A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Araliun.5024


I would like to thank Fubuki for his in-game partnership and personal dedication to helping unite the players of Kaineng since the server’s launch.

The challenges which presently face Kaineng boil down to two important dynamics which are influencing the server’s culture: a lack of pre-formed/pre-existing adult guilds and gaming communities – and – players.

Guilds who left their initial servers in pursuit of WvW queue times being low, zone load times without overflow, and the opportunity to add to or grow their communities found Devonas Rest and Kaineng. Unfortunately not enough moved over initially and the server has since become a bastion (in large part) for post-game-sales players. The combination of these two dynamics effected the server’s initial culture, the evolution of that culture. One of the two continues as the prevalent influence today: post-game-sales players joining who have not played an MMO, or who do not have a guild – thus their is a general lack of familiar players to the landscape. That is not to say they cannot rise to the occasion – but the odds they face are very large to overcome as the cultural differences between Kaineng vs. almost all other North American servers is very different at the core.

There is nothing more that Fubuki or others can do to help unite and grow Kaineng that has not already been done. Time, perseverance, and stubbornness are almost mandatory for any guild or anyone to reside on Kaineng – notably if they wish to have access to the highest areas of the game, uncontested, and to have equal gear/stats/etc. vs. competitors from other servers in WvW. Even then – for WvW specifically, number of fielded players on the maps, coordination, communication, and leadership are needed to graduate from freshman to senior status in order to compete with other servers. Gear is key in going toe-to-toe with a foe on the maps. Kaineng is simply outgunned. There is a vacuum of seasoned guild organization and and PvP experience at present but the opportunities for their growth are certainly there. Kaineng fields players who face these obstacles, and these same players will probably create some very well-lead and organized units on the maps through the adversity they face.

Fubuki, Delarme, and others are to be commended for their efforts to rally interest to Kaineng’s cause.

While I’m sure everyone is appreciative of outside opinions being expressed, tips and suggestions to improve the situation, the realities of what are ‘core’ to the server’s culture are what they are. The server has it’s own domain: KainengUnited.com. The server has it’s own VoiP for use in WvW and PvE events. From an infrastructure and organizational support perspective Kaineng is well-positioned. But regardless of what leadership, organization, and structure is provided the server – without numbers of seasoned players and entire guilds – a vacuum exists which will create a different kind of hardened player than on other servers.

All of what I stated above is based upon current operational conditions and the environment of the game. It is ArenaNet who will most likely introduce change which will effect not only Kaineng, but others server as well, as we progress down Guild Wars 2’s path into the future. One could provide a list of things to be done by ArenaNet for Kaineng however what can or will be done will most likely effect all servers.

I am not sure what the future will be for my community, The IMPERIUM of LaZy NATION, on Kaineng. We have attempted to provide good stewardship, resources, partnership to give Kaineng a winning chance at succeeding. But it takes everyone to coordinate, to communicate, to work together and unite as a community. It will take ArenaNet to address the glaring imbalance issues. Gear is a huge contributor to the disparate balance – not just # of players.

Earlier this week I made a private suggestion to ArenaNet that they might consider moving their guild, ZOS, to Kaineng so the development team can gain a better awareness of the disparities Kaineng faces with other servers – but then again, who is to say they are not already fielding characters on various servers and are not already aware.

So back to where it started … thank you Fubuki for your efforts on Kaineng’s behalf. You are only one person, with one voice, but you speak for many. /salute

Leader – The IMPERIUM of LaZy NATION

(edited by Araliun.5024)

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Fubuki.7162


Eep. I wasn’t on much last night, but I was lead to believe by, uh, we’ll call him a cross dressing warmonger … that LaZy had already headed out and the TS server had been restructured. Will chat in game later. I don’t want to offer up redundant options if you guys are still around.

Thanks for the reply. Talk to you in game soon.

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Bahatsu.4521


Awww I love Kaineng. I truly believe the spirit they show is how the game should be played!

Its like one of those heart wrenching stories… but like one of the ones where you love a certain character… and you follow, root and pull for said character… He may have been tortured for years, his family brutaly beaten and burned alive in front of him, his home land kitten and pillaged while he was away… and you just know against all odds he is going to make it and pay those monsters back…

…until he dies in chapter 5 and you forget about him by chapter 8…

I hope we remember you come chapter 8 Kaineng.

-Bahatsu [PVP] NS
WvW Officer of PvP Inc.
“There is no shame in finishing second… When it was to me” -Bahatsu

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Fubuki.7162


He may have been tortured for years, his family brutaly beaten and burned alive in front of him, his home land kitten and pillaged while he was away…

If you’re a professional psychic by trade I’m out of here.

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfend.5287


Having been on Kaineng recently to avoid overflow, queues and general population blight common to larger servers, I’d been hoping for a guild to rise from the ashes and declare a WvW focus. I’m in.

I have a few fun ideas that could help spark participation.

For Kaineng, “The Art of War” discusses the simple rules to defeating larger forces, and after a quick recon last week it seems the virtual battlefield ArenaNet has provide is ripe for the picking.

Good luck, I’ll be in touch.

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: xSuicidez.9156



Kaineng has one feature that almost none of the other servers do. Dedication. I’ll be looking forward to the BG v Kaineng match in the near future.

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Joey.3928


I love being the underdog. I’m currently on IoJ and I would gladly move our small guild over if they were all fine with it. I get a lot of headaches trying to get people to cooperate on Isle of Janthir. Last night there were like 20 people fighting outside our spawn and not doing anything productive.

But yea, losing guild upgrades would seriously suck. We are finally making progress and it would suck to have that all gone.

I’ll ask my guild, but not sure if I can drag them with me.

Estel Wolfheart
Norn Ranger
Hardcorepwnograhpy [HARD] | Isle of Janthir

(edited by Joey.3928)

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


Gate of Madness is currently in a similar situation.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


Jadeite, this thread died 11 days ago. Necro necro.

Apathy Inc [Ai]

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: unfo.4039


the average player doesn’t care to play, thinks only about victory and make me happy read this kind of topic because they help me realize that i’m not the only one who put fun above all!

Keep going, your path is the right one, i’m waiting to see your server more higher on the ranking, you deserve it!

Unfoit lvl 80 Guardian Seafarer’s Rest

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Eclipses.7152


Good luck Fubuki! All of us who work on WvW are pulling for you.

Kaineng consistently has the best queue situation of any NA server so it seems like an obvious win for any guilds looking to play together. I hope that your PR efforts continue to pay off!

No. The obvious win is stopping free server transfers.

The Royal Guard – http://theroyalguardclan.enjin.com
Isle of Janthir

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Awka.4593


Hey Fubuki, after reading your post here I decided to do a little “investigative work” I guess and decided to transfer over to Kaineng from Jade Quarry and I am glad I did. I’ve only been here an hour and the WvW (Plus the teamwork and coordination) are just great. Rancid and Buntastics were the two commanders on the EB map and I’ve had more fun in this past hour than I have in the last couple weeks on JQ. Looking forward to moving up in the ranks with you all!

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: joejean.6842


The best QUEUE situation ROFL, dude seriously, you looking to insult people?

SOON your QUEUE situation will be great on lots of servers, keep ignoring the CUSTOMERS
and their won’t be anyone queued for anything…

KAINENG was opened by mistake, population of this game is falling steady hence
it will never fill and will be the first server to be closed. Of course Anet will just sit by
and see what happens, am guessing they got a whole of one guy leading this fiasco and
he doesnt want to come in to work, just like we don’t wanna log in WvW…

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: lBANKAll.2183



Commander IBANKAI Lord of Quaggans
[ALS] Anvil’s Last Stand Guild Leader

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: Ilesyt.7084


The best QUEUE situation ROFL, dude seriously, you looking to insult people?

SOON your QUEUE situation will be great on lots of servers, keep ignoring the CUSTOMERS
and their won’t be anyone queued for anything…

KAINENG was opened by mistake, population of this game is falling steady hence
it will never fill and will be the first server to be closed. Of course Anet will just sit by
and see what happens, am guessing they got a whole of one guy leading this fiasco and
he doesnt want to come in to work, just like we don’t wanna log in WvW…

Obvious Idiot is obvious.
Let me tell you. The best and more sturdy, resilient WvW’rs you will find are in the bottom tiers of EU and US. Namely: RoS, FoW, Kaineng and DR.
You won’t find people more sturdy than there. So take your insults somewhere else and keep on being jealous of our non-existent queue cause you don’t have the guts to transfer to a losing server.

Oh and Joey could I interest you to come to Ruins of Surmia (EU) ? Just try it for a a day, you will definitely love, we have several EU insomniacs you will find online. And our server loves small guilds.

Leader of Deus Ex Machina [DEX]
Ruins of Surmia

(edited by Ilesyt.7084)