Confusion fixed, now remove aoe cap.
I have my concerns, but I’m willing to get rid of the AoE cap just to see what happens.
My concerns are basically the following:
#1: Necromancers. Get, like, 5 of these guys together to run up and use Life Transfer on an enemy zerge. No more zerge. Also marks and wells can be devastating without any limits. Marks hit once so they aren’t limited by retaliation, are instantaneous, and have long range.
#2: Stealth. Particularly Thief Shadow Refuge. Just get 5 of them together to use Shadow Refuge and then a zerge of any size is now completely and permanently invisible. That is, of course, until they come out of nowhere and attack a group.
#3: Retaliation. Any advantage gained by having limitless AoE is immediately countered by the fact that a zerge could have retaliation on every toon. Specced up, 4 guardians could give an entire group permanent retaliation.
So if anything, I’d make it so damaging attacks have unlimited AoE while boons do not have unlimited AoE. That permanent stealth + retaliation thing is nasty.
If one thing is unlimited, the other thing gotta be unlimited aswell.
If well of corruption and null field are unlimited and boons are limited, boons become utterly pointless.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.
I reckon that utility skills could be left with AoE cap, providing they have it adjusted a bit to fit new battle situation. As for retaliation – I actually wouldn`t block the idea of cap for boons, I`d have to test it myself to see which option fits best, although I have to say that a cap for boons might be actually good(same for AoE heals, etc, it`s a must here though) for creating better fights. Also when looking on the matter logically, on the battlefield you should expect more difficulties (conditions) rather than things that help you (boons, heals). This could open a large field for manuveur in terms of tactics, when a proper retreat and counterattack could actually turn the tides of the battle.
cap everything or cap nothing and don’t create ridiculous situation, where one ground target AoE hits everything and the other one only affects some random targets.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.
Yeah, there’s already way too much inconsistency in the game that’s both annoying and confusing, especially for new players. No exceptions.
Sorry but people that want uncapped AoE are kitten. This is whats going to happen, Necros and Eles are going to AoE full groups of 40+ people and down them all. Any CC AoE will end any group of people. Its not only going to hurt zergs…Next thing to happen will be everyone posting “nerf marks” or “nerf dragon tooth” then Anet will be forced to nerf AoE damage to make up for being able to hit everyone. Now that its nerfed its only going to be useful if your hitting 10+ people.
Uncapping AoE limits is to extreme of a change and shouldn’t be done. If anything they should reevaluate skills have them have different AoE caps. For example: Necro wells or marks get boosted to 10 (with or with out a trait either way, would make sense to have this in a trait line) Though Shadow refuge for thieves should stay a 5.
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer
HOW ABOUT INSTEAD OF REMOVING AOE CAP BRING IT DOWN TO 1 TARGET ONLY? That should really prove who are the real skilled players instead of hiding behind a bush in zerker gear glory seekers wannabes.
Just a tought.
HOW ABOUT INSTEAD OF REMOVING AOE CAP BRING IT DOWN TO 1 TARGET ONLY? That should really prove who are the real skilled players instead of hiding behind a bush in zerker gear glory seekers wannabes.
The whole idea of removing AoE cap arises from the fact that zerging is the playstyle that is currently promoted by ANet(although they stated they don`t approve of it, did they? eh, surely). Apart from the fact that removing AoE spells would cause the game a significant loss.
+1 to the OP
Dying via confusion or retaliation were two of the most common ways players died. Many players don’t notice this because of a lack of visual cues to help alert the player to these effects (blind has a nice animation to alert the player, for example). Anet reps have said many, many times, if the game wasn’t so fast paced and/or if the death window was active (tells you what killed you), then there would be A LOT more complaining about the amout of times people died to confusion. When properly used in a zerg, confusion can be quite OP.
Do you have a source for the claim that “[…] dying via confusion or retaliation were two of the most common ways players died”?
The complaint that confusion had no visual cues is utterly baffling as well, are we playing the same game? The one where there’s no indication you’re bleeding (other than your buff tray) and where confusion nets you a gigantic purple aura around your character?