Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Absinth.6917


Hehe – ya never know what the future holds.

Btw Fiction; did you play Rift? If so “lol/level” says hello.

Potential For An Esport [NONE]

Haiku FTW

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Fiction.6418


Hehe – ya never know what the future holds.

Btw Fiction; did you play Rift? If so “lol/level” says hello.

Yes, I DID.. fiction on sunrest before server went trial and the mighty four.

What’s up, about to pass out where are you at on this game?

Evidence – 80Asura Thief | Skáldskap 80Human Guardian | Pirateking 80Human Mesmer
Pvp Inc. [PvP]
Ferguson’s Crossing

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Absinth.6917


Well well old friend nice to see that you are still around.

Good times on Sunrest.

This is lol.

Also known as level.

Potential For An Esport [NONE]

Haiku FTW

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Fiction.6418


Nice to run into you all randomly, are you on any of these servers? I will add you to list when I am in game tomorrow so we can chat and not hijack this thread.

Evidence – 80Asura Thief | Skáldskap 80Human Guardian | Pirateking 80Human Mesmer
Pvp Inc. [PvP]
Ferguson’s Crossing

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Fiction.6418


Ok thread, as you were.

Evidence – 80Asura Thief | Skáldskap 80Human Guardian | Pirateking 80Human Mesmer
Pvp Inc. [PvP]
Ferguson’s Crossing

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


See, you have friends on Maguuma, you should switch

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: flyro.6083


Are you Butthurt DH?? We R Sry!!! (This is all in good fun actually im typing this just as u killed me)

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Naracion.6597


Sup level/lol (^^) you should come join us on maguuma….fun times

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Zinthros.6589


Don’t. Kitten. With. Fight Club.

Especially not mine. The guilty pay the price.

Varamyr Langkron / Kirk Vandergrift
Commander on Tarnished Coast [RE]
Greatsword Ranger before it was cool

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Delusion.9543


Well I’m sorry your Fight Club got demolished. I just logged on to see this. I’m from CD and I think having a Fight Club is a great way to have good clean fun in WvW. I apologize my server went after you like that. :/
Please don’t think we’re all bad people, heh.

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Hekatombaion.4320


When the 15 of us busted into your fight club activity we thought it was some cross server team up to try and knock us off the lead position somehow. Was a bit confusing when you kept it up as we took supply camps.

“You could have wiped the whole map as many of the “opposing” forces were at one location.” We took the two high towers but when we went for the garrison it seems that was enough to break up the party.

Italucuc[KH] – 80 Mesmer – Tarnished Coast

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Zinthros.6589


Fight Club can go die. They mass report people who don’t play by their made up rules in a completely different game mode. Buncha losers.

Seriously, go sPvP. The only reason to 1v1 in wvw?? Gear advantage. You know it. If you want a real fight club, how bout fighting competitively without the gear edge. Man up. GW2 made the sPvP mode so you could. You made the fight club so you could still pray for a gear advantage. Arenanet made wvw for large-scale warfare.

You don’t like people breaking up the meet, I don’t like people wasting my server’s WvW queue space to /sit and watch solo battles. Go buy some tournament tickets.

Sup Vox? What made you turn off your commander icon and leave? You were so adamant about trolling us. Did a girl asking you to shove off break down the wall that easily, or was it the reports? We reported you for swearing in chat by the way, which is a justified report under the “verbal abuse” category.

DEATH TO FIGHT CLUB U ALL WILL DIE!!! From Breakin Bads CD server\!!! No reason for this on our watch!!!

Have fun getting wiped over and over by the combined might of Maguuma and Darkhaven? I have it recorded. Youtube ETA 3 days.

Well I’m sorry your Fight Club got demolished. I just logged on to see this. I’m from CD and I think having a Fight Club is a great way to have good clean fun in WvW. I apologize my server went after you like that. :/
Please don’t think we’re all bad people, heh.

Nah, we don’t think CD are all like that. We actually had a couple of people from CD there! We called their guild tags in the Magguma Mumble and super sekrit fight club guild chat and told them to go stand still in the woods. They ended up not getting killed.

To Rethesis, you guys are a lot of fun and everyone in the Mumble community respects you. If you ever end up wanting a new home we’d be more than happy to have you here. I made your guild leader a head organizer in the fight club guild, so feel free to use it however you want for your next matchup. Also holy kitten these post timers are making me realize I was at fight club for 6 hours … I was the greatsword ranger with the wolf shoulder and badge chestpiece.

When the 15 of us busted into your fight club activity we thought it was some cross server team up to try and knock us off the lead position somehow. Was a bit confusing when you kept it up as we took supply camps.

“You could have wiped the whole map as many of the “opposing” forces were at one location.” We took the two high towers but when we went for the garrison it seems that was enough to break up the party.

Yeah. I managed to get the fight club group to pull out and waypoint citadel in time to save garrison. Then we took back all of our towers and supply camps. Believe it or not you CAN get fight club people to mass exodus or take a break to save important things, you just need to do it politely and be a respected individual. Running in with a pubbie karma train behind you and your commander tag on while swearing at everyone is pretty much the worst way …

Varamyr Langkron / Kirk Vandergrift
Commander on Tarnished Coast [RE]
Greatsword Ranger before it was cool

(edited by Zinthros.6589)

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


You say “my server” as if Maguuma belongs to or is run by you, which is a ludicrous proposition. Most of the participants from both Darkhaven and Maguuma are some of the most dedicated WvW players on their respective servers, and we are responsible for a great deal of Maguuma’s coordination. If you don’t like the fact that we like to have fun, especially when a match is essentially over, maybe you should move to another server. EB is a good candidate for you. They are all mature gamers too, as you describe your guild.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: jobengals.2760


Awesome fun tonight.. had some great duels. My favorite part was chasing down a CD thief who tried ganking in the middle of a 1v1, DH elem and I chased him down, then put him down.


jobengals – 80 necro / verdaga – 80 engi

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


We had a quaggan crew at fight club too


[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: flyro.6083


Thanx to all for good battles tonight and Happy Turkey Day to all of you!!

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Miu Xie.5872

Miu Xie.5872

We had a quaggan crew at fight club too


And, I’m going to have to second saiyr.3071’s second to last post in this thread. We play on Mag to have fun.

I’m kind of sad I missed fight club this week, though – fell asleep a few hours before it started. Judging from this thread and last week, it sounds like next week’s fight club on Mag might have some worse trouble….

Sanae Kurita, Mag

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: saiyr.3071


I suspect there won’t be much of one next week. There were some CD here tonight, but not many, and I was told EB didn’t show much interest either. It helps a lot having a whole guild interested. Most of tonight’s Darkhaven were RE and AoN, for example.

[DERP] Saiyr, “bff” of Sgt Killjoy

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Absinth.6917



I still have your name on my steam account. :P

And I am truly considering the transfer.

Potential For An Esport [NONE]

Haiku FTW

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Like Forty Seven Ninjas.6982

Like Forty Seven Ninjas.6982

Out of curiosity, how many commanders do the other servers typically have on at one time? It seems that we, in DH, have a new group of 3-4 every single week. I think it adds to the lack of organization that we seem to be plagued with :P

DH Yak’s Bend – Perfect Dark [PD]
Dr Hoppenheimer – Engi / Meowzir – Guard /
Mulcibur Nox – Ele / Mr Directed – Mes

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Hekatombaion.4320


Brutality: Actually 1v1 in spvp is kind of a kitten. Unless you have your whole guild fill a room you get interrupted left and right by people who think it’s a real match. Seems recent changes have made that a little bit easier to pull off but you simply can’t get a big enough crowd to force the random troublemakers to stay out of it.

I don’t see WvW as a very good place for it either but I’d wager they faced far fewer interruptions this way.

That said 1v1 is really pointless. Thieves and mesmers seem to be the only classes that really have powerful solo builds but those are complete trash as soon as you scale up. I know a lot of y’all are running solo builds with more escapes than anything else in WvW but actually using combo fields applicable to the situation stomps anything else flat. This system is set up in a way that 1v1 is meaningless.

So as a silly holliday event fight club is maybe cool, but you’ve got to be really new to pvp to learn anything from it.

Italucuc[KH] – 80 Mesmer – Tarnished Coast

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


Out of curiosity, how many commanders do the other servers typically have on at one time? It seems that we, in DH, have a new group of 3-4 every single week. I think it adds to the lack of organization that we seem to be plagued with :P

I don’t know if thats a bad thing. We always want more people to get into leadership roles and the best way to learn is to go somewhere where there is no structure and where your server has no territory and use your initiative. Start small by leading a supply cap group around until it gets big enough that you can take a tower. Then just try to ninja cap one. You will probably screw up, but as long as you have the right temperament and you are honest about your mistakes, the people playing with you won’t get down about it.

Either way, I never really understood why people want to identify themselves as commanders in this game. If you are playing bigger servers with decent coordination, it is incredibly stressful. Most of your time is spent think ahead to the next 2x worst case scenarios and how to mitigate. You barely play the game because you are looking at the map more often than whats on your screen (or you should be, otherwise its impossible to make the right strategic decisions).

Its ego thats the real problem. I know this is unrealistic but the ideal scenario is that everyone on Maguuma is capable of leadership at any time so anyone can swap in and out of the role and be completely comfortable giving and receiving instruction. That would mitigate burn out.

If some of our inactives would return I’d say we were making progress but I think we lost some great commanders to burn out and I don’t think they are coming back.

(edited by Besetment.9187)

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Hackuuna.4085


Brutality: Actually 1v1 in spvp is kind of a kitten. Unless you have your whole guild fill a room you get interrupted left and right by people who think it’s a real match. Seems recent changes have made that a little bit easier to pull off but you simply can’t get a big enough crowd to force the random troublemakers to stay out of it.

I don’t see WvW as a very good place for it either but I’d wager they faced far fewer interruptions this way.

That said 1v1 is really pointless. Thieves and mesmers seem to be the only classes that really have powerful solo builds but those are complete trash as soon as you scale up. I know a lot of y’all are running solo builds with more escapes than anything else in WvW but actually using combo fields applicable to the situation stomps anything else flat. This system is set up in a way that 1v1 is meaningless.

So as a silly holliday event fight club is maybe cool, but you’ve got to be really new to pvp to learn anything from it.

On the contrary, I am not new at all to pvp and I learned some valuable lessons from the 1v1s last night. Also, the build I use for solo is exactly the same build for group play. Obviously some builds which are very strong at support will not cut it in the 1v1. Note however, that fight club includes group fights. Next time, if you feel you can put together a team with strong build cohesion and challenge everyone else to team fights then go right ahead. I know there will always be willing participants.

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Ariel Cor Leonis Inferi.2894

Ariel Cor Leonis Inferi.2894

Everyone blames DH commanders for lack of organization. If you guys would listen it’ll be so much easier.

Ded gaem

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Tijo.9857


As a DH player from release, I have to say I found a good community there. I has it’s lot of drama , and it also has it’s unique and unforgetable characters / commanders like Seal or Banana who make the server unique.

I also enjoy fighting Maguuma, they are a good bunch and when numbers are close enough we can duke it out in good fun. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose.

CD has been a mixed bag, some good players in there, but also a lot of mindless zerglings. Sheer numbers in the Asian / oceanic timezone possibly could mean they never had to get more organised.

DH is going through a rough patch at the moment, and it can be difficult to even find enough people for a raiding group. Let’s see how this plays out on the long term, as by nature it is dynamic.

ps: Maxentus you are also doing a great job, at a time of the day when it’s very much needed. Thanks for being there.

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Ariel Cor Leonis Inferi.2894

Ariel Cor Leonis Inferi.2894

Imo DH is still strong even though we lost people/guild. Even though I run with PUG’s we can fight head on with Maguuma and CD’s big zerg.

Ded gaem

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Titan.3472


Titan War Commander CD Guild Omega Warlord [LORD]

Well… JP is already polluting a wvw map, now are “fight club” ????

Come on !!! => Go make specific thread and leave wvw maps out of this. Don’t ask why wvw addicts will go on leaving your server if you are promoting such behaviour in not dedicated place like wvw maps. Spvp is more the place for a “fight club” and even if not, then request A-net to create some instance for your 1vs1 that we really don’t want to see in wvw. Thank you for your understanding.
I keep being polite even if it’s hard !!!

If you try to kill somehow wvw spirit; people supporting A-net wvw spirit will not let you do it and you are not welcome !

Your “fight club” can remove in last tier server we don’t want to hear about it. Thanks.

(edited by Titan.3472)

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


To the VoW mesmer from Darkhaven that’s alt+f4ed at least 3 times while I down them in CD borderland. Stay classy

Edit: oooh I think we’re up to 5 now. If you can’t take the heat you may need a different game.

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

(edited by zastari.1730)

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Titan War Commander CD Guild Omega Warlord [LORD]

Well… JP is already polluting a wvw map, now are “fight club” ????

Come on !!! => Go make specific thread and leave wvw maps out of this. Don’t ask why wvw addicts will go on leaving your server if you are promoting such behaviour in not dedicated place like wvw maps. Spvp is more the place for a “fight club” and even if not, then request A-net to create some instance for your 1vs1 that we really don’t want to see in wvw. Thank you for your understanding.
I keep being polite even if it’s hard !!!

If you try to kill somehow wvw spirit; people supporting A-net wvw spirit will not let you do it and you are not welcome !

Your “fight club” can remove in last tier server we don’t want to hear about it. Thanks.

Unless you give a viable reason why you do not like the event you do not have to make threads like this because you personally don not PvP.

Anet knows about this, infact it is not frowned upon either by Anet. If you personally do not like PvP then you do not have to participate, its optional for everyone who wants to join.

I see from your post that you do not like it, but I also see from your post that you are missing a viable, practical, and meaningful reason.

Crazy Leg

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Hackuuna.4085


Seriously, we are talking about a 2-3 hour window at the end of a 168 hour match when the score is not close. How is this such a horrible thing? If anything it generates a healthy respect for competition with the opposition and makes me look forward to being matched up against them again.

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: ryan.3915


Score update:
Crystal Desert: 226k, +420
Maguuma: 145k, +90
Darkhaven: 123k, +185

It’s been a good match so far. I enjoyed playing against Maguuma’s mischevious antics. Quite memorable, the mesmer that’s particularly good at finding places to hide then dragging people off cliffs at garrison. And you guys really bother to climb up to areas that other players never knew were possible to traverse.

Also commend your server for changing tactics quickly when you realise something isn’t working. Met too many people who enjoy banging their heads on reinforced walls.

Really enjoyed seeing Crystal Desert work together in battles, working simultaneously to cap supply, getting the quaggans and launching attacks on keeps. Also learnt new places to place trebs.

Blaine Warbler, Thief
EDMW, Jade Quarry.
I still love Crystal Dessert tho.

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Monztor.9207


Its coming to the end of the week and CD has held a solid lead the entire match up. I’ve noticed Maguuma and Darkhaven both seem to fall off during event weeks, so I expected the match wasn’t as close as it could have been because of Lost Shores. So if we ever get matched up again, I’d love to have a rematch on a non-event week

Aside from that, my guild [NOVA] really enjoyed fighting CD on their own borderland late last night holding off supply camps and taking SW tower while handling CD in the front, and DH in the back. Really enjoyed taking west keep after sieging it for so long Also later on when we made our last stand in SW tower, we didn’t notice the catapult in the tunnel until too late. Well played guys!

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: katniss.6735


Titan’s roleplaying is clearly more wvw than fight clubs.

Server: Maguuma – Leafy Lass – Elementalist (WvW)
Guild: Bill Murray [Bill]/ [DERP]

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: JaNordy.6149


Good fight AA guys you almost had me. Tricky with that MadKing stealth trick ambush. :e Only Magerman server wood have a guild called CAMP.


Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Zephyrus.9680


Titan War Commander CD Guild Omega Warlord [LORD]

Well… JP is already polluting a wvw map, now are “fight club” ????

Come on !!! => Go make specific thread and leave wvw maps out of this. Don’t ask why wvw addicts will go on leaving your server if you are promoting such behaviour in not dedicated place like wvw maps. Spvp is more the place for a “fight club” and even if not, then request A-net to create some instance for your 1vs1 that we really don’t want to see in wvw. Thank you for your understanding.
I keep being polite even if it’s hard !!!

If you try to kill somehow wvw spirit; people supporting A-net wvw spirit will not let you do it and you are not welcome !

Your “fight club” can remove in last tier server we don’t want to hear about it. Thanks.

lol what a character. Who are you to tell them how to have fun? Also, JP are almost not even a factor when compared to the irresistible treat known as the Grub!

I missed most of this week but personally I would enjoy fighting CD again. Such massive zergs that keep coming and coming even to stop a supply camp cap or to break a gate down with their bare fists. Guess I always had a thing for zombies though :P

Zefyres – Ele | Maguuma | (ex) top100 solo/teamQ casual | Youtube

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: ryan.3915



I missed most of this week but personally I would enjoy fighting CD again. Such massive zergs that keep coming and coming even to stop a supply camp cap or to break a gate down with their bare fists. Guess I always had a thing for zombies though :P[/quote]

Zombies! Never thought of that!

When I see a group just bashing a gate with their bare fists, without deploying siege, I know it’s time to do my own stuff…

Blaine Warbler, Thief
EDMW, Jade Quarry.
I still love Crystal Dessert tho.

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Fiction.6418


I want to say that the Crystal Desert guild Npc.. seems all your players are pro at logging once down… I am glad you have something down.
CD map is always the best for solo or 2 man running so many badges!!

Evidence – 80Asura Thief | Skáldskap 80Human Guardian | Pirateking 80Human Mesmer
Pvp Inc. [PvP]
Ferguson’s Crossing

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Diehard.1432


Thank you Maguuma for setting my own personal record. I was the ranger near the Mag BL last night SE Asia time, and i was able to take down 3 mags by myself (2 lvl 80 and 1 below lvl 80 ).

Oh and the fightclub thing, whats the deal with that again? Its totally new to me. And I havent encountered such occasion. Maybe you could enlighten up a bit?

Garuda X, lvl 80 human Siamoth Ranger JQ SEA

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Nihilas.5374


A Very Sad & Lonely CD Player


[WoT] – Maguuma
Thief -Ayranis, Guardian-SevenOfNines
“Even Pubbies Watch The Mini Map”

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Fiction.6418


To the darkhaven thief I just fought for 3-5 minutes next to your two buddies corpses just next to the bridge at SE supply on your home borderland, good fight that was a lot of fun.. first time in a while I have ran into a competent thief that could keep up the fight for longer than 30s thief v thief. Unfortunately we did not get to finish, maybe next time!

Evidence – 80Asura Thief | Skáldskap 80Human Guardian | Pirateking 80Human Mesmer
Pvp Inc. [PvP]
Ferguson’s Crossing

(edited by Fiction.6418)

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Absinth.6917


Fiction gasp, are you running condition?

Hopefully not the Unicorn with bacon wings…


Potential For An Esport [NONE]

Haiku FTW

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Fiction.6418


Fiction gasp, are you running condition?

Hopefully not the Unicorn with bacon wings…


No, I ran condition a while and I have a good tanky condition build and gear waiting for the #1001 bi-weekly thief nerf but I’m running a mix build atm with all berserker and a few valkyrie pieces . 20/30/20/0/0 yay … I am about being annoyingly evasive while still putting people on their kitten at the moment.
Oh and btw I <3 the kitten replacement word lol makes me laugh.

Evidence – 80Asura Thief | Skáldskap 80Human Guardian | Pirateking 80Human Mesmer
Pvp Inc. [PvP]
Ferguson’s Crossing

(edited by Fiction.6418)

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Endorin.3109


My respect goes to both Maguuma and Darkhaven. As one of the CD commander who always frequent both borders, I usually play more on the uniting of the public and then going for tactical attack. Maguuma in my point of view adapts fast and coordinates very well (GOON escpecially).

As for Darkhaven, you still have the people so get it right and coordinate better in the next match. I was in your border yesterday and was leading an attack towards your garrison while you all were attacking hill’s keep and you all chose to give up an upgraded garrison over a non upgraded keep. Some of you came to defend later on and left 5 people to kill the champion and end up losing both.

I hope to see Darkhaven rise again. As for Maguuma, guess we’ll be meeting each other again after reset. Cheers!

Vizard/Violét Darkheart .
Maestro of Not Another Gaming Acronym [NAGA].

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: GuardianOMS.8067


Had a long fight at Maguuma Garrison, we were outnumbered by CD, fighting at every door, had a spy, and a useless German that kept wasting our supply and cutting off people trying to get back in. The odds were stacked against us, and we shouldn’t have held for that long. My Maguumians…. my keep….

Not looking forward to fighting CD again. Sad that I don’t get to play when the A-game is on and I’m stuck with always being outnumbered by Asians using Russian tactics. It still amazes me how with numbers like that, it took three or four golems to finally take keep. On the plus side, you finally realized, “hey, with three or four golems, we can finally take this keep.”

Sgt Killjoy – “Pedantic” “babe” and “bff” of Saiyr
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Victarion Graejoy.1234

Victarion Graejoy.1234

Gotta give a shout out to Commander Yolihuani (Billy) from CD.

Singlehandedly lead the charge over the past 2 nights, lead the zerg with efficiency.

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: zastari.1730


Lollin’ if you call that efficiency.

Tsarazi – 80 Asuran Mesmer [DERP]

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Hexin.5603


Titan War Commander CD Guild Omega Warlord [LORD]

Well… JP is already polluting a wvw map, now are “fight club” ????

Come on !!! => Go make specific thread and leave wvw maps out of this. Don’t ask why wvw addicts will go on leaving your server if you are promoting such behaviour in not dedicated place like wvw maps. Spvp is more the place for a “fight club” and even if not, then request A-net to create some instance for your 1vs1 that we really don’t want to see in wvw. Thank you for your understanding.
I keep being polite even if it’s hard !!!

If you try to kill somehow wvw spirit; people supporting A-net wvw spirit will not let you do it and you are not welcome !

Your “fight club” can remove in last tier server we don’t want to hear about it. Thanks.

Don’t you just love being on a server where you don’t have a voice of your own? When referencing your opinion, the correct sentence is ‘I do not like it, not on a world versus world map intended for <insert your supportive reason here>’

It’s in place already though (it’s been in place for a while, but new to you) ~ but it will never stop people from posting in ‘the’ central 3 server thread on guildwars2 forum, complimenting and thanking for the enjoyable experience publicly. It’s an event that occur in the wvw maps. The very same thread that the odd individual can come through and post who do not enjoy it, and provide reason why. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Yours is noted. Invites would not be delivered then if you do not wish it, it is not forced. Optional fun.

You say polite, but when you read it, it comes out very condescending. Also you shouldn’t have to write out ‘I say this politely’ … insinuates you do not believe it yourself and need to add extra clarity. We get it you don’t like it, no biggie. Others do. Including some from your server.

This week has some memorable times, and is enjoyable, regardless of outcomes. At least I have enjoyed some moments. Wouldn’t want to speak on others behalf.

Will miss ya Mag’s <3 … I always have fun battling with you guys. Finish strong and all the best in the coming week CD & Mag.

~ X [RE]

Willing to pay for boxed expansion if you put legit GvG in the box $$

(edited by Hexin.5603)

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Deathdom.8250


Had a long fight at Maguuma Garrison, we were outnumbered by CD, fighting at every door, had a spy, and a useless German that kept wasting our supply and cutting off people trying to get back in. The odds were stacked against us, and we shouldn’t have held for that long. My Maguumians…. my keep….

Not looking forward to fighting CD again. Sad that I don’t get to play when the A-game is on and I’m stuck with always being outnumbered by Asians using Russian tactics. It still amazes me how with numbers like that, it took three or four golems to finally take keep. On the plus side, you finally realized, “hey, with three or four golems, we can finally take this keep.”

Try not to play during Asian primetime is my advice. I decided to stay up late to play last night with them and I regret it. While we had some people that knew what they were doing, the rest of our Asian zerg seemed like they did not. We were excellent at chasing down enemies and killing them but god forbid we try to take a tower or keep without dpsing the door down.

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: ryan.3915


Had fun with Maguuma and Darkhaven for this match up. Don’t feel too bad about the scores.

If you had trouble with CD, which only appears during the limited Asian primetime, you would not be able to deal with the upper tier servers where it’s primetime all the time.

Blaine Warbler, Thief
EDMW, Jade Quarry.
I still love Crystal Dessert tho.

Crystal Desert vs. Maguuma vs. Darkhaven

in WvW

Posted by: Besetment.9187


We don’t feel bad about the score and we know about primetime all the time. We have played Sea of Sorrows 2.0.