Deso vs Elona vs VS
I think, from what i’ve seen, every server you have fought against recently has had the same frustrations.
Elona and SFR have voiced their opinions too.It is working, so there’s no reason to change what you do. Don’t deny us our venting about it on the forums -_-
I’m from Elona Reach, not Vizunah though. I understand the whine about Vizunah, because they’re rarely fun to fight against, they do run away from battles to hide in keeps, they do only engage fights when they outnumber you and they do hunt single players across the whole map with groups of 5+, but I’ve experienced almost the same behaviour with Deso players (except for the runaway part).
Anyway, see how subjective and biased these opinions are – even mine? It is obvious that theres no matchup for Vizu atm, but the real problem are not their players, but their night activity, which spoils the matchup for the other two servers. Flaming players isn’t gonna help much, as the perspective always lays in the eye of the beholder.
I like the reset on server-rating…..we all get the chance to fight other servers
I bit boring fighting the same every freaking time.
Ye GvGs can destroy WvW or atleast a big hit.
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
I think, from what i’ve seen, every server you have fought against recently has had the same frustrations.
Elona and SFR have voiced their opinions too.It is working, so there’s no reason to change what you do. Don’t deny us our venting about it on the forums -_-
I’m from Elona Reach, not Vizunah though. I understand the whine about Vizunah, because they’re rarely fun to fight against, they do run away from battles to hide in keeps, they do only engage fights when they outnumber you and they do hunt single players across the whole map with groups of 5+, but I’ve experienced almost the same behaviour with Deso players (except for the runaway part).
Anyway, see how subjective and biased these opinions are – even mine? It is obvious that theres no matchup for Vizu atm, but the real problem are not their players, but their night activity, which spoils the matchup for the other two servers. Flaming players isn’t gonna help much, as the perspective always lays in the eye of the beholder.
Ye i can find myself in your statement laquito
Doesnt matter how many times we say it….it wont change anything.
See ya in battle…..look for FG i will be in the frontline hehe.
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
Commanded in EB today during the night for a couple of hours and there were great fights!
Vizunah did not hide in EB in their towers, which was much fun!
Maybe they had slightly more numbers than us, but the problem they faced is that if our zerg approached, half of their zerg moved away and the other half ran into us. Which is why we won almost every battle during the night.
Elona tried to do a golem run but we caught them in the open field which was quite fun! But during the rest of the night Elona was outmanned and the fights almost only where between us and Viz.
Thanks for the great battles both of you!
And for the people who whine about Vizunah hiding in towers, almost everyone does if they have non-guild armies facing the same or more numbers. It is the only way to survive
OMNI Commander, Gunnars Hold
Just a matter of point of view : the ennemy side always seems bigger than your own side and it’s often not the case. And secondly this a game of “take and hold” so i think it’s kinda smart to stay in keeps defending and and go fighting in openfield only when there’s a need for it. If you didn’t understand it yet.. i’m sorry for you.
And for the “fun factor”, we have a lot of fun to see you crush on our doors
Vizunah Square
i jsut don’t get it….has the Deso team on Etnernal Battlegrounds ever attacked Klovan? The only thing they do is attacking SM and Ogrewatch. That’s it. I just don’t get why you don’t focus Vizunah. Vizunah is doin’ more and more points and we lose ranks with every day…
Deso is distracting us and we ahve to attack bravost/Durios. Im so tired of this.
You shouldn’t beat the enemy of your enemy! if you attack us you won’t lose less ranks. You ahve to attack Vizunah -________- all in all it’s pvp and you can do what you want.
btw I had a blast today on eternal battlegrounds! blocked Vizunah Waypoint for like 2 hours and even team up with a very nice deso party
Nothing could kill us (stealth ftw!). Even the main zerg! Trolling you Vizunah was an honour
(edited a bit the screenshot. don’t bother.)
Callous Philosophy [LaG]
† Good Old Days [GD]
Deffe mate,
We Vizunian can’t fight in open it seems. How come though that when one of your troop [EXG] gets totally destroyed in 1v1 (do explain to your players what confusion is/how it works, they don’t have a clue), all you have to offer is come back 4v1 and /danse when the fight is over?
South of Etheron, 5 minutes ago. Screenshot available if you need/want.
lmao ^^
A [VoC] Asura mesmer really not afraid of the open ;-)
it’s boring to play against biefs are constantly in turn with a lot of siege weapon, and desolations that when they attack mode zerg. Strongly next week.
Hey, we are Deso. We like to talk about vizu being scared to fight and being bad. Meanwhile we dont even try to atack vizu and defend vizus keeps against elona, so that they dont get any points. Elona ist trying to take the hill on their side at Vizu gl? Oh well lets go in, too BUT we wont atack a wall or the door, we will just go to the vista where elona is standing and take their katas down, huehue with this we will stay place 2. We are the best server.
Thanks Deso for this 5 days WvW experience of getting perma focused by u and they are not random players but whole guilds, who are running for hours against the one last standing tower we have instead of the wood keeps or towers that are on this maps.
Seefarers might not score that well against Vizu but hell they dont have to use such tactics and actually fight and stop talking about the point game if u are doing it for days. God, i would rather fight 2 Vizu servers then Deso again. Not saying all guilds/players did this but we are having this situation every day since reset on ever bl, hope u change ur playstyle and try to actually fight instead of talking bad about vizu in the forum.
Deffe mate,
We Vizunian can’t fight in open it seems. How come though that when one of your troop [EXG] gets totally destroyed in 1v1 (do explain to your players what confusion is/how it works, they don’t have a clue), all you have to offer is come back 4v1 and /danse when the fight is over?
South of Etheron, 5 minutes ago. Screenshot available if you need/want.
lmao ^^
A [VoC] Asura mesmer really not afraid of the open ;-)
I was the warrior who trashed you and actually wouldnt drop.
EXG is a PVX guild a lot of our players are not best pvp or wvw players.
And i explained him what did he die to.
Edit. Oh yeah and grats winning 1v1 on 1 of the most op classes currently.
(edited by Deffe.2967)
I fight for Desolation. Let me tell you one thing. I have never seen a guild team in our side during the hours I play. I see max 3-5 guys from one guild. Most of are just pugs and we have lots of underleveled and undergeared guys (including me, I got full exotic armor, but not yet exotic jewelry, fixed soon though). On many occasions there aren’t even any Deso commanders in EB. But I am mostly a roamer. I am rarely in any team. So the player experience might be different for others.
I am sure every server has good and bad players. This is true for all tiers.
I don’t even consider myself a good player.
Last night I had a blast at Borderlands, doing solo roaming with my engineer. I killed several enemy teams from VS and Elona underwater alone. Yes, even 1 vs 3. It seems most people really fail at underwater combat, which I think it is really cool as I love full 3D movement without limits. I captured all three Quaggan tribes from enemy to us and I did the central island group event many times in a row. Plus killed tons of Krait (they give crap loot, so not worth it). I also had a 1-vs-1 against Elona engineer. Finally a 1-vs-1 against same profession. First time! Pity all the enemy engineers are so squishy and die freaking easily.
I finally died when I was reading wiki trying to find out the BL central island storm generator thing operators and asking help from map chat. I still have no clue how it works. So while my keyboard input was away, 5 man enemy team comes to central islands and gibs me dead. No hard feelings. I have also several times died when visiting the bathroom or answering phone. Kinda difficult to play well while your ex calls you and asks questions.
But I agree with one thing. Desolation should spend less time trying to stomp Elona and just running around in zergs. Both Desolation and Elona should team up to gimp VS.
And you should fear us in open combat. We hit like a train. Hehe :-P
Deniara / Ayna
PS. I have no issues with either Elona or VS. It is true that VS is master of siege and defending keeps, and running back into safety fast. Amazing coverage, almost always huge 15-20 men VS zergs roaming on the map where you least expect and with the new “improved” culling that means I see just 1-2 enemies, until suddenly I see 15 more, which just ran over my dying corpse. But please don’t bad mouth other worlds. Even the lowest tier worlds surely have some amazing players, I know this for sure as I used to fight for Blacktide, which is now heading to the bottom tier. The tier doesn’t tell much about the player quality. It is all about coverage and time invested. The bigger numbers and better coverage wins, not skill.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
lol Elona having a go at Deso for not attacking Viz, yous lot do nothing, attack Umberglade, run back, , attack Umberglade, run back, , attack Umberglade, run back,, attack Umberglade, run back, get SM.
The only time you attack Durios is when Viz are attacking Quntin Lake, elona done that 4 times today, so if your so worried about Viz getting more points try and take one of there towers instead, you’ve done no damage to Viz in this match up, awful
Asura – Desolation
(edited by Dyno.9467)
This is BS just a few mins ago i had a balista up at the vista up by Anz… I notice i geting hits so i see a balista on Anz mortar place shoting at me so i try to target it … no jo i tab to target it no joy tho the Elona person could target us on the hill no issue…
Now i play everthing on high settings or ultra except shadows…. is this to culling or some kind of zoom hack as i could see the balista.
what what what….
almost always huge 15-20 men VS zergs roaming on the map where you least expect and with the new “improved” culling that means I see just 1-2 enemies, until suddenly I see 15 more, which just ran over my dying corpse. But please don’t bad mouth other worlds. Even the lowest tier worlds surely have some amazing players, I know this for sure as I used to fight for Blacktide, which is now heading to the bottom tier.
15-20 people is a small group, leaning towards medium-sized, hardly a “huge zerg” even when running solo.
You should know this, especially being ex-Blacktide :p
@phoebe: I know it is a late reaction, but I read your post (the long rant) and couldn’t help it to laugh.
You want to know Vizuna’s secret? We know ^^…
They use glasscanon rangers with bows shooting from a distance laying down tons of aoe. But you can fart em down if you play clever. You’ll get chained entangles too btw.
How to kill em? Well I can’t do all the work can I ^^. But at field fights Vizu really really ain’t good. You need half their numbers to kill em in a good organized group.
Why vizu is winning?
1. they have a good strategy and insane scouting system (this has to be said and makes them deserve their spot in T1)
2. they nightcap everything make it T3 and with full supply depots
3. they have A LOT of people all around the clock
How to beat em?
1. get a half decent team at night to counter the nightcap and you deny em 50% of their points
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU
Thanks for the fight at deso bl for the defender bunker necro and ranger vz players who obsessively defended bay, and the zerg who came help at bay for them. I loved their instant res also at bay. After the fight it seems the dancing VSS guilded vz pl was so proud for himself about that achievement. I have to congrats for him also. It was a fair fight, gj.
Very interesting point that vz can rule most of the maps with only few players and able to cap towers one by one easily at night while our almost all players are occupied on eternal. That was one factor why vz can win. Not just because the numbers they have.
one from deso
For punishment
Haaaaa ROFLMAO !
By the way, ER made several trebuchets, ballistas and arrow carts in their supplies tonight !
Thanks for the fight at deso bl for the defender bunker necro and ranger vz players who obsessively defended bay, and the zerg who came help at bay for them. I loved their instant res also at bay. After the fight it seems the dancing VSS guilded vz pl was so proud for himself about that achievement. I have to congrats for him also. It was a fair fight, gj.
Very interesting point that vz can rule most of the maps with only few players and able to cap towers one by one easily at night while our almost all players are occupied on eternal. That was one factor why vz can win. Not just because the numbers they have.—
one from deso
We took your Longview, Cliffside and Garrison on ER BR with 5 ppl, while 15 of you tried to take our Bay against 5 defenders during 2 hours, without success.
Maybe you should reconsider your priorities ? But anyway, you had an upper income until 6am.
(edited by Qwixx.5923)
@Dyno.9467 “he only time you attack Durios is when Viz are attacking Quntin Lake”
Why don’t you ettack Klovan when we attack Wildcreek??? You just haev attacked Ogrewatch and Sm. That’s all you do.
Vizunah is smart as kitten. If you go for SM they immedietely leave SM and attack Anza or Mendons. Deso is a very good server, but you sometimes lack of smartness in Eternal Battlegrounds.
Callous Philosophy [LaG]
† Good Old Days [GD]
Hey, we are Deso. We like to talk about vizu being scared to fight and being bad. Meanwhile we dont even try to atack vizu and defend vizus keeps against elona, so that they dont get any points. Elona ist trying to take the hill on their side at Vizu gl? Oh well lets go in, too BUT we wont atack a wall or the door, we will just go to the vista where elona is standing and take their katas down, huehue with this we will stay place 2. We are the best server.
Thanks Deso for this 5 days WvW experience of getting perma focused by u and they are not random players but whole guilds, who are running for hours against the one last standing tower we have instead of the wood keeps or towers that are on this maps.
Seefarers might not score that well against Vizu but hell they dont have to use such tactics and actually fight and stop talking about the point game if u are doing it for days. God, i would rather fight 2 Vizu servers then Deso again. Not saying all guilds/players did this but we are having this situation every day since reset on ever bl, hope u change ur playstyle and try to actually fight instead of talking bad about vizu in the forum.
You got to be kidding me Ramic… start flaming over this….when Elona dont use their brains when they see us hitting trebs(Viz) with a balista with a small group……you just helped Viz and whiped them with your zerg……i frankly dont care if Viz wins it is rating reset….we finally fight other servers we would normally never face cus we are T1-2 server…… i dont mind being 2nd or 3rd and you shouldnt be that either….stop complaining and just enjoy….Like i told another one from Elona…..Viz stay Viz no matter what we do or say….just keep up the fights and keep having fun.
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
(edited by Dalure.4691)
@Dyno.9467 “he only time you attack Durios is when Viz are attacking Quntin Lake”
Why don’t you ettack Klovan when we attack Wildcreek??? You just haev attacked Ogrewatch and Sm. That’s all you do.Vizunah is smart as kitten. If you go for SM they immedietely leave SM and attack Anza or Mendons. Deso is a very good server, but you sometimes lack of smartness in Eternal Battlegrounds.
I remember few commanders saying something about it being totally useless to go for Viz towers as it’s waste of time/siege, since Viz will just summon their blob and wipe everyone out.
Just happened again Viz go QL and Elona get Durios, if elona are so worried about Viz point gain, attack one of there towers.
Asura – Desolation
@Dyno.9467 “he only time you attack Durios is when Viz are attacking Quntin Lake”
Why don’t you ettack Klovan when we attack Wildcreek??? You just haev attacked Ogrewatch and Sm. That’s all you do.Vizunah is smart as kitten. If you go for SM they immedietely leave SM and attack Anza or Mendons. Deso is a very good server, but you sometimes lack of smartness in Eternal Battlegrounds.
I remember few commanders saying something about it being totally useless to go for Viz towers as it’s waste of time/siege, since Viz will just summon their blob and wipe everyone out.
Hey Frou, glad to hear you are having fun on Gandara and keeping an eye on us too Say hi to everyone for me.
What you say is completely true, and as you know what Deso EB is usually like, lets just say, we would attack a tower if we could…
Hey hey! Must keep up with what the cool kids are up to :>
Great fighting MOS tonight on Deso border, always a pleasure and a challange fighting u guys. Cheers
looks like we will be playing VS again,
lol, they need 5 golems to take an empty BL ?
EU tier 1 will never be fun as long as VS plays te way they play, SFR/PIKEN pls, get on tier 1 and let us have tier 2 :P
(edited by salluks.6017)
EU tier 1 will never be fun as long as VS plays te way they play, SFR/PIKEN pls, get on tier 1 and let us have tier 2 :P
No way man, Deso should tank and get fun in T2 with SFR and Piken, fun battles in openfield with less nigthcapping, that is what we all aim for after all.
EU tier 1 will never be fun as long as VS plays te way they play, SFR/PIKEN pls, get on tier 1 and let us have tier 2 :P
No way man, Deso should tank and get fun in T2 with SFR and Piken, fun battles in open field with less nigthcapping, that is what we all aim for after all.
we cant cos our pugs don’t listen to us atall..
how SFR managed to stop playing last 2 days in the last week to drop, Deso can never do that because we have very few wvw guilds and more casual guilds who run events and have to depend heavily on PUGS for support.
and dont know what happened to Elona, last time we face them 5 weeks ago they beat us 300k, now they can barely put up a fight, they keep hitting us constantly obviously not their fault cos VS dosnt fight at all.
(edited by salluks.6017)
EU tier 1 will never be fun as long as VS plays te way they play, SFR/PIKEN pls, get on tier 1 and let us have tier 2 :P
We never want to return to the hell that is T1. Just Vizunah alone made me consider taking therapy so I would be able to endure the days.
Never do I want to see another Vizunah ingame (not that you saw them too much anyways except at 5am or inside keeps).
Hopefully this reply doesn’t jinx it so spit over shoulder / knock on wood
Have fun in T1 and good luck to you all.
How sad… we are so feared!
Come on guys, come and play with us. T1 is shiny and your situational with the none-reset is lol’able.
Great fighting MOS tonight on Deso border, always a pleasure and a challange fighting u guys. Cheers
Respect to MOS for bringing it.
Personally I like 1st tier.
Sincerely yours, SM’s top floor peg leg b?stard.
We took your Longview, Cliffside and Garrison on ER BR with 5 ppl, while 15 of you tried to take our Bay against 5 defenders during 2 hours, without success.
Maybe you should reconsider your priorities ? But anyway, you had an upper income until 6am.
We dont talk about the same place at same time I guess, if you see 15 of us. We were 3-4, and you defended the keep with around 2 then 3 pl, until your 15-20 of your roaming zerg is arrived, which cover all bls and blobs when and where is needed.
Keep up that, and the organized camping in eternal jp like obsidian overlord (oogg) guys of you and a lot of others. The invasion began..
I really hope we will get other opponents today. Cheers.
How sad… we are so feared!
Come on guys, come and play with us. T1 is shiny and your situational with the none-reset is lol’able.
– An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is
dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.
– The feeling or state of being annoyed; irritation.
A thing that annoys someone; a nuisance.
You’re missing two huge criteria to qualify under ‘Fear’ as bolded. But on the other one
Stop qq about VS. It is our problem (Deso) and other servers that we don’t have better morning coverage. Their organisation seems to be working very well. If you think that VS can’t fight in the open battlefield, clearly you never fought guild like WL, MOS.
Pls stop qq and show to each other some respect.
Hey all:)
Didnt saw MOS that much but we had some good fights against WL ….i notice WL is getting better…..thanks for the battles guys….sadly i couldnt get my whole guild in the border with those freaking ques.
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
How sad… we are so feared!
Come on guys, come and play with us. T1 is shiny and your situational with the none-reset is lol’able.
– An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is
dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.Annoyance
– The feeling or state of being annoyed; irritation.
A thing that annoys someone; a nuisance.You’re missing two huge criteria to qualify under ‘Fear’ as bolded. But on the other one
- to serve as a pretext or justification: like in “We pretext to find VS annoying to excuse the lacks we have for not being able to beat them without NA help”
You can choose the bolded one you prefer.
We did all the matchup on EB with my guild CDD and we did only open field, so stop saying wrong things about VS .
Sure you didn’t know VS to talk about this things….
(edited by Enhancer.1385)
We did all the matchup on EB with my guild CDD and we did only open field, so stop saying wrong things about VS .
Sure you didn’t know VS to talk about this things….
Hope to see you then CDD…cus FG likes to fight on the open fields
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
Maybe next week where are not on BE
Hehe you mean EB…and i am counting your not there cus my guild never goes EB
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
We did all the matchup on EB with my guild CDD and we did only open field, so stop saying wrong things about VS .
Sure you didn’t know VS to talk about this things….
Hope to see you then CDD…cus FG likes to fight on the open fields
Don’t think we will be on EB two weeks straingth
Hail to the the French Canadians, onyl way we beat VS is to convince people in Australia and New Zealand to play in Desolation…..
If the frenchs can do it, we can do it also, 24/7 coverage of the battlefields…..
Hail to the the French Canadians, onyl way we beat VS is to convince people in Australia and New Zealand to play in Desolation…..
If the frenchs can do it, we can do it also, 24/7 coverage of the battlefields…..
There is no French Canadians on Vizu, or very little people, it’s a legend this …
But we a lot of gouvernement HELPS for Unemployement that is the keys
I like the reset on server-rating…..we all get the chance to fight other servers
This is what we expected as well : to fight some new servers. Not that we are bored to wipe you guys, but some variety would be cool. On the other hand : put VS in the lowest match possible, at the last rank, and we will insanely grab bags on the fields till being again n°1. I hope that other T1 servers will get better on the field, otherwise it may become unproductive for GW2 WvW.
I like the reset on server-rating…..we all get the chance to fight other servers
This is what we expected as well : to fight some new servers. Not that we are bored to wipe you guys, but some variety would be cool. On the other hand : put VS in the lowest match possible, at the last rank, and we will insanely grab bags on the fields till being again n°1. I hope that other T1 servers will get better on the field, otherwise it may become unproductive for GW2 WvW.
Well it is cancelled so it just stay the same….getting lootbags was never a problem i got alot of them from Viz
…… see ya ingame hope we get some good fights….again
Guild: ForsakenGamers (FG)
Hail to the the French Canadians, onyl way we beat VS is to convince people in Australia and New Zealand to play in Desolation…..
If the frenchs can do it, we can do it also, 24/7 coverage of the battlefields…..
There is no French Canadians on Vizu, or very little people, it’s a legend this …
But we a lot of gouvernement HELPS for Unemployement that is the keys
Well if they don’t have French Canadians on VS, then they have very sleepless French Workers everyday of the week……
Sorry but I don’t buy that, they have potentially 150 people (they can’t be always the same people so lets say 300 people) which are not sleeping between 1:00 – 6:00 and going to their school/work places without having any sleep for 7 days of the week….
Yeah, right…..
Hail to the the French Canadians, onyl way we beat VS is to convince people in Australia and New Zealand to play in Desolation…..
If the frenchs can do it, we can do it also, 24/7 coverage of the battlefields…..
There is no French Canadians on Vizu, or very little people, it’s a legend this …
But we a lot of gouvernement HELPS for Unemployement that is the keysWell if they don’t have French Canadians on VS, then they have very sleepless French Workers everyday of the week……
Sorry but I don’t buy that, they have potentially 150 people (they can’t be always the same people so lets say 300 people) which are not sleeping between 1:00 – 6:00 and going to their school/work places without having any sleep for 7 days of the week….
Yeah, right…..
i told you we have only geeks because a lot of help by the government for unemployment see you
Very sad
Vizunah for another week and blue again. I wish we had more people on in the early mornings, at least then it would be a (fun?) competition.
Hail to the the French Canadians, onyl way we beat VS is to convince people in Australia and New Zealand to play in Desolation…..
If the frenchs can do it, we can do it also, 24/7 coverage of the battlefields…..
Shalom bro, it’s been a while.
Vizunah Square
Very sad
Vizunah for another week and blue again. I wish we had more people on in the early mornings, at least then it would be a (fun?) competition.
Depends on your goals
Goal1: If you have the goal to Win as a server, even in times where you are not playing you are right
Goal2: If you have the goal to have interesting battles while you are playing you cannot get a better opponent, Vizu offers you to be there for you whenever you like to play.
And if you wonder where Elona is: I think when we are in T1 without holidays we are happy with goal2, only if we have either holidays or are in T2 we “upgrade” our goals to goal1