[Mada] Apocryfia
Can we fix mid air immob already?
There is nothing more frustrating than being immobilized mid jump and not being able to do anything at all. Can’t cast spells, can’t AA, wtf is this?
I agree. Against a ranger or a mesmer, it means insta-death. Nobody likes dying with every defensive skill off CD.
Just stop jumping all the time.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Agreed. Can’t tell you how many times this has happened. Getting Entangled is the worst offender because at least with other immob’s you have a chance at surviving until the immob wears off. With Entangle it’s GG.
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma
Just get rid of immobolize stacking already.
Anet really need to rethink this. Currently w/o -condition duration food, some classes or 2 can easily achieve permenant immob thanks to stacking, ESPECIALLY venom thief.
(edited by Toxsa.2701)
Just get rid of immobolize stacking already.
Anet really rethink this. Currently w/o -condition duration food, some classes or 2 can easily achieve permenant immob thanks to stacking, ESPECIALLY venom thief.
And also fix mid-air immob.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
This annoys me as well.. I get it immobilize makes it so I can’t move but if I’m hit with it while in the air not only can I not move but I also can’t cast any spells.. Its like I’m stunned or dazed until it either wears off or I’m dead.. Needs a fix.
How does this happen so often to some ppl. I can’t remember being even once immobilized in the air.
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
Any slight movement can trigger the broken immobilization, even while fighting on certain terrains. Happened to me twice while fighting, in different times and occasions, shatter mesmers. Guess can predict how it ended: immo mid air, can’t do anything, mesmer notice that and shatter…
I will add my voice here, please fix immobilization, to prevent the mid air and revert back to the time when it didn’t stacked. Get stuck for 2 full minutes in a chain of immobilization isn’t fun.
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
How does this happen so often to some ppl. I can’t remember being even once immobilized in the air.
Some Leap skills don’t provide evasion
But the OP talked about jumping, not leaping. That imob stops “unprotected” leaping is totally okay imo.
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
+1 to removing immob stacking, one of the dumbest ideas ever implemented
Honesty is not insulting, stupidity is.
>Class Balance is a Joke<
wouldnt hold your breath, this problem has been around for a while.
They should just revert immob bock to how it was before. Atleast before it stacked, it wasn’t a guaranteed death sentence if you got immobilized in midair. And its not just jumping that can cause it. Leap skills, and anything that pushes or pulls you can also cause you to be immobilized in midair. atleast before it was stackable you had a chance to get out of it if it happened to you. The immob change is unwelcome anyway even without the bug.
But the OP talked about jumping, not leaping. That imob stops “unprotected” leaping is totally okay imo.
Sometimes when it stops a non-evasive leap, the game registers the player as “in the air” and that combined with immob is what people here are complaining about. Jumps, leaps, funky terrain + immob = gg.
The one that came with stacking immobilize should get fired, guy has no idea about pvp stuff at all.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
The main reason why Venom thief is OP in small scale roaming is all because this stupid immobolize stacking thing. Seriously, who comes up this idea? NO-ONE EVER ASK FOR IT!
The main reason why Venom thief is OP in small scale roaming is all because this stupid immobolize stacking thing. Seriously, who comes up this idea? NO-ONE EVER ASK FOR IT!
The overwhelming number of threads and post before the change, that were demanding it to change, certainly did ask for it. The problem is, those players got what they asked for and saw quickly how bad it could go for them.
Folks stated that they preferred allowing players to stack the immobilize, so that one cleanse would clear them all at once, which they assumed would cause players to be more then happy to spam them and stack them up. Rather than paying attention, and staggering them for the same effect. With the assumption, that they would clear the stack all at once. So please, before you disingenuously claimed no one wanted it, perhaps you should check to see if that were true or not first, just a suggestion.
(edited by dancingmonkey.4902)
The main reason why Venom thief is OP in small scale roaming is all because this stupid immobolize stacking thing. Seriously, who comes up this idea? NO-ONE EVER ASK FOR IT!
The overwhelming number of threads and post before the change, that were demanding it to change, certainly did ask for it. The problem is, those players got what they asked for and saw quickly how bad it could go for them.
Folks stated that they preferred allowing players to stack the immobilize, so that one cleanse would clear them all at once, which they assumed would cause players to be more then happy to spam them and stack them up. Rather than paying attention, and staggering them for the same effect. With the assumption, that they would clear the stack all at once. So please, before you disingenuously claimed no one wanted it, perhaps you should check to see if that were true or not first, just a suggestion.
There’s a problem with the current stacking system for condition that stack in duration. Unlike condition that stacks in intensity, the condition that stack in duration does not goes on the top of priority cleanse list when a new source of duration is added. This means if you use immobolize first, then combine it with 4 other conditions on top, immobolize will always stays at the lowest priority of cleanse list no matter how many added immoblize afterward. This need to be fixed, so all condition goes on priority when a new source is applied.
The main reason why Venom thief is OP in small scale roaming is all because this stupid immobolize stacking thing. Seriously, who comes up this idea? NO-ONE EVER ASK FOR IT!
The overwhelming number of threads and post before the change, that were demanding it to change, certainly did ask for it. The problem is, those players got what they asked for and saw quickly how bad it could go for them.
Folks stated that they preferred allowing players to stack the immobilize, so that one cleanse would clear them all at once, which they assumed would cause players to be more then happy to spam them and stack them up. Rather than paying attention, and staggering them for the same effect. With the assumption, that they would clear the stack all at once. So please, before you disingenuously claimed no one wanted it, perhaps you should check to see if that were true or not first, just a suggestion.
There’s a problem with the current stacking system for condition that stack in duration. Unlike condition that stacks in intensity, the condition that stack in duration does not goes on the top of priority cleanse list when a new source of duration is added. This means if you use immobolize first, then combine it with 4 other conditions on top, immobolize will always stays at the lowest priority of cleanse list no matter how many added immoblize afterward. This need to be fixed, so all condition goes on priority when a new source is applied.
The problems there are, which side of the community should they listen to when prioritizing? There are arguments for various priorities. As well, what does that have to do with claiming no one wanted it when there were a great deal of threads and post suggesting otherwise? (which is what I addressed specifically that you appear to be replying to)
All that aside, there is no doubt in my opinion, that they do need to solve the issue of being immobilized in the air. In my experience it causes a character to be immobilized after the condition is dissipated.