Competitive health of WvW
I like how this guy just keeps saying TBT and not knowing their history on why they even moved off their original server to begin with.
I also like how he picks the comments he reply because he has nothing concrete.
Broken Record Player mode. Oh did I mention Broken Record Player? Because I like to mention Broken Record Player. That Broken Record Player is sure as hell got nothing because he keeps repeating the same thing with no factual addition.
Also keep bumping this and show the world how sad you are.
And also, if any other guilds want to move to DR, please contact us in our recruitment thread! We’ll can definitely appreciate additions to our community!
Remember we run server wide events and would love for more to be able to participate!
I believe there’s a Ladies Night on the 23rd of August. Hit us up for info!
Translation… come to our recruitment thread where we will gladly pay part or most of your transfer fee in order to gut the other servers of any decent guilds leaving them with little to no resistance so we can steam roll them…
Look I’m not blaming DR because you are playing within the system that ANET has created… I am saying that I think it is sad you can’t develop from your own server and have to go shopping from others…
GoM win streak was 21 weeks (GW2 Record) without buying a single guild… We developed from within.
You forgot to link the DR recruitment thread
Come on in and have a look
The beating continues until order is restored
You know why anet hasn’t deleted or locked this thread yet? one look at the title and it’s obviously some poor chap QQing. They don’t care lol.
So a server is offering to pay up to half for a guild to transfer. Earlier we reviewed that total players is randomly estimated to equating to 400 which would cost 90,000 gold. We also assumed all WvW players are super broke and need to buy all gold through gem transfer method which strangely hasn’t caused inflation in the system which would by $20,000. All guess work.
This thread is a joke. Servers only rise and fall due to transfers, otherwise we would all be as miserable as TC is facing BG and JQ hating life. DR is working as a server to grow faster as we thrive in competition. Some day we or another server will fall only to have another attempt to take its place. We got tired of T8 after sitting there for months and opted to move up. Best part about the funding DR is able to pull for transfers is 100% voluntary and new guilds that transferred tend to end up donating to the cause. Asside from that being sponserred by Trump helps a bunch to. Love you Donald.
So a server is offering to pay up to half for a guild to transfer. Earlier we reviewed that total players is randomly estimated to equating to 400 which would cost 90,000 gold. We also assumed all WvW players are super broke and need to buy all gold through gem transfer method which strangely hasn’t caused inflation in the system which would by $20,000. All guess work.
This thread is a joke. Servers only rise and fall due to transfers, otherwise we would all be as miserable as TC is facing BG and JQ hating life. DR is working as a server to grow faster as we thrive in competition. Some day we or another server will fall only to have another attempt to take its place. We got tired of T8 after sitting there for months and opted to move up. Best part about the funding DR is able to pull for transfers is 100% voluntary and new guilds that transferred tend to end up donating to the cause. Asside from that being sponserred by Trump helps a bunch to. Love you Donald.
HOLY #### i didn’t know such person is on our server, I know us OCX timezoners have Rupert Murdoch and Gina Rinehart on the server to sponsor with their billion dollars.
But you know it’ll be cheaper for them three to just buy over ArenaNet and dissolve our competition server instead. That way DR is always #1 Mirite?
The beating continues until order is restored
I would not say TC is miserable. Tier 1 is still t1 not much changed same guilds runs everyday. No server can compete against JQ SEA atm. Can easily find action somewhere in wvw.
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
I would not say TC is miserable. Tier 1 is still t1 not much changed same guilds runs everyday. No server can compete against JQ SEA atm. Can easily find action somewhere in wvw.
If any SEA\OCX guilds are sick of fighting the same thing over and over, hit us up!
The beating continues until order is restored
Let’s do the math shall we?
Right now to transfer to a very high pop it costs 225g per person
Let’s say a server has “purchased” 10 guilds
Now let’s say that on average those guilds can each produce a 40 man zerg.
For argument’s sake lets say ONLY those HIGHLY dedicated zergers of that blob got moved and not the whole guild.
That equates to 400 people bought in 3 weeks at 225g per person.
That is NINETY THOUSAND gold spent…
Yes you read that right… 90,000 gold…
Now lets say at the current exchange rate it takes 20 gems to make ONE gold…
That translates to 1.8 MILLION gems…
to buy that much then exchange to gold to send to those guilds would mean you would need 643 of the $35 gem bundles to obtain the amount of gold you would need…
THAT translates to $22,505 US dollars…
Sorry… I just have issues believing the transfer costs were all obtained through Anet… just sayin…
You’ve utterly confused yourself and come up with some hilarious maths.
Look at the calculation you have made to achieve your $22k figure.
You’re saying that they bought gems, to exchange for gold to then exchange again back into gems to do the transfer. (That’s the 225g figure, 225g for 1800 gems).
Why would someone buy gems, to change into gold to change back into gems.
They would just get 1800 gems per person.
If any gems have been bought in-game by guilds it will be with vast guilds funds of gold. Not through your laughable gems -> gold -> gems conversion.
ummmm because you can’t gift gems…
Because buying a gift card and telling someone the code is so difficult.
Some servers wouldn’t know the meaning of a good community if it hit them in the face. People are leaving your server because they get treated like kitten. THAT is why people are migrating. How can you not get that?
Cool your clamolla, it’s just a game bro. #GetGood
ummmm…… No one has left our server…
OMG this guy ^^ Really? I mean… reeeeaaallly? Yeah they have dude. Many of your own (great) people know the attitudes of your server stinks. Seriously, how about focusing your energy on what you can do for your own server instead of worrying about what others may or may not be doing in theirs (which is just plain untrue).
All the best.
Chokehold [DAD]
(edited by Kimdracula.3450)
Coverage Wars is pointless without any close Competition and reward, week in and week out.
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
First off let’s get this clear, DR hasn’t bought out any guild. We only offer to help with gold but we dont pay full transfers. Thats why the guilds that ask for us to bid for their services or demand we pay their transfers we turn them down. And only 2 of the guilds that came can field anywhere near 30 nonetheless 40. Most of the guilds we’ve gotten are 10 people at most. A couple of them have merged but we didnt get 10 guilds fielding 40 each.
OP, You do realize getting all these guilds doesnt guarantee anything, I wouldnt be surprised if we get a beating in T4. Bronze was pretty much dead before all this happened, which is why this happened. Most of the guilds we’ve gotten are from bronze servers who wanted something new and not dead match ups every week and want to see what it’s like at the top. You can also blame your own server for outnumbering and blobbing down every other server for 20 straight weeks. (im assuming you are from that server)
The game is dieing, and unless this new September update brings something major to the table for WvW, you gotta adapt for your server to be successful and stay alive, and that’s exactly what we did.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.
In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment.” -DarwinConfirmation of guild buying by someone from a guild that was bought during the tournament…
Did you even read? We dont buy guilds. You’re just salty cause we picked DR over your server. And I’m glad we did. You guys won the tourney so what are you so mad about? Not our fault you guys got smacked in T4 and half your WvW population quit. And if im not mistaken you guys are paying for a one or two guilds interested in going to your server this coming week.
Soloman, talking to you is like trying to play chess with a pigeon; it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory.
Please go to bed now, you are grounded <3
Chokehold [DAD]
(edited by Kimdracula.3450)
You still got a ways to go. You’re losing to YB. Is it competitive though?
Right now DB, SBI, YB and CD look to be pretty even. It would be nice to get two more servers in the mix so we’d have 6 servers that are relatively even.
That way when the RNG matchmaking occurs, all six will have a chance of facing a variety of servers and having good matches. T3 and T4 all being good matches would be awesome.
I couldn’t agree more, tbh I don’t know if I would ever want to be stuck in T1 always fighting the same servers, having the chance to fight 5 different servers on a regular basis adds some variety and keeps the game from becoming stale. Sure we have things to work on but were here now and we will adapt accordingly.
I transferred from bronze to gold a while back? Why? So I didnt have to spend 30 minutes to find a fight.
Just because guilds are moving servers it doesnt mean they are being bought.
Can someone explain what all the drama is about to someone who never really did wvw before?
Is this to do with desolation all of a sudden getting really good and beating everyone?
Server transfers should have never been implemented. Yes they are good for A-net’s wallet, but they are bad for overall game/RvR structure. This was obvious, and since this was never changed, this was inevitable. Since server alignment only pertains to WvWvW now, if you’re going to allow server transfers, why not make transfers cost badges or something that cannot be obtained via player mail? I may not stop the problem, but at least it would slow it down.
Can someone explain what all the drama is about to someone who never really did wvw before?
Is this to do with desolation all of a sudden getting really good and beating everyone?
Basically it boils down to some random guys is mad because his server couldn’t beat DR, therefore it must be a case of DR buying every guild in the game. This way he can jusify being mad at a Video game.
Server transfers should have never been implemented. Yes they are good for A-net’s wallet, but they are bad for overall game/RvR structure. This was obvious, and since this was never changed, this was inevitable. Since server alignment only pertains to WvWvW now, if you’re going to allow server transfers, why not make transfers cost badges or something that cannot be obtained via player mail? I may not stop the problem, but at least it would slow it down.
Most game have transfers available, players come and go and some people just don’t like being stuck on one of those servers that are in the trenches of T8. We all bought this game for entertainment, how entertaining is it to sit in the Game mode you enjoy with nothing to do ? They will never do transfers for badges, theres no profit in it for Anet, and as you can see from the recent notes for september Anet is all about the money grab. As much as people hate transfers, they are a nessasary evil imo.
Can someone explain what all the drama is about to someone who never really did wvw before?
Is this to do with desolation all of a sudden getting really good and beating everyone?Basically it boils down to some random guys is mad because his server couldn’t beat DR, therefore it must be a case of DR buying every guild in the game. This way he can jusify being mad at a Video game.
Server transfers should have never been implemented. Yes they are good for A-net’s wallet, but they are bad for overall game/RvR structure. This was obvious, and since this was never changed, this was inevitable. Since server alignment only pertains to WvWvW now, if you’re going to allow server transfers, why not make transfers cost badges or something that cannot be obtained via player mail? I may not stop the problem, but at least it would slow it down.
Most game have transfers available, players come and go and some people just don’t like being stuck on one of those servers that are in the trenches of T8. We all bought this game for entertainment, how entertaining is it to sit in the Game mode you enjoy with nothing to do ? They will never do transfers for badges, theres no profit in it for Anet, and as you can see from the recent notes for september Anet is all about the money grab. As much as people hate transfers, they are a nessasary evil imo.
It was not necessary until the inevitable chain of bandwagoning began. They are only “necessary” now so that the players can try to correct something that is entirely not their fault. We play games for entertainment, that is true… but you can’t honestly tell me that it is right for thousands(yes thats right, thousands) of players to have to spend either money or gold and time to transfer to make the game fun for them because of design flaw they had no part in. At this point there really is no turning back however. The only viable options I can think of to correct this huge mess, would be to either merge the lower tiers into a couple of servers or to push us all into higher tier servers and do away with the unpopulated ones until the game grows to the point they are necessary.
WvW was made to be more casual than the casual pve.
while I am reluctant to mingle myself into this discussion, after reading all of it I do want to make a remark to the OP… you wanted an open discussion about this, yet the moment people state they ‘helped people transfer’ and are ok with that (from both those that helped as those that got help), you point a finger at them for ruining the competitive nature of WvW… from my still objective viewpoint that doesn’t sound at all like someone that wants an open discussion? you seem to be fishing to get people to admit they spend gold to help players transfer so you can point a finger at them for something you yourself deem unhealthy to the gaming format…
Now you may not have intended that, and been triggered by some ‘somewhat’ trolling posts, yet your response is still there numerous times, actually fueling others to call you out on your pre-position on the subject, and somewhat rightfully so… (the way in which they do it… well I guess this is still the internet…)
So is it bad or is it good, well it is the reality and you have to deal with it in your own way, and as a server community. If the guilds that leave are happy where they end up, that is great, the other option is for them to find another game, which would hurt the format even more… if the guilds helping are strengthening up because of it, and can thus better compete, that is also helpful to competition, in their tier at least…
So where does it hurt and does it? While I do not know if guilds from my server (SOR) ‘got help’ from other servers, I can say that it hurts to see any group of players go, except for maybe the biggest trolls and anti-social players, but while they may not have ‘mingled’ well with ‘your’ server and thus reacted in a certain way. It says nothing about how they will react in a different environment… In the end we are all gamers, playing the same game, so I personally hope they are having fun and making friends and enjoying themselves…
Sure we as a server may have tumbled, and as a result we lost even more guilds… for myself I feel our server simply got better and the community strengthened through it. All of a sudden losses were the norm (on our way down) and we got to realize what matters most, which is enjoying the game and each other. Without that nobody wants to put their best leg forward, which ultimately means that nobody wins, and from there on out it’s just a downward spiral.
Still ‘you know’ at the bottom of that spiral are the people with a spine, people that are tolerant and tolerable, that see beyond personal gripes and personal gain and that give room to one another to reach a common goal. I personally think we are on our way back up as the new status quo and the dust settles. So really, it is what it is… and you have to deal with that both personally as well as a community as a whole…
The only thing I still do not get entirely, but that must be a human thing… as we morn over our losses and somewhat point at our opponents for having bigger blobs or better coverage… we seem to rejoice stomping those that have smaller blobs and less coverage… which would likely only mean that these servers are now pointing at our bigger blobs and better coverage… maybe that whole ’don’t do to others what you dislike being done to you’ mentality has nothing to do with anything remotely related to competition… but for what it’s worth, if you find yourself being stomped by (SOR) do remember that there is at least someone on that server feeling for you…
peace out. Arghore [EGC] – EasyGoingClan
25 okt 2014 – PinkDay in LA
(edited by Arghore.8340)
I think it is obvious the “server in question” is DR. We have been last for a while and losing was our norm. So much like Arghore above stated we learned how to enjoy the game in more ways then one. We then offered that mentality of win or lose as long as you have fun it’s worth it. We lost to GoM some 15 weeks in a row but we showed up and fought every day knowing we wouldn’t win. The loses and total beatings we took while we were down changed us. I don’t think anybody can comment on the “competitive health of WvW” without playing t6 or below for a few weeks. Where you are able to flip an entirely fortified BL with 4 people and 1 alpha golem due to zero people and zero fights something is wrong.
We are fighters and wanted to fight. To do that we could either leave our home and stack another server leaving DR literally empty OR we could rise from ashes gathering people to get to those big fights we want. The game is enjoyable to me when I get that 2-3 hour long bay fight which is happening nearly every night for me now but in lower tiers getting a decent fight took a week or two and usually ended up being preplanned for a Guild V Guild battle.
WvW is already broken, in NA there is only T1 and T2, the seasons aren’t helping either. As a server in T1 just spend over 30k gold to bring a couple blob guilds to their server, most likely pushing our server down another tier before the season. #anet is trying to make more people quit the game.
Omg, dat behavior itt by people from Devona’s Rest. Or even worse, by people who just recently transferred there…
I just regret looking at this thread (inb4 “smart” advice to stop reading it, lol).
And no, I am not from a server that was roflstomped by DR (cause it is just technically impossible).
WvW is already broken, in NA there is only T1 and T2, the seasons aren’t helping either. As a server in T1 just spend over 30k gold to bring a couple blob guilds to their server,
BG no doubt.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro