Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: fractalKinesis.8569


CD and DB have agreed that, even if they are gravely outnumbered, they would rather die alone than team up with each other for no reason. They are right. Death with honor, like real warriors. That is why I respect them as adversaries.

Xiro, High Five Warriors [HFW], Jade Quarry

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Gofr.5794


CD is just trying to take second. We don’t care for an alliance. We’re just watching for our own backs as much as possible. Hard to do when we can’t leave the spawn though. =/

Gofr, Asura Elementalist;
Garn the Rageblade, Charr Warrior;
Crystal Desert; Member of Crack Clan

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: RoRo.8270


Lol I play on CD and dragon kept attacking us while jade quarry was attacking us shooting themself in the foot

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: ImProVocateur.5189


… After HoD/SBI, JQ has really put forth an effort …

HoD/SI will fix you up

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: celeron.3469


aww DB have you guys sink so low as to use siege exploits within your citadel’s invulnerable zones?

You do know, you can hit that…right? Just not with your unhittable ballista on top of cragtop. I’ve never seen a spot where siege itself is invulnerable, the players can be, yeah, but not the siege.

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Igolbug.7295


Hate to break this to you, but from my experience in WvW this week, Crystal Desert is either incapable of strategic thinking or they are actively working to help JQ win. The nobler part of me wants to believe the former. I did notice the same guild tags on both JQ and CD a few times.

I only played on two of the borderlands and in both I noticed a lack of animosity between JQ and CD, so maybe it was different in the other border/Eternal. There was one moment where JQ was attacking the Bay keep for almost 30 minutes and they owned Garrison(in CD home turf) and CD didn’t take Garrison. If they made an attempt it was obviously a pitiful one.

What’s sad is that it is not a sever wide thing, really all it takes is for one guy to transfer servers spend a 100g on commander icon and then lead the troops to ruin all while conversing with his guild on vent. I certainly don’t believe that entire servers align together, but the way WvW is setup it only takes a few to ruin the day.

Again maybe CD just lacked strategic thinking and I am reading too much into that. Entirely possible that there were same shenanigans on DB as well.

Unless the bots re-write their program to attack the Garrison instead of centaurs we don’t have many numbers in our own borderlands.

If you are talking the night I was on we had the Garrison outer wall down and we tried to storm it 3 times with 3 rams on inner door, we would get the door down get in lord room and then die to the invisible JQ getting back because of culling issues, we at our peak probably had 30 people they brought 30 back every time I know because I was watching the water gate the 3rd time to call inc and even dragged 10 of them away to chase me instead of defend but they still wiped us put door back up and left.

We finally got the Garrison cause I tossed down 3 superior rams and we got the lord before they got back. Only to have them take it back anyway an hour later with 2 Omega siege golems.

So we made MANY attempts you can ask Bertucci( think thats his name) cause he was the one taking the leader role at the time. With the bots or pvers it is very tough to do much in our own borderlands though.

Igolbug – 80 Elementalist
The Owl Exterminators
Crystal Desert

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: OmegaAngel.2653


Hate to break this to you, but from my experience in WvW this week, Crystal Desert is either incapable of strategic thinking or they are actively working to help JQ win. The nobler part of me wants to believe the former. I did notice the same guild tags on both JQ and CD a few times.

I only played on two of the borderlands and in both I noticed a lack of animosity between JQ and CD, so maybe it was different in the other border/Eternal. There was one moment where JQ was attacking the Bay keep for almost 30 minutes and they owned Garrison(in CD home turf) and CD didn’t take Garrison. If they made an attempt it was obviously a pitiful one.

What’s sad is that it is not a sever wide thing, really all it takes is for one guy to transfer servers spend a 100g on commander icon and then lead the troops to ruin all while conversing with his guild on vent. I certainly don’t believe that entire servers align together, but the way WvW is setup it only takes a few to ruin the day.

Again maybe CD just lacked strategic thinking and I am reading too much into that. Entirely possible that there were same shenanigans on DB as well.

I would have to say that many members of CD just weren’t on the same page as they tried to retake garrison on their own borderlands. It’s improved as the match progressed, but I remember standing on one of the inner bridges of garrison, both of our northern walls were destroyed by trebs, and down below me were a group of 10 CDs trying to take down the Southwest outer gate. There was no one opposing them and they still couldn’t manage to finish building their ram.
When we leave to take AB or some other tower we will usually leave a few people to watch garrison to give reports. We don’t care how often you destroy the outer walls/gates. It’s not until a report of a sizable amount of CDs attacking inner walls with sieges that the call to drop what we’re doing and return to garrison is made. If CD can’t bring that pressure then you won’t stop the group from moving from objective to objective whether it be Dragonbrand’s of Crystal Desert’s.

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Igolbug.7295


Can always tell when someone replies without reading the thread.

Igolbug – 80 Elementalist
The Owl Exterminators
Crystal Desert

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Zierk.4289


Hate to break this to you, but from my experience in WvW this week, Crystal Desert is either incapable of strategic thinking or they are actively working to help JQ win. The nobler part of me wants to believe the former. I did notice the same guild tags on both JQ and CD a few times.

I only played on two of the borderlands and in both I noticed a lack of animosity between JQ and CD, so maybe it was different in the other border/Eternal. There was one moment where JQ was attacking the Bay keep for almost 30 minutes and they owned Garrison(in CD home turf) and CD didn’t take Garrison. If they made an attempt it was obviously a pitiful one.

What’s sad is that it is not a sever wide thing, really all it takes is for one guy to transfer servers spend a 100g on commander icon and then lead the troops to ruin all while conversing with his guild on vent. I certainly don’t believe that entire servers align together, but the way WvW is setup it only takes a few to ruin the day.

Again maybe CD just lacked strategic thinking and I am reading too much into that. Entirely possible that there were same shenanigans on DB as well.

I would have to say that many members of CD just weren’t on the same page as they tried to retake garrison on their own borderlands. It’s improved as the match progressed, but I remember standing on one of the inner bridges of garrison, both of our northern walls were destroyed by trebs, and down below me were a group of 10 CDs trying to take down the Southwest outer gate. There was no one opposing them and they still couldn’t manage to finish building their ram.
When we leave to take AB or some other tower we will usually leave a few people to watch garrison to give reports. We don’t care how often you destroy the outer walls/gates. It’s not until a report of a sizable amount of CDs attacking inner walls with sieges that the call to drop what we’re doing and return to garrison is made. If CD can’t bring that pressure then you won’t stop the group from moving from objective to objective whether it be Dragonbrand’s of Crystal Desert’s.

I was there during the garrison retake. Sucks for JQ that most of our defense was tied up doing something else and were not there. But once we got back, we retook the entire map again. =]

Honestly. I have to agree that most of the week CD has been off-page as you put it. Being on JQ I saw many many times where our forces were outnumbered 3-1 easily and after only a few kills you guys turned around and ran. I think the CD have a confidence problem or something. I would encourage you to fight it out til the bitter end. You have to commit to the fight if you want to win. Literally an hour ago this same scenario happened, 8 vs a ton of you guys at Woodhaven. We ran back a little, you guys followed, we stood tall and pushed back and you all ran away into your tower. I don’t understand it. the same goes for DB, many many times outnumbered we got in your heads or something and you all ran.

Please don’t take my words as an insult or bashing, I have high hopes for you guys to stand up against us so we can have better fights. We literally let you guys take 20-30% of the map so we can actually come fight you and do something besides spawn camp. Seriously, our commander said let them have it, we will hold until they get a few things and then roll them. I mean come on, not very fun =/

Zierk [VA] Sylvari Ranger – Jade Quarry
Vigiliant Addiction – Multi-Gaming Community

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Zierk.4289


aww DB have you guys sink so low as to use siege exploits within your citadel’s invulnerable zones?

You do know, you can hit that…right? Just not with your unhittable ballista on top of cragtop. I’ve never seen a spot where siege itself is invulnerable, the players can be, yeah, but not the siege.

CD be doing that in their home boarder land as well.

Zierk [VA] Sylvari Ranger – Jade Quarry
Vigiliant Addiction – Multi-Gaming Community

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: celeron.3469


Honestly. I have to agree that most of the week CD has been off-page as you put it. Being on JQ I saw many many times where our forces were outnumbered 3-1 easily and after only a few kills you guys turned around and ran. I think the CD have a confidence problem or something. I would encourage you to fight it out til the bitter end. You have to commit to the fight if you want to win. Literally an hour ago this same scenario happened, 8 vs a ton of you guys at Woodhaven. We ran back a little, you guys followed, we stood tall and pushed back and you all ran away into your tower. I don’t understand it. the same goes for DB, many many times outnumbered we got in your heads or something and you all ran.

This exists on every server, including yours, acting like you’re exempt is ignorant.

To be more clear, it’s a problem with the pug/zerg mentality. They see they outnumber the enemy but they also see the zerg falling back, they don’t understand why but they fall back as well, it creates a wave and eventually everyone runs. All it takes is about 5 people falling back (out of say… 20) to cause this. Honestly, its the counter to the zerg itself. They grow in morale by outnumbering and rushing forward, but they also get easily pushed back thanks to its own strength.

(edited by celeron.3469)

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: NoizeMaker.8367


DB will never alliance with any other server. We will take second and we will continue to grow and stay organized.

Commander Ovi Bell: 80 – Guardian
Commander Skigoboom: 80 – Engi
Protocol WvW Lead [PRO] Dragonbrand

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Igolbug.7295


It’s probably because they see the 8 of you, but assume there is 30-40 they just haven’t loaded the rest yet.

Pretty much why I haven’t been playing last 2 days, was tired of dying to invisible people and one night after raging because of it my friends convinced me to play panda with them.

Igolbug – 80 Elementalist
The Owl Exterminators
Crystal Desert

(edited by Igolbug.7295)

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: fractalKinesis.8569


my friends convinced me to play panda

I’m sorry for your loss.
Come back to GW2 soon!

Xiro, High Five Warriors [HFW], Jade Quarry

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Moandero.7320


I must only play during the times CD is outnumbered. It is either a horde of JQ or a horde of DB or a horde of both at the same time :P (happened multiple times last nite) Either that or I am not finding the horde of CD – which could be, who knows

Note: The one time we were fighting JQ outside SM and a horde of DB came, we got smushed, but it was still kinda fun. Lots of red targets :P

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: NorthStar.3798


CD and DB have agreed that, even if they are gravely outnumbered, they would rather die alone than team up with each other for no reason. They are right. Death with honor, like real warriors. That is why I respect them as adversaries.

Yup exactly! No alliance ever.. It just shows how strong or weak a server truly is when it comes to WvW and where the server lacks and the where the server needs to improve.

I am glad we got to fight JQ and CD.

Sanctum of Rall

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: NoizeMaker.8367


DB doesnt have hordes unfortunatly. The most ive seen in the BL’s is 20-30. And its all Tsym. Sometimes theres some pugs but hardly. They usually split off when we tell them to.

Commander Ovi Bell: 80 – Guardian
Commander Skigoboom: 80 – Engi
Protocol WvW Lead [PRO] Dragonbrand

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Zierk.4289


Honestly. I have to agree that most of the week CD has been off-page as you put it. Being on JQ I saw many many times where our forces were outnumbered 3-1 easily and after only a few kills you guys turned around and ran. I think the CD have a confidence problem or something. I would encourage you to fight it out til the bitter end. You have to commit to the fight if you want to win. Literally an hour ago this same scenario happened, 8 vs a ton of you guys at Woodhaven. We ran back a little, you guys followed, we stood tall and pushed back and you all ran away into your tower. I don’t understand it. the same goes for DB, many many times outnumbered we got in your heads or something and you all ran.

This exists on every server, including yours, acting like you’re exempt is ignorant.

To be more clear, it’s a problem with the pug/zerg mentality. They see they outnumber the enemy but they also see the zerg falling back, they don’t understand why but they fall back as well, it creates a wave and eventually everyone runs. All it takes is about 5 people falling back (out of say… 20) to cause this. Honestly, its the counter to the zerg itself. They grow in morale by outnumbering and rushing forward, but they also get easily pushed back thanks to its own strength.

I shall simply attach a screenshot of my server holding 100% of WvW maps and leave it at that. We are very organized and very efficiently lead. Ignorance is bliss.

Oh and Ignorant: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ignorant


Zierk [VA] Sylvari Ranger – Jade Quarry
Vigiliant Addiction – Multi-Gaming Community

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Zierk.4289


my friends convinced me to play panda

I’m sorry for your loss.
Come back to GW2 soon!

This makes me sad. Plz come back =]

Zierk [VA] Sylvari Ranger – Jade Quarry
Vigiliant Addiction – Multi-Gaming Community

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: celeron.3469


I shall simply attach a screenshot of my server holding 100% of WvW maps and leave it at that. We are very organized and very efficiently lead. Ignorance is bliss.

Oh and Ignorant: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ignorant

O…k? What did you prove exactly? All I can see are a population imbalance and somebody “uninformed; unaware” that his own server has the problems that he says the other servers have.

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Igolbug.7295


my friends convinced me to play panda

I’m sorry for your loss.
Come back to GW2 soon!

I will definitely be back for the weekend, love the Weekends in WvW, first week I only got like 6 hours sleep all weekend. but then Monday morning my server nightcapped everything and I was doing it with them but after that I realized just how dull that was fighting doors so logged earlier the rest of the week before I was fighting doors.

This week I usually logged on for a couple hours to help defend our last towers/keeps and then went to bed once JQ cleaned everything up.

I haven’t gained a single level in Panda but my battle pets kick some serious kitten its like playing pokemon rainbow!

Igolbug – 80 Elementalist
The Owl Exterminators
Crystal Desert

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Zierk.4289


I shall simply attach a screenshot of my server holding 100% of WvW maps and leave it at that. We are very organized and very efficiently lead. Ignorance is bliss.

Oh and Ignorant: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ignorant

O…k? What did you prove exactly? All I can see are a population imbalance and somebody “uninformed; unaware” that his own server has the problems that he says the other servers have.

Simply, for you; I am saying that we do not have those problems.

The team who was crushed and demoralized would blame server imbalance. It’s ok though, it will all be over tomorrow and you will have another world come in and show you what I was trying to say. It’s ridiculous to say the world that owns 95% of the map(at the time of this post) has problems with coordination and managing their team.

This thread should be closed, the week is over, you guys refused to make an alliance. There is no further reason to post here.

Zierk [VA] Sylvari Ranger – Jade Quarry
Vigiliant Addiction – Multi-Gaming Community

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: NoizeMaker.8367


I shall simply attach a screenshot of my server holding 100% of WvW maps and leave it at that. We are very organized and very efficiently lead. Ignorance is bliss.

Oh and Ignorant: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ignorant

SO because your server has 5 times as many people active in WvW you think your good and organized. Your commanders and pugs have already admitted to being very unorganized in WvW. All you have is numbers and yes while that is a legit tactic, its a poor one and wont win you any points against the tier 1 servers that have numbers and organization. Either way JQ will end up QQin for their lives once week 3 is set in place. Enjoy the out zerg by the big servers.

As for CD and DB. Good job guys. Ive seen CD actually try and stay organized and it was awesome. You were a much better fight then JQ was when I was in WvW these last few days. Enjoyed it much better then porting into a JQ zerg of about 150 and just demolishing them.

Commander Ovi Bell: 80 – Guardian
Commander Skigoboom: 80 – Engi
Protocol WvW Lead [PRO] Dragonbrand

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: celeron.3469


Simply, for you; I am saying that we do not have those problems.

The team who was crushed and demoralized would blame server imbalance. It’s ok though, it will all be over tomorrow and you will have another world come in and show you what I was trying to say. It’s ridiculous to say the world that owns 95% of the map(at the time of this post) has problems with coordination and managing their team.

This thread should be closed, the week is over, you guys refused to make an alliance. There is no further reason to post here.

I don’t even know what to say to you. You’re so sheltered that there’s probably nothing that would get through.

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Zierk.4289


I shall simply attach a screenshot of my server holding 100% of WvW maps and leave it at that. We are very organized and very efficiently lead. Ignorance is bliss.

Oh and Ignorant: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ignorant

SO because your server has 5 times as many people active in WvW you think your good and organized. Your commanders and pugs have already admitted to being very unorganized in WvW. All you have is numbers and yes while that is a legit tactic, its a poor one and wont win you any points against the tier 1 servers that have numbers and organization. Either way JQ will end up QQin for their lives once week 3 is set in place. Enjoy the out zerg by the big servers.

As for CD and DB. Good job guys. Ive seen CD actually try and stay organized and it was awesome. You were a much better fight then JQ was when I was in WvW these last few days. Enjoyed it much better then porting into a JQ zerg of about 150 and just demolishing them.

The only tactic you guys seem capable of is using trebs in your citadel to siege towers.

The original comment I made was in reference to JQ being outnumbered 3-1 and both CD and DB seem to disengage as soon as you start to lose people. I’m not sure how we have 5 times as many players then you. Nor have I ever seen a 150 man zerg on any team. Your comment would mean that you only have 33 people on the map which I know is false.

But yes I will enjoy fighting week 3’s match up and I hope you enjoy trebbing people from your citadels. Win or lose isn’t really important, but at least I know next week’s lineup will not run away and use exploits.

Zierk [VA] Sylvari Ranger – Jade Quarry
Vigiliant Addiction – Multi-Gaming Community

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Igolbug.7295


I frequently tried to fight 5v10s vs JQ.

Then found out it was really 5v30, 20 players had just not loaded in yet.

Igolbug – 80 Elementalist
The Owl Exterminators
Crystal Desert

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Goronmon.7496


Simply, for you; I am saying that we do not have those problems.

The team who was crushed and demoralized would blame server imbalance. It’s ok though, it will all be over tomorrow and you will have another world come in and show you what I was trying to say. It’s ridiculous to say the world that owns 95% of the map(at the time of this post) has problems with coordination and managing their team.

This thread should be closed, the week is over, you guys refused to make an alliance. There is no further reason to post here.

Zerg pretends they aren’t a zerg. News at 11.

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: NoizeMaker.8367


What goronmon said. You know you have a zerg all day around. Why lie?

Commander Ovi Bell: 80 – Guardian
Commander Skigoboom: 80 – Engi
Protocol WvW Lead [PRO] Dragonbrand

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Zierk.4289


What goronmon said. You know you have a zerg all day around. Why lie?

Hey I don’t deny the fact that there is a legit zerg. I would say typically we have at least 30-50(and more at times) people doing something zergy. The nights where we had 8-10 was when we split up our forces to ensure the south stayed ours while the main force took the north.

Zierk [VA] Sylvari Ranger – Jade Quarry
Vigiliant Addiction – Multi-Gaming Community

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: mangarrage.1062


8-10 you trying to be funny you mean 80-100
if any 10 of you faced 5 of us you would be respawning and then come back with 40
Go play in the zerg tier and see how you do

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Eurlin.4256


Am I the only one that thought CD’s teams were a bit lacking in PvP? Personally only fun fights I had was against JQ Zergs. We were outnumbered, but at least it was an interesting fight. I mean no offense to CD players, but I know I never really saw a CD group and thought. “oh yea! here’s a fight” I usually just thought “Free badges” This could have just been bad luck on my part.

@Zierk, you’re so naive to think that top Tier servers don’t use exploits, or cheesy tactics to their advantage. Every server does it, your server does it. Every week 1 server dominates because other 2 give up due to AM presence and Team 1 talks trash until they get stomped following week.

Every explanation you need I think has actually been answered and shown in this thread alone. The Math, the quitters, the tactics, the focus on servers, the zergs…everything I think. I for one am a little disappointed we won’t be in Tier II, but no one to blame but ourselves really. We had the chance, but others gave up and didn’t care.

Commander Eurlin [VNG]
Sanctum of Rall Server

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Gofr.5794


Am I the only one that thought CD’s teams were a bit lacking in PvP? Personally only fun fights I had was against JQ Zergs. We were outnumbered, but at least it was an interesting fight. I mean no offense to CD players, but I know I never really saw a CD group and thought. “oh yea! here’s a fight” I usually just thought “Free badges” This could have just been bad luck on my part.

@Zierk, you’re so naive to think that top Tier servers don’t use exploits, or cheesy tactics to their advantage. Every server does it, your server does it. Every week 1 server dominates because other 2 give up due to AM presence and Team 1 talks trash until they get stomped following week.

Every explanation you need I think has actually been answered and shown in this thread alone. The Math, the quitters, the tactics, the focus on servers, the zergs…everything I think. I for one am a little disappointed we won’t be in Tier II, but no one to blame but ourselves really. We had the chance, but others gave up and didn’t care.

No denying we had a bad week this week. At times I noticed some commanders leading people to the wrong places just to troll. I don’t know if they were free transfers screwing with us or just really bored idiots, but I noticed some commander arguing in chat a couple of times. This ofc would lead to some kind of detrimental performance on our part. I just hope we can rally back and get some kind of better server communication and dedication going.

Gofr, Asura Elementalist;
Garn the Rageblade, Charr Warrior;
Crystal Desert; Member of Crack Clan

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: blink.4239


8-10 you trying to be funny you mean 80-100
if any 10 of you faced 5 of us you would be respawning and then come back with 40
Go play in the zerg tier and see how you do

You’re complaining because the opposing team has better organization and knows where to direct its forces?

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: blink.4239


I shall simply attach a screenshot of my server holding 100% of WvW maps and leave it at that. We are very organized and very efficiently lead. Ignorance is bliss.

Oh and Ignorant: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ignorant

SO because your server has 5 times as many people active in WvW you think your good and organized. Your commanders and pugs have already admitted to being very unorganized in WvW. All you have is numbers and yes while that is a legit tactic, its a poor one and wont win you any points against the tier 1 servers that have numbers and organization. Either way JQ will end up QQin for their lives once week 3 is set in place. Enjoy the out zerg by the big servers.

As for CD and DB. Good job guys. Ive seen CD actually try and stay organized and it was awesome. You were a much better fight then JQ was when I was in WvW these last few days. Enjoyed it much better then porting into a JQ zerg of about 150 and just demolishing them.

The only tactic you guys seem capable of is using trebs in your citadel to siege towers.

The original comment I made was in reference to JQ being outnumbered 3-1 and both CD and DB seem to disengage as soon as you start to lose people. I’m not sure how we have 5 times as many players then you. Nor have I ever seen a 150 man zerg on any team. Your comment would mean that you only have 33 people on the map which I know is false.

But yes I will enjoy fighting week 3’s match up and I hope you enjoy trebbing people from your citadels. Win or lose isn’t really important, but at least I know next week’s lineup will not run away and use exploits.

Yeah I’d really like to hear this noizetard account for the treb exploit.

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: jkilbrid.5839


It’s easy to point out trebs or catas in invuln zones and all that and generalize it to say
“ZOMG TEH ENTIRE SERVER IS TEH CHEEEEETERZ!~!~!~!~!” but every single server has that fraction of their population. It sucks bad, but its the facts. We’ve been hit with glitches and exploits from every single server we faced, and the only way you are EVER going to see a server not exploiting is if Anet fixes the exploits, so posting pictures of some Treb on an invuln zone isn’t proving any points, it’s only adding fuel to the fire. Don’t act like there are no exploiters on your server. Last night our tower walls were destroyed by a treb firing all the way from Askalon Hills that we had no way to destroy. Overall I’d say the vast majority of the population from JQ, and CD that we’ve had to fight has been playing more or less fair, but a few people are capable of giving a bad name to everyone. Don’t lump everyone together just because you found a group of people exploiting.

Bjorn Uwais – 67 Guardian

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: mangarrage.1062


8-10 you trying to be funny you mean 80-100
if any 10 of you faced 5 of us you would be respawning and then come back with 40
Go play in the zerg tier and see how you do

You’re complaining because the opposing team has better organization and knows where to direct its forces?

sorry that you just don’t get it. It isn’t organization it’s numbers
Sending 40 people against 5 when you should only need 10 is poor organization. It is the zerg mentality. In essence you are wasting 30+ people’s time. But hey when you ride coattails of the zerg you just wouldnt understand

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: NoizeMaker.8367


8-10 you trying to be funny you mean 80-100
if any 10 of you faced 5 of us you would be respawning and then come back with 40
Go play in the zerg tier and see how you do

You’re complaining because the opposing team has better organization and knows where to direct its forces?

Another kitten I see..

Commander Ovi Bell: 80 – Guardian
Commander Skigoboom: 80 – Engi
Protocol WvW Lead [PRO] Dragonbrand

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: NoizeMaker.8367


I shall simply attach a screenshot of my server holding 100% of WvW maps and leave it at that. We are very organized and very efficiently lead. Ignorance is bliss.

Oh and Ignorant: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ignorant

SO because your server has 5 times as many people active in WvW you think your good and organized. Your commanders and pugs have already admitted to being very unorganized in WvW. All you have is numbers and yes while that is a legit tactic, its a poor one and wont win you any points against the tier 1 servers that have numbers and organization. Either way JQ will end up QQin for their lives once week 3 is set in place. Enjoy the out zerg by the big servers.

As for CD and DB. Good job guys. Ive seen CD actually try and stay organized and it was awesome. You were a much better fight then JQ was when I was in WvW these last few days. Enjoyed it much better then porting into a JQ zerg of about 150 and just demolishing them.

The only tactic you guys seem capable of is using trebs in your citadel to siege towers.

The original comment I made was in reference to JQ being outnumbered 3-1 and both CD and DB seem to disengage as soon as you start to lose people. I’m not sure how we have 5 times as many players then you. Nor have I ever seen a 150 man zerg on any team. Your comment would mean that you only have 33 people on the map which I know is false.

But yes I will enjoy fighting week 3’s match up and I hope you enjoy trebbing people from your citadels. Win or lose isn’t really important, but at least I know next week’s lineup will not run away and use exploits.

Yeah I’d really like to hear this noizetard account for the treb exploit.

I dont even use trebs. Unless we put them on redbriar and shoot friggin AB gate. YOU CAN DESTROY THE TREB THERE. Start accusing DB’s only guild [TSym] Thats worth a kitten in wvw about exploiting. Go ahead. Just makes you look even more like an idiot. GO play the big boys in tier 1 and see how fast youll get rocked.

Commander Ovi Bell: 80 – Guardian
Commander Skigoboom: 80 – Engi
Protocol WvW Lead [PRO] Dragonbrand

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Eurlin.4256


Isn’t TSym the guild that kept saying in Team chat they were allies with crystal Desert?

Commander Eurlin [VNG]
Sanctum of Rall Server

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Hoots.9564


After a week of playing cd and db in the cd borderlands I have to say i’m quite impressed with db, mainly Tysm. Monday night we rolled everybody in cd borderlands mainly because we had daboss zerging everything he saw, but db picked up on the tactics and methods we were using on them and quickly implemented it for their zerg and come wed night on we started wiping to the mesmer zerg they have, which i might say is quite an impressive sight and fun to fight against. Db is worthy of 2nd tier no doubt and might i add would be a good comp. in 1st tier with a slight bit more organization for pugs they have but overall i’m quite impressed. As for cd i came into this group thinking they would be the big team pushing to knock us out but instead all we got was a unorganized mess. I’m not saying you guys are bad but def. need more organization and leadership, you guys took 2+ hours to take garrison every single night all week even with tysm taking most of our zerg south to deal with them. Anyway it has been a very fun week playing with you guys and i’m sure we will see both of you guys again in the near future!

[TW]Tempest Wolves

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: CarlSpackler.2789


I have yet to see a decent zerg of CD or DB and it is fairly obvious that you are not on voice comms together..you leave behind tons of people when you pull out. Someone is always spamming the JQ teamspeak and the zerg moves as one. Do this and succeed…the truce thing won’t work as we rotate weekly when its longer duration you might be smart to avoid each other or start working together. I am on JQ and I don’t want to PVE the whole map with the zerg. Get your kitten together

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Smitten.3076


I’ve seen a bit of coordination from JQ, realistically its normally the same guild(s) leading the JQ zerg. Which is what is supposed to happen, so I won’t fault them for it. I give credit to those guilds, they play well and lead well. The only issue I had with JQ was the numbers, being outnumbered consistently gets annoying. It doesn’t matter that whenever the organized teams met the JQ zerg ( lead or not) we destroyed them because ultimately we lost the map(s). Small victories made this week worth playing, with a few sporadic fights with the organized JQ guilds.

I can speculate that if the odds were evened out the total would have been different, but honestly that’s probably not the case. Having smaller amounts of players allows us to improve dramatically every matchup. The Dragonbrand server is improving, our players are improving, and our Commanders are showing quality, leadership, and tactics.
I pat myself and the server on the back for a job well done this week, during American prime time we gave JQ a run for their money, so the score doesn’t matter.

Kudos to ESOL from JQ, well played. FT from CD , equally well played.

ExOr – Dragonbrand.

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: blink.4239


I’ve seen a bit of coordination from JQ, realistically its normally the same guild(s) leading the JQ zerg. Which is what is supposed to happen, so I won’t fault them for it. I give credit to those guilds, they play well and lead well. The only issue I had with JQ was the numbers, being outnumbered consistently gets annoying.

I’m so sorry to hear this. We’ll reduce our WvW participation immediately so you aren’t constantly annoyed.

It doesn’t matter that whenever the organized teams met the JQ zerg ( lead or not) we destroyed them because ultimately we lost the map(s).

Revisionist history. I’ll admit your server has small (30-40) coordinated groups who use the mesmer portals well, but that didn’t always work out for you. I mean, if you consider it a victory when your entire server zergs greenlake while we’re busy holding Garrison, fine. Grats. But that was more our fault for overextending and not reacting soon enough than to your credit for organization.

Small victories made this week worth playing, with a few sporadic fights with the organized JQ guilds. I can speculate that if the odds were evened out the total would have been different, but honestly that’s probably not the case. Having smaller amounts of players allows us to improve dramatically every matchup. The Dragonbrand server is improving, our players are improving, and our Commanders are showing quality, leadership, and tactics.

I will give you credit for that.

I pat myself and the server on the back for a job well done this week, during American prime time we gave JQ a run for their money, so the score doesn’t matter.

Don’t get carried away.

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Eurosdown.6072


I’ve seen plenty of organization from JQ and I’ve seen plenty of idiotic mindless zerging as well. Example: early monday, the JQ people in Eternal Battlegrounds spent the better half of the morning zerging down the 15-20 or so CD people trying to hold one tower and supply camp with around 3 times their number while DB took their third of the map in a little over 40 minutes with virtually no opposition.

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Gofr.5794


I have yet to see a decent zerg of CD or DB and it is fairly obvious that you are not on voice comms together..you leave behind tons of people when you pull out. Someone is always spamming the JQ teamspeak and the zerg moves as one. Do this and succeed…the truce thing won’t work as we rotate weekly when its longer duration you might be smart to avoid each other or start working together. I am on JQ and I don’t want to PVE the whole map with the zerg. Get your kitten together

That in bold right ther is the big difference. A JQ teamspeak. As it is right now CD does not have a server teamspeak/vent/mumble to use for WvWvW, something I would like to see happen. Our organization only goes as far as commanders yelling in map and if ppl see it they see it and if not, they don’t. I’ll give you one guess as to whether more people saw it or not.

Gofr, Asura Elementalist;
Garn the Rageblade, Charr Warrior;
Crystal Desert; Member of Crack Clan

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Sisho.5431


Crystal Desert does have Teamspeak for public use of our guilds. The Synergy Alliance has one set up and Luvpie spams it constantly in whatever borderlands he is in (Which has been our borderlands the past few days), but people are either lazy or don’t care. We have our stuff together, the pugs and other guilds just don’t work well or listen to legit orders and strategies and just want everyone to listen to them instead.

If you would like the TS3 information just message me and I can get it to you, same goes for anybody else out there on Crystal Desert that wants in on the real coordinated actions.

Level 80 Elementalist/Warrior/Ranger/Mesmer
Leader and founder of [BIO] on Sea of Sorrows

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: JoseyWales.8321


JQ player here.

An alliance won’t change how the past couple days has turned out.
From our stand point, CD has 0 organization and DB only has organization when the TYSM guild is involved. The problem with DB, is that TYSM is a one trick pony.

CD certainly did not try and help us win, last night I spent a little over 2 hours at garrison with 3 walls and 2 gates down, fending off CD and DB. In those 2 hours, I made at least 100 kills with a superior ballista.

In my opinion, the only difference between these servers, is the amount of organization and leadership you have, certainly not population because I constantly get into W3 without a queue. JQ TS3 is always occupied with people and has a leader on for each borderland and EB. We obviously cant control our entire population, but people follow zergs.

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Gofr.5794


Crystal Desert does have Teamspeak for public use of our guilds. The Synergy Alliance has one set up and Luvpie spams it constantly in whatever borderlands he is in (Which has been our borderlands the past few days), but people are either lazy or don’t care. We have our stuff together, the pugs and other guilds just don’t work well or listen to legit orders and strategies and just want everyone to listen to them instead.

If you would like the TS3 information just message me and I can get it to you, same goes for anybody else out there on Crystal Desert that wants in on the real coordinated actions.

That’s great then. I can certainly say that I never knew we had one and never once saw messages about it. I think we need a better way to spread the word around. I’ll definately be looking to get the info for that at some point.

Gofr, Asura Elementalist;
Garn the Rageblade, Charr Warrior;
Crystal Desert; Member of Crack Clan

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: Dealdrick.9701


I shall simply attach a screenshot of my server holding 100% of WvW maps and leave it at that. We are very organized and very efficiently lead. Ignorance is bliss.

Oh and Ignorant: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/ignorant

O…k? What did you prove exactly? All I can see are a population imbalance and somebody “uninformed; unaware” that his own server has the problems that he says the other servers have.

Simply, for you; I am saying that we do not have those problems.

The team who was crushed and demoralized would blame server imbalance. It’s ok though, it will all be over tomorrow and you will have another world come in and show you what I was trying to say. It’s ridiculous to say the world that owns 95% of the map(at the time of this post) has problems with coordination and managing their team.

This thread should be closed, the week is over, you guys refused to make an alliance. There is no further reason to post here.

It is comments like this that gives JQ the reputation it is establishing on the forums. How many conspiracy theory threads about JQ getting double teamed did we see last week? So, you get knocked down a tier, dominate the competition and come here to make boasts like this? I hope some of the HoD guys are reading this thread. I hope they see how JQ handles success. This is pretty weak coming from one of the highest pop servers. Karma is kitten, a big, mean kitten.

Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert proposed alliance

in WvW

Posted by: NoizeMaker.8367


One trick pony? I have yet to see Tsym do only one tactic. If you only knew the the minds behind our strats your heads would explode from to much knowledge.

Commander Ovi Bell: 80 – Guardian
Commander Skigoboom: 80 – Engi
Protocol WvW Lead [PRO] Dragonbrand