This is why we can’t take the buff hatred seriously. It’s a fact that you can cap and hold two ruins at the same time with a single person and run back and forth from them before they neutralise. A single person can easily maintain two ruins as long as another player doesn’t come along and neutralise one (and even then you have a window of opportunity to respond to that person). It may even be possible to cap and hold three ruins with a portal mesmer (I doubt it) but honestly, if your server can’t spare two people to cap the buff they clearly don’t care about trying to obtain it and have no right to complain about it.
There’s a lot of blind hatred for the buff and a lot of it is based around false arguments. There is a world of difference between the existing buff and the old buff and it’s clear a large number of the people complaining about the buff aren’t even trying to be smart about obtaining it.
It’s not the strongest server that gets the buff, it’s the server with the organised group that tries to cap the ruins that gets the buff. The simple fact that the meta needs time to establish around the best tactics to accomplish that is enough to put off a lot of this criticism. I often seen the buff held by the server with the lowest or second lowest PPT and my current match is a blowout.
I feel like I’ve been having this same conversation with people over and over…
No one is arguing that the smaller servers can cap it….or “the more organzied group” or whatever label makes you sleep at night….
maybe in NA prime time you server can manage to hold it for a few hours…maybe all three…I dunno…who cares…that’s not the point….
Again…the point is straight forward and simple….any point of interest on any given map, i don’t care if it was a camp that all three servers really wanted to hold throughout the day…the server that has more people and more coverage…will hold that point longer in a 24 hour period then the other servers….that’s it…
If you put a point on a map and give it something that makes it worth holding….again…the server that has more people and better coverage…on average throughout the day will tend to hold it more than the other 2 servers…
When matchups are even its a great mechanic!
Again, not saying its impossible to cap (they made it this way on purpose), just saying, if you could aggregate the amount of time that server’s have held 1,2 or 3 bloodlust buff’s…I suspect you will find that the larger server/better coverage server’s hold it longer than the others…
There’s a really simple way to prove this……everyone screen shot your current WvW Scoreboard, heck do it once a day roughly around primetime, and let’s see which team is holding most of the bloodlust. I’m betting it will be the #1 team with most of the BL capped everytime, which is usually the team that has the most population and coverage. This may not hold true in T1……..but I’m betting I’d be right 95% of the match-ups from there.
The logic isn’t hard here.
Team #1 has 100 players.
Team #2 has 60
Team #3 has 40.
Team #1 can dedicate 30 players to BL points and still have 70 players taking towers/camps etc. If any of those other two teams dedicated 30 players to compete for the bloodlust buff they wouldn’t have much of a chance to do anything else.
As they would have less than half of the players to match the 70 man zerg that could still run around and capture towers/camps.
Granted the numbers are all generalized for this example……but unless the population in WvW is close between the 3 servers matched up, the over populated server should win everytime. It’s that simple.
How can Anet fix this?
Honestly they really can’t…….it would really have to be up to the player base to try and maximize server population. Really, and my suggestion, is that Anet should allow one free transfer for anyone who wants to move servers before the WvW Leagues start.
And then it’s on the WvW community to handle the rest. We can set up a listing of WvW guilds, get a guild member count of active’s in WvW and start splitting stuff up upon request. Similar to most start up leagues of any kind.
I’d even offer to spearhead this if Anet offered the free transfer before the leagues started, and if the community truly wanted a more even WvW experience.
(edited by Wraistlin.6072)