Far Shiverpeaks requesting Western aid.

Far Shiverpeaks requesting Western aid.

in WvW

Posted by: Malpractis.4653


I am writing this in the hopes it will draw attention to US guilds. Far Shiverpeaks is in dire need of night time assistance. Over the past few weeks, our scores have been dwindling as FR and DE servers muster their night time crews; all the while our server remains empty overnight. During primetime we definately hold our own, unfortunately it isn’t enough to mitigate the damage being done overnight. We have held our 2nd place title for quite some time but alas, that time appears to be over. According to sites tracking scores, we are slotted to move down to 4th place while Arborstone takes our current rank. I believe with the help of western guilds, we could reclaim our place and then some. It is quite obvious night capping is here to stay, and no server without a night presence will exist in the top two brackets. It’s a shame to see the talent of our primetime players washed to the wayside because of this. Two alliances exist which I am sure would be happy to take your guilds in if given the oppertunity. One of them you might have a rough time talking to as most of them speak russian =)… Again, we at Far Shiverpeaks ask that you help bring us back up to where we once were and beyond.

NOTE: I am writing this by myself and do not speak for anyone else on the server, but I am sure many would agree with me.

Dux Ducis – Far Shiverpeaks

Far Shiverpeaks requesting Western aid.

in WvW

Posted by: SilverWF.4789


Hi there!
Guys, our (FSp) prime-time online and power are really strong. Some our top PVP-guilds easly keeping our enemies at their respawns.
But it happens in the prime-time...
In the another time periods - we didnt have enough forces and this is boring. Really boring.
Because while we are fighting - we are winning.

Our server is international: most of EU-countries are fighting here. We are good fighters, but we have weakness - our night and morning.
It really sad - loosing without fight.
Vizunah Square [FR] (our most enemy) have very numerous French-speaking Canadian players. They easily taking our keeps without any defence, because most of FSp are sleeping and studying or working.

We will glad to see any good WvWvW oriented guilds from the North and South Americas and Australia at the our server - Far Shiverpeaks.

Let me welcome you to our server - Far Shiverpeaks!
Not for emergency help, but to be our friends and brothers in arms in fight for the top 1st EU-server!

You will have very good enemies while you will playing here. And when you’ll go to sleep - you can be sure, EU-part of FSp will do all they can do (and many more!) to keep raising our common influence!
Look at screen - this was at yesterday evening in the our prime-time. So, we are not slakers and whiners - we are warriors. And we need in brothers from the another side of Earth

Thank you for your attention. And sorry for my English.

P.S. And don’t worry about russians In our RU-alliance - League of Disorder - only English is allowed in common chats.


#SAVEDONBASS from Ukraine!
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)

Far Shiverpeaks requesting Western aid.

in WvW

Posted by: Syntax.9602


I have no idea, why a server spread over more than one timezone loses to some germans. Elona Reach is completly GMT+1, while FS should atleast have GMT+0 to GMT+3. And Vizunah is also mainly GMT+1 (there are about 30 Canadians, but the Server at all is quite jammed with players they have the longest queues of the T1-Server, while Elona has the shortest (I guess there isn’t much difference to FS, they should also have maximum 1h queues, exept for EB).

And if you pick out the Evening Elona and FS are quite equal with a small lead for FS, off course you may found certain situations where the lead is a lot stronger for both sides but in the end they are both stronger than vizunah and Elona although outnumbered fights Vizunah on equal terms during the night (at least equal enough to keep the orbs).

All people are just crying for Oversea help instead of organizing their nightcrews. All people tell you that you need to organize nightshifts, but on the over hand they just call for help to smash the servers that are limited to a single or a few timezones.

Far Shiverpeaks requesting Western aid.

in WvW

Posted by: Deep Star.6541

Deep Star.6541

Its kinda hard to get some numbers to FS seeing that you and Blacktide are full at the moment from the EU servers. Might transfer to Seafarer’s Rest since we’re only medium populated and are at tier 2 already.

And i remember you SilverWF, is Thirteen in there somewhere with the russian guilds? :p

Riviére, Select Start, Cmnd Ctrl, Uninteresting Event @ Three Steps Ahead [Oz]

Far Shiverpeaks requesting Western aid.

in WvW

Posted by: Narayoth.8549


Thirteen in there somewhere with the russian guilds? :p

No, it isn’t as I know. Not in DL at least.

Far Shiverpeaks – Za Drots Guild [ZDs] – Narayoth

Far Shiverpeaks requesting Western aid.

in WvW

Posted by: Deep Star.6541

Deep Star.6541

DL? Its mainly because i recognize SilverWF’s name from BioWare and he was in thirteen as far as i remember. But he wasn’t part as Ostmar’s main group so i don’t know if he is with them or not.

Riviére, Select Start, Cmnd Ctrl, Uninteresting Event @ Three Steps Ahead [Oz]

Far Shiverpeaks requesting Western aid.

in WvW

Posted by: SilverWF.4789


Its kinda hard to get some numbers to FS seeing that you are full at the moment from the EU servers.

It looks hard but in fact - not
Our server must not looks like "full" in the US day time

And i remember you SilverWF, is Thirteen in there somewhere with the russian guilds? :p

Yeah, in the Warhammer Online But, now we left that project mostly.
I was with Ostmar sometimes, mostly at my Black Orc Dlink ^^

#SAVEDONBASS from Ukraine!
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)

Far Shiverpeaks requesting Western aid.

in WvW

Posted by: Sperrber.1643


oh lol.. far shiverpeaks crys for help.
you made my day


Far Shiverpeaks requesting Western aid.

in WvW

Posted by: Angelyne.2936


Guys, for god sake, stop that stupid canadian story about VS players. there’s no more canadian than magic bunnies on VS, just passionate people that plays nightlong. …

FS is a good server, with good players, and deserve respect. Germans are on holyday, you’ll get your rank back in 2 weeks.

Angelyne – Guild Leader for Metatrone – Vizunah Square [Fr] on EU Ladder

Far Shiverpeaks requesting Western aid.

in WvW

Posted by: Azsharion.3562


I have to say that Farshiver Peaks is definetily one of the hardest enemies we ever had to face. You Guys are really strong at the Primetime, but you need to organize yourselves in a different way to play WvW. I always see big guild raids from FS raiding through the primetime, but you do not seem to integrate ALL other players and randoms to have the force you need to play 24/7.

It´s really different between the server. Of course you are able to play better when you have 30 guildmembers rushing through the primetime. Elonafels for example is organizing in another way. We try to integrate EVERY player @ EVERY time who is on the borderlands and give our ts servers free for use. Anybody can organize themselves on our 4 teamspeak servers for every borderland, so we give all players a plattform to play 24/7 with other people. With this kind of organization you are able to pull all players together which are online at a time and I think you´ll have enough players even at nightshifts then. If people are not organized, they are killed 3 times and leave after 5 minutes at night and do not come again.

Far Shiverpeaks requesting Western aid.

in WvW

Posted by: Soulcheg.5048


I have no idea, why a server spread over more than one timezone loses to some germans.

‘Cause of nightcappers. We smash everyone at evening/early night, but then we should to go to sleep, and then an elite groups of door’s conquerors are showing up, taking all maps back. That’s why. VS are playing mainly at night, only a members of the Grand Cross want to fight, that’s why it’s always top-1, but now Elona is having much more nightcappers, so VS not top-1 anymore, and FS can’t do anything versus 2 nightcapping servers. Simple.

oh lol.. far shiverpeaks crys for help.

Sure, whole server, dude. Every one of a few thousand players from FS is already posted here, in this threa, right.

Far Shiverpeaks requesting Western aid.

in WvW

Posted by: Trav.6208


Far Shiverpeaks is where? Second? Instead of requesting help there, how about guilds looking to transfer, look to transfer to servers nearer the bottom of the rankings to help boost them.; rather than making the successful, crowded, servers more crowded.

In an ideal world, guilds fed up of long queue times would move to servers in the middle/lower half of the table. Of course, this is not an ideal world. No one wants to move to a low league server.

Guild Leader – The Karma Initiative – Official EU Reddit Guild

(edited by Trav.6208)

Far Shiverpeaks requesting Western aid.

in WvW

Posted by: Soulcheg.5048


And if the guilds would transfer to a certain server – then this server will go straight to the top-3, and let me guess, you suggesting your server, right?

Far Shiverpeaks requesting Western aid.

in WvW

Posted by: Trav.6208


One guild transfering to a bottom tier server is not going to boost that server to the top tier. A guild can only do so much. But transfering to a top tier server which is already crowded is not helping anyone.

Guild Leader – The Karma Initiative – Official EU Reddit Guild

Far Shiverpeaks requesting Western aid.

in WvW

Posted by: SilverWF.4789


VS and ER - national servers (France and German) - majority of players speaks at the same language - most easily to commune at public voice chats.
Two more national servers are near to Top-3 of EU: Arborstone [FR] and Riverside [DE].

FS - international server. Spain, English, Sweden, Finn, Dutch, Czech, Russian and many more languages here, even France and German. It will be really hard to commune all players in the same voice chat.

If one of 2nd national servers will came to 1st trio (for example, 2 FR and 1 DE or 2 DE and 1 FR) - the same lang servers will unite against another: FR+FR vs DE or DE+DE vs FR - it’s obvious, I hope.

Now, we must keep current balance: true World vs World vs World. For that - we invite guilds from another continents.
At the same time RS, AS and Seafarer’s Rest will do all possible or impossible thing to came to Top-3.

Great battles comes - Take your time to be part of the great battles! To be a part of History!

#SAVEDONBASS from Ukraine!
Seafarer’s Rest (EU): Liicher (Engi), Lii Cher (Warrior), Swf (Elem),
Licharr (Guard), Lich Eir (Ranger), Alt Fh (Thief). Lii Cherr (Mesm), S Wf (Necr)

Far Shiverpeaks requesting Western aid.

in WvW

Posted by: Sjeufke.9346


lol, all negative posts are from elona’s reach and vizunah square. They are afraid then FS could get an organised nightteam as strong as the dayteam.

most likely FS is one of the few servers without an active nightteam. With this nightteam it would me likely that FS will grow fast.

Far Shiverpeaks requesting Western aid.

in WvW

Posted by: KRUSSIDULL.6845


Hi guys,

I just wanted to tell you guys I have been a Far Shiverpeaks player since launch and I live in Sweden. (GMT +1)

I’m unemployed so I do play alot of Guild Wars 2. I have seen that when the people gets home from work and school, Far Shiverpeaks is USUALLY the better server. Even during the weekends.

As I’m unemployed I also playing during the night to about 03.00 (GMT 1) and by this time the Far Shiverpeaks is almost completly dead in PvE, PvP and WvW. During this time we barely hold any positions to gain points so for about 14 hours or so usually Visunah Square hold all the positions.

Now it is probably alot of French speaking Canadians online during this time unless there is some serious unemployed French dedication during the night.

I think Anet should add French and Spanish speaking server in America and have region lock, only bypassed by being allowed in certain circumstances like if you’re having friends in Europe.

Just saying. Still happy to be top 3.

Brute Swiftclaw | Far Shiverpeaks | Mistforged Heroes: tinyurl.com/gw2hero

(edited by KRUSSIDULL.6845)

Far Shiverpeaks requesting Western aid.

in WvW

Posted by: holska.4127



In an ideal world, guilds fed up of long queue times would move to servers in the middle/lower half of the table. Of course, this is not an ideal world. No one wants to move to a low league server.

Besides that indeed the ideal world doesn’t exist, I think that there’s much less guilds fedup with long queue times than with the prospect of having lost everything they claim, upgrade and apply influence buffs to every single morning.
The queue times have also improved a lot since about 1,5 week. I’m now mostly 1,5 hours at max. in queue where prior to that it often took 4+ hours. I’ve gotten into the habit to queue up the minute I get home from work to have a chance to be in before I have to call it a night, but recently the queue often already pops when I’m not even done with my chores yet :P


Of course you are able to play better when you have 30 guildmembers rushing through the primetime. Elonafels for example is organizing in another way. We try to integrate EVERY player @ EVERY time who is on the borderlands and give our ts servers free for use. Anybody can organize themselves on our 4 teamspeak servers for every borderland, so we give all players a plattform to play 24/7 with other people. With this kind of organization you are able to pull all players together which are online at a time and I think you´ll have enough players even at nightshifts then.

Randoms and a lot of the less dedicated players don’t use voicechat or even visit (guild / game / server) forums so it would integrate SOME players which likely are the ones that are already putting effort in by inquiring where their help is needed if they’re not in one of the wvw dedicated guilds.
Also this still doesn’t solve the population during certain hours of day, this also very much noticable in PVE. To use a recent example early this morning before work I logged in just to check the wvw score and was still at the Claw of Jormag location who happened to be up. We were 3 fighting them and trying to get more players to join us, by the end of the fight exactly 1 hour later we were a wopping 10’ish players Normally that zone is packed with players asking every few minutes when the dragon will be up and if somebody reports he’s up it’s soon packed.
There’s plenty of folks that would be dedicated enough to organise and be online during night / early morning if it was within their powers. But there’s simply not enough that can to be able to close the point gap.

edit: typos and such

(edited by holska.4127)

Far Shiverpeaks requesting Western aid.

in WvW

Posted by: Ral.5326


Far Shiverpeaks is where? Second? Instead of requesting help there, how about guilds looking to transfer, look to transfer to servers nearer the bottom of the rankings to help boost them.; rather than making the successful, crowded, servers more crowded.

In an ideal world, guilds fed up of long queue times would move to servers in the middle/lower half of the table. Of course, this is not an ideal world. No one wants to move to a low league server.

Far Shiverpeaks only has queues for Eternal and during weekends. It’s rare for us to have any queues for Boderlands during the week and when they do its only a few minuets long, so i wouldn’t say we are a crowded server.

Far Shiverpeaks requesting Western aid.

in WvW

Posted by: EViolet.5024


LOL Shiverpeaks go home and do not play GW2. FS are so embarrassed.. A shame for all fair players

Far Shiverpeaks requesting Western aid.

in WvW

Posted by: Kitsune.4280


Thank you for your interesting and informative post, dear EViolet. You may go on keeping this thread in the top of this forum

Far Shiverpeaks requesting Western aid.

in WvW

Posted by: EViolet.5024


@Kitsune – thx so much – I am very honored

Far Shiverpeaks requesting Western aid.

in WvW

Posted by: Bonzi.7324


bottom of line is , if you cant get your wvw-community organized 24/7 you simply dont belong into the first bracket

suck it up

~less QQ more PEWPEW~ [EC] roaming since BWE2
Bonzi – Ranger / Onizuka Kenji ~ Ele
Badhabbits – Thief / Meíster ~ Guardian

Far Shiverpeaks requesting Western aid.

in WvW

Posted by: Vistal.2906


QQ more SP Server. Be happy you have que timers on weekends. Since We lost most of out big guilds from anvil we have maybe 1 2 min que timer a week.

Far Shiverpeaks requesting Western aid.

in WvW

Posted by: Draw.7529


I’m a Far Shiverpeaks player, I play at night and I have a few things to say.

Yes, we lack a lot of players there. Sometimes the chat doesn’t even move for some minutes. But night time players could at least try to defend themselves.
What I mean is. There’s a huge motivational problems from the players at that time. When they see a zerg fest coming to our fort or tower they just use the chat to say “well we lost already, let’s logout”. It’s really annoying how Far Shiverpeaks players are so afraid to die in this game.

I feel like I’m playing alone most times. I can throw a lot of people down alone (down state ruins the plans but, whatever). If people would help eachother, rather than just cry about it, we could make a lot better work.

Far Shiverpeaks has good players. The french can’t even fight 1v1. I find them always running away and only fight in big groups. But when FS players see a group of VS’, they just wet their pants, logout and come cry to the forum.

I’m really ashamed to be on this server, at the moment. But I’m not switching like people do when they don’t like it. It’s only the night time players that have to chance their spirit, and start fighting rather than running away. It’s the night time players that have to change.

Another thing real quick – At night, sometimes we can build a group and come up with a plan. Eventually after conquering some stuff, we might lose in a fight. When this happens, players tend to give up and those you keep playing stop communicating. If you die, you just respawn and get out there again. Stop using the chat to cry, and use it to plan the next move. Stop being slow. You’ll get nowhere.

With no intention to offend anyone.

Far Shiverpeaks requesting Western aid.

in WvW

Posted by: Galandil.9641


I have no idea, why a server spread over more than one timezone loses to some germans. Elona Reach is completly GMT+1, while FS should atleast have GMT+0 to GMT+3. And Vizunah is also mainly GMT+1 (there are about 30 Canadians, but the Server at all is quite jammed with players they have the longest queues of the T1-Server, while Elona has the shortest (I guess there isn’t much difference to FS, they should also have maximum 1h queues, exept for EB).

Let me tell you why, with a little example.

The night of last saturday (between the 13th and the 14th) we lost almost all our keeps to the Germans. At about midnight/1:00 we were, at least in the FS borderland, just in about 20 players. While the Germans were at least 50. And they came with 3+ siege golems, melting down all the reinforced doors (finishing with the Garrison keep) in something like a minute.

And we even lost the orb, which was standing in the Garrison keep, before the attack, with inner doors left untouched (I’m still wondering about it, teleport/flying exploit or what else? I’m genuinely asking).

What can you do in those situations? Apart from giving them control of all your keeps I mean.

We stayed to fight, hell at 3 o’clock we were just in SIX, and we managed to hit’n’run various supply camps, and then we proceeded to regain a couple keeps with the right tactics.

But against overwhelming numbers, you can’t do anything at all. And FS suffers from the nighttime/morning outmanned problem mostly.

It’s just as simple as that.

Far Shiverpeaks requesting Western aid.

in WvW

Posted by: elvy.9085


The french can’t even fighr 1 vs 1? I hope that is a joke.

We are a small guild dedicated to roaming, we are most of the time 5, maximum 7.

We have issues to get interesting fights. Any group under 10 will run away, the only thing we can fight most of the time are massive zerg of 20 plus persons. And even like the number of time we split the end of a bus, and you see the bus running away letting their mates die.

So keep your taunts please.