About Desolation nightcappers situation

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: lion.7401



First of all I read in previous post, we’d have made an alliance between Vizunah Square and Arboreastone. That’s wrong.

Last week victory vs desolation is due to our skills. We are very enjoyed to see we can win (easily) VS nightcappers.

Anyway the problem is since the Ruins guild is coming on desolation european serveur, we read many many unpleasant comments about our country, nationality… The game is become politics and that’s absolutly incredible.

We had lot of fun previous months, we want continue to enjoy this great game, in a fair and square spirit.

So North American are welcome on our server but we don’t want extremist guild or players ruining our game experience.

Hope Anet will check this problem and take measures.


About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: NightShade.5283


wogh so many QQ thread about desolation, keep it up guys ;D

Lyan D Deathbringer. male shylvari thief
IRON – Desolation

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597



First of all I read in previous post, we’d have made an alliance between Vizunah Square and Arboreastone. That’s wrong.

Last week victory vs desolation is due to our skills. We are very enjoyed to see we can win (easily) VS nightcappers.

Anyway the problem is since the Ruins guild is coming on desolation european serveur, we read many many unpleasant comments about our country, nationality… The game is become politics and that’s absolutly incredible.

We had lot of fun previous months, we want continue to enjoy this great game, in a fair and square spirit.

So North American are welcome on our server but we don’t want extremist guild or players ruining our game experience.

Hope Anet will check this problem and take measures.


First off you did have an alliance and it was even admitted to by some of the guild leaders from both servers so you can quit with that now.

Last weeks victory had some skill involved maybe but that’s not the reason you won.

Please provide proof of the "many many unpleasant comments about our country, nationality… " I’d love to read them.
We’ve received nothing but unsportsmanlike, bigoted and xenophobic comments and accusations thrown at us since we started playing you guys two weeks ago.

You are right however this has become political but only because your two servers have made it that way. As a matter of fact when we started this matchup two weeks ago I was the one of the first people in the original thread to wish everyone good luck and a fun week. Right after that followed three nasty messages from members of your server.

You’ve had fun for months and now that you’re losing and facing a little adversity instead of rising above it you and others choose to whine about it and demand that ANET do something about it.

Do you understand how ridiculous that sounds? It’s like asking Major League Baseball to change the rules because the New York Yankees and Boston Red Sox win too much.

Anyone that thinks there is something wrong with WvW right now and that it’s dying is probably losing.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: supertony.6920


this is just too hilarious that i just must comment this: VIVA LA FRANCE!!! keep it going guys its getting funnier each day

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Sorry if i laugh heartily at “our last weeks victory was due to our skill”. Yah im sure that 2v1 and a holiday on friday had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Thats why VS was very strong this weekend during the daytime and… ow wait, it wasnt.

Sorry, national servers are to volatile for high-tiers WvW. Its no fun seeing a server win simply because it had a national holiday, or a school vacation that week.
Outcome is dictated not by skill but by whoever just had a better representation due to national events.
Or seeing servers make alliances to cling to a tier because national pride exceeds server pride.

International servers arent affected by such things. Server above all, and no external social factors to drastically sway performance one way or another.

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Ilirya Shan.5489

Ilirya Shan.5489

Legit whine IMHO. You forgot that RUIN migrated in EU server because of their lack of skill and defeat in US Ladder. Prime time is mostly ok for FR servers. The nightly players is the problem.

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: NightShade.5283


this is just too hilarious that i just must comment this: VIVA LA FRANCE!!! keep it going guys its getting funnier each day

i know right, they keep made up ridiculous excuse , like i said before keep it up guys, this is very entertaint

Lyan D Deathbringer. male shylvari thief
IRON – Desolation

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Aysnvaust.7046


lion, if you check EN-forums about the history of RUIN, you wouldn’t be surprised at all. Before they came over here for cheap nightcapping, they made a lot of “friends” over there, not just because they were hopping servers only to find out that they would never be in T1 / NA (that was when they all of a sudden discovered the fact, that GW2 is an international game…), no, over there they were allready shining with all sort of comments and an attitude that in the end even forced them to make an “official” apologize. You think they should have changed that behaviour when they swapped ladders? Think again.
Just a shame that they RUIN a servers reputation…

Poke Menot
Asura Thief
Elona Reach

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: KiNgPiN.2075


Guys cmon, what u gonna do when u gonna have to fight Blacktide? With all those russians they got way more better timezone coverage then Desolation. If u play for fun, play for fun, if u play for score move to NA or other non-(DE,FR,ES) server. Everyone is trying to get 24/7 coverage and u cant be selfish and deny it to them. Other thing is 2v1 gangbang situation. Even if u dont team-up against Desolation, VS or AS are more likely to attack Desolation then each other. If i was a french i would do the same. Last think is that if u ripping on Americans for nightcapping then u have to expect the same behavior from them. simple fact.

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: TheBob.9863


Funny how Vizunah players forgot how they sat at #1 spot for 2 months with +695 night time points

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: lion.7401



My thread is not about alliance or victory.

I don’t care if low players profiles need to play the night to win. I don’t care the reason if it’s for win easy karma, easy gold or because they are unskill and they need to fight vs wind to win.

My subject is about the insults and racists comments we are under fire from the coming of desolation in first pool.

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Natureswarden.5102


wow yet another thread where tri faction will be explained and every post shot to bits countered by logic..Then when all else fails 95% of insults will be thrown out by FR servers resulting in another tanked thread? trollgasmic XD

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


move to NA or other non-(DE,FR,ES) server. Everyone is trying to get 24/7 coverage and u cant be selfish and deny it to them. .

EU ladder was fine before this invasion by NA
Why a FR-DE-ES server doesn’t have a chance when they are better ?
EU ladder was created to give EU server an equal and fair chance in the beginning.
It’s them being Selfish denying all those server a fair chance to fight.
You want 24/7 coverage → go to US ladder, but leave us alone on our EU ladder.

Vizunah Square [FR]

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Same.4687


Is there any proof to this “RUIN” having a bad name? It would be hilarious to read that they are actually guild hopping baddies looking for an easy win.

Anyway by the looks of it Blacktide will be in T1 and it has gotten a bunch of reinforcements from other EU servers to create as much of a 24 hour force as possible (if I’m correct we should be sitting at a full force over a 19-20 hour period). If RUIN really is as bad at losing as they are supposed to be according to Aysnvaust they will jump ship from Desolation fast enough I guess.

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Natureswarden.5102



My thread is not about alliance or victory.

I don’t care if low players profiles need to play the night to win. I don’t care the reason if it’s for win easy karma, easy gold or because they are unskill and they need to fight vs wind to win.

My subject is about the insults and racists comments we are under fire from the coming of desolation in first pool.

read 4+ threads now FR have had tanked because after logic fails they resort to insults. Most Desolation players have a constructive arguement Fact not fiction and mos speaks for itself you guys are even loosing in your primetime heads up.

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


wow yet another thread where tri faction will be explained and every post shot to bits countered by logic..Then when all else fails 95% of insults will be thrown out by FR servers resulting in another tanked thread? trollgasmic XD

2v1 cannot counter nightcap by oversea players, it’s impossible during prime time to regain the points lost during the night, even at 2v1.

We just want to have fair and equal chances like ANet promised us when they created the EU ladder.

Vizunah Square [FR]

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Natureswarden.5102


2 v 1 can counter anything 1 server has to throw out there and if you didnt like it you shouldn’t have used it to roll the red carpet out to the top. Even you said that eirlier in a tanked thread claiming if AS and VS allied no way we could dominate. Its a tri faction game pardon the pun but tri learning how to play it.

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Rashka.3420


Vizu was a server who first started nightcapping and therefore used to win. but now they blame Desolation nightcappers for doing the same and are crying out for it.lol

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


read 4+ threads now FR have had tanked because after logic fails they resort to insults. Most Desolation players have a constructive arguement Fact not fiction and mos speaks for itself you guys are even loosing in your primetime heads up.

EU ladder was meant for EU players
EU ladder was fine before NA guild came to it
50% of EU ladder are localized servers that cannot participate in a geographic 24/7 coverage battle


NA ladder has vocation to be worldwide
NA ladder has already a 24/7 battle going on.

= My logic here tells me that NA guilds have nothing to do on the EU ladder.

ANet should have authorized migration from ladder to ladder in the first place.
(That’s not possible in many games, like a famous on with pandas.)

Vizunah Square [FR]

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Natureswarden.5102


Your logic is you should be able to tell people where they can and can’t go in life as long as you win.

Also I can roll on both NA and EU servers on WoW anytime I want on the same account. be thankful accounts are world bound here

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


we just want to have FAIR and EQUAL chances to win !

Vizunah Square [FR]

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Natureswarden.5102


you have had a fair chance to win through the day you are unable to do so!!!!!

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Natureswarden.5102


you also have 2 servers with a common native language !!!! and have engaged in 2 v 1

Why don’t you tell that to aDesolation or appologize for nightcapping on them for months and telling them to deal with it. now after 8 days you dont’t like it? Deal with it just like you said. go do something about it get up off your rumps and go recruit and id rather not hear about language being the barrier when other servers are melting pots and oceanic guilds have played these games for years. Somehow they communicate. We dont sit on skype drawing pictures.

(edited by Natureswarden.5102)

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Knasher.5607


Last time Desolation were in tier 1, we got stomped because we didn’t have nightcappers like Vizunah. Where were you asking for a FAIR and EQUAL chance then?

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: KiNgPiN.2075


move to NA or other non-(DE,FR,ES) server. Everyone is trying to get 24/7 coverage and u cant be selfish and deny it to them. .

EU ladder was fine before this invasion by NA
Why a FR-DE-ES server doesn’t have a chance when they are better ?
EU ladder was created to give EU server an equal and fair chance in the beginning.
It’s them being Selfish denying all those server a fair chance to fight.
You want 24/7 coverage -> go to US ladder, but leave us alone on our EU ladder.

I live in Europe and mostly im working at night just like milions other europenas. FR-DE-ES does have a chance but they not gonna be able too keep up in long-term. What about Russia with their 12 timezones? Basicaly its the same situation like with ppl from NA and i dont think they gonna move to NA servers just to make anyone feel better. Noone can be 1st forever mate. Every sever can be beaten at the right circumstances.

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Natureswarden.5102


you have had a fair chance to win through the day you are unable to do so!!!!!

ticking at +600 several hours at night cannot be counter by day, even at 2v1, it’s maths

You wont even admit to night capping yourself or using 2 v 1 …go build a server that wins versus asking it to be handed to you on a plate or attemtpting to manipulate dev’s into giving it too you that were gracious enough to tag your server.

Roll on EU idc but dont come here QQing over things that were fine for you for months.

Dont roll out one guild with a single name across 2 servers and sit here claiming you want fair.

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


I live in Europe and mostly im working at night just like milions other europenas. FR-DE-ES does have a chance but they not gonna be able too keep up in long-term. What about Russia with their 12 timezones? Basicaly its the same situation like with ppl from NA and i dont think they gonna move to NA servers just to make anyone feel better. Noone can be 1st forever mate. Every sever can be beaten at the right circumstances.

I work at night to. we’re a minority, nothing comparable to the impact a big guild impact

Last time Desolation were in tier 1, we got stomped because we didn’t have nightcappers like Vizunah. Where were you asking for a FAIR and EQUAL chance then?

We won because of nightcap with people from our timezone : we stood up at night. → any server can counter that by doing the same, Elona Reach proved it by beating both FR servers !

whereas oversea recruitment is impossible to counter if you are a localized server.

Why do you think ANet created a separate EU ladder in the first place then ?

Vizunah Square [FR]

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: jaxom.7469


Last time Desolation were in tier 1, we got stomped because we didn’t have nightcappers like Vizunah. Where were you asking for a FAIR and EQUAL chance then?

writing on forums that nightcapping should be adressed ?

not everybody is selfish you know ?

and if you guys don’t see the difference between 20 pugs sleeping late and a 100+ organised people guild just coming to be first easily ….

Natureswarden, calm down, we didn’t eat anybody.

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Natureswarden.5102


you night capped end of story!

You also 2 v 1 but dont play it right thats your fault not ours or people also wanting a “fair” chance to win.

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Natureswarden.5102


lol you guys are unbelievable. you call fair having a guild on both AS and VS where people can chat between worlds fair.

You also expect people to suck up what you offered them but don’t want the same treatment. Then do something about it or you never should have dished it out in the first place. Its called manners and heads up man for man primetime your loosing. Yes loosing. go look at mos graphing it says it all

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: jaxom.7469


hey , true story, there is always a nightcapping server and it’s always the one with the most WVW players….

…. oh wait , not anymore

so yeah we nightcapped … like … hmm… everybody else when they were dominating ?

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Natureswarden.5102


whats good for the goose is good for the gander and be thankful you actually have the edge in a native language across 2 tagged servers. Try doing it without that! Its been done!

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Liriel.1473


1/ we don’t have such a guild sounds like another troll like the 500 canadian force
2/ there is no alliance between our two server it last only 2 days the first week but seems like you will never understand this.

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Knasher.5607


We won because of nightcap with people from our timezone : we stood up at night. -> any server can counter that by doing the same, Elona Reach proved it by beating both FR servers !

whereas oversea recruitment is impossible to counter if you are a localized server.

Why do you think ANet created a separate EU ladder in the first place then ?

The Vizunah nightcap would have been equally impossible for us to counter because while Vizunah probably have a large contingent of night workers who prefer to play on a french server. Desolation has a lower population and without a language barrier most people prefered to play on the NA servers (rather than do PvE alone). But hey, I guess fairness equality only matter when you aren’t winning. Vizunah dominated tier 1 by being larger than any other server out there, at one point you had queues going 500 people long lasting 23 hours a day.

You are asking ANet to change the rules, not to restore fairness and equality across servers, that was never there to begin with, but to restore the dominance of the localized servers.

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Natureswarden.5102


1/ we don’t have such a guild sounds like another troll like the 500 canadian force
2/ there is no alliance between our two server it last only 2 days the first week but seems like you will never understand this.

Thats your problem you can’t get it together not a developers. They make a great tri faction game and what are you guys doing? loving it when you win saying deal with it and oh no this isnt fair anymore when you loose to exactly the same tacts you lost by but with umpteen ways out of it. Deal with it as you told others.

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: jaxom.7469


lol you guys are unbelievable. you call fair having a guild on both AS and VS where people can chat between worlds fair.

You also expect people to suck up what you offered them but don’t want the same treatment. Then do something about it or you never should have dished it out in the first place. Its called manners and heads up man for man primetime your loosing. Yes loosing. go look at mos graphing it says it all

yeah i know, you’re winning , congratz

so now calm down and think…

what is your interest in an easy win ? you have a new server, a lot of dedicated people, do you think it’s really interesting to win by kicking doors in primetime when we will be all demoralized?
do you really want that?

oh sorry, blacktide is coming, so for you it’s fine if you’re always playing between the 2 same servers ?

competition makes things interesting, that’s why our alliance didn’t take more than 24h. We like too much to fight each other.

you can crush your adversaries using tactics they can’t use, but it’s a game, not a war, having 6 or 7 servers being able to go first is a lot more interesting than 2 servers locking T1 and the rest quitting for another game, because there is NO WAY they can compete

think about that a little.

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


I repeat my question to our NA migrating friends :
Why do you think ANet created a separate EU ladder in the first place ?

Vizunah Square [FR]

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Llewn.9473


Hi Natureswarden,
Can you please give the name of the guild you mentioned ? Or details ? Some guild tags are really common on our servers.

Guardian of [UTP] – Arborstone

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: KiNgPiN.2075


I repeat my question to our NA migrating friends :
Why do you think ANet created a separate EU ladder in the first place ?

Cause if all servers will be located in US, it will be soooo lagyyy daaaamn 400ms+

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Liriel.1473


all server are located in US

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Natureswarden.5102


lol you guys are unbelievable. you call fair having a guild on both AS and VS where people can chat between worlds fair.

You also expect people to suck up what you offered them but don’t want the same treatment. Then do something about it or you never should have dished it out in the first place. Its called manners and heads up man for man primetime your loosing. Yes loosing. go look at mos graphing it says it all

yeah i know, you’re winning , congratz

so now calm down and think…

what is your interest in an easy win ? you have a new server, a lot of dedicated people, do you think it’s really interesting to win by kicking doors in primetime when we will be all demoralized?
do you really want that?

oh sorry, blacktide is coming, so for you it’s fine if you’re always playing between the 2 same servers ?

competition makes things interesting, that’s why our alliance didn’t take more than 24h. We like too much to fight each other.

you can crush your adversaries using tactics they can’t use, but it’s a game, not a war, having 6 or 7 servers being able to go first is a lot more interesting than 2 servers locking T1 and the rest quitting for another game, because there is NO WAY they can compete

think about that a little.

Im very calm I just know due to graphing and in tourneys etc what the outcome would be. I am putting my energy into the match this just makes me want to work twice as hard to win tbh.

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Knasher.5607


writing on forums that nightcapping should be adressed ?

not everybody is selfish you know ?

Frankly it’s the hypocrisy of it that annoys me. Feel free to have a look what Gwal though of nightcapping a month ago when his server was doing it to far shiverpeaks:

Nightcap is part of the game, wvwvw is 24/7, and although I admit it’s certainly not an “honorable” way to get the advantage, it’s legit, and it’s certainly better than the cheating some people of your server have resorted to.

Guess it stopped being legit when it was being done to his server instead.

and if you guys don’t see the difference between 20 pugs sleeping late and a 100+ organised people guild just coming to be first easily ….

I doubt it was ever just 20 people and I doubt they were just sleeping late instead of being night workers who were just awake at that point anyway. Probably a lot of them didn’t stay in that long, why bother when the whole world has gone green.
In any case it sounds like you position is that nightcapping is unfair because our nightcappers outnumber your nightcappers, the identical position we were in two months ago.

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


In any case it sounds like you position is that nightcapping is unfair because our nightcappers outnumber your nightcappers, the identical position we were in two months ago.

I have the same opinion about night cap. I assume what I said before.
I condemn the oversea recruitment to ruin the EU ladder : this ladder isn’t meant to be worldwide. localized server cannot do anything against that.

nightcap is 2 things :

  • decication : players get less sleep, more playtime
    -> counter ? well, do the same..
  • oversea recruitment = daycap for the oversa people
    -> counter ? well, for a localized server : none !

I also repeat my question :
Why do you think ANet created a separate EU ladder in the first place ?

Vizunah Square [FR]

(edited by Gwal.2813)

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: jaxom.7469


writing on forums that nightcapping should be adressed ?

not everybody is selfish you know ?

Frankly it’s the hypocrisy of it that annoys me. Feel free to have a look what Gwal though of nightcapping a month ago when his server was doing it to far shiverpeaks:

Nightcap is part of the game, wvwvw is 24/7, and although I admit it’s certainly not an “honorable” way to get the advantage, it’s legit, and it’s certainly better than the cheating some people of your server have resorted to.

Guess it stopped being legit when it was being done to his server instead.

and if you guys don’t see the difference between 20 pugs sleeping late and a 100+ organised people guild just coming to be first easily ….

I doubt it was ever just 20 people and I doubt they were just sleeping late instead of being night workers who were just awake at that point anyway. Probably a lot of them didn’t stay in that long, why bother when the whole world has gone green.
In any case it sounds like you position is that nightcapping is unfair because our nightcappers outnumber your nightcappers, the identical position we were in two months ago.

no, this nightcapping is unfair because it’s not a nightcapping , it’s an easy daycapping for people wanting to win without a fight , when they can fight on their ladder …

For your other point, vs is a 40000 people server too , i’m not the only voice of VS, nor is gwen. i don’t control night players, nor does she (he?) , it’s not an organised guild ….and " it’s certainly not an “honorable” way to get the advantage" i don’t call that liking nightcapping.

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: TheBob.9863


Seriously did Vizunah players forgot that this is the same thing they did for 2 months? Maybe a friendly reminder will help these Vizunah players commenting on the forums, here is a jog to your memory


About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: jaxom.7469


again , it’s not that you do it, but the way you’re doing it , breaking totally the game for all EU ladder….

the real force of FS are on GMT + 4 , russians , they were daycapping and had nobody at night , and sorry but old deso was just bad.

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Hrist.8972


Give me a one good reason why localized server couldn’t have overseas guilds playing in it?

Hrist Unriht – [Hovi] Unseelie Court – Seafarer’s Rest EU

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: TheBob.9863


Desolation winning thanks to nightcapping is bad only Vizunah is allowed to do it


About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: dkarn.6027


Remember this from Arena Net:

There will be 3 major regional designations for the release of Guild Wars 2:
Europe: Defined as Western Europe and Eastern Europe. Players in these regions connect to the European datacenter.
North America: Defined as Canada, Mexico, and the United States. Players in these regions connect to the North American datacenter.
Other: All countries not already listed above will connect to the North American datacenter.
A more in-depth list of countries and their designations can be found in our knowledge base.

About Desolation nightcappers situation

in WvW

Posted by: Gwal.2813


Give me a one good reason why localized server couldn’t have overseas guilds playing in it?

because we’ve already asked them
None of them is interested in coming to an FR/DE/ES server
French Canadians players prefer to play on the US ladder, and so do Spanish speaking community in America

Vizunah Square [FR]