Elona Reach vs Desolation vs Seafarer's Rest

Elona Reach vs Desolation vs Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Shadow.3475


I also want to thank Iron for making my life exciting.

Elona Reach vs Desolation vs Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Coraliine.1597


@Mystery. I can assure you this is not a guild we usually run with. In fact, I’ve never seen the tag around. Unfortunately not much we can do but report him. =[. I am sorry you had to deal with that.

Cora Staalvoss – 80 Guardian
Born of Indecision [BORN] Guild Leader
Seafarer’s Rest [EU]

Elona Reach vs Desolation vs Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Mystery.7392


Just want to inform you so you can report that guy as you see him.

Aloha Luana – The Iron Triangle [IRON]
Warrior – Gunnar’s Hold
Will always love Elona!

Elona Reach vs Desolation vs Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Gwalchgwn.8946


Maybe I’m just dumb or inexperienced with hacking, but what’s the guy doing?

I just see screenshots of someone getting killed by a thief.

Elona Reach vs Desolation vs Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Imacop.6409


I don’t quite understand all the praise SFR is getting. In even fights they pretty much lose every time. It’s just SFR, SFR everywhere that wins their fights, and sometimes even that is pretty close.

I think you should sit down get some coffe, open your eyes

Love Imacop

[ZBs][ZDs] Nikogda ne slakai
200,000 WwW Kills

Elona Reach vs Desolation vs Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Bonzi.7324


Ginnunga is playing on SFR now??

strong asset !

~less QQ more PEWPEW~ [EC] roaming since BWE2
Bonzi – Ranger / Onizuka Kenji ~ Ele
Badhabbits – Thief / Meíster ~ Guardian

Elona Reach vs Desolation vs Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Mystery.7392


Maybe I’m just dumb or inexperienced with hacking, but what’s the guy doing?

I just see screenshots of someone getting killed by a thief.

It’s in the jumping puzzle.
He teleported up to me and killed me. There’s no other way to get there.

Aloha Luana – The Iron Triangle [IRON]
Warrior – Gunnar’s Hold
Will always love Elona!

Elona Reach vs Desolation vs Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Offski.4897


Please don’t fill this thread with rubbish about hackers/exploits etc. Keep on topic about the match up. There are hackers in the game get used to it and report it to Anet, no need to ruin a decent thread.

Necromancer – Sanctum of Rall[IRON]

Elona Reach vs Desolation vs Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: magicthighs.5372


Please don’t fill this thread with rubbish about hackers/exploits etc. Keep on topic about the match up. There are hackers in the game get used to it and report it to Anet, no need to ruin a decent thread.

To be fair, that was from a thread that got merged into this one by the moderators.

Regina Dentata (Guardian)
Melenkurion Abathas (Thief)
Desolation (EU)

Elona Reach vs Desolation vs Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Offski.4897


In that case i apologise mate. god knows why they put it in here.

Great fun tonight especially in SM.

Necromancer – Sanctum of Rall[IRON]

Elona Reach vs Desolation vs Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Rissou.7213


Where do you pull so many people from @ SFR? It is insane! haha

Been much fun!

Desolation player

we got lvl 1 fractals

There is only 1 server which transfers all the guilds to top servers and still stays quite strong …far shiverpeaks.. Few guilds mentioned above just moved to sfr..sadly fsp has become a pve server, so all the hardcore wvw guilds are leaving from there. ofcourse am not taking away anything from sfr and applaud them for reaching so far.

I also moved to sfr from fsp just 2 days back, and already regret it:(
Am not saying that a majority of the sfr is bad, but theres hostility there for people assumed to jump on the winning server. This also reflects on this very thread.

I just played for 2 days and have already decided to move back to fsp or a more wvw focussed server(desolation maybe)
Again, this maybe becos of only few people who are the vocal minority.

Far shiverpeaks is a weak server, you are getting beat by a medium pop server piken square this week and you are high pop, that says it all.


(edited by Rissou.7213)

Elona Reach vs Desolation vs Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: MarzAttakz.9608


Please leave Far Shiverpeaks and the other nonsense out of this thread. WvW can be frustrating at times but please don’t ruin, errr…, tarnish err… mess up the great time we’ve all been having this week.

Kudos to both Seafarer’s and Elona, wish both servers the best going forward!


Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}

Elona Reach vs Desolation vs Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Choko.6821


I have nothing to says. WvWvW may be fun for 2 days, but after the obviously downscaled difficulty to feasable 12 year old+, having limited tactic is boring. 4th faction need to added in normal difficulty and not downscaled, and this time it can be remote control. Ultimate to test those whiners who sitting on T1 if they keep this behavoir. I have make elist ragequit once and I am doing again. Therefore I am going cut those difficulty change not for you again. Especially having a volenteer insult placing higher bragright than the people indepence entertainment factor.

(edited by Choko.6821)

Elona Reach vs Desolation vs Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Quentin Fields.1295

Quentin Fields.1295

I have nothing to says. WvWvW may be fun for 2 days, but after the obviously downscaled difficulty to feasable 12 year old+, having limited tactic is boring. 4th faction need to added in normal difficulty and not downscaled, and this time it can be remote control. Ultimate to test those whiners who sitting on T1 if they keep this behavoir. I have make elist ragequit once and I am doing again. Therefore I am going cut those difficulty change not for you again. Especially having a volenteer insult placing higher bragright than the people indepence entertainment factor.

And where is the SFR/Deso/Elona comments in this post may i ask?

This is a topic about that 3 servers’ WvW , not about your self problems.Please keep it that way.

Elona Reach vs Desolation vs Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Choko.6821


I have nothing to says. WvWvW may be fun for 2 days, but after the obviously downscaled difficulty to feasable 12 year old+, having limited tactic is boring. 4th faction need to added in normal difficulty and not downscaled, and this time it can be remote control. Ultimate to test those whiners who sitting on T1 if they keep this behavoir. I have make elist ragequit once and I am doing again. Therefore I am going cut those difficulty change not for you again. Especially having a volenteer insult placing higher bragright than the people indepence entertainment factor.

And where is the SFR/Deso/Elona comments in this post may i ask?

This is a topic about that 3 servers’ WvW , not about your self problems.Please keep it that way.

That is the comments and not a self problem. Now I gotta ask you. What is you post for? This is a topic about that 3 serversWvW ,not about your self problems. Please keep it that way.

Elona Reach vs Desolation vs Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: salluks.6017


Where do you pull so many people from @ SFR? It is insane! haha

Been much fun!

Desolation player

we got lvl 1 fractals

There is only 1 server which transfers all the guilds to top servers and still stays quite strong …far shiverpeaks.. Few guilds mentioned above just moved to sfr..sadly fsp has become a pve server, so all the hardcore wvw guilds are leaving from there. ofcourse am not taking away anything from sfr and applaud them for reaching so far.

I also moved to sfr from fsp just 2 days back, and already regret it:(
Am not saying that a majority of the sfr is bad, but theres hostility there for people assumed to jump on the winning server. This also reflects on this very thread.

I just played for 2 days and have already decided to move back to fsp or a more wvw focussed server(desolation maybe)
Again, this maybe becos of only few people who are the vocal minority.

Far shiverpeaks is a weak server, you are getting beat by a medium pop server piken square this week and you are high pop, that says it all.

I hope someday u will realize that the total population of a server has nothing to do with the population of WvW on that server.

Elona Reach vs Desolation vs Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Ajaxx.3157


Whats happened to Elona?

This isn’t a dig at them, but the past few days Elona seems to have died of at their “peak” times. Something going on in Germany?

Ajaxx – Warrior – [JuG] – Desolation [eu]


Elona Reach vs Desolation vs Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Shadowwolf.1208


Whats happened to Elona?

This isn’t a dig at them, but the past few days Elona seems to have died of at their “peak” times. Something going on in Germany?

Oh its a very easy thing thats going on on our Server.
I can try to explain what i already did some days before.

The people on ER are annoyed by these facts:

Night capping through International Servers:
We dont have a oversee community and most of our people are going to work during the day. Look into the TIME/POINTS stats on MOS site. You will recognize that ER is going for points most time only during periods between 14:00-24:00. After that you will recognize a very big loss. Some germans already left for NorthAmercian servers to play in the night there, cause its more usefull. Thats one fact.

Culling problem:
The so called and very good known problem of culling.
Supporting the 40man+ zergs in their tactic to simply roll over your enemy. Preventing you from taking real tactics.

Loosing player numbers:
ER has lost some players that left the server caused by complaining, flaming and accusing. People and Guilds were angry about each other. The big alliance broke up and the big guilds broke into pieces.

Twinks on WvW:
Many people in ER are just playing with low level twinks. You CANT win with a zerg of 40 people with more then the half are lvl 60 and lower.

Nerf on skills:
The nerf on the skills of some classes heals ect. are going to SUCK.
Aerial Damage… restricted to 5 targets? WTF Its AREA damage not 5 targets damage. But the area damage of the ArrowCarts are not nerfed to 5 targets? Causing so much damage that you can easy defend with 6 carts. You CANT control 60 people rushing over you with that. ANET is destroying the game and pushing it forward to a game of lemmings. Just run with 60 or more people and you can do what ever you want. THAT SUCKS. It should stay a game of tactics and usage of skills. When GW2 started it was possible for a group of 15 people with a combination of classes specs and skills to kill a zerg of 50 people cause in that big number the people do like they want. NOW its only AOE AOE AOE AOE AOE AOE AOE DAMAGE DAMAGE DAMAGE. Noone is playing with tactics except a few. Only BIG numbers of players.

No queues:
During primte time there is a maximum of about 10-20 minutes waiting time. MOST times of the day you can join INSTANT.

Ragnar Kavarish / Lims Kragma
Proud member of [KDL] Krieger des Lichts
Elona Reach [DE]

(edited by Shadowwolf.1208)

Elona Reach vs Desolation vs Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: tagnut.8621



He’s going to be awfully upset when he realises that neither desolation nor seafarers have a nightcapping crew either, and that those queue times are pretty much the same as on SFR……

Elona Reach vs Desolation vs Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Aysnvaust.7046


I would break down Shadowwolfs explanation to one simple fact: Elona suffers from a serious lack of wvw-players atm, including some important guilds/commanders.
Think it will take us at least three more weeks to regain a competetive power, plus I would not be surprised if we go down at least one more tier.
I do not complain, cause this is the way things go, other servers went through that valley before us and more servers will follow our track.

Poke Menot
Asura Thief
Elona Reach

Elona Reach vs Desolation vs Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Likta.9280



He’s going to be awfully upset when he realises that neither desolation nor seafarers have a nightcapping crew either, and that those queue times are pretty much the same as on SFR……

I wish you guys best of luck in Tier 1 in the future. Blacktide and Vizunah have your CRAZY numbers too and are way ahead of SFR in every regard. When you see 25 ppl from Red Guard, just run. They WILL crush your Zerg.

Elona Reach vs Desolation vs Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Rayya.2591



He’s going to be awfully upset when he realises that neither desolation nor seafarers have a nightcapping crew either, and that those queue times are pretty much the same as on SFR……

I wish you guys best of luck in Tier 1 in the future. Blacktide and Vizunah have your CRAZY numbers too and are way ahead of SFR in every regard. When you see 25 ppl from Red Guard, just run. They WILL crush your Zerg.

ye ye , i heard stories about iron also, but they were only stories :P

no.1 WvW kills

Elona Reach vs Desolation vs Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Choko.6821



He’s going to be awfully upset when he realises that neither desolation nor seafarers have a nightcapping crew either, and that those queue times are pretty much the same as on SFR……

I wish you guys best of luck in Tier 1 in the future. Blacktide and Vizunah have your CRAZY numbers too and are way ahead of SFR in every regard. When you see 25 ppl from Red Guard, just run. They WILL crush your Zerg.

Huh? You got paid to talk like this? Because I pretty sure when I am running with my own team having a decoy target and a GC warrior bladetrail pretty much one shotted all those 25 Red Guard. Oh they was on Riverside team. And I was dealing with Arbor zerg at same time. And they though going sandwhich us which is so wrong wrong. :p

Elona Reach vs Desolation vs Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Deep Star.6541

Deep Star.6541


He’s going to be awfully upset when he realises that neither desolation nor seafarers have a nightcapping crew either, and that those queue times are pretty much the same as on SFR……

I wish you guys best of luck in Tier 1 in the future. Blacktide and Vizunah have your CRAZY numbers too and are way ahead of SFR in every regard. When you see 25 ppl from Red Guard, just run. They WILL crush your Zerg.

I remember seeing RG grouping up trying to push our zerg from the back.. Then i trebbed them to death!

Riviére, Select Start, Cmnd Ctrl, Uninteresting Event @ Three Steps Ahead [Oz]

Elona Reach vs Desolation vs Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: tagnut.8621



He’s going to be awfully upset when he realises that neither desolation nor seafarers have a nightcapping crew either, and that those queue times are pretty much the same as on SFR……

I wish you guys best of luck in Tier 1 in the future. Blacktide and Vizunah have your CRAZY numbers too and are way ahead of SFR in every regard. When you see 25 ppl from Red Guard, just run. They WILL crush your Zerg.

ye ye , i heard stories about iron also, but they were only stories :P

Wasn’t just me who was totally underwhelmed then?

Elona Reach vs Desolation vs Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Likta.9280


Well, Red Guard perfected the culling issue to an artform, its pretty crazy and they play perfectly as a team. Individually they are not that good.

Elona Reach vs Desolation vs Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: NeverSmileWF.1684


Whats happened to Elona?

This isn’t a dig at them, but the past few days Elona seems to have died of at their “peak” times. Something going on in Germany?

Oh its a very easy thing thats going on on our Server.
I can try to explain what i already did some days before.

The people on ER are annoyed by these facts:

Night capping through International Servers:
We dont have a oversee community and most of our people are going to work during the day.

Makes sense. From my past expiriences playing along side some german gaming communities i understood that a large amount of german players dont know how to be polite with foreigners , be it oversee ppl or just eastern europeans.

Neversmile Wf – Engineer – Seafarer`s Rest