Can we talk wvw activity and numbers

Can we talk wvw activity and numbers

in WvW

Posted by: Shazmataz.1423


Players are the main reason for the rollercoaster. it isn’t Anet – even with their stupid changes they are not the only ones to blame.
It’s the stupid thinking that transfering to another server changes the fights or something. Then they play there for some weeks and get bored again or get farmed and transfer elsewhere. With every transfer you lose some players that are sick of transfering and stop playing.

I never get it why this is so much of an issue on NA.

I haven’t transferred in over two years – closer to three, so my comment is stronger than ever – server loyalty isn’t important so people think that the grass is greener on the next server, when it never will be.

^^ Ikr? Good points!

The last part about the grass being greener…. and I will add FOMO! Once the wagon starts to go the fomo really kicks in.

Transferring freshens wvw for a very short time and people have had to do this because wvw is stale due to Anet’s lack of vision past qol changes, pve gimmicks and I guess the constant turnover of gems….

Meaningful server loyalty rewards would really help this imo… would have to be something really good/valuable though!

Can we talk wvw activity and numbers

in WvW

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


KDR is one thing. Avoiding all fights where you do not outnumber the opponent is another thing. I can count two separate occasions over this week where someone from mag didn’t run, call for help and actually fought fights. From my experience, mag don’t want fights. They want easy bags and ppk. People get tired of playing with that so they’ve gone elsewhere.

pretty much the opposite on HOD, we feed bags. We zerg rush into another that is at least 1.5x bigger. it is kinda understandable with current balance, you can rarely beat a bigger zerg fairly nowadays but is also pretty boring if juz running around avoiding fights and playing behind the siege. yet, keep dying to bigger zerg is boring too.


there also a question of how frequent the status is refreshed
also is the activities time sliced just like the skirmish?
and when pairing servers, are the servers paired to have comparable activities for each skirmish or simply base on overall activities?

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

(edited by SkyShroud.2865)