Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Superlol.3741


Too bad for Iron that their thief’s technique isn’t really helping to their score, but just to annoy us. (Its really useless when the thiefs doing that for nothing..)

[CIR] – Blacktide

(edited by Superlol.3741)

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Argadem.6135


well last time we have been in a match with Blacktide,one of XaoC players exploited his way into bay,but did you see us accusing the whole guild of it?…and thief thing is annoying but it is legit,and all servers have people doing it tbh,you can’t blame the whole guild because of it…
Anyway,after hours of AH siege,we finally took it! ^^ really good defense BT,you have alot of good players,can’t wait to have more awsome fight
Alot of respect to GF and Nugos who defended it all day

Guardian – Gunnar’s Hold [IRON]

(edited by Argadem.6135)

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: romsea.8539


RUIN has been more than happy to contribute in breaking the Vizunah “monopoly” on tier one in the hopes of allowing other international communities and language servers to have a more competitive environment.

Ruin doesn’t “allow” anything especially not to other servers, you are deso night crew and performing well against low to no opposition.
Now you have a real t1 opponent to fight against, let’s see how it’ll goes.

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Slashpaf.9250


Contrary to popular belief RUIN does not have 2,000 people actively playing in Europe. Our night crew was able to intimidate and beat Vizunah through moving a single team of about 50-60 people around a night while keeping a small rear-guard in Eternal Battlegrounds.

Excuse me Sir, I have to correct something. 50-60 is the number of RUIN’s officers dedicated to WvW.
You didn’t really intimated us, you just zerged us. RG, or NuG can be intimidating sometime, and they don’t make us laugh like you did these past two weeks, in game and on these boards.
I think EU ladder is just too hardcore for you. It’s kitten Vietnam dude, you’ll tell your children : this was a hell of a nightmare over ther, and we lost against outnumbered people dispite all of our low blows.

Vizunah Square

(edited by Slashpaf.9250)

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Warhawk.1947


Exploit this and that.. Sigh..

It’s not like it IS an easy walk in the park for BT most of the time.
Needed some real effort and coordination to keep things going the way they are..
Desolation and VS are tough cookies and in T1 we shouldnt and wont underestimate them at all.
Some pathetic accusations from individuals about exploiting about 1 thief doing some tricks are a sign of weakness to me .. makes me a dissapointed puppy.

[CIR] – Blacktide
We shall bottle your tears..

(edited by Warhawk.1947)

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Argadem.6135


Exploit this and that.. Sigh..

It’s not like it IS an easy walk in the park for BT most of the time.
Needed some real effort and coordination to keep things going the way they are..
Desolation and VS are tough cookies and in T1 we shouldnt and wont underestimate them at all.
Some pathetic accusations from individuals about expoiting about 1 thief doing some tricks are a sign of weakness to me .. makes me a dissapointed puppy.

Nobody said it easy for you,i know you are all organized and skilled players and i respect that…tho,your players were accusing US of exploiting by a thief (sorry if that was what you meant in your post)

Guardian – Gunnar’s Hold [IRON]

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Warhawk.1947


Exploit this and that.. Sigh..

It’s not like it IS an easy walk in the park for BT most of the time.
Needed some real effort and coordination to keep things going the way they are..
Desolation and VS are tough cookies and in T1 we shouldnt and wont underestimate them at all.
Some pathetic accusations from individuals about expoiting about 1 thief doing some tricks are a sign of weakness to me .. makes me a dissapointed puppy.

Nobody said it easy for you,i know you are all organized and skilled players and i respect that…tho,your players were accusing US of exploiting by a thief (sorry if that was what you meant in your post)

The knife cuts on both sides.. its going back and forth.
Who started it doesnt matter much..

[CIR] – Blacktide
We shall bottle your tears..

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Junal.2469


Back to topic
Screen shot was taken 10:43 AM server time


Junal – Legacy of Raiders [LoR] Co-Leader

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Jaghen.8314


10:43 AM server time… Go home Junal, you’re drunk !

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Bahamzero.6783


Blacktide is showing what a real dedicated WvW server can do, im jelly :p

We on Deso have a great WvW community but we are just to small to keep our server on top 24/7 because our PvE population is just to large.
Personnaly win or lose im still enjoying my time in WvW but i wont be spending the insane ammount of hours in there that i did the last 2 weeks.

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Todza.9856


I got to say, Blacktide is really giving a hell of a fight, the strongest opposition i have seen yet. Keep up the good work people, see you on the battlefield

Aspenox // Desolation

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: florence.1674


We in Desolation should stop with the constant accusations of “we are a large pve server”. Really, honestly, seriously, our problem is the lack of effort in getting all the guilds working together. Each time I want to enter WvW, there’s always a queue, no matter which borderlands or EB. How on earth is that due to a lack of Desolation players in WvW?

About 2 weeks ago, I posted that many small guilds try their best in the borderlands but there is a distinct lack of coordination. It honestly sickens me how a few in Ruin or Iron claims they are the only serious force in WvW for Desolation when I see so many other guilds working their socks off, like GoD, GG, GH, LoR, RGB, TSL, just to name a few.

As a server, we have the numbers in WvW, to say otherwise is just to make excuses. All we lack is organization. I don’t have the solutions for this at all as this is more of an effort at wanting to communicate with all the guilds and getting everyone to work together.

WvW law #1: nobody in WvW can count.

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Same.4687


Unless it’s all a joke and I somehow missed sarcasm in text:
Cut the crap about alliances there is not a single alliance in place between BT and either VZ or Deso.

I wear my Nugos tag proudly and it warms my heart to see the video of Ikariel scaring off a Deso siege team by himself. So far I’ve been impressed with the amount of coordination IRON has. I have only run into their zergs while their zerg was bigger but they did wipe us every time within the first 30 seconds of fighting. But what most impressed me was actually doing tactical movement with a zerg, letting a small group fight in the front and the rest would circle and hit us from the back. Props.

I am however not impressed with the personal skills of Desolation players. I have killed 3-4 people “guarding” Doly’s because they are running around the Doly putting skills on CD for no reason or simply sucking outside of zergs. The first day is over, those supply camps and Doly’s are your direct life line, better take awesome care of those puppies.
Said it before aswell, RUIN hasn’t impressed me at all. If what they say is true and they have been pulling insane shifts to keep Desolation in T1 I will let it slide but I haven’t found a single RUIN player willing to fight for anything except in a zerg. 2 RUINS running a Doly see me coming and run away.. Free doly!

Anyway, so far it’s a lot of fun and everyone has a goal in mind. Can’t wait till the dust from the weekend/reset settles and the real tactics come into play. Cause lets face it, the first 2/3 days after reset are a boring zergfest.

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


I did see a fair amount of GoD and… something with Lords in the name? when i was playing
Though like i said, i also saw the outmanned buff :/

Same: you did miss the sarcasm/joking :p

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Same.4687


Oh and I forgot to mention the Thief stealth issue.. This shouldn’t be an issue if you are in a group with 10 or more people. Try to make out if its a thief using combo fields to stay in stealth or that he/she is doing CnD. If it’s CnD stack up and lay down AoE around your group.
If it’s combo field thieves you spread out and try to cover as much ground with AoE, a combo field thief has to use #5 skill to keep it going, he/she is going to hit you at some point and he/she will have a 3s debuff. I have succesfully managed to find thieves (with a single group) this way in T2 and so far done it twice in T1, it’s about coordination and keeping your eyes peeled for the circle thingy of thieves popping in and out of stealth.
Yes it’s annoying and I don’t know if ANet meant it to be this way but it’s NOT a game breaker.

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Quentin Fields.1295

Quentin Fields.1295

@Same ;

We are also having so much fun while we fight Zerg to Zerg with you Nugos and GF guys.Doesn’t matter which turtle wins the fight , it’s being so much fun and a big experience.

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Wrex.6798


Just to address a couple of points:

Iron theives aren’t ‘exploiting’ they are using game mechanics to troll your zerg. If you have a problem with this please don’t come into this post whining about exploiting, we don’t ever exploit, try making a post somewhere where someone might care.

florence.1674 – I for one can honestly say that without guilds like GoD, GT, GH, LoR, RGB, TSL nothing would get done. It’s not all IRON, it’s not all RUIN. It is a collective of guilds working together. We are in (some) contact with each other, infact many of these guilds use the alliance TS to communicate – this communication can only get better and will by using our community site! You are welcome to poke me ingame for this is you don’t have it and by all means pass it along to all fellow Deso players.

Lastly (for now xD ) kudos to Same.4687 (NUG) really enjoying this match up!

IRON Gaming Boss.

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Joriel.1530


This [RG] guild is insane, they are like a moving turtle, u can see that all members have foods, blooddusts 25 stacks, ofc they wipe every1 in their path.

gz to them ,best fighters i have seen.

some say they might be cheating, well i think not, but if they are… shame on them.

when they are dispersed, they are not that strong tbh,

i7 4770k @ 4.5ghz | GTX 780 | 8GB GSKILL RAM @ 1866mhz

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Gunshow.3485


Excuse me Sir, I have to correct something. 50-60 is the number of RUIN’s officers dedicated to WvW.
You didn’t really intimated us, you just zerged us. RG, or NuG can be intimidating sometime, and they don’t make us laugh like you did these past two weeks, in game and on these boards.
I think EU ladder is just too hardcore for you. It’s kitten Vietnam dude, you’ll tell your children : this was a hell of a nightmare over ther, and we lost against outnumbered people dispite all of our low blows.

Lol, so defensive. Have you noticed the mutual respect between BT and Deso? Don’t worry, next week you’ll fight with your friends again.

Vagodin <RUIN> – Desolation
Asuran Mesmer/Guardian/Thief

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Pryda.8257


This [RG] guild is insane, they are like a moving turtle, u can see that all members have foods, blooddusts 25 stacks, ofc they wipe every1 in their path.

gz to them ,best fighters i have seen.

some say they might be cheating, well i think not, but if they are… shame on them.

when they are dispersed, they are not that strong tbh,

That would be stupid to cheat on a stream I guess. Some guys pm us in game telling we speed hack or don’t take any damage, seriously.. ?

sry but i have to use caps for this message:



you can’t beat us in a fair and square fight?
what you deserve is pity and no mercy.

Don’t be stupid, Ruin just flamed the entire french nation and they will make an alliance with them? Come on.

Red Guard [RG]

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Pannonica.5378


Deso and Viz thiefs keep the camp camping up!
It’s a great farm, when every Tom, Dick and Harry come to aid you in capping the camp.
… at least for RG.

Seriously though: Good fights to be had, big action, schlossendeep in heavy clungepakets.
Kudos to Viz and Deso!

Red Guard

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


Any person accusing any server of cooperation in this thread is clearly trolling and/or poking fun at the previous weeks’ “French cooperation vs Desolation” comments

Also, Blacktide is totally amazing and stuff

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Snapple.9251


Respect to Blacktide they have started off really strong.
I don’t think us lot on Deso can deny that there is still work to be done in terms of organisation. Its always going to be harder for the #1 server on the ladder because people tend to overestimate and focus on them as the main threat.

Side note.. All the stupid kitten posts like “omg I once killed like 3 blacktide players on my own!! the whole server is full of noobs! lololol” do nothing but show your immaturity. I’m pretty sure noone cares how “amazing” you are.

[IRON] – SoR
Snappless / Osii

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


Guys from DS [IRON] stop exploiting with thief on supply camps.
This is pathetic :/ Play fair. Please dont dissapoint us.


please do explain to me how using the stealth mechanics put in the game by arenanet is exploiting? don’t cry “cheater!” just because you can’t handle and deal with the game mechanics

Ok . I hope that u guild leader agree with this policy.
Even if [IRON] guys continue using this expoit, i hope that other sides continue play fair.

What part of “not an exploit” do you have trouble understanding?

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: lin.2814


What part of “not an exploit” do you have trouble understanding?

Maybe u stop discus this already ?
If this not exploit , we will begin use it too . Relax guys.

We are accepting u rules.

(edited by lin.2814)

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Quentin Fields.1295

Quentin Fields.1295

Sitting on a camp with stealth.Yea that’s a huge exploit.Lol..Please mate learn the meaning of EXPLOIT first before accusing with it.

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Kewa.1649


Good job, Hold Up from VS!


Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: KnightFire.2597


What part of “not an exploit” do you have trouble understanding?

Maybe u stop discus this already ?
If this not exploit , we will begin use it too . Relax guys.

We are accepting u rules.

No problem go ahead most people know how to beat the TACTIC. Go read one of Same’s posts he tells you how to do it if you don’t already know.

Dark Knightfire – Thief | Kal Knightfire – Warrior | Spoiler Knightfire – Ranger

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Quentin Fields.1295

Quentin Fields.1295

5 days ago we were able to do the the camp keeping for like 20-30mins against 40-50 man zergs with only 1 thief.

Now since peeps learned how to counter it , its roughly 5 mins max.

It’s not an exploit.It’s maybe a soft spot of the game mechanic.But not exploit.

As people learn how to counter it , getting more useless to do.Insted of qqing on it , try to learn how to deal with it.

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Syndic.4762


We learned alot from FSP guilds when we fought them. This is just another thing for us to learn from Desolation this time. Nothing is an exploit until ANet says so.

Thanks for all the good fights so far guys, it’s been very fun. Respect to VS guilds for being very active and skilled despite whats been going on in T1 last 2 weeks. Most servers would have crumbled after 1st week, you guys are sticking it out and fighting hard.

Nothing is won yet, week is long and just starting. We only executed 1st step of the plan, if we execute remaining steps as good as this we will win. If we slip up and relax we won’t win.

Cautionary note to new transferees to BT, victory is what we proclaim when scoreboard says we won. Respect and learn from enemy, then kill every last one of them. For the motherland!


Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Ichishi.9613


Epic day.
So fun when whole map is working so not a single supply goes to a waste or over cap.
Ridiculous amount of siege even in camps, variety of tactics and good communication.
Sadly, not always.
Keep it up

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Intigo.1653


This [RG] guild is insane, they are like a moving turtle, u can see that all members have foods, blooddusts 25 stacks, ofc they wipe every1 in their path.

gz to them ,best fighters i have seen.

some say they might be cheating, well i think not, but if they are… shame on them.

when they are dispersed, they are not that strong tbh,

We fought you guys a bit today! It was fun to see another actual guild group out in Blacktide Borderlands, thanks for bringing it.

No cheating to be had, but many great fights in tier 1. I really hope the matchup stays the same since, with all due respect, fighting Elona is way less interesting than fighting Vizunah Square / Desolation. Vizunah can be extremely aggressive and well played which has caught us off guard a few times, whereas Elona are very passive in their playstyle.

80 Asura Elementalist – [Red Guard]

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Eolfiin.2698


sry but i have to use caps for this message:



you can’t beat us in a fair and square fight?
what you deserve is pity and no mercy.

Excuse me but…

Are you stupid, man ? (edited myself… caps are bad)

We’d prefer leave Vizunah and stop play GW2 than ally with Desolation !

Fëar Morniëo [FM] Founder & Leader – Co-founder of Grand Cross Alliance [GC]
Vizunah Square [EU]

(edited by Eolfiin.2698)

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


Did somebody get a screen of that flame ram i accidentally put down outside the Bluelake tunnel (supply camp side) on BT borders?

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: damonsmithies.8236


Apologies for posting about last night still, I had to miss all day today and this was my first chance to post.

Thank you to everyone contributing either something useful or non-troll to this topic.

I personally knew the reset would be epic but MY GOD that was fun. Even when controlling the top half of BT borderlands DkR were coming up against both Deso and VS everytime the points tick neared. I got to the stage where my heart was pounding insanely hard come tick as I knew what was coming.

Fighting for BT Garrison on two fronts with both Deso and VS on the inner was one of the most demanding and rewarding moments in my PvP career. Thank you to everyone, be you a line ranger, militia or guild – I tip my hat to you sirs!

Thanks lastly to the guilds of BT for the organisation, time and effort put in to getting BT in to T1 and for the reset.

Jumping back in game now – see you on the battlefield!

[DkR] Dark Reavers – Blacktide
Jellyfist — Ranger
Jellywar — Warrior

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: iiMulch.2138


I’m tired of people calling desolation “American server” last week we had the point lead during night and during the day. We are not winning just because of RUIN and its annoying that no guilds are given any credit for playing 7-8 hours.

I think this will be a bad week for desolation because today it took us a whole day to try and take DB from blacktide. On vizunha square borderlands it also took a whole day to take that keep too. Which was then lost in 10 mins. Blacktide are really good and even now I played on Desolation and on Blacktide borderland, our night cap was not there. We had 10 ppl max attacking DB which was wiped in 5 seconds from a big Russian zerg of 30 players. Also on Desolation our night cap consisted of random players and it totalled to about 20-30 all over the map. Seems like RUIN is only in EB because on other borderlands we are getting owned. Also throughout the day Blacktide always had the point lead which leads me to believe we gonna get owned through the week. Hopefully we can beat these french and knock them out of t1, they must hate us now after last weeks pounding, no wonder they try to attack us constantly instead of taking the advantage that blacktide zergs are on our side of the map and the towers on cliffside or longiview aren’t even defended.

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Intigo.1653


A really long and very awesome fight against Vizunah this evening in BT Borderlands. Impressive defense of Hills and great fights in the field, took us a long time to finally break. At one point we were holding back Vizunah at the vista while all of CIR went to Garrison to get supply. Some close moments in that cap.


Please stop making such bad posts in a topic that is (largely) positive.

80 Asura Elementalist – [Red Guard]

(edited by Moderator)

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Shin.2705


“French, french, french….blablabla”

You are tired of people calling Desolation American server and?

Where was Desolation before the Americans came on this serv?

The reality is simple, before in EU ladder, there were only EU timezone players… With the americans guilds, Dero has been able to cover WvW 24/7….
And they were playing when? During nights, while all the EU players were sleeping…So against some unprotected doors…
What was happening during the day? Deso was losing most of the points they capped during the night…
“Hopefully we can beat these french and knock them out of t1” ?
You all got a real problem to solve… Realise that is just a game and stop acting like you’re in a real war against french people!
What’s your problem with french people anyway? You’re just jalous that we’re just one of the biggest community of GuildWars in EU? Or are you just racist?
And now what? You are proud of winning by nightcapping?

You BT and Desolation cover WvW 24/7 and you have what? 3k points more than Visunah while BT got just twice your score?

I wouldn’t be proud about that if i were you…Especially while American guilds on Desolation do more than half of the work during european timezone night…

Now that Desolation have to face a really good 24/7 server has BT (i mean with brain, stategy, etc…), you should just face the reallity, Desolation is not that good…

And personnaly , i’m just tired of this kind of talking/thinking about vendetta against french people

PS: No offense, don’t misanderstand me… I respect all the players wherever they’r from an i love good fight on the battlefield but i really do prefer when all this things comes with a good spirit of competition and a mutual respect!

(edited by Shin.2705)

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: tita.6358


that week end is epic^^
i think i learned more in 24 hours in rvr than in the last 2 months.
you guys on BT are insane. top organization and some never seen before technics.
VS will really have to improve to counter the RG’s lawnmover thing. it’s killing us all the day^^
battles on BT borderlands have been so fun and technical today.
CIR RG and Xaoc you are a pain in the “kitten^^”
we want more! we’ll do all we can to stay in t1 !

good night .see you in a few hours for more !

and yes we saw that strange ram near blue lake at the tunel entrance. “what is that?? maybe another crazy tactic??”

Tita the Sunless, Vizunah Night Rats
75/75 Arrow Cart Mastery
124K doors and counting

(edited by tita.6358)

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Cottage Pie.6215

Cottage Pie.6215

Calling Deso an American server is classic dividing tactics, you see the same when people (certain Scottish nationalists, Kirchnerist Argentinians, etc) refer to the British Empire as the English Empire, it’s a ploy to redefine popular attitudes along a more ‘useful’, fracturous narrative, out of game to promote political interests and ingame to…well you get the picture.

Stop it, the constant obsessing over nationality is boring me, and my god it makes you look like an awful, bitter person who is either utterly dishonest or just ignorant of the dynamics of gameplay.

In other news Blacktide are being renamed Black9footstormsurge O_o

Taua Roqa – Desolation since day minus 3

~~~My Elite PvP Video:

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Shin.2705


You don’t get the point…

I don’t care if Deso is seen as an international or american serv… It could be important for some people but…

I’m defenetely more concerned about the fact that this whole story about WvW and NA moving to EU serv has turned as a kinda racist war against french guys!!!

What the hell this kind of thought/idea/opinion has to do in a game ???

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Genev.2450


Didn’t you know? Blacktide is “Redtide”, if that’s not referencing a certain nationality/political theory on the server, i dont know :p

That ram was… well, i was trying to click the salvage kit while drunk, and then omg enemies and click 1 for autotarget, and then i ran forward and went “…wait a minute, there’s an empty spot in my bags…. and the stuff i was trying to salvage is still there… didnt i ahve a flame ram in my bags??”
At least it was a drop, not a buy :p

You should’ve heard me laughing on TS, im laughing even thinking about it.
Though considering we were going itno a fight, i dont think anyone actually ntoiced, or cared :p

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Taziir.7628


Shin, the word you are looking for is xenophobe, not racist.

Don’t misunderstand the EU players from Desolation. We’re fully aware of our own limitations and know we have a long way to go to improve in the face of organised and commendable opponents.

It has been quite amusing tonight seeing both Visunah zerg deso’s corner over and over again on BT boarderlands just to run away like children when BT’s zerg arrives.

Problem was that both servers were concentrate on taking down Deso at the expense of defending other their fronts.

The same thing happened last week with AB, and yes it might be disingenuous to say “French servers making a pact”, but you have to admit there was very little genuine attempt by AB or VZ to cap each other, but plenty of examples of your zergs coming close in front of Deso spawn area and shying away from engaging each other.

While Ruin seem to make a lot of big talk, Deso has a strong British backbone which imo takes the typical British trait of being utterly disorganised but stubborn to the bone that we’ll not give up regardless of the odds. Having the Americans around is a moral boost but it’s early days to see if there is a real difference.

I’m glad of Ruin being on the server as it has shaken out the confortable routine VZ seemed to have, but whether they’ll succeed in bringing true organisation to Deso’s pvp is yet to be seen.

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Moderator.9532


Please keep this thread friendly, productive and above all on topic. Thank you!

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Syndic.4762


The Moletariat of CIR kills Ruin’s commander.


Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Warhawk.1947


Again some really entertaining tough fights against Deso and VS.
And the weekend isnt even over yet!

Last time i checked BT 20k above Deso and still going strong..

[CIR] – Blacktide
We shall bottle your tears..

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Nohonor.5382


Again some really entertaining tough fights against Deso and VS.
And the weekend isnt even over yet!

Last time i checked BT 20k above Deso and still going strong..

Yep, I’ve been very pleased by the competition received from Blacktide. Of course not having two servers hit Deso at the same time in key positions is also welcome.

Keep it up Blacktide, I personally don’t care who wins as long as there is continued fighting during the week ingame as opposed to on the forums.

Does this rag smell like chloroform to you?

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Same.4687


Can we, for the love of anything holy, stop calling thieves using stealth, “exploits”? I have stated how it works and what people can do to prevent it. Please don’t lean on ANet to provide a crutch for you to be lazy, incomprehensive and lack any kind of skill except slamming that one button that makes your AoE go off.
The sad thing is, that same button that makes your AoE go off is most likely the best solution to your thief problem.

If you want to excel at WvW as a person or as a guild you have to understand the mechanics of everything that is involved. In the case of GW2 that means understanding the mechanics of a lot of things. Most things are rudimentary but some require that little bit of extra thinking. Like the stealth stuff, you feel like its bugging you out? Why not use the PvP arena Heart of the Mist to create a Thief and try and see what it takes to create theses perma stealth situation and, more importantly, what you can do to counter it.

TL;DR: This is a game, not rocket science. Figure out what to do instead of screaming and forcing others to fix it.

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Finnsi.9675


A really long and very awesome fight against Vizunah this evening in BT Borderlands. Impressive defense of Hills and great fights in the field, took us a long time to finally break. At one point we were holding back Vizunah at the vista while all of CIR went to Garrison to get supply. Some close moments in that cap.


Please stop making such bad posts in a topic that is (largely) positive.

Hey, i was leading the defense (guild [FM]) along with another commander, and we definitely had some awesome fights. I mean we got you sometimes in the evening, you sometimes killed us too. You are very good opponents and i hope we can fight each other more often during the next few weeks !

About the fight you’re talkin about, i guess it’s the one where you ran to the vista and stayed out there right after we attacked you on the gate, then CIR arrived to help you. What i can say about it is that it was so hard to find the right time to engage you, because we were taking care of CIR at the same time and we didn’t wanna fight you 2 together.

Well, that kind of WvW against you guys is exaclty the reason why i play GW2. Ty and cya tomorrow evening

Guardian – Team [RUN] “Welcome to Wonderland” – Vizunah Square

(edited by Finnsi.9675)

Battle of the Titans - BT, Desolation, VS

in WvW

Posted by: Deadlyguy.6104


Updated score Sunday 4:38 AM server time
