Break out event

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Raffie.7865


I like the breakout.
One of the best things I have seen in GW2 in a long time. and also lookup Agenda 21 its coming if you like it or not.

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Hackuuna.4085


Anyone who spends coin to upgrade a tower which will almost definitely fall all the time and then complains about it is not thinking very well. Personally I like the breakout event because it prevents a team from upgrade-locking another side out of a map, especially where there is a population difference.

Since the home team usually has a treb on east keep the south east tower is easily flipped and so poses no threat. The south west tower does threaten the west keep but west keep itself is relatively easily flipped anyway. Overall it doesn’t change who wins the matchup, just spices things up a little.

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


lets see, i join WvW to fight players not npcs and what do i find? Im fighting npcs now more than ever. I understand the concept of the breakout events, but implementation failed miserably. Champion npc that can spam knockdown, pull you from the walls, one shot pretty much everyone, self heals, is tuffer than pretty much most PvE npcs, unlimited siege equip, unlimited supplies, bubble shield from ranged attacks…um arg darn!

Remove pulling from walls, spam stuns, and one shot. And while your at it…if the “enemy” no longer has an outmanned buff, the champ npc needs to despawn as the “odds” are pretty much even at that point. I’ve watched 30+ “enemies” gather around and let the champ do all the dirty work while they protected him from roughly 25-35 players, ie: even teams.

My understanding was the event trigged on YOUR borderlands when youve lost everything, basically. How is it that the SF champion was able to spawn/get ported/something from SF to DR borderlands along with their 30 man zerg to start attacking there?

It’s broken, dont fix it just remove it. WvW is about servers fighting servers, not fighting NPCs. There’s a place for that, its called PvE. If a server doesnt have the population to field a successful WvW matchup…they can recruit, transfer, etc. Or maybe Anet can “force” new players to start on low pop servers? Dunno, but the event is utter failure. Besides, killing one doesnt even drop decent lewt!!!!

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Archer.1658


I liked it. Unfortunately all the crybabies in this thread will probably get it removed.

Çookies – Mesmer – [GF]/Ebay
Everyone is bad but me.
Anet ruined Gw2.

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Raffie.7865


So your solution is if a server lacks numbers to xfer to another server? That is how we got the issues we do in the 1st place.

Well nothing you can say or do will get the Break Out event removed. Enjoy it. Re-Taking keeps is rewarding and gives you something to do.

@ Archer
Nice reply.
Should have added if they don’t like it stop playing or make their own MMO to show Arena Net how its done. and also lookup Agenda 21 its coming if you like it or not.

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Moloch.8013


I find the Breakout Event a really nice idea… but it needs tweaking…
It happens too often!!
This evening we had to go from one tower to another every 5-10 minutes without break…

I think every half hour should be good

Namtar Hakimi – Leoni Bianchi [Lion]

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Hackuuna.4085


I disagree. The breakout event should be happening constantly as it promotes constant fighting. If you want to keep that tower you better be ready to commit a huge amount of resources at all times to defending it. Otherwise you should just accept that it will fall and flip it when you can. I also like the power of the NPC as it means you must have a much superior force and setup to repel him which is really the whole point of the event.

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


whatever my thoughts and opinions about the break out event, anet getting rid of it would cause 10x more complaining.
the idea behind it is needed.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Bluesavanah.8562


It needs tweaking a little, for instance it should not dish out endless supply. 100 should be enough. The other 50 guys in the enemy zerg should come prepared.

Commander, Malicious Mischief [MM] ,Gandara
[MM] recruiting currently

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Nuzt.7894


Hate it, defeats the purpose of WvW take and hold system. No point in taking those towers now, the enemy can just re-cap over and over. Why not just give away those towers to the opposing realms and make them untakeable so no one wastes their time.

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: OCDouglas.5401


I like, the idea, but the NPC’s seem just a little bit too strong right now, and i also agree that it shouldnt hand out supplies like candy. If you dont have enough players to take a camp, you shouldnt be able to take a tower lol.

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Enenion.8127


I love the idea and how it works but I think the NPC commander is a little too powerful right now, making defense against a breakout too difficult. The attackers should have an advantage during a breakout but I don’t think it should be quite as severe.

Fort Aspenwood

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Svarty.8019


I love the idea and how it works but I think the NPC commander is a little too powerful right now, making defense against a breakout too difficult. The attackers should have an advantage during a breakout but I don’t think it should be quite as severe.

I disagree. I think the breakout is about magically giving the attacker a foothold, so the process itself doesn’t matter and seems to be intended to be uninterruptable.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Offski.4897


So a vocal minority strike again and want to keep a non pvp or server vs server event in wvw. It’s so frustrating not only can 2 events trigger at once, if you manage to destroy one the npc immediately pops up again. The champion can one shot you, which you cannot even avoid as he puts a bubble around you, I mean wtf?

The event completely frustrates any sort of strategy you may attempt.

I have been on the end of servers controlling whole maps with upgraded towers and keeps, Seafarers and Bt. Its a real challenge to get your foothold back, you have to organise resources, work as a team etc etc. Now you just trigger a pve event which basically gifts you the tower, its so perfetic.

At this rate wvw will be left with the pvx guilds that come in to do their twice weekly events. I have no issue with outmanned servers getting proper buffs like the 3 orbs or something similar, but a pve event? I thought/hoped ANet were kidding, then I remembered it was not April.

Necromancer – Sanctum of Rall[IRON]

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: EnoLive.2367


Simple borderland defenders a players fix to breakout:
Don’t attack the towers leave them, no attack = no event re-spawn

Co Leader & Founder “Privateers Uk” [PUK]
Eno Live (Ele)

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Enenion.8127


I love the idea and how it works but I think the NPC commander is a little too powerful right now, making defense against a breakout too difficult. The attackers should have an advantage during a breakout but I don’t think it should be quite as severe.

I disagree. I think the breakout is about magically giving the attacker a foothold, so the process itself doesn’t matter and seems to be intended to be uninterruptable.

If it’s intended to be uninterruptible it’s not working correctly as there have been breakout events that fail. In the battle between FA, TC, and CD for example we had a breakout event fail when a huge TC group came and annihilated everything. Besides, it would be boring if the defenders had absolutely no chance of stopping the breakout.

Fort Aspenwood

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Feydra.6318


I like the event and dont like the event, id prefer if you needed to amass a certain number of supplies, and depending on numbers you could trigger the break out event on diffrent levels…

Miriel de Clavo – Elementalist
Fey Sparrow – Warrior
If i nag about things, its only couse i care ;P

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Morningstar.6208


Worst idea ever…

Commander Sir Morningstar of Devona’s Rest, Army of Devona [AoD] Guild Leader

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Cymric.7368


I find it strange how so many ppl are complaining that fighting npcs don’t belong in WvW. Do you even play WvW at all? Taking a camp/tower/keep you need to kill the defending npcs. There are npc whose help you can secure on every map. All these are PvE fighting npcs. You can upgrade your towers and keep with more powerful and more numerous npcs bringing more PvE into WvW.

Wake up, fighting npcs is a core part of WvW. I kill more npcs than players in WvW everyday.

On a side note, I love how several Devona’s Rest players are raging abt the break out event. Having trouble dominating all 4 maps with the break out event? You should be happy that the break out event is encouraging other server’s players to come out and fight despite being heavily outnumbered.

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Furry Fury.9036

Furry Fury.9036

I find it strange how so many ppl are complaining that fighting npcs don’t belong in WvW. Do you even play WvW at all? Taking a camp/tower/keep you need to kill the defending npcs. There are npc whose help you can secure on every map. All these are PvE fighting npcs. You can upgrade your towers and keep with more powerful and more numerous npcs bringing more PvE into WvW.

Wake up, fighting npcs is a core part of WvW. I kill more npcs than players in WvW everyday.

You seriously consider the passive NPCs defending installations as the same as the Breakout event? Perhaps you should wake up.

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: frostflare.6390


Well there are a few instances I dislike the Breakout event, and a few I do.

First things first. Its a great idea. It helps the underdog. Thats wonderfull Some tiers like my own need the help once and a while.

Yet theres this little problem.

Were the lowest score in our match right now. I far below the others are haveing crumpets and tea whilst they zerg us. They zerged us so hard they took all the points we had in eb…and then managed to tae everything in our borderlands but one tower(which we hung onto tooth in nail). GoM has a very limited army. Many of our players run into Pve the moment an event goes live…and they don’t come back. Or they run over to other servers.

So back on point, our little army(if you can call it that) pretty much spent an entire day just forceing the opponents out of our borderlands. Thats against zergs well over 50. Im sure some of you underdogs have held a tower against 50 people/with seige in the opponents hands. We had to work hard, and do some serious effort to manage to take back our borderlands…

Then with an army of 10X what we could ever have. The oppoents grabbed their friendly commander..and then took the tower and pretty much wiped our entire army easily. Do not against just the zerg we were holding out fine. But once the commander came..we were easy pickings.

If your server is the highest score and your in someone elses borderlands. No you don’t need a break out event. Obviosly you have numbers to have the high score(Wvw is all based on numbers anyway. You can only keep what you can cover…you need numbers). I firmly am against the “Top Score server” getting a hand out. They are doing great as is. DO they need help? No they don’t.

They are winning already, and now they just got some added firepower for what? Designated maybe 20% of their massive force to your borderlands. That is a little Kitten.

Breakout events should help the underdogs, not those in control already. case and point. I’ll see you all on the battlefield and good luck.
(ps, I still love the event. But it needs tweaks).

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


So what I’ve experienced from this breakout event is that people do the event, take control of the tower, jump to another borderland and do the same thing, go to your own home borderland and take the towers the other servers did the breakout event at, do it all again. Never intending to defend. Never intending to push further. And it becomes this merry-go-round circle jerk of all 3 servers doing the same thing.

When your total WvW population is low, there’s nothing an NPC can do to change that.

And forget about trying to defend against this event, hot damn. It’s not even worth the effort. Your resources are better spent just leaving the towers there and taking something else you can actually defend.

So all-in-all my opinion is this event promotes even more PvD and takes away from the PvP.

(edited by Rhyis.7058)

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: suppenkasper.5371


Does Anet actually have people that test their new inventions and people that actually played a bit of PvP/RvR/WvW in their past before they became Devs? Such a change makes me really loose faith in what WvW will be in the future – a large PvE zone with eventual enemy contact?

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


This event is terribad. It needs a delay of at least an hour before restarting itself.

What it has done is the turn the first tower on the map essentially into a big camp, that just gets flipped back and forth endlessly.

It’s hardly even worth holding or taking this tower as the opposing (non home) team, because the numbers you need to maintain (and siege amount) to hold off the breakout is ridiculous, and that manpower would be better spent elsewhere.

Worse, the event restarts so soon, you don’t even have time to get up appropriate defenses before the goofy boss Dolyak is glitching through your door.

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Deep Star.6541

Deep Star.6541

Wow, people are complaining that people will rally once they have lost everything in a map, except supply camps, and have easy recap of a tower and perhaps a keep?

Are you serious?

And i see people posting:
- Hey let my server first have an advantage of 50k points so we can guarantee the win (creating another boring and without interest week of WvW for everyone) before this event is available!
- Let it only start when the losing side has outmanned buff, so i have sure that i’ll outnumber my enemy, to try go out and fight, because without outnumbering him i’ll not dare to fight! Who does that!?]
- Create a huge cooldown for this event, so i can guarantee to build 1231293 sieges inside while owning the other 95% of the map ticking points because hey! this is alot of fun for everyone right? Right !? Its not like by end of a nightcap that my server does creating a 20k point gap people won’t lose interest in WvW….. not at all!!


Riviére, Select Start, Cmnd Ctrl, Uninteresting Event @ Three Steps Ahead [Oz]

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


The trouble with the event is its just being used for farming. Hey, breakout is up on the other BL, let’s go do it. Then everyone leaves, the winning team takes back the tower, then the cycle repeats.

It doesn’t seem to be really helping the losing team push into the map. Because once the tower is taken and NPCs disappear the odds are similarly long against them. If the objective is just to let a losing side capture something fairly consistently to make them feel good, or do a very small artificial tightening of a score, I guess it does that, but its pretty lackluster overall.

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Deep Star.6541

Deep Star.6541

The trouble with the event is its just being used for farming. Hey, breakout is up on the other BL, let’s go do it. Then everyone leaves, the winning team takes back the tower, then the cycle repeats.

It doesn’t seem to be really helping the losing team push into the map. Because once the tower is taken and NPCs disappear the odds are similarly long against them. If the objective is just to let a losing side capture something fairly consistently to make them feel good, or do a very small artificial tightening of a score, I guess it does that, but its pretty lackluster overall.

This is the whole point. Its to prevent a side from being completely spawn camped.
Even if they map hop for a tower, its at least something, its better then not being able to leave the spawn (even though you can capture the supply camps… just to be zerged later on).

Riviére, Select Start, Cmnd Ctrl, Uninteresting Event @ Three Steps Ahead [Oz]

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Pendragon.8735


The trouble with the event is its just being used for farming. Hey, breakout is up on the other BL, let’s go do it. Then everyone leaves, the winning team takes back the tower, then the cycle repeats.

It doesn’t seem to be really helping the losing team push into the map. Because once the tower is taken and NPCs disappear the odds are similarly long against them. If the objective is just to let a losing side capture something fairly consistently to make them feel good, or do a very small artificial tightening of a score, I guess it does that, but its pretty lackluster overall.

This is the whole point. Its to prevent a side from being completely spawn camped.
Even if they map hop for a tower, its at least something, its better then not being able to leave the spawn (even though you can capture the supply camps… just to be zerged later on).

That’s ok, but it restarts too soon. It makes trying to hold the tower against breakout an absolute joke. As in, pretty much pointless. Might as well just make that tower the enemies home spawn point then.

The other day we retook one of these towers, started setting up some seige, and before anything but one arrow cart was built, and people had made one trip to a camp, the NPC warband was already on the move approaching the tower again. You should not need to dedicate 20 or so defenders to this tower 24/7 to hold it against the breakout.

I mean its not really PVP, its almost entirely a PVE event. Because you can’t go out there into the field in front of the tower, the NPC’s are way too strong.

I would have preferred them do something different, like make the outmanned buff strengthen individual players, via buffs, like the orbs used to do.

(edited by Pendragon.8735)

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Jaxon.5392


It’s amazing how many cry babies are sayign “worst idea ever” and then offer minor tweaks like a longer delay between events and then the idea is good.

kittening get your kitten together homies

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


The trouble with the event is its just being used for farming. Hey, breakout is up on the other BL, let’s go do it. Then everyone leaves, the winning team takes back the tower, then the cycle repeats.

It doesn’t seem to be really helping the losing team push into the map. Because once the tower is taken and NPCs disappear the odds are similarly long against them. If the objective is just to let a losing side capture something fairly consistently to make them feel good, or do a very small artificial tightening of a score, I guess it does that, but its pretty lackluster overall.

This is the whole point. Its to prevent a side from being completely spawn camped.
Even if they map hop for a tower, its at least something, its better then not being able to leave the spawn (even though you can capture the supply camps… just to be zerged later on).

I’m pretty sure no server is being spawn camped on all 4 borderlands… Especially their own borderland. All this does is take people away from that borderland, and probably eternal. It’s not magically giving you new wvw players. It’s siphoning players who could actually be doing something productive. So when your total wvw population is small and you need people to defend something, those people are nowhere to be seen. They’re off taking 2 towers they have no intention of defending.

It’s ironic, but this actually hurts the servers with smaller populations. Who it does help are the servers that don’t have good organization. The ones that don’t have public VoIP servers and the like.

(edited by Rhyis.7058)

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Grit.9061


There’s something inherently wrong with a feature that helps the WINNING SERVER break-out into the losing server’s map. Good intentions, poor execution.

If a match is becoming a complete blowout where people are held in spawn, something is obviously wrong with the matching system. More specifically, something is wrong with the free transfer system… Which, arguably, already caused the downfall of WvW. No world should ever be held in their spawn unless there was a mass exodus or mass increase in population on one of the servers. Breakout events are intended to fix an issue that shouldn’t exist to begin with.

[LION] Lion’s Arch Irregulars – Dragonbrand

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: BlueViking.7105


I dont like brakeout events much at all. No point in trying to defend or upgrades towers anymore because either you can take it back super easy with 10 guys or you’ll loose it super easy to 10 guys. Its all just hopping around and farming towers right now.

Make it so that only the team with lowest points have the brakeout event and not on every map. Also make it weaker and spawn less frequent. Or just remove it all together. (This comes from a 100% wvw player in bottom tier)

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Rhyis.7058


There’s something inherently wrong with a feature that helps the WINNING SERVER break-out into the losing server’s map.

This is the funniest part to me. If they made it so the leading server can’t do breakouts at all, that’d go a long way in making these things less stupid.

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Offski.4897


Got to laugh. We take briar, run down from keep lords room and low and behold the breakout event npc is outside our gates.

Breakout events should not be necessary in wvw as most servers should be in a tier which represents their strengths or weaknesses.

The main issue with this mechanic is that you have to keep forces ona map. We had the lowest points accumulation throughout today yet we could not risk leaving our border to try and take points in other boders.

In fact all 3 servers had their own borders wrapped up and the only other major presence was in EB.

Can anyone say this was the aim? and/or what was needed to help outmanned players?

Necromancer – Sanctum of Rall[IRON]

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Czar Peter.7961

Czar Peter.7961

I like the idea behind a “breakout event” but it’s currently poorly implemented. The breakout NPC force is too strong and happens too often. The resources and manpower required to hold the last tower and keep the supply coming in to repair the damage from bubble protected catapults far outweighs the benefit of holding a tower.

I’ve seen some people mention that something like a break out (or a similar event where NPC’s help you out) should happen when your server is outmanned. I like this better, as it evens the playing field and adds a buffer to the inevitable discrepancies in peak hours between servers.

Engineer – Thief – Warrior

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Usagi.4835


Are you being serious? We just repelled a Breakout event and not even five minutes later, the other server comes marching back with another Breakout event! This is absurd.

Commander Chocolate Teapot | Prettier than you | Forum damsel in distress

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Azelroth.6801


People are exploiting the break out event by rallying the 10 needed players and then once the event happens – they instantly port out to another border land.

What then happens if the commander is solo’ing a tower by myself (although he doesn’t make it very far)

Not only does this happen but if you successfully defend a break out event he instantly respawns in under 5 minutes again! this is crazy and it needs an appropriate cool down.

I would suggest between 30 minutes to 1 hour would be appropriate.

Azelroth [MoM] – Methods Of Mayhem
Commander @ Tarnished Coast

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: OldRodKS.9758


Definitely add a cooldown to it. The event itself isn’t that bad, but it can be exploited to run over and over and over and can be used to grief the team holding the map.

Playing on Tarnished Coast
Playing a various Stormspire alt – if it’s Stormspire, it’s probably me
Guilds: Elder Prophets [EP], Principality of New Katulus (PiNK)

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


Definitely add a cooldown to it. The event itself isn’t that bad, but it can be exploited to run over and over and over and can be used to grief the team holding the map.

Definately, not. The event will not spawn if a team has/holds at least one tower/keep asset on a map. You want to control the spawn rate of the event, let the opposition onto the map. If they can’t defend their asset then take it back from them. This isn’t rocket surgery.

In Tier 1, there is currently a grief at work “not” killing the breakout commander.

There is a defense strat to blunt the initial breakout surge, wipe the siege, push the force and then just let the breakout commander languish while farming badges from the braindead that draw false hope from the NPC commander.

It is basically a spawn camping action that circumvents the NPC commander.

No additional cooldown needed. It has all the payoffs of camping spawn with the added protection of walls and protected siege. Keep fueling those false hopes. Unfortunately, it is just has demoralizing as original spawn camping… but with an insidious head fake.

Or if you want to look at it another way, flippaging is good for morale. In total dominance situations, hungry players are still looking for flippaging opportunities for karma, xp, and monies.

Oh, and my gosh… the siege drops are simply terribad on bay side aggressor maps… projectile vomit bad… hunga-bunga in the woodshed bad)! Did any of the hive-mind brainshare have any actual field experience when they programmed that siege placement? OMFG! Truly braindead.

If the breakout event is supposed to grant a genuine opportunity to establish a foothold, more beef is needed, the NPC commander needs to stay for 15 minutes (at least one tick) after “mission accomplished” and he needs to drop some defensive siege before he leaves.

It doesn’t really make a piddly-damn to me, but I happen to think the “concept” behind the design is right thinking. However, in order for the event to affect the desired results, I believe it needs some additional lurve. And I’d measure success by how loudly the opposition complains that the event is OP.

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Niim.9260


I think overall the idea is sound, I am just not sure the implementation was that good. Yesterday I was solo defending the supply camp we owned, from 5 defenders, while 9 people were standing at the commander shouting for a 10th so the event could start.

Yes a tower is better then a supply camp, but if we have 10 people why are we not trying to ninja a tower on our own?

~ AoN ~

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Morningstar.6208


Just remove it %95 percent of people hated it. Just give the players who lost entire map a small buff on stats not a stupid magic find buff like outnumbered and all should be fine.

Commander Sir Morningstar of Devona’s Rest, Army of Devona [AoD] Guild Leader

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Porky.5021



“Breakout at Blahblahblah” Everyone runs to stop the breakout.

What’s to stop me from wanting it expanded?

“I don’t like being camped at my spawn, but now we just have one tower….can’t our breakout take more stuff?”

Overlord Of [NAKY]
SOS Spy Team Commander [SPY]

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Syeria.4812


Just remove it %95 percent of people hated it. Just give the players who lost entire map a small buff on stats not a stupid magic find buff like outnumbered and all should be fine.

In reality, the number of people who “hate it” is almost certainly less than 5%. In game, on my server, it’s extremely popular, and it’s extremely rare to hear anyone complain about it. Even on the forums it seems less than 50% of posters who care enough to comment on it dislike it. Even amongst those who dislike it, most want it adjusted, not removed.

Just because you personally believe something doesn’t mean 95% of people agree with you.

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


Just remove it %95 percent of people hated it. Just give the players who lost entire map a small buff on stats not a stupid magic find buff like outnumbered and all should be fine.

Your statistics are without basis and are rejected. There is nothing to suggest that you are qualified or that the data is adequate to support your premise. Your conclusion is without merit.

That said, I have no problem with your casual intimation that the buff applied by the outmanned condition is “stupid.”

(edited by zortek.9607)

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Morningstar.6208


Well only 1out of 20 ppl says its working fine maybe less than that so i think %95 percent of people hated is correct. In game everybody says it’s stupid in my server.

Commander Sir Morningstar of Devona’s Rest, Army of Devona [AoD] Guild Leader

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: HtFde.3856


So far we’ve been exclusively on the receiving end of the breakout event – it sure makes things … interesting. Sole change I’d do, though, is to limit it to 1 breakout event per server per hour … atm it is spammed at us.

PMI – Dzagonur Rallybot :)

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Ordibble.3092


Whenever I read about the breakout event I can’t help hearing this ‘song’ –

When explanations make no sense
When every answer’s wrong
You’re fighting with lost confidence
All expectations come

The time has come to make or break
Move on don’t hesitate

This should be the feme tune that plays whenever the blessed event goes off.

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Sureshot.6725


Well from my experience the Breakout event has been well received by the majority on my server although many would like to see some tweaks on timing (which I agree with).

Personally, I like it because it creates action where none existed and I like action =)

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: zortek.9607


Well only 1out of 20 ppl says its working fine maybe less than that so i think %95 percent of people hated is correct. In game everybody says it’s stupid in my server.

Well, two points:

  • First, you are comparing apples, oranges, and bananas (“working fine” v. “hating” v. “stupid”)
  • Second, you are parsing and spewing only the “data” that you find agreeable and are apparently oblivious to the rest.

Additionally, those that choose to participate in the forums are a tiny fraction… a vocal minority of the larger population and statistical sampling can’t be considered reliable when sourced from spleen venting qq threads.

However, since you are so inclined… from this thread alone and I start with someone from your own server:

Devona’s Rest (the server I’m on) usually has most, if not all, of the points on the map. Sitting around waiting to retake a flag or push opposing servers off a camp gets boring after a while. The breakouts are a nice change.

I like the event

I think the breakout events aren’t going to be a huge threat; they’re simply a force multiplier.

I think it works quite well, it’s suppose to be heavily favouring the underdog.

It’s given us more of a reason to camp the last camp on SOS. Were having a blast.

I like it and I am sure it will be tweaked as we all experience it more.

now, i’m all for helping the downtrodden out, the breakout event should provide a possibility for a group to take a tower.

I don’t see what the big fuss is.

It’s pretty darn useful.

It’s not a big deal. Either way, it’s somewhat amusing

I don’t think the event has really changed much of anything.

I agree, more fighting is always better.

I had about 7 hours of WvW since reset and enjoyed the change immensely.

Thank you ArenaNet for the breakout event.

I liked it myself.

I like it

I did the event today and enjoyed it. Overall well done Anet.

The break out event is all very nice

I was sceptical too but I’m actually quite enjoying the breakout events.

I think its good to have these events.

Basically, the breakout events give some small reason to actually go to more maps than just EB and your own BL.

I find the Breakout Event a really nice idea.

I like, the idea

I love the idea and how it works

I still love the event.

I think overall the idea is sound

Well from my experience the Breakout event has been well received by the majority on my server

That’s 27 — hmmmm. I think three pages of posts falls FAR short of the 540 post threshold of potential “hate it” submissions.

In this case, statistical bloviations are rubbish at best and deceptive at worst.

Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Offski.4897


New tactic, just don’t attack the last tower, shame this is completely kitten at the top tiers or even the middle tiers. Oh wait at any competitive tier it is a pile of kitten.

If your server is not competitive in wvw i’m sorry i really feel for you, but did wvw really need a new pve event to provide absolutely no solution to your tiers performance? Do you enjoy your tower,? Does it make you comfortable? Do you feel safe chilling out in there? Does those extra few points won by a pve champion make you feel proud?

Necromancer – Sanctum of Rall[IRON]