Solo roamer, all classes.
Desolation wvw unfriendly to low levels
Solo roamer, all classes.
Finally, something fun to read on the forums.
I just thought it strange Ins was throwing stones at Deso . It was a lot of fun when he was here,and will be a lot of fun facing who he leads now no doubt. No need for the mud slinging.
Have some respect,and show some class for one another. We are all here because we love WvW no matter what side we are on. Let the pain bleed out on the fields of battle.
Go read gw2wvw forums or even Desospeak, i got nothing but kitten after i left. I didnt take players, i didnt give people kitten, i just left. And yet still people felt they needed to sling their wang around and yet i still farm them in game lol so i speak up, and i love every minute farming your so called “good” commanders.
You have about 3-4 good commanders on that server, 2-3 very good. The rest get a kitten farming EB thinking they are good lol
Keep going Deso, the community is a joke and apart from the 20-25 people i actually respect on that server, sod the rest. Half the time you are “We are winning, we play to win, we are awesome” the rest of the time you are losing “We are slacking it’s ok, we don’t want top look at them losers PPTing” and that is the main reason i left. You don’t play to win? Fine, i do.
It’s funny you say that. I respect you as a commander in fights and so on. Definetly top 10. But you were never the one to siege up / defend alot when there were fights around instead when you were on Desolation. So you say play to win…that is PPT – a way you never once played when I was with you. That’s just…strange. Do you just mean win fights? Because most of the time (55-60%) I see equally numbered fights Desolation will win the fights.
I wont delve into this to much, but the hours i played determined the playstyle and i shall elaborate a little, but first i am judged by the way i command. People never noticed when i was running around solo scouting zergs, sieging up keeps or sniping with groups of 5.
But anyway, my time (1530-1730 GMT) wasn’t about sieging up our keeps or defending for one simple reason, we always had more numbers than the enemy and i could rally a zerg out of thin air. This zerg was used to reset everything the SFR morning / day crew had been upgrading to even the score / give us an advantage going into prime time. It would directly influence Desos PPT as small squads / guilds could flip objectives more readily / k-trains could roll through a border and flip a whole map within the space of a tick, and thus increase our PPT. It meant the enemy had to bunker up to re-upgrade or re-siege objectives to ensure they had some defense going into primetime which meant they weren’t out taking our stuff.
As soon as i came over to SFR alot of people commented on this fact and was quite shocked at Desos early evening numbers now and look at SFRs PPT in the afternoon without a large zerg to fend them off / apply pressure. Not uncommon nowadays to see SFR tick 400+. SFR understand this, SFR play WvW with better organisation and better theories on how to win matchups and more importantly, people actually listen to proposed tactics.
Deso always complain and moan about SFRs numbers, and i was guility of it aswell whilst on Deso, but the actual fact is Deso often had the same number of people during the day availible to play WvW, they just lost hope. Wheni first came over i couldn’t believe how few players SFR would actually have during the morning / day in comparison to what i thought was the case. They won the tournament and matchups because of one simple fact. They are more organised and use far superior tactics / scouts (baring Desos night force <3 Moorta and Belonis hehe)
WvW PPT isn’t just about upgrading and sieging structures. It helps, but isn’t the way to play all the time.
Thanks for elaborating. Most of my experience with you was when [PT] was formed for season 1, as my first real guild as you may know. I do wish you the best of luck on SFR still as I always have. But you have to understand not only you but also alot of Desolation players feel backstabbed with you going to SFR. Anyway it’s just a game and if you want to play it differently we should respect that. Some do already.
~ Love, Light.
Zoey Deschanell
[PT] – Desolation
I pretty much leveled up my alt warrior commanding against Deso. If I can fight and command on upleveled warrior and kill Deso blobs then yea, Deso will find any excuse for their losses. Haha
Lies, you leveled up in the MU: SFR vs ER vs RS – it was a week when SFR pvd in wvw the whole week you certainly learning more stuffs everyday at SFR :p
I didnt take players, i didnt give people kitten, i just left.
Tsk tsk tsk, can you tell us why you re-joined PT again?
You don’t play to win? Fine, i do.
It’s easy to win! but you can’t beat SFR? so tired trying? join them!
(edited by Gunner.1426)
I could transfer to SFR for easy wins and kills, but i wouldnt, I might turn out like Ins and come out with BS comments and statements. That server seems to have that effect on players.
Asura – Desolation
Hi, this was brought to my attention and I have been investigating it. I can assure you it was not sanctioned by me or the active commander that night. We fully realize that uplevels will follow us when we tag up. Also, as far as I am concerned, I had never personally asked anyone to not follow us even in closed raids. I apologize on behalf of whoever said this to your friend.
OP is right about deso being built on pugs. Although we in TEQ don’t interact much with the rest of the server (language barrier, most members speak arabic exclusively), we know it is a relatively pug friendly server when compared to others.
However, for you to name and shame our guild and call an entire server unfriendly judging by one anecdotal incident might be a bit of an overreaction.
Hi, this was brought to my attention and I have been investigating it. I can assure you it was not sanctioned by me or the active commander that night. We fully realize that uplevels will follow us when we tag up. Also, as far as I am concerned, I had never personally asked anyone to not follow us even in closed raids. I apologize on behalf of whoever said this to your friend.
OP is right about deso being built on pugs. Although we in TEQ don’t interact much with the rest of the server (language barrier, most members speak arabic exclusively), we know it is a relatively pug friendly server when compared to others.
However, for you to name and shame our guild and call an entire server unfriendly judging by one anecdotal incident might be a bit of an overreaction.
Reported for being on topic.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Sorry to hear about this, but this does not represent the mindset for the whole of Desolation.Generally we welcome everyone to join no matter the class or level, unless we’re going up against the SFR blob that requires a bit more cohesion and balance of classes.
Yeah, probably thats why you didn’t welcome upleveled mesmers (like me) at all in wvw, because its useless against zergs as you said… very interesting…
I never said anything about being useless, you are taking things out of context when I just said ‘oh you are upleveled’ inside some other keep or something along those lines – which was not in a serious tone.
What I don’t understand is regular wvwers bringing uplevels when they have level 80’s, especially if they join the zerg against SFR’s melee train.
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
What I don’t understand is regular wvwers bringing uplevels when they have level 80’s, especially if they join the zerg against SFR’s melee train.
That one is actually fairly easy to understand. People are trying to keep WvW fresh for themselves, trying it with a different class is the only way they can do that. They likely just can’t be bothered going through PvE again to reach level 80.
Can’t really blame them, although I would encourage them to level up in EotM instead.
Thorny Scrub – Thief
I’m not on Desolation…but you will see that on any server. Tho, I won’t complain about uplevels. We have whole guilds doing GvG and some may feel thats messed up. I don’t complain about those either… tho it makes some maps crazy to work on, hehe.
Servers having eyes and ears on other servers maps is more of a pain than an uplevel tagging along in my eyes. I have leveled all my characters in WvW. Since beta, I’ve only done two dungeons & have only about 20% of the world map completed. WvW is my home and I enjoy it…not once has anyone told me to leave while running an uplevel.
Look to see what and who you are running with. Its worth it to ask if they mind you tagging along. Look for groups in teamspeak or such that says something like “float channel” or “WvW/havoc open to all” Get in there and get to know your community. There are a lot of us that don’t bite.
This reply wasn’t made to contradict others views. Only to try and be helpful to the OP and such. In the end, its a game…play it the way you see it. Just be ready for others to see it differently.
2nd Battalion / 5th Marines – Hotel Company – Fort Aspenwood
If I were in her shoes, I would have continued to follow, and made it a point to become a rallybot just to kitten em over…
But then again I’m an kitten. /shrug
‘However, for you to name and shame our guild and call an entire server unfriendly judging by one anecdotal incident might be a bit of an overreaction.’
Whoa there – this is exactly the place to bring this type of issue up – obliquely siting ‘a largish Deso guild’ whilst allowing the discussion about attitudes to lower levels to happen would not have allowed your guild to look at this and decide what you’re guild policy is and make sure all your members KNOW what is acceptable behaviour.
So no I don’t think its naming and shaming as in purposely trying to make TEQ look bad. But thanks for the apology I passed it on.
Its fine – she didn’t buy the game and I don’t bother helping Deso anymore that much – its not worth the grief, im sure they have enough Guilds with 24 hour cover to beat SFR
What some write her about being disrespectful to the guild or it being a bad design is absolute nonsense entirely.
bad game design
Did a part of the game force those players to be rude? Did someone demand it or does it give a reward? No it doesn’t. Those players decided to be rude. They likely believe to be something better, because they play the game in an organized group. They are elitists, who don’t care to calmly explain the issue to the upleveled. Instead they use cheap rudeness, because its easy and they are anonymous. Luckily not all players are like that and I for once ask people nicely and take the 5 minutes to explain rather than pushing potential reinforcements for the future away. It is incredibly effective and I play the same game as those “elite pro gamers”. Don’t blame the game design for every player decision. Even if the design was flawed, the players still chose to be rude themselves instead of civil.Disrespectful towards the organized group/guild
Sorry, but that is utter bullkitten. If the upleveled was trolling the big group and deliberately playing rally bot it would be different. But that was a new player learning the game. If anything, that guild was disrespectful. They could have explained the situation and the newcomer would have likely understood. That is my experience. Point that person to EotM or to a pug zerg with a public commander, that is going around. But attacking new players like that is pathetic and disrespectful towards the new player, not the other way around.
Its not bad GAME design, its BAD PLAYERS BEHAVIOUR. Teach those upscaled how to behave in a group and you will see they might get in touch with the game and play it when theyre 80 and fully geared.
And yes im willing to teach the upscaled/newbies how to do so and most of them still stick around in wvw after it.
Madness Rises [Rise] – Banners Hold.
Don’t argue with idiots, they pull you down their level and own you with experience.
Nice necro.
I predict this will turn into a matchup thread in.
Deso players can’t carry zerg in EotM. Noobs.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
I have leveled 5 characters from 2-80 strictly in WvW. It’s the best place to level. So much fun and if you’re capping towers/keeps it’s so fast too. Sure EotM is technically quicker if your zerg is quite large, but it’s also pretty boring after awhile.
Leveling in WvW is fine. I’ve never had anybody tell me to “get lost”. But, my personal view is it’s all about not being a liability to the group. Play smart and you won’t die. That’s the key. I played for 4 hours last night on my lvl 26 Ranger and didn’t die once in that span because I know how close to the fight I can get.
Upleveled characters might not be a big help in WvW, but if you’re not a hindrance nobody bothers you from my experience.
I pretty much leveled up my alt warrior commanding against Deso. If I can fight and command on upleveled warrior and kill Deso blobs then yea, Deso will find any excuse for their losses. Haha
Wow…. just wow. You might not remember me Ins but I was in PT in season 1 and that was my first wvw guild and I enjoyed following you a lot and had so much respect for you. Due to being inactive for too long after the season I got kicked, and that was fine. I still had warm feelings towards the guild and you for a while so when I head about you abandoning PT, leaving it without a leader and moving to SFR I was very confused. I understand deso was no longer the right server for you and I respect that and you moved somewhere else and thats fine. But having such terrible attitude for the people that believed in you and followed you and your ex guildies is just disgraceful and I’m shocked and dissappointed to see this you have lost all the respect I had for you.
As for the OP I think it’s ridiculous that you posted this as a desolation problem, you cannot judge a whole server from one individual. There will always be people like that on any server, especially if your friend actually causes them to lose a fight or something. That being said on desolation there usually aren’t that many fights at 4am and I don’t see any issue with bringing uplvl as long as you stay out of the way during fights I guess. It doesn’t matter that your friend was a healer, even a good lvl 80 ele with waterfields cannot outheal if enough damage is being done. I think the usual rule regarding uplvl is – its ok as long as its pvd. Desolation might be a pug sever, but there is a difference between a pug and an uplvl, but hey, ins, our king of pugs is crapping on us right now so what can you do, shrug.
The game has ruined uplevels in wvw by denying them traits until they get much higher. Uplevels are a liability sadly. While they were rude, I would suggest using EOTM to learn about the basics of stuff as well as a faster leveling experience.
And it really depends on the group of people you’re playing with. Public tags, fine, but other people have no obligation to cater to you— trying to follow a wvw guild with an uplevel is little different than joining a pve speedrun with cleric gear and not warning people you are new.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)