Can't anyone respect a duel?

Can't anyone respect a duel?

in WvW

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


What? Who tries to duel at spawn. I don’t even arrange them. I just do my supply runs and look for those few who aren’t afraid to fight alone. Forgive me for not wanting to auto attack in a zerg.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

Can't anyone respect a duel?

in WvW

Posted by: Goblin.1586


bumping just because this thread is so full of win

Can't anyone respect a duel?

in WvW

Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

Duellists are roadkill for people that actually play WvW.

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem

Can't anyone respect a duel?

in WvW

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


Lol, you mean zerglets? Running with the horde is overrated. You don’t realize it, but you need those solo/small group folks.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

Can't anyone respect a duel?

in WvW

Posted by: Nagi.5217


When I see a 1v1 I wait and let them duke it out but when my comrade is dying, that’s when I step in.

There should be an emote though for “Me and you, 1v1”. That would be awesome.

Can't anyone respect a duel?

in WvW

Posted by: Ehecatl.9172


Seems a lot of duelers automatically assume they’re superior at pvp than “Zerglets” that follow the group to do objectives. I find this a fairly laughable conclusion considering both forms of combat are just that, forms of combat. Would you say a trained soldier is less skilled a fighter than a professional fighter? I’d certainly hope not. They can both be deadly, but were trained for entirely different objectives.

The “Zerglets” are soldiers. They follow orders, help devise strategies with their commanding officer, and do everything in their power to use their skills in intelligent, tactical ways to turn the tide of a group vs group battle. Not all groups are mindless zergs without a true leader, or a very incompetent leader. When I play WvWvW, I follow an intelligent commander and am part of a well oiled killing machine. I drop my AoEs not to maximize raw damage output, but to close off escape routes and herd the enemy team into less favorable positions. And to destroy their siege above all else. I use my support abilities to relieve my allies and provide them with increased battle prowess to give us the edge.

The roamers are the lone warriors that go around and flip camps and kill/escort dolyaks and do the small scale, but very important, work that allows the soldiers on the front lines to have the supplies needed to get the definitive edge over a larger enemy host. Roamers generally run dueling builds as most of their battles are 1v1 or small scale skirmishes, and that’s fine.

Duelists also have 1v1 specs, but rather than run objectives they battle eachother to test their strength and see who is superior. While I might be annoyed that you’re not helping the server gain victory in any way, what brings you joy brings you joy. Duelists are more like the boxers and competitive fighters. Fighting for recognition rather than making a difference.

But my build is a heavy ranged AoE build that has next to no ability to fight 1v1. It was designed purely for group “support” in the way of choking the enemy out with big damage numbers and keeping heavy pressure on the enemy group. My staff elementalist is excellent at what he was made to do. But if I go against a Dagger dueling elementalist you know what the outcome will be? Nine times out of ten I get flattened. Because his build was specialized for 1v1 and mine was not.

That is what duelists seem to see as a skill gap between them and their opponent. You don’t destroy the zerglets because they’re bad at 1v1, you destroy them because they did not design their character with 1v1 in mind. Simple as that.

As per the topic. If I’m running by and I see an ally in a 1v1 situation I will, 100% of the time and without hesitation, incinerate the opposing fighter. If, and only if, my ally tells me directly to leave him be will I do this. But any form of hesitation on my part before it’s confirmed to be a duel is a waste of time and give the enemy a chance to gain an edge, and my build will NOT allow me to win after my ally is down. This is a war zone, and duelists cannot expect the soldiers to stop and second guess themselves before engaging in what could be a game changing confrontation.

As I’ve seen one or two duelists here say that if a friendly player interrupts their duel they pull out and let their ally get slaughtered in a suddenly 1v1 duel… All I have to say is I hope you realize how shameful and disrespectful it is to your teammate who had gone out of his way because he thought you were in danger, that you’d let them die in a 1v1 they likely weren’t built for just because they hindered your “Good time.”

Until this game provides some sort of flag to announce to others that what is happening is a duel and not a skirmish, duelists kind of have to suck it up and accept that if they are dueling in WvWvW, they will get interrupted. Sucks, I know. But that’s what it’s like in a war zone. War is Hell, not your personal playground.

… Even if it is basically a virtual playground.

Can't anyone respect a duel?

in WvW

Posted by: Causic.3798


If I’m running by and I see an ally in a 1v1 situation I will, 100% of the time and without hesitation, incinerate the opposing fighter. If, and only if, my ally tells me directly to leave him be will I do this. But any form of hesitation on my part before it’s confirmed to be a duel is a waste of time and give the enemy a chance to gain an edge, and my build will NOT allow me to win after my ally is down. This is a war zone, and duelists cannot expect the soldiers to stop and second guess themselves before engaging in what could be a game changing confrontation.

Completely agree.
If my ally loses his duel the enemy will definately kill me too since im not specced for 1 vs 1.
So even if asked not to intrude, if I see my ally losing ill step in and try and help out :P

Can't anyone respect a duel?

in WvW

Posted by: Josh P.1296

Josh P.1296

Short answer: if its red its dead. I wont ever accept offers of a 1v1 duel mainly cause the players who want to duel are specced for duels, my necro is specced for group support in wvw and does little damage, taking ages for me to kill anyone 1v1.

Now for a story. Yesterday or the day before, I was alone at an enemy BL where there was 3 or 4 enemies waiting outside the spawn. I ran out and they started attacking me, so I kited one guy too close to guards and he got killed, that annoyed his guildie who tried to get me but i feared him into the guard range and he died too, then the 3rd guy started running away (kiting maybe) i killed him legit as more of his guildies arrived, who were also careless enough to get kited into guard range.

That’s when the group invite spam started, they were either mad or wanted to duel I assume. They had 6 guildies at this stage so I run out and start to fight one of them 1v1, it was a long drawn out fight, I couldn’t kill him and he couldnt kill me, I got bored and he got sloppy and he was kited into guard range and he died, then all his buddies charged me to kill me (cause what I did was not cool if you a dueler) and res their guildie but they got aoe feared and I managed to kill their glass cannon dps dude and spiked his heart surrounded by a well of darkness.

They did eventually kill me 6v1, but in the end I had 8 kills and they had 1. Duelers are skilled yo!

You’re a hero!

Illucéption – Mesmer
Diamond Story – Elementalist
[TSym] Tac Sym

Can't anyone respect a duel?

in WvW

Posted by: Engels.8537


Ehecatl, you really make sense in some points, but please don’t ignore that most zergsurfers/pugs don’t really care about support and teamplay, they zerg because it’s fun, and they have minimun organization.
So when I complain about the zerg mind “if it’s red, it’s dead”, I’m talking about the “free xp, karma and badges!!!” mind, not about organized guilds. When I used to see 30 WM tags together I knew we were about to get screwed, because they didn’t break the zerg to chase a single guy, they were organized as hell, and they did what needed to be done. I respect that way more than any duel.

But it’s not true that teammates usually jump in to really help, and if they do, they stop attacking after you say “we are dueling”. Most people jump in because it’s an easy 2vs1, and the enemy is probably low on health and with cooldowns.

Jknifer A few guildies roaming your spawn is not a duel group, it’s a gank group.

Don’t talk to me about toughness and vitality, damage avoidance is all in this game

Can't anyone respect a duel?

in WvW

Posted by: Roo Stercogburn.9671

Roo Stercogburn.9671

Lol, you mean zerglets? Running with the horde is overrated. You don’t realize it, but you need those solo/small group folks.

Small groups are great… when they coordinate with the overall team. Otherwise, nah, they are just a mini zerg. Don’t have much time for them. If they accidently contribute then great but lets not get overexcited about what they contribute.

Master Baker on Gunnars Hold serving you hot cookies.
Looney vids at
Midnight Mayhem

Can't anyone respect a duel?

in WvW

Posted by: Animi.4617


Let me tell my example why can a server profit from soloing. So usually I’m going for a camp alone. I solo it and then I wait there to defend it for a little time. I do it for fun and also its 5 point. I think it’s great when 1 guy can defend 5 point for his server against small groups like 5-6 people. That means they will need to call a larger group who didn’t went for capturing tower or didn’t joined to a zerg. Last time I defended a camp for about 30 mins on an enemy BL at NE.

Can't anyone respect a duel?

in WvW

Posted by: Mumu.6203


Short answer: if its red its dead. I wont ever accept offers of a 1v1 duel mainly cause the players who want to duel are specced for duels, my necro is specced for group support in wvw and does little damage, taking ages for me to kill anyone 1v1.

Now for a story. Yesterday or the day before, I was alone at an enemy BL where there was 3 or 4 enemies waiting outside the spawn. I ran out and they started attacking me, so I kited one guy too close to guards and he got killed, that annoyed his guildie who tried to get me but i feared him into the guard range and he died too, then the 3rd guy started running away (kiting maybe) i killed him legit as more of his guildies arrived, who were also careless enough to get kited into guard range.

That’s when the group invite spam started, they were either mad or wanted to duel I assume. They had 6 guildies at this stage so I run out and start to fight one of them 1v1, it was a long drawn out fight, I couldn’t kill him and he couldnt kill me, I got bored and he got sloppy and he was kited into guard range and he died, then all his buddies charged me to kill me (cause what I did was not cool if you a dueler) and res their guildie but they got aoe feared and I managed to kill their glass cannon dps dude and spiked his heart surrounded by a well of darkness.

They did eventually kill me 6v1, but in the end I had 8 kills and they had 1. Duelers are skilled yo!

Yeah that’s typical bad MMO duelist BS, they always have stupid “dueling rules” that only applies to you but not to them.

If he attacks you in the back that’s fair but if you dare do that against him prepare yourself for incoming whiner on your guild TS.

Can't anyone respect a duel?

in WvW

Posted by: Nalexa Torch.1235

Nalexa Torch.1235

Short answer: if its red its dead. I wont ever accept offers of a 1v1 duel mainly cause the players who want to duel are specced for duels, my necro is specced for group support in wvw and does little damage, taking ages for me to kill anyone 1v1.

Now for a story. Yesterday or the day before, I was alone at an enemy BL where there was 3 or 4 enemies waiting outside the spawn. I ran out and they started attacking me, so I kited one guy too close to guards and he got killed, that annoyed his guildie who tried to get me but i feared him into the guard range and he died too, then the 3rd guy started running away (kiting maybe) i killed him legit as more of his guildies arrived, who were also careless enough to get kited into guard range.

That’s when the group invite spam started, they were either mad or wanted to duel I assume. They had 6 guildies at this stage so I run out and start to fight one of them 1v1, it was a long drawn out fight, I couldn’t kill him and he couldnt kill me, I got bored and he got sloppy and he was kited into guard range and he died, then all his buddies charged me to kill me (cause what I did was not cool if you a dueler) and res their guildie but they got aoe feared and I managed to kill their glass cannon dps dude and spiked his heart surrounded by a well of darkness.

They did eventually kill me 6v1, but in the end I had 8 kills and they had 1. Duelers are skilled yo!

Well done imo! You bound 6 enemies at a place where they cant provide support for their own server… in w3 point of view you helped a lot your server – good job though

Torch – Guardian/Necro
[LNS] – Legion Night Stalkers
Abaddons Mouth

Can't anyone respect a duel?

in WvW

Posted by: GekoHayate.2451


I still fail to see the issue. If you bring your duel to wvw, dont complain when wvw happens.

WvW is not a designated dueling zone.

Kitten, even a group of players following duelers around to gank them cant even be construed as harassment, as the point of wvw is to kill invaders/defenders and take their buildings.

Havroun of Karp – Disciples of Magikarp [Karp]