Explain arrow carts to me!

Explain arrow carts to me!

in WvW

Posted by: eye floater.7140

eye floater.7140

So when I use an arrow cart, I can use every skill when it recharges, and where I use that AOE on the ground, it stays. When I see an enemy using 1 AC, the ground is riddled with AC arrow fire, and it is constantly moving; it doesn’t just stay in one circle. Can anyone explain this to me?

Explain arrow carts to me!

in WvW

Posted by: JJBigs.8456


AC Mastery
1 Increases range on all arrow cart skills 5 World Ability Point
2 Increases damage on all arrow cart skills 10 World Ability Point
3 Increases effectiveness of applied conditions 15 World Ability Point
4 Increases radius on all arrow cart skills 20 World Ability Point
5 Skill: Toxic Unveiling Shot — Removes stealth and applies poison to targets 25


Explain arrow carts to me!

in WvW

Posted by: Tibstrike.2974


I’m not sure, but I think the AC’s AOE shifts a bit to the left and right when firing to cover more ground within the shown AoE range. It’s kind of like a channel in that the damage comes down in groups instead of one big spike. The moving red AoE circles represent each “spike” of damage even though the person firing it only set the general location with one skill.

Explain arrow carts to me!

in WvW

Posted by: Radian.2478


It’s a graphics fail. Or maybe it was intended for whatever reason to make it harder to dodge idk. But yea you will see the animation of the enemy attack moving around despite the fact that it’s actually only hitting one circle.

Explain arrow carts to me!

in WvW

Posted by: KOK.2650


Sometime You can stand in the circle without getting hit. Circle is buggy.

Kok -lvl 80 warrior Tsukoyu-lvl 80 elementalist
Ayumu-lvl 80 Necromancer
Tsu-lvl 80 thief

Explain arrow carts to me!

in WvW

Posted by: Omaris Mortuus Est.2738

Omaris Mortuus Est.2738

As Tibstrike says, your AC fire shifts around, even though you who fired cannot see that, the enemy can.
I think as you fire you can see your AC move around slightly as well.

Macros, you can use them as long as they arent macros.
Remember to buy the officially endorsed GW2 Steel Series Keyboard, it supports macros!
WvW, we only care if it affects the servers we play on.

Explain arrow carts to me!

in WvW

Posted by: kaupo.2573


It’s the recoil from fireing, shifts the aim