Deso vs Arbor vs BB vs NPC
I only want to clarify a few things.
First of all, this week is being very hard for us (BB) because I think Deso and Arbor are still above us in terms of organization, attack, defence,…we are in the correct way, but still we must walk a lot.
Also the skills of some single players of Deso and Arbor is impressive, very nice solo fights (most of time I lose, but learned a lot).
Probably one of the harder weeks we have.
But I read this thread and there are several posts that aren´t true.
1-Yes, our night force is important. But I can say the same about Deso or Arbor day force. Is just the opposite situation. Mornings specially. I can understand how you feel when overmanned that way. Is not fun. You are right. But we also haven´t fun at the morning. I say this because it seems there is no problem in zerg someone at the day but there are at night. Is the same in 2 different moments. Thats why matches are 24h during 7 days.
I´m with you, I don´t like zergs. But while Anet doesn´t change anything, this gameplay will be only zerging, turtle turtle turtle!!, and mesmer portals in your nose… :S nothing more, no skill, nothing. Who have the bigger numbers is the only important. Is sad, you all have right.Anyway, as I said, Deso and Arbor are for me two of the best servers we fighted. Very hard and strong opponents. We are trying to do our best but is not easy. I also noticed a good night presence in their BL, greater than ours in fact in these zones. Continue this way guys and I think T1 would be your natural place.
Good luck and nice fights!
Mate nothing wrong with using a night force to win and stay in tier 2 especially when fighting opposition with experience of the higher tiers. We at Deso cannot moan as we benefitted from night capping in the past.
We have benefitted this match up of not having to face SF who have limitless numbers duurign the day and then you guys had the same at night. So this match up we are able to get more points in the day.
Anyway been a pleasure fighting you guys and I must say you are already an improved opposition in terms of fighting ability than last time we met.
As for Arbor and everyone’s moaning about who’s zerg’s the largest well…….
BB is more interesting to fight that the last time, seem’s you have discovers toughness ..
Continue this way guys and I think T1 would be your natural place.
Atm, Deso or us have a to low night/morning presence to stay in T1 more than 2/3 week.
As for Arbor and everyone’s moaning about who’s zerg’s the largest well…
Deso “zerg” is really low ( in scale ) vs some VS/BT zerg
Jade Quarry
(edited by Wothan.4673)
BB is more interesting to fight that the last time, seem’s you have discovers toughness ..
Continue this way guys and I think T1 would be your natural place.
Atm, Deso or us have a to low night/morning presence to stay in T1 more than 2/3 week.
As for Arbor and everyone’s moaning about who’s zerg’s the largest well…
Deso “zerg” is really low ( in scale ) vs some VS/BT zerg
Wothan, would you kindly inform Truebanana.5936 of this, he seems to have missed it when hes in WvW
this week has been fun for me. lots of good fighting everywhere and strong opponents, thought the BB players could probably beef up a little since most of the time it feels like you’re made of paper
but anyways, it’s been great. I had a lot of fun so thansk for that.
but that aside it’s kinda sad that when arborstone is running with twice our numbers on a borderland and we really have no chance of holding you back you still have to resort to pathetic cheating tactics and have your spies, who’s transferred to desolation, queue pointless upgrades in our keeps just before you attack them.
“deso commander: walls are wood but the supplies are good so we should be able to hold them off for a little while. oh scratch that, someone just queued cannons!”
“mr frenchie in map chat: bwahaha u r no supplies le iron bus! your father was a hamster and your mother smelled of elderberries!”
“All war is deception.” – General Sun Tzu
Could you have some name ? or at least just report this guy :/
Jade Quarry
Could you have some name ? or at least just report this guy :/
There are no names in WvW, so unless you actually see them place it there is no way to report it..
This is getting to be a major issue though, the amount of siege placed in useless places is getting out of hand. No one minds losing, it’s all part of the game, but at least play fair.
it seems BB has given up.. not many online today..
Could you have some name ? or at least just report this guy :/
There are no names in WvW, so unless you actually see them place it there is no way to report it..
This is getting to be a major issue though, the amount of siege placed in useless places is getting out of hand. No one minds losing, it’s all part of the game, but at least play fair.
So far I’ve spotted rams on top of supply shed’s roofs inside some of our EB towers. At first I thought it was random misplaced siege blueprints, but it’s getting a bit too frequent to be just a random oopsie daisy. Either way, play fair or don’t play at all.
Ah Frou, i love your sig… thats true deso mentality
thats true deso mentality
Because it’s a quote form a US guy ? a legacy of Ruins ?
just a joke.
Jade Quarry
thats true deso mentality
Because it’s a quote form a US guy ? a legacy of Ruins ?
just a joke.
…Or because we’re constantly outnumbered when facing your zerg server?
“All war is deception.” – General Sun Tzu
…Or because we’re constantly outnumbered when facing your zerg server?
Iron are maybe the most misplaced guild on deso for speak about other zerg
( even if you’r “zerg” are low in scale vs some zerg on BT/VS ofc ).
Anyway and unfortunately, zerg is everywhere and become more frequent, it’s not like if Anet make all for encouraged it in the same way :/
Jade Quarry
I have nothing against zergs. don’t get me wrong. we have no problems what so ever beating any zergs from any server when we have even numbers or even when we’re outnumbered 2 to 1. but vs arborstone it’s at least 3 to 1 pretty much all the time. it gets kind of boring in the long run really.
“All war is deception.” – General Sun Tzu