Does nobody solo roam anymore?

Does nobody solo roam anymore?

in WvW

Posted by: Farzo.8410


Solo roaming got pretty boring when the majority of profession you see are either Thief, Mesmer or Warrior.

Thief’s can’t damage for kitten and the moment you attack them they go stealth and then run away, believing they are super sneaky and then they stalk you for whatever reason.

Warriors are pretty much always conidtion built but instead of longbow they go greatsword with sword/warhorn. The moment their HP is down by 50% they bullrush away and then use all the leap skills they can to get away as far as possible.

Mesmers always try the mindkitten tactic with spamming clones and yet again stealth which is such a boring and broken mechanic. It’s so sad since original Guild Wars did so well without stealth. And yeah, they stealth and run away if they go down too quickly.

Does nobody solo roam anymore?

in WvW

Posted by: Ark Bladesteele.2943

Ark Bladesteele.2943

Warriors are pretty much always conidtion built but instead of longbow they go greatsword with sword/warhorn. The moment their HP is down by 50% they bullrush away and then use all the leap skills they can to get away as far as possible.

Wait, what? Who runs a condi War with a GS/sword+horn?! What conditions are they applying besides bleeding? Are they using sigil of doom or torment or… I don’t even know how this works. Do tell. I have never, ever come across a condi war that used a set like that.

NSP’s resident crazy-eyed sylvari

Does nobody solo roam anymore?

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


Wait, what? Who runs a condi War with a GS/sword+horn?! What conditions are they applying besides bleeding? Are they using sigil of doom or torment or… I don’t even know how this works. Do tell. I have never, ever come across a condi war that used a set like that.

I think he meant GS/Sword+Sword… That make bleed and torment two predominant condis with the option of Nike away with Sword leap plus GS whirlwind and rush.

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Does nobody solo roam anymore?

in WvW

Posted by: gennyt.3428


It seems like roaming solo is a dying art. I can’t recall the last time I actually met an enemy player roaming around the battlefield by himself.

I see plenty of roamers though…in packs of 2, 3…5. It seems like everyone has given up on fair fights and prefers either running or completely overwhelming their enemies.

A shame really since solo-roaming used to be kind of fun. But now it feels like nobody dares leave the house without an easy backup.

I think the game in general is at a point where it’s stale enough to bore solo players since it’s the same few classes out there with the same couple builds. It’s full of people who prefer easy wins instead of going blow for blow and finding a challenge. It’s become a pool of hot rancid cheese.

Whispers with meat.

Does nobody solo roam anymore?

in WvW

Posted by: Geiir.7603


I’m usually only solo roaming when I’m in WvW. I love to meet these havoc groups or small roaming squads and give them a good fight. I like to challenge myself, so I love to fight outnumbered and this is where I can do it ^^

That being said, I don’t meet many other solo roamers…

Melder – Thief

Does nobody solo roam anymore?

in WvW

Posted by: Skye Terrier.3805

Skye Terrier.3805

Thanks for all of the additional info… and thanks to Crimson… Yes, now that you’ve explained it. Yes they deserve to die horribly.

It’s funny that the person that answered my “why hate PVE” question outlined all of the things I don’t like about the WvW experience. For me (but again, I only have a few days in, and that only for map clear, so it is possible I could change my mind), it is WvW that is super predictable and limited. Run run run…kill kill kill yawwwwwn.

And the landscaping is SO boring compared to the PVE landscaping. I did go to the beginning of the JP, but didn’t have time to do it. It looks (at least from the first part) as if it’s one even I can do. I am glad that they’re opening up some new maps though, now that I’ve completed almost everything new stuff will be welcome.

Does nobody solo roam anymore?

in WvW

Posted by: Hackuuna.4085


In truth, I stopped caring about solo roaming and roamers because the vast majority of players in this game are built for group fights. Beating those kinds of players solo says as much about my own abilities as outnumbering to win – the odds are heavily stacked in one direction.

I care more about group roaming because as much as we like to think that playing with others is “relying on others” to help you out and hence less skillful, it’s actually equally skilled since your decisions on how to help allies impacts the fight just as much.

The difference is, in group roaming you can build for a far greater array of encounters and create far more interesting dynamics than in solo roaming. Unfortunately solo roaming suffers a lot from the lack of versatility in dealing with different situations so you end up with too many hard counters. Group roaming can overcome those with teamplay choices.

Does nobody solo roam anymore?

in WvW

Posted by: DoomKnightMax.6592


I solo roam, but ignore PU mesmers and rage when a condi theif or condi warrior kills me. I can’t roam EB because of theif duo and trio’s everywhere. Learning to pick fights is key.

-Shatter Mesmer

Does nobody solo roam anymore?

in WvW

Posted by: style.6173


T1 and T2 are about zergs and havoc groups. You don’t go there to roam.

Does nobody solo roam anymore?

in WvW

Posted by: Straegen.2938


T1 and T2 are about zergs and havoc groups. You don’t go there to roam.

There is a lot of roaming in T2 or probably better stated “pickup fights”. There aren’t a lot of 1v1 fights but lots of small pocket fighting all over. Get in a a 1 on 1 and there is a good chance that players wandering by will stay and watch the show rather than join in.

There are still zergs but none of the servers tend to ball up and only zerg. To top it off, some of the “roamers” in this tier are the best I have fought for nearly two years across T2-T6. Seems we have distilled T2 WvW into a significant population of hardcore highly skilled players.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Does nobody solo roam anymore?

in WvW

Posted by: Tseikk.9032


I solo roam a lot, server is piken square ^^ i haven’t spotted other solo roamers for ages though (apart from some clueless invader rank ranger lol), i think they’ve all gone to obsidian sanctum for fair duels or something

I speak for myself, not for my server or my guild.
Solo roamer, all classes.

Does nobody solo roam anymore?

in WvW

Posted by: Doug.4930


Im solo quite often, and believe me its fairly rare to see other solo roamers out there.(however there are a few of us still around)

Usually I spend 70% of my solo time hanging around at north camp in black gates borderlands.

Doug The Unseen Of Homefront Defenders [HD]

Jade Quarry’s dedicated Roaming/Havoc Squad Guild

(edited by Doug.4930)

Does nobody solo roam anymore?

in WvW

Posted by: Hamster.4861


I’ve been trying to solo roam more and more lately. Most of my time i’ve been either pugmanding, zergbusting or teaching people how to do one or both of the previous things.

I’ve been trying to train myself to play better, so I’ve been roaming on a full zerk shatter mesmer GS S/T. No cheese, just damage. Even then, there are a few builds that i simply can’t beat. Like these absurdly high healing super tank warriors. can barely get those kitteners below 75% health before they shout-heal back to 100.

I dont really get into many fair fights, often I’ll start a 1v1 and it will end 1v3 or something similar. I reallllly dont like PU, although i understand when it’s useful.

Does nobody solo roam anymore?

in WvW

Posted by: ChapDev.7650


I solo roamed a lot before I did it on a Power Necro and for a while it was all I would do but I’ve stopped recently, I haven’t even left spawn in WvW in two and a half weeks.

It was fun but the more guilds and transfers that come to Tier 2 it seems the less people I get to play with who also solo roam.

It really does feel like numbers are drastically falling for solo encounters so at the moment I am in the middle of deciding if I want to leave the tier and try and find somewhere more to my taste or staying and only doing Spvp until my guild does a Havoc squad.

Bad Looking Necro Tryhard [BLNT] ~ Maguuma

Does nobody solo roam anymore?

in WvW

Posted by: BooHud.2681


roaming is nice. plus you can take the time to watch it snow if you want.

Does nobody solo roam anymore?

in WvW

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Yea…I solo roamed for a while…

then I realized that if I wanted a good fight that wasn’t against a zerg I could either run around for hours in WvW or just queue for sPvP.

Ultimately, sPvP > WvW unless you just really love blob on blob action.

Does nobody solo roam anymore?

in WvW

Posted by: Narkodx.1472


Yea…I solo roamed for a while…

then I realized that if I wanted a good fight that wasn’t against a zerg I could either run around for hours in WvW or just queue for sPvP.

Ultimately, sPvP > WvW unless you just really love blob on blob action.

Gotta agree with this guy although I still solo roam from time to time. If you want nice small scale fights without running from zergs all the time an arena match should do it. Plus the lag has simply gotten ridiculous for me lately on the BLs. I have not seen EBG in a long time because of this.

Does nobody solo roam anymore?

in WvW

Posted by: Telemin.7380


Tier 6-8. Full of solo roamers.

Teh Ouchies

Does nobody solo roam anymore?

in WvW

Posted by: CrimsonNeonite.1048


I don’t solo roam for a challenge anyway, as Truebanana mentions alot of players are not individually skilled or Geared for small scale, so go to the OS as mentioned if you want to find fair fights and less people adding in, but you do get some trolls in thereand OP builds that are hard to counter unless you adapt.

I hate people who add in and backstab you from behind.

Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.

(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)

Does nobody solo roam anymore?

in WvW

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


Tier 6-8. Full of solo roamers.

It’s funny how “full” and “solo” go on the same phrase…

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

Does nobody solo roam anymore?

in WvW

Posted by: Lurock Turoth.9085

Lurock Turoth.9085

Tier 6-8. Full of solo roamers.

It’s funny how “full” and “solo” go on the same phrase…

Thats what we call mag style roaming “were not zerging were all just roaming in the same place!”

Angst Hex, [FLOT] BG Havoc/Roaming

Does nobody solo roam anymore?

in WvW

Posted by: Theftwind.8976


A good portion of my time is spent solo roaming. I will re-cap camps, sentries and if I see a tower or keep that requires taking I will drop a cata on the wall and build it myself then call in the crew if and when I get the wall down. For an example I did that a couple weeks back while our zerg was over retaking our Hills. I dropped and built a cata at our Bay Worm gate and had it open and ready for the main crew. I tend to do that with my mesmer so I can slip inside and hide in case the crew does not get there immediately.

Theftwind (HoD)