Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: iii.3905



You guys fought great last night! I really been looking forward to this fight. I think our server as well has been waiting to fight someone clearly above our bracket! I hope everyone in dark haven can learn new tactics from NSP and Ebay!

See you in the fields!


half naked norn

p.s. dark havenians! when we get owned please at the same time learn enemy tactics, siege locations, general logistics.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: iii.3905


Well, Darkhaven is starting to fall apart as predicted. In the homelands they only manage to pull up 4 defenders per objective… rest of them just sit around and camp the garrison.

Soon, there will be nothing left owned by blue.

undermine, have some faith! we are still a learning server. afterall, we came from fighting in the 2nd last bracket man~ NSP is the new guy on the raise they have fought soo many wars and battles we have not. Ebay is another formidable enemy. We should strengthen our evening and nightcrew while rally up our morning/day crew if we want to even stay in this bracket! all the people you in fighting in dark haven are the hardcore players that did not jump ship. we will only get better through experience and battles. i just hope that when people starting to feel the ropes of wvw they dont jumpship to another server =D

half naked norn

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Worban.1574


It is way too early to make any predictions for the week and how it will end. Maybe upon completion of our first, normal weekday, well after the dust of weekend battles has settled, we can start to make some initial predictions.

Everyone knows Darkhaven’s strength is a well-organized evening/night crew that often has the numbers on opposing servers. It’s not unusual for us to control most of all four maps by the time our hard-cores go to bed. It’s also quite normal to see us lose almost everything we gained during the day. Looking at the situation right now, while we’re losing a lot, is the historical pattern of our server. While that is unfortunate for us, it has been stated a few times on this thread that its the perfect opportunity for our opponents to make their comeback, undoing our gains. But rest assured, we hit back hard again as the sun starts to set over the Americas.

The opening day has unfolded sort of as I expected (or hoped, I should say) . I would even admit they exceeded my expectations against NSP, which was two brackets above us last week. I will say it was some intensely fun fighting against both servers, for sure!

While any prediction of the final outcome is premature, I can predict the daily patterns. Servers will leapfrog with us by very wide margins. Instead of it being a tight fight around the clock, constantly inching ahead or falling behind by tiny margins, this will be a week of major gains and major losses. We (Darkhaven) will shoot ahead by 10-15k points then fall behind by roughly the same amount. In the end it will sort of balance out and end up a fairly close fight in the last 24-36 hours, with every server pouring everything they have into WvW to cross the finish line in 1st place.

I do admit that I am a bit nervous about seeing NSP in full force. If your server decides to rest up and unleash your full power, then all bets are off; even my daily pattern predictions are called into question. I just want DH to put up a really good fight, make it fun and worth everybody’s effort.

I have a lot of faith in DH and we have improved significantly in the last few weeks! We have a ways to go, to work on our problems, but we make notable progress each and every day towards that goal.

Without a doubt, we have the potential to pull the upset victory and finish on top. But I am far from making any predictions at this point.

(edited by Worban.1574)

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Radiodread.8469


I think the issue with NSP not having a good turnout is that we put our all into that last week match up against SoR and YB and we got dropped an entire tier just for having a third place, even though it was the closest third place to second and to first of the entire WvWvW community. We fought our butts off and paid just as hard a price for losing as if we hadn’t done anything productive at all. That’s how I feel, anyway, and it makes it hard to want to queue up, especially when we’re so quickly behind again. The week isn’t determined and we haven’t given a fair showing of our strength yet, but it takes time to care again about something we did honestly try at and get shut down by the bracketing system like we did. In all honesty, I wish we could have had another week with SoR and YB to really determine who the winner was. SoR just happened to be in the lead for the last ten or so hours before the week was up, but the truth is, at various parts through that week every server had just as much of a lead as SoR did in the end. I’m glad they both got to stay in their bracket though, it should be a lot of fun for them.

Well technically we went UP in our ratings. We only dropped a bracket because the increase in our score was not enough to overtake yaks or SoR… just barely. And GoM acquired alot of points from a dominating performance in this performance and jumped us.

Radiodread, Guardian [Os] NSP
AKA: Darkshines, Schroedingers Mesmer

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Arius.7031


East Coast Servers always have a major disadvantage going up again DH, simply because its one of the few ‘unofficial’ Aussie servers, so when its peak time for you guys, all of us are sleeping – Which again, kinder makes a mockery of WvW in general. I think umm..Sea of Sorrows was the other unofficial Aussie server too.

Anyway, these week I expect DH to run away with an easy win because of that fact ~ Ebay has a severe lack of population, unless your counting PvE bots running around..I still think the population levels are broken (Click World transfer) Everything is high ~ our server at 5am in the morning is dead – no chance in hell is Ebay high population not unless there is a bot army somewhere hiding out.

Darkhaven is the unofficial Aussie server? Since when? Most of our night crew is people (like myself) who nap during the day to get some time in late at night or early in the morning. We have a decent oceanic presence, granted, but that isn’t even primarily due to Aussies…

Seriously guys, keep this clean. Let’s try to avoid “oh the other server has an unfair advantage” type of posts. Be gracious no matter if your server is winning or losing. Let’s try to keep this thread as clean and civil as we can, thanks!

Score update coming:


Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Radiodread.8469


East Coast Servers always have a major disadvantage going up again DH, simply because its one of the few ‘unofficial’ Aussie servers, so when its peak time for you guys, all of us are sleeping – Which again, kinder makes a mockery of WvW in general. I think umm..Sea of Sorrows was the other unofficial Aussie server too.

Anyway, these week I expect DH to run away with an easy win because of that fact ~ Ebay has a severe lack of population, unless your counting PvE bots running around..I still think the population levels are broken (Click World transfer) Everything is high ~ our server at 5am in the morning is dead – no chance in hell is Ebay high population not unless there is a bot army somewhere hiding out.

Darkhaven is the unofficial Aussie server? Since when? Most of our night crew is people (like myself) who nap during the day to get some time in late at night or early in the morning. We have a decent oceanic presence, granted, but that isn’t even primarily due to Aussies…

Seriously guys, keep this clean. Let’s try to avoid “oh the other server has an unfair advantage” type of posts. Be gracious no matter if your server is winning or losing. Let’s try to keep this thread as clean and civil as we can, thanks!

Score update coming:

Thanks for the update!

Also I agree. There is no way to completely balance out server population and play times. We just gotta play through it and bring it on strong when we are able. Tis just the nature of the game.

Radiodread, Guardian [Os] NSP
AKA: Darkshines, Schroedingers Mesmer

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: wardo.8790


Great to see DH going up against servers who can give us a run for our money after last weeks match up. Really eager to get in and be apart of it since I haven’t had a chance to play yet. Have to say, that golem strategy is really awesome. I hope to see more strategies of the sort from other servers. iii, i immediately recognized who you were from the half naked text at the end of each post. I’m sure many would disaprove of the battle tactics of the one who is in the front lines of each storm of keeps and towers. Many a laugh have I gotten from that sight!

Best of luck to all servers. It’s going to be a fun!

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Kita.7819


Dear Ehmry Bay,

Please step it up. Don’t do a repeat of what happened during our Stormbluff days and provide zero resistance to the third server.

With love,

Kita – Guardian
Server: Darkhaven. The Besthaven.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


It is way too early to make any predictions for the week and how it will end. Maybe upon completion of our first, normal weekday, well after the dust of weekend battles has settled, we can start to make some initial predictions.

Everyone knows Darkhaven’s strength is a well-organized evening/night crew that often has the numbers on opposing servers. It’s not unusual for us to control most of all four maps by the time our hard-cores go to bed. It’s also quite normal to see us lose almost everything we gained during the day. Looking at the situation right now, while we’re losing a lot, is the historical pattern of our server. While that is unfortunate for us, it has been stated a few times on this thread that its the perfect opportunity for our opponents to make their comeback, undoing our gains. But rest assured, we hit back hard again as the sun starts to set over the Americas.

The opening day has unfolded sort of as I expected (or hoped, I should say) . I would even admit they exceeded my expectations against NSP, which was two brackets above us last week. I will say it was some intensely fun fighting against both servers, for sure!

While any prediction of the final outcome is premature, I can predict the daily patterns. Servers will leapfrog with us by very wide margins. Instead of it being a tight fight around the clock, constantly inching ahead or falling behind by tiny margins, this will be a week of major gains and major losses. We (Darkhaven) will shoot ahead by 10-15k points then fall behind by roughly the same amount. In the end it will sort of balance out and end up a fairly close fight in the last 24-36 hours, with every server pouring everything they have into WvW to cross the finish line in 1st place.

I do admit that I am a bit nervous about seeing NSP in full force. If your server decides to rest up and unleash your full power, then all bets are off; even my daily pattern predictions are called into question. I just want DH to put up a really good fight, make it fun and worth everybody’s effort.

I have a lot of faith in DH and we have improved significantly in the last few weeks! We have a ways to go, to work on our problems, but we make notable progress each and every day towards that goal.

Without a doubt, we have the potential to pull the upset victory and finish on top. But I am far from making any predictions at this point.

My thoughts.. exactly….



Henosis [ONE]

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Radiodread.8469


Anyone got an update?

Radiodread, Guardian [Os] NSP
AKA: Darkshines, Schroedingers Mesmer

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Flic.6938


DH 37,767
NSP 28,204
EB 18,631

Game pretty much over for EB, had alot leave previous weeks and more will this week to play with people during thier time zone

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Arius.7031


Anyone got an update?

Here you go:


Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Unclejas.5491


Dont lose darkhaven garrison or ill not spend anymore money upgrading ._.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Aliases.8354


Please do not EVER do this, this was one of the biggest waste of resources and time. They sat in the keep while outside we were being attacked, refusing to move because they would have their golems “ninja’d” finally when we repelled the attack and they went out with all of their golems, that they took all the resources FROM THE KEEP instead of a depot, they lost more than half of them. So I urge you, don’t be like this guild or their leader, DO NOT waste that much resources or time or be that stubborn you refuse to help out because you think 10-15 golems is a good idea.


Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Unclejas.5491


I’ve just encountered one of the best fights in WvW in my life so far

Prepared Eagerly to rush in to darkhaven borderlands straight after the reset .
Rushed over to Acession Bay to defend & lose it like 1 hour later , getting zerged by Both NSP and Ebay during the first 3-4 hours after reset was very morale crushing. Most of NSP invaders are hiding at Stargrove defending the supply camp.
Getting Treb-ed at garrison from dawn’s till my wall is down ._. Running around like a dog chasing off both NSP & Ebay zergs. Almost losing my garrison by a 4 golem sneak attack by NSP . bla bla bla bla bla. ! Great fight. Luckily other crews at the other borderlands took enemies garrison to relief pressure on ours. ! Glad i woke up early to participate in the war!

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Sojou.2067


Well, our more organized players are starting to log in for the evening. Hopefully it’s a fun night. Day crew did pretty good with not surrendering all of the lead. I know I was there trying to help all I could in DH borderlands this morning/afternoon.


Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Arius.7031


Score update, intense fighting going!


Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: iii.3905


keep up the good work boys! nightcrew is going to wake up in 3 hours =D ZZzzzZzzZZzzZz


Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Harpazo.5217



I’m encouraged to hear your sentiments and I must say that that week against SoR and YB was one of the most intense weeks I’ve ever played GW2. I fondly look forward to seeing Sanctum of Rall and Yaks Bend in my invader/defender feed in the future, for I feel a bond has been formed that can only be known through trial and blood. You gave us the best fight of our lives and, lo we have fallen, we look forward to rising through the ranks and rearing our head in the requiem of our past. Until we see you again then may the muses of war sing ballads to your bravery and the heralds chill your enemy’s ranks like minstrels preparing the condemned with a dirge for the gallows.

…sorry, totally had a Braveheart moment.

Anyway, we’re coming back. ’Tis only a matter of time before those points even out.

Northern Shiverpeaks
Soletaken [ST]

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Harpazo.5217


I think the issue with NSP not having a good turnout is that we put our all into that last week match up against SoR and YB and we got dropped an entire tier just for having a third place, even though it was the closest third place to second and to first of the entire WvWvW community. We fought our butts off and paid just as hard a price for losing as if we hadn’t done anything productive at all. That’s how I feel, anyway, and it makes it hard to want to queue up, especially when we’re so quickly behind again. The week isn’t determined and we haven’t given a fair showing of our strength yet, but it takes time to care again about something we did honestly try at and get shut down by the bracketing system like we did. In all honesty, I wish we could have had another week with SoR and YB to really determine who the winner was. SoR just happened to be in the lead for the last ten or so hours before the week was up, but the truth is, at various parts through that week every server had just as much of a lead as SoR did in the end. I’m glad they both got to stay in their bracket though, it should be a lot of fun for them.

Well technically we went UP in our ratings. We only dropped a bracket because the increase in our score was not enough to overtake yaks or SoR… just barely. And GoM acquired alot of points from a dominating performance in this performance and jumped us.


Northern Shiverpeaks
Soletaken [ST]

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Ramuth.6543


Coming from Dark Age of Camelot past the failure of Warhammer I must say GW2 has surpassed all expectations. Along with that, the community here is drastically different from that of DAoC. The flame-war riddled VN boards are instead pleasant(sometimes not always) discussions of matches currently underway and the excitement of future matches. My hat goes off to you all, for making this both fun and difficult. I will glady get pummled by NSP or EB players if it helps me tweek my own style(lord knows I’m awful). Good luck to everyone and thanks for letting me get a kill here or there.


Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Worban.1574


I owe our Day Crew on Darkhaven an apology. I just woke up, logged on to check the scores and was very impressed to see them maintain a 10K point lead over the 7 or 8 hours that I slept. Well done, DH day crew and I’m sorry for my poor prediction.

But Darkhaven has a lot of working folks, with lives and families, so I am curious what happens on a weekday.

Closing the weekend with a comfortable lead in total scores is so encouraging, especially against such powerful adversaries.

I won’t be playing much tonight, since I have some RL stuff to do. But I’ll be checking scores occasionally and rooting for DH!


Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: TsukasaHiiragi.9730


lol what you talking about undermine? Blue owns more than green and red combined. I’d really like to see Anet step up and create a better way these match ups work, the bracket system currently is a horrible system and can be exploited by simply transferring servers. At night, ebay server is literally dead, probably less than 50 people in WvW. I really question the population each server has, its not changed in a long time so either, its broken ~ Or Anet is doing something underhanded.

I checked several parsing websites for people playing Guild Wars 2 and its been in a signficant decline since Mid Sept – so I’m pretty sure, alot of servers really have low – medium populations. Ebay after 1am EST definately has a low population.

protest this travesty of a patch -
Get it taken down -
Do whatever it takes if you care about this game -

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Jestersmiles.4365


Lol Ebay losing as usual , back to spvp.

“Thank you for rezzing me”- Thankful Stranger
“Np, it part of the Job :) " – Proud Guardian.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: ThighBruiser.7504


lol what you talking about undermine? Blue owns more than green and red combined. I’d really like to see Anet step up and create a better way these match ups work, the bracket system currently is a horrible system and can be exploited by simply transferring servers. At night, ebay server is literally dead, probably less than 50 people in WvW. I really question the population each server has, its not changed in a long time so either, its broken ~ Or Anet is doing something underhanded.

I checked several parsing websites for people playing Guild Wars 2 and its been in a signficant decline since Mid Sept – so I’m pretty sure, alot of servers really have low – medium populations. Ebay after 1am EST definately has a low population.

What are you talking about, DH only has a 10k point lead and the weekend is coming to an end. The real fight hasn’t even begun yet, the week days are going to determine how this fight turns out. Currently even though we have half the map, it is still a close battle, 10k isn’t a crazy amount to catch up to. GL NSP and EBay, it has been a great fight so far!

Thigh Bruiser – [KoTa] Knights Of The Abyss

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Deer.1890


Yeahhhhhh destroyed again by another late night pop server!!! Surprise!!! E-Bay will soon be in the lowest bracket because of the dumb free server transfers. The have destroyed any chance for servers like E-Bay to build up any type of server pride, when it is just easier to transfer off to the winning side.

Maybe someday Anet will get it right and stop these transfers all together, and only allow paid transfers to the lower populated servers. Good fights, but being zerged down for a 3rd week in a row just does not seem all the fun. Also the smaller force rarely has a chance to beat a larger force because of the dumb down system. Life will go on though, and soon we can beat up on the bottom 2-3 servers YAH!!!!

Deeer 80 Warrior RLH Ehmry Bay

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: FrieAaron.1540


Yeah, it does suck to just know that overnight you will lose 100% of the map. Really hurts to pay for those upgrades knowing that. But oh well, nothing we can do at this point.

In other news, we’ve been running across this group of botters from Darkhaven that just swim in a huge clump killing Quaggans. If anyone on Darkhaven sees them, please report.


Beangineer / Fries Bean of PiaS
Sorrow’s Furnace

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Worban.1574


Yes, thank you FrieAaron. We are reporting when we see them too, because they hurt our WvW performance, taking up precious map slots and doing absolutely nothing to help our scores.

They are not native DH players. We saw them start flooding to our server on last week’s match-up where we controlled 95% of the map, 24/7. Botters love that kitten because they farm with less interruption.

I don’t even know what they’re farming for. I’ve never farmed in WvW (I’ve already got all the karma and xp I could ever want just in normal play/fighting) and have no idea what drops off normal NPC’s to make it more worthwhile than PvE.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Quench.7091


lol what you talking about undermine? Blue owns more than green and red combined. I’d really like to see Anet step up and create a better way these match ups work, the bracket system currently is a horrible system and can be exploited by simply transferring servers. At night, ebay server is literally dead, probably less than 50 people in WvW. I really question the population each server has, its not changed in a long time so either, its broken ~ Or Anet is doing something underhanded.

I checked several parsing websites for people playing Guild Wars 2 and its been in a signficant decline since Mid Sept – so I’m pretty sure, alot of servers really have low – medium populations. Ebay after 1am EST definately has a low population.

What are you talking about, DH only has a 10k point lead and the weekend is coming to an end. The real fight hasn’t even begun yet, the week days are going to determine how this fight turns out. Currently even though we have half the map, it is still a close battle, 10k isn’t a crazy amount to catch up to. GL NSP and EBay, it has been a great fight so far!

Last match us Northern Shiverpeakers fought, the teams didn’t even reach a 10k point difference between each other from what I remember. A10k difference can be a crazy amount if the enemy is making just as much as you during large parts of the day.


Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: ThighBruiser.7504


Last match us Northern Shiverpeakers fought, the teams didn’t even reach a 10k point difference between each other from what I remember. A10k difference can be a crazy amount if the enemy is making just as much as you during large parts of the day.

Your right, if every battle was exactly the same as your last one then you would be correct, 10k would be huge. My whole point anyway was the fact that people were giving up too soon b/c who knows what the week days have to bring. 10k may not be all that much with DH’s week day schedule, but hey if you wanna QQ now, server transfers are still free I hear.

Other servers have come back from much more than 10k points to take the lead again.

Thigh Bruiser – [KoTa] Knights Of The Abyss

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Exedore.6320


Didn’t Darkhaven come back from more than 10k points behind 3 weeks ago in our first week against Sorrow’s Furnace and Sanctum of Rall? We missed first by less than 2000.

Kirrena Rosenkreutz

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


I have to say I played entirely too much today. From 1PM to 1AM CST. During that time I more often than not saw BOTH SIDES sieging ebay EB.

Now I understand why, Ebay has lower pop and so makes a prime target AND with the help of the other team also smashing us we have a more difficult time defending. BUT this kind of situation pretty much takes the third realm out of it completely.

It’s just not cool to pull off a great defense against superior numbers only to lose another tower. Upon keeping tabs on this you then notice the other teams towers stay fortified all day long and don’t really switch hands much.

I experienced 12 hours of constant 2 front sieges today and I have to say that I feel there needs to be some sort of saving grace for that 3rd realm. The current system encourages people to avoid the real opponents and instead tests who can pick on the little guy the most.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Flic.6938


Everytime I have been red on EB it feels like a double team, I dont think its planned but more just the way the maps designed, same thing happens on borderlands with the home team always getting attacked by both due to map lay out.

(edited by Flic.6938)

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Zappa.9064


Well. NSP owns a good deal of the map but DH has about the same points as NS and EB combined. Unfortunately, with the late night mismatch I’m betting this is going to be a blowout for DH. NSP will probably not be able to keep up the North American daytime pressure during the working/school week, while the Aussies will still be able to own the night.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Dinks.2478


Let the Darkhaven night capping festivities begin! Woooooo

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Adreim.5193


So what is the hate between certain NSP players and TFO moving to the server

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Prosecutor.1457


Honestly, I don’t know who will win for sure. It’s the weekend for us therefore, most of DH was probably on. My guild was able to muster up around 20-30 everytime we wanted to WvW the last 2 days. The weekday is coming up, so school/work/ other priorities will soon take account.

Prosecute, lvl 80 Guardian
Leader of Side Effect, [SE]
Tarnished Coast

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Arius.7031


Didn’t Darkhaven come back from more than 10k points behind 3 weeks ago in our first week against Sorrow’s Furnace and Sanctum of Rall? We missed first by less than 2000.

Yes, if I recall correctly we were behind by either 20k or 40k, not sure which.

For those who don’t like Dh night capping, and for those who say neither of the other two teams stand a chance… Try to keep in mind that while we night cap, you guys morning cap, because we have about 6 hours of virtually no people on.


Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Zappa.9064


@Arius and DH players – definitely not trying to hate. When there’s the switchover and a good number of players from both sides on it’s been a great match. It just sucks to wake up to a 20K deficit is all.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Dinks.2478



True, your server doesn’t put up a fight in the day time. But the other two servers have to fight each other. It is in no way the same.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Ricky.4706


Darkhaven is simply outnumbered right now. its usually the case for daytime fights. whether you go left or right …there are groups all over the place …plus a zerg in the center while they fight off other server. Totally imbalanced but DH is still pressing on!

IBM PC XT 4.77mhz w/turbo oc@ 8mhz 640kb windows 3.1 hayes 56k seagate 20 meg HD mda@720x350 pixels

(edited by Ricky.4706)

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Radiodread.8469


EB @ DH BL. Why are you helping blue take the bay?

Radiodread, Guardian [Os] NSP
AKA: Darkshines, Schroedingers Mesmer

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Arius.7031


@Arius and DH players – definitely not trying to hate. When there’s the switchover and a good number of players from both sides on it’s been a great match. It just sucks to wake up to a 20K deficit is all.

I actually didn’t have you in mind when I made that post :P.

Don’t worry, Dh understands how that feels. Yak’s Bend and SoR did the same to us — so we can relate.

Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Arius.7031



True, your server doesn’t put up a fight in the day time. But the other two servers have to fight each other. It is in no way the same.

I said morning — not during the day time. You should keep in mind, we are very competitive during the day (we exchanged the lead with NSP a couple of times). We are not at all competitive during morning and Ehmry Bay is not really either, I’ll put another screenshot to demonstrate that.

We night cap, true, NSP morning caps, true. They both fight pretty hard during the day. It’s Darkhaven’s fault that it can’t hold its own during the morning, and it’s NSP’s fault that it can’t hold its own during the night.


Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Dinks.2478


Its no servers fault, its Arenanets fault for leaving free transfers open and allowing guilds to jump ship to the winning servers. They kittened everything up. Won’t accept responsibility and wonder why the games population just drops a little more every day.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Dinks.2478



True, your server doesn’t put up a fight in the day time. But the other two servers have to fight each other. It is in no way the same.

I said morning — not during the day time. You should keep in mind, we are very competitive during the day (we exchanged the lead with NSP a couple of times). We are not at all competitive during morning and Ehmry Bay is not really either, I’ll put another screenshot to demonstrate that.

We night cap, true, NSP morning caps, true. They both fight pretty hard during the day. It’s Darkhaven’s fault that it can’t hold its own during the morning, and it’s NSP’s fault that it can’t hold its own during the night.

Also, how come its always the servers with unfair advantages that try to make it sound reasonable. The score looks pretty similar right now, well into the day. And we have EB attacking us and taking stuff back and forth. A morning cap? are you kidding me. Find a legitimate thing to complain about.

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: iii.3905


Dear Dark Haven,

Let us remember that two weeks ago fighting SoR and SF, we had a lead over the weekend and eventually lost it over the week days. Let us realize that our advantage will not last forever thus it is up to us to keep the lead! NSP is a great server with capacity to defeat us easliy, so does EBay. This match is by far from over!

Men! Rally up! Draw swords! Drink coffee if you have to! Do not take your opponent lightly!!!

-Half Naked Norn

Ps I saw a guy from guild EPIC in NSP yesterday and a guy from SIN in EBAY…

Do not lose our guards!!! Turn your fraps on All The Time!

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Arius.7031



I’m not complaining about anything — morning capping is a legit tactic. It’s Darkhaven’s fault that we can’t stop it. We recognize our failings, and instead of blaming the other servers for them, we look to better ourselves.

Here, let me phrase it like this. You don’t have many people during the night, neither does EB, Darkhaven has more, so we win. Darkhaven doesn’t have many people during the morning, neither does EB, NSP has more, so they win. Tell me how morning capping is suddenly acceptable, when night capping is not? I’m sorry, but logic (as opposed to emotional reactions) indicates that you’re just as guilty as we are.

It’s not an unfair advantage, I’m going to be blunt and phrase it in a way you’ll understand. It is 100% NSP’s fault that they do not have a strong night time presence (organization and number), their server is 100% to blame, it is a weakness that is their fault. It is not our fault that we’re stronger at night than you, it’s not unfair. We’re not numerically superior because we have billions of oceanic players, and we’ve had this advantage for weeks — it has nothing to do with transfers. We have it because we have players willing to take advantage of your server’s failings.

I don’t like to be so blunt, but I think people need to wake up. It’s not the other server’s fault that they’re stronger than you are — they can’t bloody help it, and it’s not unfair. Do like we did, do like Sanctum of Rall did, and organize a night time force.

Edit: Would also like to add, just wait, you guys may find that during the week you’ll overpower us at night. Again, wasn’t trying to be rude, but I’m getting really tired of people complaining about the other server having advantages. One server will always have an advantage over another, whether it be numerical or organizational, it’s never going to be even and that’s the way it should be. Would it be fun if it was always 3 completely equal sides with completely equal strengths at all times? I love matches where each side brings a strength of it’s own to the table — it forces the other servers to adapt and try to get stronger in order to negate their enemy’s advantage.

Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]

(edited by Arius.7031)

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Radiodread.8469


NSP here, also sick of people complaining about time zone issues. Just play through it. It is what it is. Its a worldwide 24/7 game.

Radiodread, Guardian [Os] NSP
AKA: Darkshines, Schroedingers Mesmer

Darkhaven Vs. Ehmry Bay Vs. Northern Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Ralathar.7236


Yeah, try being the 3rd place realm that never gets to upgrade it’s stuff because both sides see easy takes compared to each others fully upgraded towers they got while nobody else was on lol.

I agree it’s our fault for not being able to field the people, but the game also encourages farming the weaker of the 3 realms for points instead of actually fighting the stronger realms.

Rashanala – 80 Elementalist
Ehmry Bay – Legion of the Iron Hawk [Hawk]