Eb puzzle seperate que

Eb puzzle seperate que

in WvW

Posted by: Anna Kruse.3941

Anna Kruse.3941

Plz anet make a seperate que for this. its so much fun to have these small skirmishes in there. but when you have to sit trough a 1-2h que just to enter eb. and then as soon as your gear is broke. you got no way of repairng exept sitting in que for another 1-2h

Eb puzzle seperate que

in WvW

Posted by: Lillie.9106


Um, why don’t you just repair while in EB? Leave the jumping puzzle and repair at spawn. Am I missing something here? There should be no need for you to exit and re-enter EB…

Eb puzzle seperate que

in WvW

Posted by: Revenant.5470


You can’t way point back into EB during the puzzle – must take the portal back at the start and that takes u to LA (not sure if u can complete the puzzle and get tp’ed back into EB but that’s effort )

Eb puzzle seperate que

in WvW

Posted by: Zikory.6871


Um, why don’t you just repair while in EB? Leave the jumping puzzle and repair at spawn. Am I missing something here? There should be no need for you to exit and re-enter EB…

Doesn’t work that way anymore. After entering the puzzle you leave the EB population so to enter EB you have to requeue.

[KnT] – Knight Gaming – Blackgate
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer

Eb puzzle seperate que

in WvW

Posted by: Zikory.6871


You can’t way point back into EB during the puzzle – must take the portal back at the start and that takes u to LA (not sure if u can complete the puzzle and get tp’ed back into EB but that’s effort )

lol That wouldn’t work, people would filter guilds through the JP to over populate EB. Think if you queued EB then had everyone go into the JP so you could requeue the map. Then have everyone in the puzzle finish so they could get back into EB. You could double the EB population that way.

[KnT] – Knight Gaming – Blackgate
Zikory – Retired Thief
Zikkro – Zergling Necromancer

Eb puzzle seperate que

in WvW

Posted by: Ixen Darastrix.8251

Ixen Darastrix.8251

You can’t way point back into EB during the puzzle – must take the portal back at the start and that takes u to LA (not sure if u can complete the puzzle and get tp’ed back into EB but that’s effort )

The portal at the end of the JP takes you back to LA as well