Crystal Desert WvW players could use more!

Crystal Desert WvW players could use more!

in WvW

Posted by: Waffler.1257


Blasphemy Vasaiya!

How could that be? The forums say it’s completely the opposite.

In any case, sig updated, Darth Vader status activated.

CD posters are just smarter on average than those of other servers, and nobody likes people that are smarter than them. But yeah, in game the CD WvW community all seem like really nice people who just like to have fun owning noobs. At game release I remember there being some drama in WvW (in particular a lot of QQ about how many of us would camp the EBJP), but I think all those people transferred off because I haven’t seem any drama in WvW for a good two months.

Crystal Desert WvW players could use more!

in WvW

Posted by: Tyrlis.8072


Today we spent two+ hours pounding on one keep, with setbacks over and over again, but we took the kitten thing in the end with a zerg composed mostly of pugs. CD players don’t come to WvW to follow the easy path, they come to win.

Tyrlis – South of Heaven [SoH] WvW Commander – CD
Proud Member of the First Crystalian Council

Crystal Desert WvW players could use more!

in WvW

Posted by: Altie.4571


Up up and awaaaaaaay

When scientists discover the center of the universe,
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.

Crystal Desert WvW players could use more!

in WvW

Posted by: SpitFire.4690


Yeah amazing server.. I came from Sorrow Furnace to Crystal desert and CD is the most amazing community ive ever experienced!!!

Primordus Virtus [RISE] Prime Leader – Prince Járvan
Our greatest strength lies in never failing,
But we [RISE] each time we fall.

Crystal Desert WvW players could use more!

in WvW

Posted by: zuube.5930


What your zergs don`t have enough corpse dancers?

Crystal Desert WvW players could use more!

in WvW

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


Meh, seems my other post was MODERATED. I’ll post it here instead.

This is Sov Ciel of Crystal Desert.

I support the first posters plea. I invite any and all interested players to transfer here.

Presence/Awe is recruiting Sea players – but any timezone is fine (sea – south east asian players time zone). If you see a player with [Awe] logo, that’s us. Just pm that player and we’ll invite you.

To my fellow Crystal Desert players, time to take the mantel of wvw and join. Glory to us who fear no one.

Don’t know what to wear at lvl 80? Get 167,000 karma – buy your rare set from wvw. Put some rare rune. Get your rare weapons and put some sigil. – this is enough to let you finish all quests/dungeons pve areas and even wvw. It will be your basic set until you can craft your exo/ascended/dungeon/legendaries, and their corresponding runes/jewels etc.

Got questions? Message me here.

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

(edited by Sovereign.1093)

Crystal Desert WvW players could use more!

in WvW

Posted by: Letumabaddon.6849


We (Valhagr) just capped CD BL last night.
Not sure what’s happening before 4 am PST, but we have no control on all WvW location.

When I logged off the only thing we haven’t capped on CD BL was hills.

Hopefully when I log in later, CD can defend what we capped last night.

Haven’t seen any RISE players lately… did they switch server?

Crystal Desert WvW players could use more!

in WvW

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


We got everything back at cd bl before I posted. Had to leave for the office.

I’m sure most of my CD player mates are working too; so we can’t always be fighting 24/7. Hence, the invitation for more friendlies.

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

Crystal Desert WvW players could use more!

in WvW

Posted by: sinthetix.8765


RISE is here… we were conquering CD BL last night with them.

CD for the win! <3

Nocturne of Thix, Lime Overlord and Community Leader of Tonic:

Crystal Desert WvW players could use more!

in WvW

Posted by: Shazirah.8350


Like I said on another thread: The nice thing about CD – not only is there WvW organization and VoIP infrastructure for the community, but there’s also plenty of PvE going on at the same time.

We know that WvW isn’t the most profitable way to play this game – I really appreciate being able to drop into LA and find that dungeon group I’m looking for at both prime time and odd hours. (I’m a East Coast NA player, myself.) I engage heavily in both the PvP(WvW) and PvE aspects of this game, so having a friendly server that is populated around the clock is wonderful.

This place is definitely more of a community than just a server. While we are competitive, we definitely aren’t unreasonably self-serious. This makes for extremely satisfying gameplay.

And the best thing? We are constantly evolving and improving!

(Maestro at) Not Another Gaming Acronym [NAGA]:
Resident Keg Brawl Premier League Champions
… with some WvW breaks here and there.

Crystal Desert WvW players could use more!

in WvW

Posted by: JStyle.1423


Hey guys, I figured I’d introduce my guild here. I’m Jimmy Rstles, Leader of Valhalla Hungers guild. We recently transferred over to CD from BP. We’re a group of 15 active players, all friends IRL in the NA Eastern Time Zone. You can find us mostly in the enemy borderlands raiding supply camps and running disruption tactics.

We left BP after realizing it was a bandwagon server and all the big guilds left. We chose Crystal Desert because we had a few friends here that were very proud of the server’s stable community and population. We’ll be here to stay as we have decided to make this server our guild’s permanent home.

Jimmy Rstles – lvl 80 Ranger | Leader of Valhalla Hungers [VH] | Crystal Desert

Crystal Desert WvW players could use more!

in WvW

Posted by: Letumabaddon.6849


I think we don’t have enough players participating during 12-4 am PST…

Crystal Desert’s server is already full, so please, to all who are in the realm, this is a plea to help out in WvW.

Crystal Desert WvW players could use more!

in WvW

Posted by: ryan.3915


Crystal Desert is the unofficial server for Singaporeans – we yell ‘Huat ah’ when we’re fighting dragons and then swear in acronyms when we only get blues.

There’s always lots of dungeon running going on and we use our dungeon loot to WvW. All good.

Of course, we also have a very active NA and Eu crew, but I don’t play in those timeslots, so can some NA and Eu players please share your favourite things about CD?

Blaine Warbler, Thief
EDMW, Jade Quarry.
I still love Crystal Dessert tho.

Crystal Desert WvW players could use more!

in WvW

Posted by: xxxzavulonxxx.8413


How come CD is losing guilds?


Crystal Desert WvW players could use more!

in WvW

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


:3 I’m also inviting PH players. I know how addict you guys are at gaming, 2nd to none. Come here.

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

Crystal Desert WvW players could use more!

in WvW

Posted by: ryan.3915


How come CD is losing guilds?

CD has had 1 guild transfer (KH), and 1 considering moving that I know of. It’s nothing like the mass exoduses (exodi?) that have happened before.

These things happen, and with the deadline looming like a wedding date, it may give some people cold feet about committing to CD for life.

EDMW is happy to stay put, and other guilds have echoed the same sentiments.

Blaine Warbler, Thief
EDMW, Jade Quarry.
I still love Crystal Dessert tho.

Crystal Desert WvW players could use more!

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7498


How come CD is losing guilds?

CD has had 1 guild transfer (KH), and 1 considering moving that I know of. It’s nothing like the mass exoduses (exodi?) that have happened before.

These things happen, and with the deadline looming like a wedding date, it may give some people cold feet about committing to CD for life.

EDMW is happy to stay put, and other guilds have echoed the same sentiments.

False, don’t lie and get people stuck in CD right before transfers become paid. CD can’t hold +200 for more then 3 hours durning the day. Meaning 1) either guilds are infact actually leaving. Or 2) you’ve given up. And if #2 is correct please log back on and stop giving your points to FA, please. /begs

Commander Mighty Fig Newton – Sylvari Warrior
[UhOh] Procrastination Nation

(edited by Camo.7498)

Crystal Desert WvW players could use more!

in WvW

Posted by: Heinel.6548


How come CD is losing guilds?

CD has had 1 guild transfer (KH), and 1 considering moving that I know of. It’s nothing like the mass exoduses (exodi?) that have happened before.

These things happen, and with the deadline looming like a wedding date, it may give some people cold feet about committing to CD for life.

EDMW is happy to stay put, and other guilds have echoed the same sentiments.

False, don’t lie and get people stuck in CD right before transfers become paid. CD can’t hold +200 for more then 3 hours durning the day. Meaning 1) either guilds are infact actually leaving. Or 2) you’ve given up. And if #2 is correct please log back on and stop giving your points to FA, please. /begs

We will accept your application under the conditions that all DB forces leave our BL right this moment and stay in FABL for the rest of the week.

“… but I hate the idea ‘It may not make sense at first’.
I want it to make sense right away, then another sense later. Murkiness =/= quality "
- CCP Abraxis

Crystal Desert WvW players could use more!

in WvW

Posted by: Camo.7498


How come CD is losing guilds?

CD has had 1 guild transfer (KH), and 1 considering moving that I know of. It’s nothing like the mass exoduses (exodi?) that have happened before.

These things happen, and with the deadline looming like a wedding date, it may give some people cold feet about committing to CD for life.

EDMW is happy to stay put, and other guilds have echoed the same sentiments.

False, don’t lie and get people stuck in CD right before transfers become paid. CD can’t hold +200 for more then 3 hours durning the day. Meaning 1) either guilds are infact actually leaving. Or 2) you’ve given up. And if #2 is correct please log back on and stop giving your points to FA, please. /begs

We will accept your application under the conditions that all DB forces leave our BL right this moment and stay in FABL for the rest of the week.

Gods honest truth, if you guys could hold it, all from FA. I’d be down. But every time I look, if we don’t own hills or bay, FA owns both maybe even your garrison.

Commander Mighty Fig Newton – Sylvari Warrior
[UhOh] Procrastination Nation

Crystal Desert WvW players could use more!

in WvW

Posted by: Heinel.6548


How come CD is losing guilds?

CD has had 1 guild transfer (KH), and 1 considering moving that I know of. It’s nothing like the mass exoduses (exodi?) that have happened before.

These things happen, and with the deadline looming like a wedding date, it may give some people cold feet about committing to CD for life.

EDMW is happy to stay put, and other guilds have echoed the same sentiments.

False, don’t lie and get people stuck in CD right before transfers become paid. CD can’t hold +200 for more then 3 hours durning the day. Meaning 1) either guilds are infact actually leaving. Or 2) you’ve given up. And if #2 is correct please log back on and stop giving your points to FA, please. /begs

We will accept your application under the conditions that all DB forces leave our BL right this moment and stay in FABL for the rest of the week.

Gods honest truth, if you guys could hold it, all from FA. I’d be down. But every time I look, if we don’t own hills or bay, FA owns both maybe even your garrison.

It’s not like there’s a choice on the matter. You can accuse us of feeding whatever you want, the fact is, whichever side FA focuses on will get pushed out of the map. You either double team, or try to scramble points when you’re not the one being focused and try not to fall too far behind.

“… but I hate the idea ‘It may not make sense at first’.
I want it to make sense right away, then another sense later. Murkiness =/= quality "
- CCP Abraxis

Crystal Desert WvW players could use more!

in WvW

Posted by: Isaac.6041


Crystal Desert is the best server. And it wants more Tough players and guilds to join our mighty server.

Crystal Desert is looking for players that are strong. Players that kill other players and enjoy crushing their enemies. Crystal Desert wants players that are smart, bold, and quick to outwit their foes.

Crystal Desert wants hardy, well-seasoned players and guilds that constantly improve their knowledge of the battlefield, of all eight professions, and of all five races.

So again, Crystal Desert welcomes all strong men and women from all timezones to join our strong server.

You must be strong to join Crystal Desert! Strong enough to suppress big zergs then surge forward to Victory!

Tough players and guilds join Crystal Desert today!

Also visit or log in on Teamspeak

Crystal Desert WvW players could use more!

in WvW

Posted by: ryan.3915


In case no one has seen this yet – this page lists some of the guilds that have said they are staying.

Blaine Warbler, Thief
EDMW, Jade Quarry.
I still love Crystal Dessert tho.

Crystal Desert WvW players could use more!

in WvW

Posted by: Isaac.6041


If you want to transfer to Crystal Desert, the time to do so is right now. The server status is very high population but has room!