field 60-80 from one guild.
As rarely as I post in the forums here, there is no chance I can let that pass by. Are you SERIOUS? [HOPE] started the night with about 35. Around 5 didn’t make it in, and during our first fight in garrison around 5 disconnected. At no point after the first 30 minutes did we have more then 25.
Every. Single. Time. We’d find a guild group from TC, either CYN, DIS, TSL, or ESP they would either waypoint away (I understand why CYN did, kudos to you guys), or you would wait until one of your other guilds would run in with you.
Not once did one of your guilds actually try to take on our 20 man group. It was a constant ‘wait here for the other guilds’ or ‘run away until the other guilds can come back us up’.
All of you guilds out there that harp on, “open field, open field” well I think thats bullkitten. But wait – RISE and PINK have mad skills and that’s why they win right?
Here’s an example of their “mad skills”
I’m sure they didn’t have a numbers advantage there right? My god, they must be hella good at timing their 1 skill to get it to go off with the amount of skill lag a group like that brings.
I watched some of those vale fights you had with BT. Yeah I won’t take that way from you, BT had a big group with 10 Shh Hammers and a group of FIST. Total – they probably had around 50. You had DIS, TSL, ESP, AND CYN there at times and easily YOU had the numbers advantage. I’ll agree 50 is a lot too, but there is no way you can say you had a short straw with your guilds there too. Not a chance.
For the most part, we stay quiet as a guild. But I’m sick of this bullkitten about people claiming their guild is so skilled, bragging about when they wiped so and so, and yes I’m talking about every side. AWESOME! You rolled over someone and pressed 1. Congratulations on getting your 70 people to catch their 70 people off guard. I’m sure its a blast.
Maybe last night half of [BT] wasn’t culling for you guys? Or maybe for myself so I couldn’t see? Wait, I think they fixed that.
WvW has always been a long term coverage and numbers game, but all the guilds out there that combine and run in groups of 40+ are the reason WvW is turning into a short term numbers game too.
Tier 2, for a few weeks we did great and not having these zergs with the entire map for the most part, but now you all have apparent fetishes for skill lag and low fps.
HOPE is out there every night at 9:30 EST. If you are sick of server wide zergs and want good fights then whisper me anytime and we’ll go to the same map and do some actually good WvW. Not this server wide 100 man freeze tag bullkitten.
You will not find us running in a huge 1-1-1-1-1-1 zerg. Ever.
Score update if anyone wants to know
Everyone is going to get 2v1ed at some point, that’s the nature of a 3 way contest.
Considering fa and tc history it’s no surprise both servers are going to be on the receiving end of a diuble team, kain isnt stupid and they play for the ppt.
Havent we grown out of whining about it by now?
We have not grown out of bringing to light the truth. The truth being it requires two servers to hold us in check because of what we are capable of when our reserves can go on the attack. The necessity of double teaming FA is an unfortunate one for us. Being double teamed by the megazerg server and the off hours server is tough to counter. We persevere but we obviously can’t win against impossible. If you look at the numbers it is very clear that it is impossible to win against this nonsense. Dismissing the manifestation of unsavory war ethics and a lack of confidence on the part of the other two servers to fight 1v1v1 as whining is an evasive retreat to craven ppt play. That is the majesty of FA. We can make two stacked servers desperately thrash away at us to keep their confidence up.
… I hope this was just a well written satire and not something serious.
props to all Kain at FABL who defended Bay for few hours outmanned… we lost it in the end, but still some efforts there….
oh.. hi TC….. wink*
Hahaa yes, that was a fun Bay defense last night, and a long enough stretch of outmanned that the 300 quotes started popping up.
In regards to the double teaming, I’ll say this: it’s very easy to influence who your opponent attacks in the borderlands. We thought PiNK’s hold of Garrison was a little strong so we took Redwater and set up a nice long siege at Redlake with catapults. Sure enough, TC defenders started to build up until finally a zerg popped out of Redlake like a swarm of ants (hooray end of culling). We disengaged at that point but noticed FA had time to get to inner Garrison while that was happening.
On the other side of the coin, TC helped us hold Bay longer because they hit Garrison twice after FA had gotten through outer Bay walls, pulling away most of the FA attackers. We destroyed FA’s skeleton crew left to man the trebs on the cliff and closed the outer gates. It probably wouldn’t have been twice if FA had left a mesmer at Bay—even TC sent a mesmer to Bay…tsk tsk
Can FA please stop doing this non stop whenever I’m around a group of them? Also on another note pls stop alt f4’ing I still get the loot and wxp never seen a server do it as much as FA does I like a good duel (even if it’s the 1 person that has chased me around the map for 5 min then when I turn to attack they run or wp back or alt f4 on me..) on a happier note keep up the good fights everyone enjoying everything so far!
Everyone is going to get 2v1ed at some point, that’s the nature of a 3 way contest.
Considering fa and tc history it’s no surprise both servers are going to be on the receiving end of a diuble team, kain isnt stupid and they play for the ppt.
Havent we grown out of whining about it by now?
We have not grown out of bringing to light the truth. The truth being it requires two servers to hold us in check because of what we are capable of when our reserves can go on the attack. The necessity of double teaming FA is an unfortunate one for us. Being double teamed by the megazerg server and the off hours server is tough to counter. We persevere but we obviously can’t win against impossible. If you look at the numbers it is very clear that it is impossible to win against this nonsense. Dismissing the manifestation of unsavory war ethics and a lack of confidence on the part of the other two servers to fight 1v1v1 as whining is an evasive retreat to craven ppt play. That is the majesty of FA. We can make two stacked servers desperately thrash away at us to keep their confidence up.
… I hope this was just a well written satire and not something serious.
Why do you hope that?
In response to the wall of text we can always try a boring ballista leapfrog turret defense. Kain seems to shut down our avenues into more interesting options in dealing with the TC mega zerg. Or we can just quit GW2 because strategic and tactical opportunity is lost. Or we can rally and spam boon removal and control effects with total abandon on indiscernible targets.
Dontcare Aboutnames.9284Can FA please stop doing this non stop whenever I’m around a group of them?
You don’t have to be around them for that to pop up – I see emotes from across the map… Get over yourself.
Dontcare Aboutnames.9284Also on another note pls stop alt f4’ing I still get the loot and wxp never seen a server do it as much as FA does I like a good duel (even if it’s the 1 person that has chased me around the map for 5 min then when I turn to attack they run or wp back or alt f4 on me..)
I can’t speak for everyone … but I know that I personally have had the client crash on me at least 5 times a night since the patch.
As far as the running – We are all pretty active on TS. What you observed could very well possibly be the commander instructing everyone to rally up, or not to engage.
Get over yourself. <3
(edited by Evalana.5480)
Lots of crying here…
The reason people are zerging more is because of WXP and the end of culling. While I’m sure we will see more zerging, the meta wvw will change again and then the collective wvw community can move to crying about the new meta that a post culling world allows.
Nice saves on TC BLs Bay PRO. If you had been 30 seconds slower on many occasions then some of these people would really be crying. Can’t wait for more good fights and zerging like the ravenous undead later this week!
Long live the zombie coast!
(edited by Urrid.4593)
props to all Kain at FABL who defended Bay for few hours outmanned… we lost it in the end, but still some efforts there….
oh.. hi TC….. wink*
Hahaa yes, that was a fun Bay defense last night, and a long enough stretch of outmanned that the 300 quotes started popping up.
In regards to the double teaming, I’ll say this: it’s very easy to influence who your opponent attacks in the borderlands. We thought PiNK’s hold of Garrison was a little strong so we took Redwater and set up a nice long siege at Redlake with catapults. Sure enough, TC defenders started to build up until finally a zerg popped out of Redlake like a swarm of ants (hooray end of culling). We disengaged at that point but noticed FA had time to get to inner Garrison while that was happening.
On the other side of the coin, TC helped us hold Bay longer because they hit Garrison twice after FA had gotten through outer Bay walls, pulling away most of the FA attackers. We destroyed FA’s skeleton crew left to man the trebs on the cliff and closed the outer gates. It probably wouldn’t have been twice if FA had left a mesmer at Bay—even TC sent a mesmer to Bay…tsk tsk
You didn’t “take Redwater.” You took it about 2 dozen times lol. Also why are you surprised about the lack of a mesmer? This is the same force that lost their garrison (two ticks away from it being lost twice) due to tunnel vision when both Kai and TC where outmanned on their BL.
(edited by Arkard.3970)
So either A) you proved my point, or B ) you are jumping into a discussion you have no part in.
At what point in my post did I mention anything about HOPE? No where. Secondly, you claim we ran every time we saw HOPE on the field? Quite the opposite. Every single time HOPE came out they were either A) Wiped, or B ) Ran away. Not once did any of our groups on KABL run from HOPE last night. Did we lure FA into Garrison and then proceed to the take entire remainder of the map while you fought KA? Yes. Yes we did.
I ask that before you accuse me of running in this giant “megazerg” that you get your facts straight. CYN was running on the Southern half of the map defending and holding camps, while babysitting Bay. TSL was mostly running around in the Northern half of the map doing their best to harass camps and slap yaks, but they did run in the Southern half of the map for defense and pushes east ward. DIS roamed around the entire map defending where needed and pushing where needed. I can tell you from experience, as I was commanding, that there were multiple times I told our guys to build a golem, wait for FA to push behind us, and move North West to take the NW tower and proceed to take ALL the camps for the tick. Did we come together for certain pushes? Yes. Garrison usually requires a large amount of people to take, thus the reason for coming together, as does hills. When I realized that I cannot take a keep or tower, I usually do my best to get the other zergs fighting so I can go take points for free, call it running, I call it strategy.
I do not play WvW with a “open field” mentality. I play it as it was designed, to optimize PPT, and defend points. So step back off your accusations and reassess what happened last night. When TSL, ESP, CYN, and DIS came together we had around 50, maybe 60 TOPS at the PEAK of the night. For the majority of the night we were running with about 40.
You sit here and drag other guilds through the mud in an attempt to insult TC and promote FA and HOPE. I never once said anything about our guilds being better, nor did I say anything about BT being bad, quite the opposite, I commended BT on some very strong strategy that was very successful. I stated that the chauvinistic comment by a BT member was not based in fact, and that it was not only their “superior tactics” that won them some fights.
I will end this argument with a clear statement. I will not claim superiority over any other guild. I will not attack other guilds for any reason. I will however defend my server and my guild from insults and incorrect comments about what occurred on the battlefield.
(edited by Ruq.5396)
awww what a nice sight. I wasn’t on tc/kn/fa thread for a long time now.Same old sight though.1 server accusing the other one of 2v1 (btw not true, KN went on a rampage last night in eb and took tc keep befor they tried ours) and the other servers complaining about 1 server being full of trolls.
We all have troll on our servers, but don’t accuse the whole server of being the same.
(there is some really cool guilds in FA that dont troll, there are pretty fun PINK players on tc that don’t troll and actually whisper nice stuff too and there are KN people that bow to u after epic 1v1’s)
We have not grown out of bringing to light the truth. The truth being it requires two servers to hold us in check because of what we are capable of when our reserves can go on the attack. The necessity of double teaming FA is an unfortunate one for us. Being double teamed by the megazerg server and the off hours server is tough to counter. We persevere but we obviously can’t win against impossible. If you look at the numbers it is very clear that it is impossible to win against this nonsense. Dismissing the manifestation of unsavory war ethics and a lack of confidence on the part of the other two servers to fight 1v1v1 as whining is an evasive retreat to craven ppt play. That is the majesty of FA. We can make two stacked servers desperately thrash away at us to keep their confidence up.
Lol we are all stacked to some degree, Tinfoil Hat Champion. Let’s stop pretending we’re outnumbered. After all, look at how many guilds joined your server…
Everyone is going to get 2v1ed at some point, that’s the nature of a 3 way contest.
Considering fa and tc history it’s no surprise both servers are going to be on the receiving end of a diuble team, kain isnt stupid and they play for the ppt.
Havent we grown out of whining about it by now?
We have not grown out of bringing to light the truth. The truth being it requires two servers to hold us in check because of what we are capable of when our reserves can go on the attack. The necessity of double teaming FA is an unfortunate one for us. Being double teamed by the megazerg server and the off hours server is tough to counter. We persevere but we obviously can’t win against impossible. If you look at the numbers it is very clear that it is impossible to win against this nonsense. Dismissing the manifestation of unsavory war ethics and a lack of confidence on the part of the other two servers to fight 1v1v1 as whining is an evasive retreat to craven ppt play. That is the majesty of FA. We can make two stacked servers desperately thrash away at us to keep their confidence up.
Lmao…way to pump FA up with a load of crap. You guys are losing being your bad, don’t confuse that for a 2v1…no wonder why you guys lost guilds.
There has been a consensus a 2v1 took place. There is no confusion. We lose guilds. We gain guilds. All borderlands were full on reset. People just don’t want to deal with this load of crap from TC and Kain. It has gravitated towards a stale uninspired match-up. People lose interest when the artist has no palette because their canvas is covered in the defecation of a TC zerg and Kain supporting that zerg. I will leave it at that so the reactionaries don’t cut into the unsaid.
Consensus? Lmao. I just have one question for you…you mad bro?
Well this week’s thread is off to a good start.
Some people are confused. It isn’t polite to make fun of confused people. Sometimes confused people need more time to process information. Sometimes confused people will remain confused…
I hate scrolling past all these walls of text! I am just happy that we have such an evenly matched tier. Imaginary 2v1’s or not, almost everyone should be happy with the 24/7 fights on all the maps. It sure beats a blowout…
Trolling is so utterly boring. Please stop. Just. Stop.
Well this week’s thread is off to a good start.
Haha well when your servers motw is that we need to work with TC to beat you guys then expect no less.
I doubt there is any 2vs1 KN+TC VS FA but I believe the old CD crew that moved from there to either KN or TC remember how FA and ioj were 2vs1 CD in T3 to deny CD T2 ranking up to the point that the ioj guilds transfered to FA not to fall a tier lower. These CD old players that plays now in KN are more likely focusing FA (like I do) than TC, like I guess old CD crew that plays in TC are more likely focusing FA than KN for the obvious same reason. It’s all personnal choice but no official agreement between every players from two servers…
It’s like a payback nothing personnal
I have my own reason to dislike Fort Kickaspenwood (lol), but it doesn’t mean we can’t keep the thread being civil.
- Titan War – KN – Commander – [LORD] – [CO] -
(edited by Titan.3472)
We have not grown out of bringing to light the truth. The truth being it requires two servers to hold us in check because of what we are capable of when our reserves can go on the attack. The necessity of double teaming FA is an unfortunate one for us. Being double teamed by the megazerg server and the off hours server is tough to counter. We persevere but we obviously can’t win against impossible. If you look at the numbers it is very clear that it is impossible to win against this nonsense. Dismissing the manifestation of unsavory war ethics and a lack of confidence on the part of the other two servers to fight 1v1v1 as whining is an evasive retreat to craven ppt play. That is the majesty of FA. We can make two stacked servers desperately thrash away at us to keep their confidence up.
Lol we are all stacked to some degree, Tinfoil Hat Champion. Let’s stop pretending we’re outnumbered. After all, look at how many guilds joined your server…
Hey now, don’t make fun of people’s medical conditions.
I hate scrolling past all these walls of text! I am just happy that we have such an evenly matched tier. Imaginary 2v1’s or not, almost everyone should be happy with the 24/7 fights on all the maps. It sure beats a blowout…
Trolling is so utterly boring. Please stop. Just. Stop.
Hehe I agree. I sincerely apologize for my contribution to the walls of text.
…. Bad Ruq….. Bad.
Gotta love the FA troll spy placing flame rams.
Ruq – I didn’t mean anything I said as an insult, and I can understand why you took it that way, so I apologize for that, and I know it looks like I popped my thoughts into something I had no part in, but most of what I said is meant in a general case, not meant to single out TC or DIS by any means cause the past few weeks we’ve loved it when we see you on the field.
My post isn’t to pump up FA or HOPE at all; I’ll be the first to admit last night was not a great night for HOPE. I’m just disappointed how often everyone (FA included) is relying on numbers now – not saying DIS does, at all – but there were a lot of times we could have had some fun fights with you guys at the ruins but it always seemed like you would only come out if another guild was with you.
I have to remind myself of how different our mentalities are I suppose. I feel dirty when we wipe a group if we have more people because it feels like a cheap win. The most fun we have is when we find the good fights. From a ppt game you played it smart by not engaging if there was any uncertainty.
I forgot how different we look at wvw. Just wish there were more guilds that looked for the good fights instead of the steamroll.
Ruq – I didn’t mean anything I said as an insult, and I can understand why you took it that way, so I apologize for that, and I know it looks like I popped my thoughts into something I had no part in, but most of what I said is meant in a general case, not meant to single out TC or DIS by any means cause the past few weeks we’ve loved it when we see you on the field.
My post isn’t to pump up FA or HOPE at all; I’ll be the first to admit last night was not a great night for HOPE. I’m just disappointed how often everyone (FA included) is relying on numbers now – not saying DIS does, at all – but there were a lot of times we could have had some fun fights with you guys at the ruins but it always seemed like you would only come out if another guild was with you.
I have to remind myself of how different our mentalities are I suppose. I feel dirty when we wipe a group if we have more people because it feels like a cheap win. The most fun we have is when we find the good fights. From a ppt game you played it smart by not engaging if there was any uncertainty.
I forgot how different we look at wvw. Just wish there were more guilds that looked for the good fights instead of the steamroll.
I appreciate this response and I apologize if anything I said came off the wrong way as well.
Last night was a kitten because of how hard we were getting hit at our natural tower and at Bay. A lot of times when we saw anyone in ruins we automatically went into the tower to counter treb.
No worries as I am sure we will get a lot of good fights coming up this week, and the weeks to follow.
Feel free to message me or Rhyme and we could set up a few GvGs if that sounds good. I know a few other guilds have contacted us requesting them, and I would like to do more in the future
-.- Like sands through the hour glass, these are the ebbs and flows of our lives. Obviously WvW is a numbers game just like any open world war or battleground in any other mmorpg. The US didn’t fight desert storm with a handful of tanks to be fair. They fought the second biggest tank battle in history because they intended to win. But Russia didn’t jump in to join with them.
FA too strong, they must be taken down!…oh wait they’re red now. Gosh you really had us goin saweth. I kid, I kid. Good stuff though, good matches for 3 weeks and counting.
FA too strong, they must be taken down!…oh wait they’re red now. Gosh you really had us goin saweth. I kid, I kid. Good stuff though, good matches for 3 weeks and counting.
So strong that its still effect 2 v 1.
Here’s the first of many reset videos but I chose this one for 2 reasons. One, because its a great example of life after culling and two because it demonstrated just how much time we spent chasing red names last night.
SPOILER ALERT: the rest of the thread will probably go something like this:
Our server is clearly better than your server. Nuh-uh, WE are the better server and you only have more numbers. Shut up you squishy care-bear jerk. No you shut up. We have cookies to share with everyone, enjoy! I took a kitten on your cookies earlier, enjoy! Good fights tonight everyone! Guys seriously, we are totally being 2v1’d!!!!! Nice job taking Hills from us you bunch of hackers. Hackers? You must be joking, I have never seen people hack and Alt+f4 and emote as much as YOUR butthole server. Great fights tonight guys! Check out this video of us WRECKING your server’s best guild. Dude, we wiped you guys like 4 times and then you made that video later when most of us were logged off. This thread is pathetic, don’t feed the trolls from that server of trolls. Great fights in Bay tonight! Yeah, but only if you think PvDoor is a great fight, which I’m sure your night-capping server does. This 2v1 breaks the game!!! Your ugly face breaks the game.
I heard that all three Tier I servers are also attacking FA.
No wonder they are in last place.
I heard that all three Tier I servers are also attacking FA.
No wonder they are in last place.
Where did you hear that?
I heard that all three Tier I servers are also attacking FA.
No wonder they are in last place.
Where did you hear that?
Wolf Blitzer.
I heard that all three Tier I servers are also attacking FA.
No wonder they are in last place.
Where did you hear that?
Wolf Blitzer.
I’m pretty sure that is not true. Why would Wolf Blitzer, a successful news anchor, make bogus comments about FA?
I heard that all three Tier I servers are also attacking FA.
No wonder they are in last place.
Where did you hear that?
Wolf Blitzer.
I’m pretty sure that is not true. Why would Wolf Blitzer, a successful news anchor, make bogus comments about FA?
Please keep this discussion on topic, respectful and constructive. Thank you.
I doubt there is any 2vs1 KN+TC VS FA but I believe the old CD crew that moved from there to either KN or TC remember how FA and ioj were 2vs1 CD in T3 to deny CD T2 ranking up to the point that the ioj guilds transfered to FA not to fall a tier lower. These CD old players that plays now in KN are more likely focusing FA (like I do) than TC, like I guess old CD crew that plays in TC are more likely focusing FA than KN for the obvious same reason. It’s all personnal choice but no official agreement between every players from two servers…
It’s like a paybacknothing personnal
I have my own reason to dislike Fort Kickaspenwood (lol), but it doesn’t mean we can’t keep the thread being civil.- Titan War – KN – Commander – [LORD] – [CO] -
waves at Titan War
You speak the truth. I, too, am a former CD player and well remember FA double teaming us with IoJ. Perhaps that is why they accuse my new home (TC.. wonderful place, awesome people with great attitudes) of double teaming with KN. When one is guilty of a specific behaviour, one tends to project on to others.
Truth is? TC is not double teaming with anyone about anything. We go out there and fight our butts off with some really great commanders. We have fun. Perhaps y’all should take a page from our book, FA, and quit being so nasty in the meantime?
passes out some of Jayne’s nummy cookies
As always a fun reset on TC BL. I really enjoy Tier 2 as the fights are super fun and all servers bring the pain. Commendable efforts on all fronts.
And to everyone that’s posted in this thread so far – cheer up guys. We have the best match up in wvw as far as I’m concerned and I’m happy if it stays this way for a looong time.
I can assure everyone (especially those throwing around the typical server generalizations) that the majority of FA realizes that constructed 2v1’s are almost non-existent, and are a product of opportunity. I even made a post saying as much, but of course sensible posts seem to be ignored for the chance to stick it to a troll (which is exactly what they want—surprise surprise).
I can assure everyone (especially those throwing around the typical server generalizations) that the majority of FA realizes that constructed 2v1’s are almost non-existent, and are a product of opportunity. I even made a post saying as much, but of course sensible posts seem to be ignored for the chance to stick it to a troll (which is exactly what they want—surprise surprise).
I missed your post but I’m glad that you posted this. Thank you.
You speak the truth. I, too, am a former CD player and well remember FA double teaming us with IoJ. Perhaps that is why they accuse my new home (TC.. wonderful place, awesome people with great attitudes) of double teaming with KN. When one is guilty of a specific behaviour, one tends to project on to others.
Truth is? TC is not double teaming with anyone about anything. We go out there and fight our butts off with some really great commanders. We have fun. Perhaps y’all should take a page from our book, FA, and quit being so nasty in the meantime?
So you accuse others of double teaming and then deny it for yourself. How does that makes sense? FA never double teamed with IoJ any more then there is double teaming going on now. All you folks stand around with a tiny perspective of the battle and assume it is the entire picture.
The game is a 3 way battle, fights happen, it’s fun, enjoy it.
Lmao…way to pump FA up with a load of crap. You guys are losing being your bad, don’t confuse that for a 2v1…no wonder why you guys lost guilds.
What guilds have we lost? Right none. We had two large guilds break into smaller sets, one of those taking a vacation in t8 for the week. Also one of our guilds that transferred off FA months ago will be back for reset Friday and we also have a large SEA guild that is transferring players over as we speak. Get all the facts first.
Either way we like the blood bath going on. The only reason we pay attention to the score is so we can stay in T2. Otherwise everyone on FA just wants to pvp and not pvd.
So you accuse others of double teaming and then deny it for yourself. How does that makes sense? FA never double teamed with IoJ any more then there is double teaming going on now. All you folks stand around with a tiny perspective of the battle and assume it is the entire picture.
The game is a 3 way battle, fights happen, it’s fun, enjoy it.
They openly admitted it at the time.
So you accuse others of double teaming and then deny it for yourself. How does that makes sense? FA never double teamed with IoJ any more then there is double teaming going on now. All you folks stand around with a tiny perspective of the battle and assume it is the entire picture.
The game is a 3 way battle, fights happen, it’s fun, enjoy it.
They openly admitted it at the time.
If you believe that then you are still getting trolled for something that happened months ago.
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