Desolation WvW and Server Organization

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


Guys on Desolation I don’t know about you but for almost the entire duration of the Vizunah vs Shiverpeaks vs Desolation WvWvW we’ve been the least organized and the server that sucked the most (no offence its true). Our motto is basically zerg anything in our path and whenever someone tries to suggest something its mostly ignored. Which raises the question (no offence) how the hell are we third?

Is it just in our battleground as I mostly play on it or is it the same for the other battlegrounds that we can play on, we need to organize ourselves, better any ideas?

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


Anybody with ideas?

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: MagnusLL.8473


You need guild groups taking the lead. My guild at the moment is still growing and only organizes WvW events at Sunday; however I will push and try to setup groups more often, but I still need to level even one toon to 80 (being on holiday last 2 weeks didn’t help) and in any case I cannot play too many hours/week.

Another huge problem is the lack of server subforums which makes coordinating guilds on the server more difficult.

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


we could use reddit or something like that. But the problem isnt just leading its the fact that people ignore good ideas and would rather suicide zerg en masse on a keep and a bugged keep at that

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: MagnusLL.8473


You will always have useless nabs at any time of the day wasting precious slots, that’s just a fact of life but it’s the same for everyone. What the guild group provides is a core of 15-20 people who DO follow orders. Once you have those, alongside the non-nabs joining them, all of a sudden you have an effective fighting force. It won’t win you the match but it sure as hell can easily turn around a map for the duration of its presence.

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


Any dedicated WvW guilds on Deso that could help out whats yours Magnus?

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Raap.9065


Which raises the question (no offence) how the hell are we third?

I wondered about this, but I came to the conclusion that it’s because of the score system and transfers.

When we’re winning or on more even grounds, our WvW activity sky rockets, we’ll have queue’s almost 24/7. This might aswell be because the other two servers have people transfering to us, in the same way we have people transfering to vizunah square where we’re losing.

Because we usually win against a matchup that is anything other than VS and FS (or when we have a more equal fight, we still win because suddenly, Desolation is the one with a nightzerg, and another fact is that those servers are ‘equally organised’), our score is high enough to put us 3rd, as we out-score the 3rd server at that time who is fighting against VS and FS.

Swift Mending – Guardian
Thorny Scrub – Thief

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


I’m actually surprised at how little thought this issue is given, seeing as how we’re getting ourkitten kicked by FS and Vizunah

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Kuro Zetsumei.1397

Kuro Zetsumei.1397

its probably because most of the people in WvW tend to be incredebly un-helpful and even hateful toward others, so when someone tries to help by taking command they get a scolding, seen it several times, so I believe at this point only organized guilds can help.

but that’s just my 2 cents on the matter

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Snapple.9251


We have a few guilds that run organised evenings and such, but compared to the 2 servers we are facing we are by no means a WvW specialised server.
The organisation will come, as the people who don’t understand WvW and get frustrated when face-rolling keep doors doesn’t seem to work leave and get bored.
We need more organised guilds to form, and for those guilds to get organised with each other.

I think being 3rd is beneficial while the free transfers are still happening because we won’t get all the glory hunters hopping to our server making queues hell.

[IRON] – SoR
Snappless / Osii

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Epoch.5396


You had a ton of Russians getting you early morning scores and a large general population keeping you up there.
You got popular due to success and then zerglings swamped your server so organised guilds couldnt play together. Organised guilds left and now your left with the bottom of the barrel players. I think your in for a fun few months


Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Vayra.3290


You had a ton of Russians getting you early morning scores and a large general population keeping you up there.
You got popular due to success and then zerglings swamped your server so organised guilds couldnt play together. Organised guilds left and now your left with the bottom of the barrel players. I think your in for a fun few months

Yep the majority of organised guilds ditched the server after BWE3 when we realized the perfect win record would attract too many people.

The Unnamed[ThUn] – Desolation
Vayra – Elementalist
Forkrul Assail – Mesmer

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Uder.9187


Seems like we are a PvE server…

The Iron Triangle – Desolation
Leina Shade | Svea Lightbringer | Maximus Ironhide | Mara Deathblossom

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: MagnusLL.8473


You know what the funny thing is?

There are at least 2 maps now on Desolation where you can enter instantly or nearly instantly at almost every time of the day.

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Busko.7408


I think we actually lost alot of WvW peeps that where doing it before also we 3rd coz our zergs usaly got egnuf points during night to hold the lead in 24h games tho i have not seen any good night capping for the last week and half.

Biggest problem was that people seem not to understand the basics of wvw with supplies etc. They take over tower run off loot of of supplies and go for next target.
WvW is not a 5 min battle ground its supposed to be a 2 week on you take something you supply it you fortify you have a def then you move on.

Im a Kitty Cat rawr
what what what….

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Hrist.8972


I always stay to defend and build siege to help with defense, but it doesn’t help since I’m mostly alone with few others bothering.

Hrist Unriht – [Hovi] Unseelie Court – Seafarer’s Rest EU

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


Finally! people on Desolation that want organization, my character is Sythus Arkane, anybody want to help start a guild that can help organize WvWvW?

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Trismegistos.3046


quote function is again not working, surprise.

but if ur looking for alliances with guilds that do WvW, whisper Apollothirteen.
we often have like 15-20 people early at night. we’re a greek guild fyi.

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: PetricaKerempuh.7958


any guild leaders reading this?

btw i think it is gona get better once more ppl hit lvl80.

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: nilco.8457


Guys guys, im from Far Shiverpeak, not coming here to say anything bad but instead ask something of you.

If you guys are guild leaders or can convey something to your respective guilds it would be good. What im proposing is this : How about we all transfer server to a low-pop one, form a WvWvW focused guild and play with no que times?

On FS we have 6-7 hours ques 16 hours a day, im getting tierd of it, and playing against VS every week dosent make it better, so I ask, how bout we all transfer to a server and make a guild? Combine forces from FS and Deso to make a new top tier server

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


Hey nilco, first I’d like to congratulate your server on your organization and victory against us, and I thank you for taking the time to read my forum even though you’re from a different server. As for your suggestion I’ve been thinking about that for a while, the problem is what server should we choose? However I haven’t given hope and Deso and I’m creating a WvWvW/spvp focused guild but i’m looking for members to join. If Deso is indeed hopeless it might be that your solution is the only one there, anyway what server do you recommend going to anyway?

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: nilco.8457


Hey, QTRKOBRA, thank you, we only win because we have more players during the night, just like VS wins over us because of the same reason I havent given up hope for FS either but the que times will not become better, I was thinking of Underworld as a server to transfer too, it is in the middle of the rankings and dont have no ques, seems like a good server to go to, but what server it is dont really matter very much, just that we get a few guilds together then make 1 big one and start winning WvWvW on the new server

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Parthis.2091


It’s not a question of organisation. What we lack is BIG WvW guilds that work well. There are quite a few small guilds that are playing well, roaming well, taking good objectives, etc. The problem i’m seeing is that we have a huge number of players that just ping pong between Briar and Lake when playing Borderlands.. etc. We also seem to have a huge number of people who simply refuse to follow “orders” out of some kind of disdain for authority. Like they’re sticking it to the man.

The big guilds that we have just don’t seem well focused. They become the zerg.

We also have a number of players who build siege without understanding why… for example, and I kid you not, the other day I watched a group of Deso players build several flame rams to take down a wall. Lined them all up and everything.

Commander Amayasu Gerani, Guardian.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –

(edited by Parthis.2091)

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


I’m actually not surprised with that showing how much Deso has changed…. But I can beat that, a few days ago people started following me and helping me capture supply camps in our BL (everything was almost lost except a tower). But for some reason there was this guy that hated me, a player came and suggested that we forget defending our new and only territory and attack (zerg actually) DB and yes it was still bugged and yes people knew that. Result? They failed I was left with 2 or 3 people including myself to try and defend 2 supply camps and we lost them, and the guy had the audacity to justify it by saying that we didn’t defend properly and the guy that hated me was basically this guy’s lapdog.

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: kefro.9312


You put a good fight during day but by night u just got empty, at least we can took garrisons with the outmaned buf on in a 1vs10 fight vs the [FR]Canadians but seriously if they balance the numbers the story would be another… I dont get why they dont balance cause on day would still be 500vs500 like usualy

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Jiiub.7135


I have just reached 50 after putting alot of time into different char’s and im getting more into WvWvW, and quickly found that Desolation has no kind of as you say organization or teamwork. please do PM me or IG send me a message if you do make the move for another server and invite to guild, i want some real organized wars going on not mindless attacking that i see right now.

[IRON] Gaming

(edited by Jiiub.7135)

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: nilco.8457


Well, guys if we do transfer we can all get organized in 1 guild, and then take controll on the server we end up. Ask around your server and try to get more people to commit to it, im ready to transfer whenever, so if you guys wanna do it im game.

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Jiiub.7135


we would need a awesome name, i really dont like when guilds takes up a silly name, i like belonging to something cool, some army name since that would be our focus. some regiment (64th Regiment, example) or some legion or other

[IRON] Gaming

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Jiiub.7135


Super clever stealth bump

[IRON] Gaming

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: MagnusLL.8473


For a server without organization and with only bottom of the barrel players we ain’t doing too bad. Gunnar’s hold had a 7k points advantage this morning thanks to the usual night capping wonder, have been kicking everyone’s bottom (OMG stupid profanity filter) for the whole day and now the advantage is down to 2k. Of course they will probably just recap everything tonight, heh. But still. Desolation is far from a bad WvW server.

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Jiiub.7135


yea we manage to “win” but some of us aint having all the fun we want with this way of playing, its just charge charge and charge again. so its not about winning its about having fun playing, and when 90% just charge and then die and the fort you started to upgrade gets crushed 20 minutes later.

Just not fun for all of us. so i think the idea is moving to a less populated server where the guild could all join and fight for real would be much more fun for me.

[IRON] Gaming

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: nilco.8457


Well guys, anyone got a suggestion for a server? I suggested underworld before, but I dont know if thats the best option, so any suggestions?

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Jiiub.7135


could just take the worst server :P but only if we can get atleast 20 people to join us in this. i dont know much since i jus today started to look and see if i could find a server that has good players and found this.

[IRON] Gaming

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Jiiub.7135


oh and not sure how the server transfer will work but we could if the server we run on gets or is bad move to another and roam the different worlds conquering them all under our banner

[IRON] Gaming

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Rabidmax.4106


Quoting Nilco: “On FS we have 6-7 hours ques 16 hours a day, im getting tierd of it, and playing against VS every week dosent make it better, so I ask, how bout we all transfer to a server and make a guild? Combine forces from FS and Deso to make a new top tier server”

So I’ve read the thread and this confuses me a little. You are sick of being in a top tier bracket because VS is in there and the queues are huge? But if all the good PvP guilds transfer from FS and Desolation into a different server, all that will happen is that server will be boosted (maybe not immediately, but very quickly) into the top bracket… once again where VS will likely still be sitting waiting for you.

I get that you want shorter queues and of course transferring will get you that initially, but eventually either Anet will fix the queuing system in some way or your new server will start building up a backlog of people anyway.

Personally I like Desolation. I’ve met some nice people and have a bunch of IRL friends in guild. Sure we could all transfer for whatever reason (not sure they would for PvP) but we lose our guild progress (since each server has different influence and builds etc), and may end up in a server where the majority of map chat is in a foreign language or something. Plus Desolation is a great name for a server.

I would love to see and be part of a big Desolation WvW guild. Someone roll up ‘Desolation Border Guard [DBG]’ (or Patrol [DBP] or something) and recruit everyone. Due to being able to be in multiple guilds at the same time you can have a rather large pool at any given time of day to call on. Ask for silver donations to guild stash every week and representing in WvW at the minimum, and go from there?

Server transfers don’t seem like the answer to me is all. Though earlier I mentioned to a mate that I expect just before transfer go paid for all the power PvP guilds to jump into quieter servers…kittenI would hate to be right.

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Jiiub.7135


there is no point to a WvWvW guild when not even 5 people can get on within a timely fashion, which is why a lower pop server would be a good place for WvWvW people, even if it draws 100-200 players for this reason there is still room for the guild to gather and have towers and castles to rule over and protect. which is still as i see it the main focus for me, to find somewhere that players will listen and not just hit 1 two million times and run forward.

[IRON] Gaming

(edited by Jiiub.7135)

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Jiiub.7135


and if i could be in a 20+ active member guild and that we can join WvW at the same time and run attacks and defenses then i will be happy

[IRON] Gaming

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Hobson.5109


I’m also looking for the same. All I do is wvwvw and that’s why I have about 4 level 30 something’s :p.

Problem with server switch is you need a fair few people to make a guild. I play alot and would be willing to help create one. I have been considering changing server for some time now and I keep looking on the guilds page for a guild to join.

I joined desolation with a few friends and all of then hardly play now so I have nothing to lose. Just my luck we managed to pick one of the biggest with horrible queues and horrible players.

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Rabidmax.4106


I understand the annoyance with queue times Jiiub, but moving to a new server doesn’t really fix the problem. At best you may get a few good days when you do get instant queues with all your friends, at worst it will improve the server coordination enough that everyone wants to queue for the winning side, and you end up in the same situation. Besides, though I know there are quick queues out there on some servers, those graphs posted the other day looked like most servers had reasonably big queues for most peak times anyway.

If queuing is a problem (and it obviously is) then it’s up to Anet to fix it. Yes, you should be able to queue as a party that joins as a group… Would this mean that when one of your team became the ‘head’ of the queue, it didn’t join that person until there was enough space to facilitate the whole group? That means a group of 20 (assume Anet adds this) trying to get in to one scenario would need to wait for 20 spaces, which means your server defences are down by up to 19 people while that last person waits for a spot. Maybe it should just mean that once one of your team starts popping into WvW, you’re guaranteed to go in one by one as spaces come up? It means that the server doesn’t lose defence while your team joins, but it also means you could be running around as half a group until more people leave.

Perhaps Anet underestimated the lure of WvW, and created battlegrounds that were too small, catering for a maximum number of people that is too far under what servers are trying to put out. In this case, they could just bump the max number of players in their server queue code, from x per server to x + 50 per server. That would have an immediate effect on queues though might still not go far enough.

Perhaps more visibility is key. Show how far you are in the queue (roughly) and how long the wait might be. Some form of trending graph perhaps. I really don’t know.

I’m sure they are trying to figure it out. It is a real shame that they didn’t expect this kind of thing to happen.

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: TRON.1085


Well I just led desolation server for 12-15 hrs. After all that time objective complete and we now have stonemist walls and doors fully upgraded and we managed to win most of our fights against RA and GH. Was very close with stonemist a few times but were now holding it for almost 12 hours.

During EU GH put up the strongest fight but then in US TZ RA became very strong.

Has been epic 16 hours of WvW. Best since beta.

People just need direction and thats what I try’d to give today and it seemed to pay off, awesome communication today and great organisation.

(edited by TRON.1085)

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Hobson.5109


I spent hours queuing for desolation. When I finally got in, I got a disconnect, server side, and had to requeu for another 3 hours.


Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: nilco.8457


Alright guys, heres the thing, im going through with this when I wake up later on today, still go no idea what server to pick but ill get back to you guys with the relevant info, im going through with the transfer alone at this point, so it will be a totally fresh and new guild, if you guys are still up for it, keep checking this thread and we will sort it out.

And Rabidmax, the thing is arenanet cant really fix it you know, there is a cap which is bound to map-size, what we are doing will only serve to even out population across plenty of servers, it can only be positive both for the servers we are leaving and the ones we will transfer too.

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: TRON.1085


Well iv been leading / helping lead desolation server now for almost 24 hours straight in WvW, except for a 1 hour break earlier in Eternal Battlegrounds.

We worked really hard and managed to get stonemist fully upgraded, and are now in process of taking the entire EB map.

Now I call that good organisation and team work Even had players helping out with golds to get upgrades.

Were now winning and just past gunners hold.

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


Just logged in right now to see WvWvW progress and it was amazing, full Desolation Bl and almost all of Eternal we did great yesterday and we’re leading right now! Congratulations! I just created a guild Desolation Border Guardians (might think of a renaming if thats possible) Anybody want to join?

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Parthis.2091


How has this thread turned into a “I wanna leave Deso!” thread? Nut up or shut up. The topic is how can we be better.

The answer is organisation, stronger guilds (read: not bigger, stronger) and better understanding. If you see someone doing something dumb, whisper them. If the zerg lacks direction and no one is talking, start talking. If you’re a small guild don’t join the zerg, get on voice comms and hit something smaller; camps, sentries, caravans. Mess the supply chain. Build a siege weapon, re-enforce a keep, etc etc.

The moment people realise the the zerg is the bottom of the gaming barrel we’ll get better… and we’re doing well considering how much better we could be.

I don’t play in EB, you’ll find me in Gunnar’s Hold Borderlands all week. If the queues are too much try a BL. Be patient… Just be ready to fight once you’re in.

Commander Amayasu Gerani, Guardian.
Leader of [JDGE] on Gandara EU.
A GW2 API for Objective-C –

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Jiiub.7135


i see some got lucky yesterday, mostly about 2% listen and the rest zerg outside the walls as soon as the enemy starts dying down, and then they come back ofcourse and the zerg all dies and the walls are undefended against such a attack. nothing gained everything lost.

I am ready for a smaller server where the guild can get on WvW and fight together to try and make it the best, and why would other players join this small server just because its getting some wins at lower levels, the match making will leave us quite low in the charts because of a lack of players anyhow.

My main thing is getting in with guild and playing the “right” way, as in the way i want :P

[IRON] Gaming

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


Hey Parthis I agree with you about the transition of this thread. I just created a guild and I’m looking for members. But the zerg problem that may or may have not stopped (not sure at this stage) was a huge factor in our defeat by Vizunah and Far Shiverpeaks I mean come on people zerged a BUGGED KEEP and they knew it was BUGGED. Some people may not want to give Deso a second chance after mishaps like these however I’m not one of those people and I urge everyone looking to leave Deso to give it a second chance in terms of queue time and organization.

P.S My Guild name is Desolation Border Guardians in anyone is interested

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: Jiiub.7135


queue times makes guild WvW practicly impossible and that is a big reason why i am joining in on the move, to be able to join with guild mates and capture forts like it was supposed to be in GW2, now its just zergs and cluster f-ks with some good times, i mean yesterday or the day before i was on and we captured and held miststone keep, it was fun, but its still just a horde going from one place to the other, im hoping for abit more when there is less players.

[IRON] Gaming

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: nilco.8457


So QTRKOBRA you wont transfer? :’( You only win because ur playing in the second bracket, where riverside usually win, not tierd of ques?

Desolation WvW and Server Organization

in WvW

Posted by: QTRKOBRA.1827


Honestly I do not think I’m gonna transfer I mean I created this thread to help organize Desolation so transferring is kind of redundant. But I agree that the queue times are a nuisance but not enough to get me to transfer and even if I did i’d be one person going into a low pop server.